Search results:

The pahtway p267 has 28 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 22 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3265HRASC-BAS/HAS | C-H-RAS | C-HA-RAS1 | CTLO | H-RASIDX | HAMSV | HRAS1 | RASH1 | p21rasHarvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog11p15.5
6927HNF1AHNF-1A | HNF1 | IDDM20 | LFB1 | MODY3 | TCF-1 | TCF1HNF1 homeobox A12q24.2
5604MAP2K1CFC3 | MAPKK1 | MEK1 | MKK1 | PRKMK1mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 115q22.1-q22.33
5579PRKCBPKC-beta | PKCB | PRKCB1 | PRKCB2protein kinase C beta16p11.2
5595MAPK3ERK-1 | ERK1 | ERT2 | HS44KDAP | HUMKER1A | P44ERK1 | P44MAPK | PRKM3 | p44-ERK1 | p44-MAPKmitogen-activated protein kinase 316p11.2
8651SOCS1CIS1 | CISH1 | JAB | SOCS-1 | SSI-1 | SSI1 | TIP3suppressor of cytokine signaling 116p13.13
6517SLC2A4GLUT4solute carrier family 2 member 417p13
6776STAT5AMGF | STAT5signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A17q11.2
2885GRB2ASH | EGFRBP-GRB2 | Grb3-3 | MST084 | MSTP084 | NCKAP2growth factor receptor bound protein 217q24-q25
5578PRKCAAAG6 | PKC-alpha | PKCA | PRKACAprotein kinase C alpha17q24.2
2688GH1GH | GH-N | GHB5 | GHN | IGHD1B | hGH-Ngrowth hormone 117q24.2
3643INSRCD220 | HHF5insulin receptor19p13.3-p13.2
6195RPS6KA1HU-1 | MAPKAPK1A | RSK | RSK1 | p90Rskribosomal protein S6 kinase A11p
5335PLCG1NCKAP3 | PLC-II | PLC1 | PLC148 | PLCgamma1phospholipase C gamma 120q12-q13.1
5594MAPK1ERK | ERK-2 | ERK2 | ERT1 | MAPK2 | P42MAPK | PRKM1 | PRKM2 | p38 | p40 | p41 | p41mapk | p42-MAPKmitogen-activated protein kinase 122q11.21
3667IRS1HIRS-1insulin receptor substrate 12q36
5894RAF1CMD1NN | CRAF | NS5 | Raf-1 | c-RafRaf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase3p25
5290PIK3CACLOVE | CWS5 | MCAP | MCM | MCMTC | PI3K | p110-alphaphosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha3q26.3
2690GHRGHBP | GHIPgrowth hormone receptor5p13-p12
5295PIK3R1AGM7 | GRB1 | IMD36 | p85 | p85-ALPHAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 15q13.1
6722SRFMCM1serum response factor6p21.1
3717JAK2JTK10 | THCYT3Janus kinase 29p24

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