Search results:

The pahtway p1147 has 17 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 16 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2572GAD2GAD65glutamate decarboxylase 210p11.23
3312HSPA8HEL-33 | HEL-S-72p | HSC54 | HSC70 | HSC71 | HSP71 | HSP73 | HSPA10 | LAP-1 | LAP1 | NIP71heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 811q24.1
6857SYT1P65 | SVP65 | SYTsynaptotagmin 112cen-q21
6539SLC6A12BGT-1 | BGT1 | GAT2solute carrier family 6 member 1212p13
18ABATGABA-AT | GABAT | NPD0094-aminobutyrate aminotransferase16p13.2
6844VAMP2SYB2 | VAMP-2vesicle associated membrane protein 217p13.1
5864RAB3A-RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family19p13.2
6616SNAP25CMS18 | RIC-4 | RIC4 | SEC9 | SNAP | SNAP-25 | bA416N4.2 | dJ1068F16.2synaptosome associated protein 25kDa20p12-p11.2
140679SLC32A1VGAT | VIAATsolute carrier family 32 member 120q11.23
2571GAD1CPSQ1 | GAD | SCPglutamate decarboxylase 12q31
6529SLC6A1GABATHG | GABATR | GAT1 | MAEsolute carrier family 6 member 13p25.3
6538SLC6A11GAT-3 | GAT3 | GAT4solute carrier family 6 member 113p25.3
7915ALDH5A1SSADH | SSDHaldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family member A16p22
22999RIMS1CORD7 | RAB3IP2 | RIM | RIM1regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 16q12-q13
6804STX1AHPC-1 | P35-1 | STX1 | SYN1Asyntaxin 1A7q11.23
6812STXBP1MUNC18-1 | NSEC1 | P67 | RBSEC1 | UNC18syntaxin binding protein 19q34.1

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