Search results:

The pahtway p1773 has 38 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 23 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1813DRD2D2DR | D2Rdopamine receptor D211q23
9915ARNT2WEDAS | bHLHe1aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator 215q24
9969MED13ARC250 | DRIP250 | HSPC221 | THRAP1 | TRAP240mediator complex subunit 1317q23.2
116ADCYAP1PACAPadenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 (pituitary)18p11
1555CYP2B6CPB6 | CYP2B | CYP2B7 | CYP2B7P | CYPIIB6 | EFVM | IIB1 | P450cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily B member 619q13.2
8672EIF4G3eIF-4G 3 | eIF4G 3 | eIF4GIIeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4 gamma 31p36.12
387509GPR153PGR1G protein-coupled receptor 1531p36.31
2153F5FVL | PCCF | RPRGL1 | THPH2coagulation factor V1q23
25797QPCTGCT | QC | sQCglutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase2p22.2
5270SERPINE2GDN | GDNPF | PI-7 | PI7 | PN-1 | PN1 | PNIserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 22q36.1
56925LXNECI | TCIlatexin3q25.32
7881KCNAB1AKR6A3 | KCNA1B | KV-BETA-1 | Kvb1.3 | hKvBeta3 | hKvb3potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A member regulatory beta subunit 13q26.1
200933FBXO45Fbx45F-box protein 453q29
152ADRA2CADRA2L2 | ADRA2RL2 | ADRARL2 | ALPHA2CARadrenoceptor alpha 2C4p16
5158PDE6BCSNB3 | CSNBAD2 | PDEB | RP40 | rd1phosphodiesterase 6B4p16.3
4883NPR3ANP-C | ANPR-C | ANPRC | C5orf23 | GUCY2B | NPR-C | NPRCnatriuretic peptide receptor 35p13.3
972CD74DHLAG | HLADG | II | Ia-GAMMACD74 molecule5q32
7941PLA2G7LDL-PLA2 | LP-PLA2 | PAFAD | PAFAHphospholipase A2 group VII6p21.2-p12
64208POPDC3POP3 | bA355M14.1popeye domain containing 36q21
23072HECW1NEDL1HECT, C2 and WW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 17p13
23039XPO7EXP7 | RANBP16exportin 78p21
2167FABP4A-FABP | AFABP | ALBP | HEL-S-104 | aP2fatty acid binding protein 48q21
377677CA13CAXIIIcarbonic anhydrase XIII8q21.2

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