Search results:

The pahtway p2967 has 59 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 38 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
7431VIMCTRCT30 | HEL113vimentin10p13
27063ANKRD1ALRP | C-193 | CARP | CVARP | MCARP | bA320F15.2ankyrin repeat domain 110q23.31
627BDNFANON2 | BULN2brain-derived neurotrophic factor11p13
4837NNMT-nicotinamide N-methyltransferase11q23.1
7070THY1CD90 | CDw90Thy-1 cell surface antigen11q23.3
4256MGPGIG36 | MGLAP | NTImatrix Gla protein12p12.3
7374UNGDGU | HIGM4 | HIGM5 | UDG | UNG1 | UNG15 | UNG2uracil DNA glycosylase12q23-q24.1
5564PRKAB1AMPK | HAMPKbprotein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 112q24.1-q24.3
652BMP4BMP2B | BMP2B1 | MCOPS6 | OFC11 | ZYMEbone morphogenetic protein 414q22-q23
22795NID2NID-2nidogen 214q22.1
4313MMP2CLG4 | CLG4A | MMP-2 | MMP-II | MONA | TBE-1matrix metallopeptidase 216q12.2
6354CCL7FIC | MARC | MCP-3 | MCP3 | NC28 | SCYA6 | SCYA7C-C motif chemokine ligand 717q11.2-q12
6347CCL2GDCF-2 | HC11 | HSMCR30 | MCAF | MCP-1 | MCP1 | SCYA2 | SMC-CFC-C motif chemokine ligand 217q11.2-q12
2275FHL3SLIM2four and a half LIM domains 31p34
2701GJA4CX37gap junction protein alpha 41p35.1
8490RGS5MST092 | MST106 | MST129 | MSTP032 | MSTP092 | MSTP106 | MSTP129regulator of G-protein signaling 51q23.1
2952GSTT1-glutathione S-transferase theta 122q11.23
388RHOBARH6 | ARHB | MST081 | MSTP081 | RHOH6ras homolog family member B2p24
2191FAPDPPIV | FAPA | SIMPfibroblast activation protein alpha2q23
6670SP3SPR2Sp3 transcription factor2q31
3357HTR2B5-HT(2B) | 5-HT-2B | 5-HT2B5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 2B2q36.3-q37.1
5021OXTROT-Roxytocin receptor3p25
84925DIRC2RCC4disrupted in renal carcinoma 23q21.1
8743TNFSF10APO2L | Apo-2L | CD253 | TL2 | TNLG6A | TRAILtumor necrosis factor superfamily member 103q26
9037SEMA5ASEMAF | semFsemaphorin 5A5p15.2
1462VCANCSPG2 | ERVR | GHAP | PG-M | WGN | WGN1versican5q14.3
2099ESR1ER | ESR | ESRA | ESTRR | Era | NR3A1estrogen receptor 16q25.1
3486IGFBP3BP-53 | IBP3insulin like growth factor binding protein 37p12.3
2006ELNSVAS | WBS | WSelastin7q11.23
8910SGCEDYT11 | ESGsarcoglycan epsilon7q21.3
1278COL1A2OI4collagen type I alpha 27q22.1
4232MESTPEG1mesoderm specific transcript7q32
2669GEMKIRGTP binding protein overexpressed in skeletal muscle8q13-q21
4920ROR2BDB | BDB1 | NTRKR2receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 29q22
53358SHC3N-Shc | NSHC | RAI | SHCCSHC (Src homology 2 domain containing) transforming protein 39q22.1
2203FBP1FBPfructose-bisphosphatase 19q22.3
6303SAT1DC21 | KFSD | KFSDX | SAT | SSAT | SSAT-1spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1Xp22.1

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