Search results:

The pahtway p4261 has 173 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 85 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5791PTPREHPTPE | PTPE | R-PTP-EPSILONprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type E10q26
170394PWWP2BPWWP2 | bA432J24.1 | pp8607PWWP domain containing 2B10q26.3
143425SYT9-synaptotagmin 911p15.4
10089KCNK7K2p7.1 | TWIK3potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 711q13
81544GDPD5GDE2 | PP1665glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 511q13.4-q13.5
57558USP35-ubiquitin specific peptidase 3511q14.1
144608C12orf60-chromosome 12 open reading frame 6012p12.3
5463POU6F1BRN5 | MPOU | TCFB1POU class 6 homeobox 112q13.13
57605PITPNM2NIR-3 | NIR3 | RDGB2 | RDGBA2phosphatidylinositol transfer protein membrane associated 212q24.31
22821RASA3GAP1IP4BP | GAPIIIRAS p21 protein activator 313q34
23263MCF2LARHGEF14 | DBS | OSTMCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence like13q34
2100ESR2ER-BETA | ESR-BETA | ESRB | ESTRB | Erb | NR3A2estrogen receptor 2 (ER beta)14q23.2
1540CYLDBRSS | CDMT | CYLD1 | CYLDI | EAC | MFT | MFT1 | SBS | TEM | USPL2CYLD lysine 63 deubiquitinase16q12.1
84166NLRC5CLR16.1 | NOD27 | NOD4NLR family, CARD domain containing 516q13
283848CES4ACES6 | CES8carboxylesterase 4A16q22.1
55512SMPD3NSMASE2sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 316q22.1
6687SPG7CAR | CMAR | PGN | SPG5CSPG7, paraplegin matrix AAA peptidase subunit16q24.3
2588GALNSGALNAC6S | GAS | GalN6S | MPS4Agalactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfatase16q24.3
6720SREBF1SREBP-1c | SREBP1 | SREBP1a | bHLHd1sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 117p11.2
22905EPN2EHB21epsin 217p11.2
124997WDR81CAMRQ2 | PPP1R166 | SORF-2WD repeat domain 8117p13.3
10948STARD3CAB1 | MLN64 | es64StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 317q11-q12
90313TP53I13DSCP1tumor protein p53 inducible protein 1317q11.2
5606MAP2K3MAPKK3 | MEK3 | MKK3 | PRKMK3 | SAPKK-2 | SAPKK2mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 317q11.2
9842PLEKHM1AP162 | B2 | OPTB6pleckstrin homology and RUN domain containing M117q21.31
9343EFTUD2MFDGA | MFDM | SNRNP116 | Snrp116 | Snu114 | U5-116KDelongation factor Tu GTP binding domain containing 217q21.31
201176ARHGAP27CAMGAP1 | PP905 | SH3D20 | SH3P20Rho GTPase activating protein 2717q21.31
3690ITGB3BDPLT16 | BDPLT2 | CD61 | GP3A | GPIIIa | GTintegrin subunit beta 317q21.32
84687PPP1R9BPPP1R6 | PPP1R9 | SPINO | Spnprotein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 9B17q21.33
63893UBE2OE2-230Kubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 O17q25.1
85360SYDE17h3synapse defective 1, Rho GTPase, homolog 1 (C. elegans)19p13.12
4616GADD45BGADD45BETA | MYD118growth arrest and DNA damage inducible beta19p13.3
29985SLC39A3ZIP-3 | ZIP3solute carrier family 39 member 319p13.3
1406CRXCORD2 | CRD | LCA7 | OTX3cone-rod homeobox19q13.3
27036SIGLEC7AIRM1 | CD328 | CDw328 | D-siglec | QA79 | SIGLEC-7 | SIGLEC19P | SIGLECP2 | p75 | p75/AIRM1sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 719q13.3
9476NAPSAKAP | Kdap | NAP1 | NAPA | SNAPAnapsin A aspartic peptidase19q13.33
388569ZNF324B-zinc finger protein 324B19q13.43
6195RPS6KA1HU-1 | MAPKAPK1A | RSK | RSK1 | p90Rskribosomal protein S6 kinase A11p
284654RSPO1CRISTIN3 | RSPOR-spondin 11p34.3
339483MTMR9LPMTMR9Lmyotubularin related protein 9-like, pseudogene1p35.1
7709ZBTB17MIZ-1 | ZNF151 | ZNF60 | pHZ-67zinc finger and BTB domain containing 171p36.13
8514KCNAB2AKR6A5 | HKvbeta2 | HKvbeta2.1 | HKvbeta2.2 | KCNA2B | KV-BETA-2potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily A regulatory beta subunit 21p36.3
54998AURKAIP1AIP | AKIP | MRP-S38aurora kinase A interacting protein 11p36.33
115350FCRL1CD307a | FCRH1 | IFGP1 | IRTA5Fc receptor like 11q21-q22
23208SYT11SYT12 | sytXIsynaptotagmin 111q21.2
4807NHLH1HEN1 | NSCL | NSCL1 | bHLHa35nescient helix-loop-helix 11q22
919CD247CD3-ZETA | CD3H | CD3Q | CD3Z | IMD25 | T3Z | TCRZCD247 molecule1q24.2
3755KCNG1K13 | KCNG | KV6.1 | kH2potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily G member 120q13
5770PTPN1PTP1Bprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 120q13.1-q13.2
25777SUN2UNC84BSad1 and UNC84 domain containing 222q13.1
8911CACNA1ICav3.3 | ca(v)3.3calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 I22q13.1
55679LIMS2LGMD2W | PINCH-2 | PINCH2LIM zinc finger domain containing 22q14.3
285025CCDC141CAMDIcoiled-coil domain containing 1412q31.2
1493CTLA4ALPS5 | CD | CD152 | CELIAC3 | CTLA-4 | GRD4 | GSE | IDDM12cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated protein 42q33
24142NAT6FUS-2 | FUS2N-acetyltransferase 63p21.3
8994LIMD1-LIM domains containing 13p21.3
6538SLC6A11GAT-3 | GAT3 | GAT4solute carrier family 6 member 113p25.3
2624GATA2DCML | IMD21 | MONOMAC | NFE1BGATA binding protein 23q21.3
5158PDE6BCSNB3 | CSNBAD2 | PDEB | RP40 | rd1phosphodiesterase 6B4p16.3
57732ZFYVE28LST2 | LYST2zinc finger FYVE-type containing 284p16.3
1437CSF2GMCSFcolony stimulating factor 25q31.1
26999CYFIP2PIR121cytoplasmic FMR1 interacting protein 25q33.3
6793STK10LOK | PRO2729serine/threonine kinase 105q35.1
8992ATP6V0E1ATP6H | ATP6V0E | M9.2 | Vma21 | Vma21pATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit e15q35.1
7942TFEBALPHATFEB | BHLHE35 | TCFEBtranscription factor EB6p21
5467PPARDFAAR | NR1C2 | NUC1 | NUCI | NUCII | PPARBperoxisome proliferator activated receptor delta6p21.2
221472FGD2ZFYVE4FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 26p21.2
3134HLA-FCDA12 | HLA-5.4 | HLA-CDA12 | HLAFmajor histocompatibility complex, class I, F6p21.3
29993PACSIN1SDPIprotein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 16p21.3
8705B3GALT4BETA3GALT4 | GALT2 | GALT4Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 46p21.3
3105HLA-AAw-33 | Aw-74 | HLAAmajor histocompatibility complex, class I, A6p21.3
79683ZDHHC14NEW1CPzinc finger DHHC-type containing 146q25.3
55695NSUN5NOL1 | NOL1R | NSUN5A | WBSCR20 | WBSCR20A | p120 | p120(NOL1)NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 57q11.23
25851TECPR1-tectonin beta-propeller repeat containing 17q21.3
4034LRCH4LRN | LRRN1 | LRRN4 | PP14183leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 47q22
4482MSRAPMSRmethionine sulfoxide reductase A8p23.1
79660PPP1R3BGL | PPP1R4 | PTGprotein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3B8p23.1
7410VAV2VAV-2vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 29q34.1
2889RAPGEF1C3G | GRF2Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 19q34.3
393ARHGAP4C1 | RGC1 | RhoGAP4 | SrGAP4 | p115Rho GTPase activating protein 4Xq28
3423IDSMPS2 | SIDSiduronate 2-sulfataseXq28

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