Search results:

The pahtway p2920 has 36 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 24 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1200TPP1CLN2 | GIG1 | LPIC | SCAR7 | TPP-1tripeptidyl peptidase I11p15
7536SF1BBP | D11S636 | MBBP | ZCCHC25 | ZFM1 | ZNF162splicing factor 111q13
10376TUBA1BK-ALPHA-1tubulin alpha 1b12q13.12
5925RB1OSRC | PPP1R130 | RB | p105-Rb | pRb | pp110retinoblastoma 113q14.2
652BMP4BMP2B | BMP2B1 | MCOPS6 | OFC11 | ZYMEbone morphogenetic protein 414q22-q23
3683ITGALCD11A | LFA-1 | LFA1Aintegrin subunit alpha L16p11.2
1009CDH11CAD11 | CDHOB | OB | OSF-4cadherin 1116q21
8558CDK10PISSLREcyclin-dependent kinase 1016q24
8140SLC7A54F2LC | CD98 | D16S469E | E16 | LAT1 | MPE16 | hLAT1solute carrier family 7 member 516q24.3
7157TP53BCC7 | LFS1 | P53 | TRP53tumor protein p5317p13.1
6117RPA1HSSB | MST075 | REPA1 | RF-A | RP-A | RPA70replication protein A117p13.3
23521RPL13AL13A | TSTA1ribosomal protein L13a19q13.3
3065HDAC1GON-10 | HD1 | RPD3 | RPD3L1histone deacetylase 11p34
5511PPP1R8ARD-1 | ARD1 | NIPP-1 | NIPP1 | PRO2047protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 81p35.3
6782HSPA13STCHheat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1321q11
3693ITGB5-integrin subunit beta 53q21.2
995CDC25CCDC25 | PPP1R60cell division cycle 25C5q31
1495CTNNA1CAP102catenin alpha 15q31.2
6722SRFMCM1serum response factor6p21.1
3107HLA-CD6S204 | HLA-JY3 | HLAC | HLC-C | PSORS1major histocompatibility complex, class I, C6p21.3
578BAK1BAK | BAK-LIKE | BCL2L7 | CDN1BCL2 antagonist/killer 16p21.3
60ACTBBRWS1 | PS1TP5BP1actin, beta7p22
7791ZYXESP-2 | HED-2zyxin7q32
6917TCEA1GTF2S | SII | TCEA | TF2S | TFIIStranscription elongation factor A18q11.2

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