Search results:

The pahtway p2906 has 143 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 85 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
100294145LOC100294145-uncharacterized LOC100294145-
8872CDC123C10orf7 | D123cell division cycle 12310p13
11164NUDT5YSA1 | YSA1H | YSAH1 | hYSAH1nudix hydrolase 510p14
6832SUPV3L1SUV3Suv3 like RNA helicase10q22.1
9849ZNF518AZNF518zinc finger protein 518A10q24.1
55280CWF19L1C19L1 | SCAR17CWF19-like 1, cell cycle control (S. pombe)10q24.31
2011MARK2EMK-1 | EMK1 | PAR-1 | Par-1b | Par1bmicrotubule affinity regulating kinase 211q13.1
5965RECQLRECQL1 | RecQ1RecQ like helicase12p12
51026GOLT1BCGI-141 | GCT2 | GOT1 | GOT1B | YMR292Wgolgi transport 1B12p12.1
904CCNT1CCNT | CYCT1 | HIVE1cyclin T112q13.11
11103KRR1HRB2 | RIP-1KRR1, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog (yeast)12q21.2
9735KNTC1RODkinetochore associated 112q24.31
79720VPS37B-VPS37B, ESCRT-I subunit12q24.31
65117RSRC2-arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 212q24.31
10240MRPS31IMOGN38 | MRP-S31 | S31mtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S3113q14.11
8847DLEU21B4 | BCMSUN | DLB2 | LEU2 | LINC00022 | MIR15AHG | NCRNA00022 | RFP2OS | TRIM13OSdeleted in lymphocytic leukemia 2 (non-protein coding)13q14.3
5687PSMA6IOTA | PROS27 | p27Kproteasome subunit alpha 614q13
55012PPP2R3CC14orf10 | G4-1 | G5prprotein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B'', gamma14q13.2
5684PSMA3HC8 | PSC3proteasome subunit alpha 314q23
23339VPS39TLP | VAM6 | hVam6pVPS39, HOPS complex subunit15q15.1
25963TMEM87A-transmembrane protein 87A15q15.1
585BBS4-Bardet-Biedl syndrome 415q22.3-q23
7385UQCRC2MC3DN5 | QCR2 | UQCR2ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase core protein II16p12
79801SHCBP1PALSHC SH2-domain binding protein 116q11.2
23536ADAT1HADAT1adenosine deaminase, tRNA specific 116q23.1
201163FLCNBHD | FLCLfolliculin17p11.2
116840CNTROBLIP8 | PP1221centrobin, centrosomal BRCA2 interacting protein17p13.1
58485TRAPPC1BET5 | MUM2trafficking protein particle complex 117p13.1
9527GOSR1GOLIM2 | GOS-28 | GOS28 | GOS28/P28 | GS28 | P28golgi SNAP receptor complex member 117q11
84081NSRP1CCDC55 | HSPC095 | NSrp70nuclear speckle splicing regulatory protein 117q11.2
9570GOSR2Bos1 | EPM6 | GS27golgi SNAP receptor complex member 217q21
9984THOC1HPR1 | P84 | P84N5THO complex 118p11.32
7572ZNF24KOX17 | RSG-A | ZNF191 | ZSCAN3 | Zfp191zinc finger protein 2418q12
4152MBD1CXXC3 | PCM1 | RFTmethyl-CpG binding domain protein 118q21
10775POP4RPP29POP4 homolog, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit19q12
1209CLPTM1-cleft lip and palate associated transmembrane protein 119q13.3
2067ERCC1COFS4 | RAD10 | UV20excision repair cross-complementation group 119q13.32
23211ZC3H4C19orf7zinc finger CCCH-type containing 419q13.32
4343MOV10fSAP113 | gb110Mov10 RISC complex RNA helicase1p13.2
55599RNPC3RBM40 | RNP | SNRNP65RNA binding region (RNP1, RRM) containing 31p21
8412BCAR3NSP2 | SH2D3Bbreast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 31p22.1
10487CAP1CAP | CAP1-PENCAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast)1p34.2
9967THRAP3TRAP150thyroid hormone receptor associated protein 31p34.3
84196USP48RAP1GA1 | USP31ubiquitin specific peptidase 481p36.12
9869SETDB1ESET | H3-K9-HMTase4 | KG1T | KMT1E | TDRD21SET domain bifurcated 11q21
8349HIST2H2BEGL105 | H2B | H2B.1 | H2BFQ | H2BGL105 | H2BQhistone cluster 2, H2be1q21.2
2029ENSAARPP-19eendosulfine alpha1q21.3
23215PRRC2CBAT2-iso | BAT2D1 | BAT2L2 | XTP2proline rich coiled-coil 2C1q23.3
54453RIN2MACS | RASSF4Ras and Rab interactor 220p11.22
51126NAA20NAT3 | NAT3P | NAT5 | NAT5P | dJ1002M8.1N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 20, NatB catalytic subunit20p11.23
3055HCKJTK9 | p59Hck | p61HckHCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase20q11-q12
22913RALYHNRPCL2 | P542RALY heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein20q11.21-q11.23
10955SERINC3AIGP1 | DIFF33 | SBBI99 | TDE | TDE1 | TMS-1serine incorporator 320q13.12
55818KDM3AJHDM2A | JHMD2A | JMJD1 | JMJD1A | TSGAlysine demethylase 3A2p11.2
87178PNPT1COXPD13 | DFNB70 | OLD35 | PNPASE | old-35polyribonucleotide nucleotidyltransferase 12p15
4358MPV17MTDPS6 | SYM1MpV17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein2p23.3
65010SLC26A6-solute carrier family 26 member 63p21.3
58515SELKHSPC030 | HSPC297 | SelKselenoprotein K3p21.31
51447IP6K2IHPK2 | PIUSinositol hexakisphosphate kinase 23p21.31
5915RARBHAP | MCOPS12 | NR1B2 | RRB2retinoic acid receptor beta3p24.2
92106OXNAD1-oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 13p25-p24
25917THUMPD3-THUMP domain containing 33p25.3
57337SENP7-SUMO1/sentrin specific peptidase 73q12
25871C3orf17NEPRO | NET17chromosome 3 open reading frame 173q13.2
11235PDCD10CCM3 | TFAR15programmed cell death 103q26.1
5274SERPINI1PI12 | neuroserpinserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade I (neuroserpin), member 13q26.1
91746YTHDC1YT521 | YT521-BYTH domain containing 14q13.2
51574LARP7ALAZS | HDCMA18P | PIP7SLa ribonucleoprotein domain family member 74q25
8546AP3B1ADTB3 | ADTB3A | HPS | HPS2 | PEadaptor related protein complex 3 beta 1 subunit5q14.1
6499SKIV2L170A | DDX13 | HLP | SKI2 | SKI2W | SKIV2 | SKIV2L1 | THES2Ski2 like RNA helicase6p21
28973MRPS18BC6orf14 | HSPC183 | HumanS18a | MRP-S18-2 | MRPS18-2 | PTD017 | S18amtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S18B6p21.3
8367HIST1H4EH4/j | H4FJhistone cluster 1, H4e6p22.2
54901CDKAL1-CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 like 16p22.3
27072VPS41HVPS41 | HVSP41 | hVps41pVPS41, HOPS complex subunit7p14-p13
3198HOXA1BSAS | HOX1 | HOX1Fhomeobox A17p15.3
4698NDUFA5B13 | CI-13KD-B | CI-13kB | NUFM | UQOR13NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A57q31.33
78996C7orf49MRIchromosome 7 open reading frame 497q33
136319MTPNGCDP | V-1myotrophin7q33
56704JPH1CMT2K | JP-1 | JP1junctophilin 18q21
8667EIF3HEIF3S3 | eIF3-gamma | eIF3-p40eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit H8q24.11
65083NOL6NRAP | UTP22 | bA311H10.1nucleolar protein 69p13.3
56254RNF20BRE1 | BRE1A | hBRE1ring finger protein 209q22
2258FGF13FGF-13 | FGF2 | FHF-2 | FHF2fibroblast growth factor 13Xq26.3

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