Search results:

The pahtway p4173 has 166 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 105 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8516ITGA8-integrin subunit alpha 810p13
4192MDKARAP | MK | NEGF2midkine (neurite growth-promoting factor 2)11p11.2
5954RCN1HEL-S-84 | PIG20 | RCAL | RCNreticulocalbin 111p13
7490WT1AWT1 | EWS-WT1 | GUD | NPHS4 | WAGR | WIT-2 | WT33Wilms tumor 111p13
57124CD248CD164L1 | TEM1CD248 molecule11q13
78999LRFN4FIGLER6 | SALM3 | SALM3.leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 411q13.2
51026GOLT1BCGI-141 | GCT2 | GOT1 | GOT1B | YMR292Wgolgi transport 1B12p12.1
65244SPATS2Nbla00526 | P59SCR | SCR59 | SPATA10spermatogenesis associated serine rich 212q13.12
1368CPM-carboxypeptidase M12q14.3
8091HMGA2BABL | HMGI-C | HMGIC | LIPO | STQTL9high mobility group AT-hook 212q15
1466CSRP2CRP2 | LMO5 | SmLIMcysteine and glycine rich protein 212q21.1
6926TBX3TBX3-ISO | UMS | XHLT-box 312q24.21
1910EDNRBABCDS | ET-B | ET-BR | ETB | ETB1 | ETBR | ETRB | HSCR | HSCR2 | WS4Aendothelin receptor type B13q22
1948EFNB2EPLG5 | HTKL | Htk-L | LERK5ephrin-B213q33
4692NDNHsT16328 | PWCRnecdin, MAGE family member15q11.2
10776ARPP19ARPP-16 | ARPP-19 | ARPP16 | ENSALcAMP regulated phosphoprotein 19kDa15q21.2
4756NEO1IGDCC2 | NGN | NTN1R2neogenin 115q22.3-q23
6457SH3GL3CNSA3 | EEN-B2 | HsT19371 | SH3D2C | SH3P13SH3-domain GRB2-like 315q24
646BNC1BNC | BSN1 | HsT19447basonuclin 115q25.2
400451FAM174B-family with sequence similarity 174 member B15q26.1
9727RAB11FIP3CART1 | Rab11-FIP3RAB11 family interacting protein 3 (class II)16p13.3
23090ZNF423Ebfaz | JBTS19 | NPHP14 | OAZ | Roaz | ZFP423 | Zfp104 | hOAZzinc finger protein 42316q12
1014CDH16-cadherin 1616q22.1
865CBFBPEBP2Bcore-binding factor, beta subunit16q22.1
2535FZD2Fz2 | fz-2 | fzE2 | hFz2frizzled class receptor 217q21.31
10052GJC1CX45 | GJA7gap junction protein gamma 117q21.31
7050TGIF1HPE4 | TGIFTGFB induced factor homeobox 118p11.3
81035COLEC12CLP1 | NSR2 | SCARA4 | SRCLcollectin subfamily member 1218p11.32
25800SLC39A6LIV-1 | ZIP6solute carrier family 39 member 618q12.2
5802PTPRSPTPSIGMAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type S19p13.3
5050PAFAH1B3PAFAHGplatelet activating factor acetylhydrolase 1b catalytic subunit 319q13.1
11184MAP4K1HPK1mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 119q13.1-q13.4
1155TBCBCG22 | CKAP1 | CKAPItubulin folding cofactor B19q13.11-q13.12
58155PTBP2PTBLP | brPTB | nPTBpolypyrimidine tract binding protein 21p21.3
79971WLSC1orf139 | EVI | GPR177 | MRP | mig-14wntless Wnt ligand secretion mediator1p31.3
6723SRMPAPT | SPDSY | SPS1 | SRML1spermidine synthase1p36-p22
4237MFAP2MAGP | MAGP-1 | MAGP1microfibrillar associated protein 21p36.1-p35
3399ID3HEIR-1 | bHLHb25inhibitor of DNA binding 3, HLH protein1p36.13-p36.12
57645POGKBASS2 | KRBOX2 | LST003pogo transposable element with KRAB domain1q24.1
56950SMYD2HSKM-B | KMT3C | ZMYND14SET and MYND domain containing 21q32.3
23029RBM34-RNA binding motif protein 341q42.3
10000AKT3MPPH | MPPH2 | PKB-GAMMA | PKBG | PRKBG | RAC-PK-gamma | RAC-gamma | STK-2v-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 31q44
757TMEM50BC21orf4 | HCVP7TP3transmembrane protein 50B21q22.11
3150HMGN1HMG14high mobility group nucleosome binding domain 121q22.2
7267TTC3DCRR1 | RNF105 | TPRDIIItetratricopeptide repeat domain 321q22.2
84861KLHL22KELCHLkelch like family member 2222q11.21
56902PNO1KHRBP1 | RRP20partner of NOB1 homolog2p14
23301EHBP1HPC12 | NACSINEH domain binding protein 12p15
6432SRSF79G8 | AAG3 | SFRS7serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 72p22.1
388RHOBARH6 | ARHB | MST081 | MSTP081 | RHOH6ras homolog family member B2p24
4613MYCNMODED | N-myc | NMYC | ODED | bHLHe37v-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene neuroblastoma derived homolog2p24.3
7837PXDNCOPOA | D2S448 | D2S448E | MG50 | PRG2 | PXN | VPOperoxidasin2p25
4862NPAS2MOP4 | PASD4 | bHLHe9neuronal PAS domain protein 22q11.2
56475RPRMREPRIMOreprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate2q23.3
2817GPC1glypicanglypican 12q35-q37
5270SERPINE2GDN | GDNPF | PI-7 | PI7 | PN-1 | PN1 | PNIserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 22q36.1
23024PDZRN3LNX3 | SEMACAP3 | SEMCAP3PDZ domain containing ring finger 33p13
6304SATB1-SATB homeobox 13p23
5915RARBHAP | MCOPS12 | NR1B2 | RRB2retinoic acid receptor beta3p24.2
26577PCOLCE2PCPE2procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 23q21-q24
5806PTX3TNFAIP5 | TSG-14pentraxin 33q25
5217PFN2D3S1319E | PFLprofilin 23q25.1
56925LXNECI | TCIlatexin3q25.32
10644IGF2BP2IMP-2 | IMP2 | VICKZ2insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 23q27.2
60312AFAP1AFAP | AFAP-110 | AFAP110actin filament associated protein 14p16
5156PDGFRACD140A | GAS9 | PDGFR-2 | PDGFR2 | RHEPDGFRAplatelet derived growth factor receptor alpha4q12
51705EMCNEMCN2 | MUC14endomucin4q24
5308PITX2ARP1 | Brx1 | IDG2 | IGDS | IGDS2 | IHG2 | IRID2 | Otlx2 | PTX2 | RGS | RIEG | RIEG1 | RSpaired like homeodomain 24q25
55751TMEM184CTMEM34transmembrane protein 184C4q31.23
56034PDGFCFALLOTEIN | SCDGFplatelet derived growth factor C4q32
291SLC25A4AAC1 | ANT | ANT 1 | ANT1 | MTDPS12 | PEO2 | PEO3 | PEOA2 | T1solute carrier family 25 member 44q35
23037PDZD2AIPC | PAPIN | PDZK3 | PIN1PDZ domain containing 25p13.3
10409BASP1CAP-23 | CAP23 | NAP-22 | NAP22brain abundant membrane attached signal protein 15p15.1
10769PLK2SNK | hPlk2 | hSNKpolo like kinase 25q12.1-q13.2
5480PPICCYPCpeptidylprolyl isomerase C5q23.2
6558SLC12A2BSC | BSC2 | NKCC1 | PPP1R141solute carrier family 12 member 25q23.3
705BYSLBYSTINbystin like6p21.1
5961PRPH2AOFMD | AVMD | CACD2 | DS | MDBS1 | PRPH | RDS | RP7 | TSPAN22 | rd2peripherin 2 (retinal degeneration, slow)6p21.1
51389RWDD1CGI-24 | PTD013RWD domain containing 16q13-q22.33
9324HMGN3PNAS-24 | PNAS-25 | TRIP7high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 36q14.1
8936WASF1SCAR1 | WAVE | WAVE1WAS protein family member 16q21
3066HDAC2HD2 | RPD3 | YAF1histone deacetylase 26q21
2697GJA1AVSD3 | CMDR | CX43 | EKVP | GJAL | HLHS1 | HSS | ODDD | PPKCAgap junction protein alpha 16q22.31
6581SLC22A3EMT | EMTH | OCT3solute carrier family 22 member 36q25.3
10371SEMA3ACOLL1 | HH16 | Hsema-I | Hsema-III | SEMA1 | SEMAD | SEMAIII | SEMAL | SemD | coll-1semaphorin 3A7p12.1
51666ASB4ASB-4ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 47q21-q22
223117SEMA3DSema-Z2 | coll-2semaphorin 3D7q21.11
4232MESTPEG1mesoderm specific transcript7q32
5764PTNHARP | HBGF8 | HBNF | NEGF1pleiotrophin7q33
6604SMARCD3BAF60C | CRACD3 | Rsc6pSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 37q35-q36
2260FGFR1BFGFR | CD331 | CEK | FGFBR | FGFR-1 | FLG | FLT-2 | FLT2 | HBGFR | HH2 | HRTFDS | KAL2 | N-SAM | OGD | bFGF-R-1fibroblast growth factor receptor 18p11.23-p11.22
1846DUSP4HVH2 | MKP-2 | MKP2 | TYPdual specificity phosphatase 48p12-p11
29967LRP12ST7LDL receptor related protein 128q22.2
7227TRPS1GC79 | LGCRtranscriptional repressor GATA binding 18q24.12
8434RECKST15reversion inducing cysteine rich protein with kazal motifs9p13.3
6595SMARCA2BAF190 | BRM | NCBRS | SNF2 | SNF2L2 | SNF2LA | SWI2 | Sth1p | hBRM | hSNF2aSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 29p22.3
2619GAS1-growth arrest specific 19q21.3-q22
1741DLG3MRX | MRX90 | NEDLG | PPP1R82 | SAP102 | XLMRdiscs large homolog 3Xq13.1
7105TSPAN6T245 | TM4SF6 | TSPAN-6tetraspanin 6Xq22
5358PLS3BMND18 | T-plastinplastin 3Xq23
6594SMARCA1ISWI | NURF140 | SNF2L | SNF2L1 | SNF2LB | SNF2LT | SWI | SWI2 | hSNF2LSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1Xq25
2258FGF13FGF-13 | FGF2 | FHF-2 | FHF2fibroblast growth factor 13Xq26.3

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