Search results:

The pahtway p4506 has 90 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 54 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
252839TMEM9TMEM9Atransmembrane protein 9-
84159ARID5BDESRT | MRF-2 | MRF2AT-rich interaction domain 5B10q21.2
5662PSDEFA6 | EFA6A | PSD1 | TYLpleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing10q24
118813ZFYVE27PROTRUDIN | SPG33zinc finger FYVE-type containing 2710q24.2
1586CYP17A1CPT7 | CYP17 | P450C17 | S17AHcytochrome P450 family 17 subfamily A member 110q24.3
6934TCF7L2TCF-4 | TCF4transcription factor 7 like 210q25.3
1028CDKN1CBWCR | BWS | KIP2 | WBS | p57 | p57Kip2cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C11p15.5
283120H19ASM | ASM1 | BWS | D11S813E | LINC00008 | NCRNA00008 | WT2H19, imprinted maternally expressed transcript (non-protein coding)11p15.5
4314MMP3CHDS6 | MMP-3 | SL-1 | STMY | STMY1 | STR1matrix metallopeptidase 311q22.3
1656DDX6HLR2 | P54 | RCKDEAD-box helicase 611q23.3
341359SYT10-synaptotagmin 1012p11.1
1431CS-citrate synthase12q13.2
4673NAP1L1NAP1 | NAP1L | NRPnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 112q21.2
22953P2RX2DFNA41 | P2X2purinergic receptor P2X 212q24.33
10161LPAR6ARWH1 | HYPT8 | LAH3 | P2RY5 | P2Y5lysophosphatidic acid receptor 613q14
266722HS6ST3HS6ST-3heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferase 313q32.1
11198SUPT16HCDC68 | FACTP140 | SPT16 | SPT16/CDC68SPT16 homolog, facilitates chromatin remodeling subunit14q11.2
23090ZNF423Ebfaz | JBTS19 | NPHP14 | OAZ | Roaz | ZFP423 | Zfp104 | hOAZzinc finger protein 42316q12
9501RPH3ALNOC2rabphilin 3A-like (without C2 domains)17p13.3
379ARL4DARF4L | ARL6ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4D17q21.31
9244CRLF1CISS | CISS1 | CLF | CLF-1 | NR6 | zcytor5cytokine receptor-like factor 119p12
11140CDC37P50CDC37cell division cycle 3719p13.2
126006PCP2GPSM4Purkinje cell protein 219p13.2
8570KHSRPFBP2 | FUBP2 | KSRPKH-type splicing regulatory protein19p13.3
342918C19orf81-chromosome 19 open reading frame 8119q13.33
55225RAVER2-ribonucleoprotein, PTB-binding 21p31.3
23013SPENHIAA0929 | MINT | RBM15C | SHARPspen family transcriptional repressor1p36
55920RCC2TD-60regulator of chromosome condensation 21p36.13
84320ACBD6-acyl-CoA binding domain containing 61q25.3
23046KIF21B-kinesin family member 21B1q32.1
191AHCYSAHH | adoHcyaseadenosylhomocysteinase20q11.22
23112TNRC6B-trinucleotide repeat containing 6B22q13.1
150372NFAM1CNAIPNFAT activating protein with ITAM motif 122q13.2
10478SLC25A17PMP34solute carrier family 25 member 1722q13.2
1375CPT1BCPT1-M | CPT1M | CPTI | CPTI-M | M-CPT1 | MCCPT1 | MCPT1carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1B22q13.33
29789OLA1DOC45 | GBP45 | GTBP9 | GTPBP9 | PTD004Obg-like ATPase 12q31.1
25791NGEFARHGEF27 | EPHEXINneuronal guanine nucleotide exchange factor2q37
23395LARS2LEURS | PRLTS4 | mtLeuRSleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial3p21.3
57552NCEH1AADACL1 | NCEHneutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 13q26.31
6222RPS18D6S218E | HKE3 | KE-3 | KE3 | S18ribosomal protein S186p21.3
2550GABBR1GABABR1 | GABBR1-3 | GB1 | GPRC3Agamma-aminobutyric acid type B receptor subunit 16p21.31
23294ANKS1AANKS1ankyrin repeat and sterile alpha motif domain containing 1A6p21.31
203068TUBBCDCBM6 | CSCSC1 | M40 | OK/SW-cl.56 | TUBB1 | TUBB5tubulin beta class I6p21.33
7280TUBB2ACDCBM5 | TUBB | TUBB2tubulin beta 2A class IIa6p25
58528RRAGDRAGD | bA11D8.2.1Ras related GTP binding D6q15
9590AKAP12AKAP250 | SSeCKSA-kinase anchoring protein 126q24-q25
358AQP1AQP-CHIP | CHIP28 | COaquaporin 1 (Colton blood group)7p14
435ASLASALargininosuccinate lyase7q11.21
28996HIPK2PRO0593homeodomain interacting protein kinase 27q34
5179PENKPE | PENK-Aproenkephalin8q12.1
3646EIF3EEIF3-P48 | EIF3S6 | INT6 | eIF3-p46eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit E8q22-q23
92140MTDH3D3 | AEG-1 | AEG1 | LYRIC | LYRIC/3D3metadherin8q22.1
1759DNM1DNM | EIEE31dynamin 19q34
3563IL3RACD123 | IL3R | IL3RAY | IL3RX | IL3RY | hIL-3Rainterleukin 3 receptor subunit alphaXp22.3 or Yp11.3

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