Search results:

The pahtway p4557 has 115 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 73 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
120ADD3ADDLadducin 310q25.2
9246UBE2L6RIG-B | UBCH8ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 L611q12
7351UCP2BMIQ4 | SLC25A8 | UCPHuncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)11q13
57804POLD4POLDS | p12polymerase (DNA) delta 4, accessory subunit11q13
55810FOXJ2FHXforkhead box J212p13.31
400ARL1ARFL1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 112q23.2
55269PSPC1PSP1paraspeckle component 113q12.11
1045CDX2CDX-3 | CDX2/AS | CDX3caudal type homeobox 213q12.3
8848TSC22D1Ptg-2 | TGFB1I4 | TSC22TSC22 domain family member 113q14
2530FUT8-fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase)14q24.3
9101USP8HumORF8 | SPG59 | UBPYubiquitin specific peptidase 815q21.2
145748LYSMD4-LysM domain containing 415q26.3
124446TMEM219IGFBP-3Rtransmembrane protein 21916p11.2
7874USP7HAUSP | TEF1ubiquitin specific peptidase 7 (herpes virus-associated)16p13.3
3039HBA1HBA-T3 | HBHhemoglobin subunit alpha 116p13.3
10200MPHOSPH6MPP | MPP-6 | MPP6M-phase phosphoprotein 616q23.3
6517SLC2A4GLUT4solute carrier family 2 member 417p13
37ACADVLACAD6 | LCACD | VLCADacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain17p13.1
80169CTC1AAF-132 | AAF132 | C17orf68 | CRMCC | tmp494178CTS telomere maintenance complex component 117p13.1
84152PPP1R1BDARPP-32 | DARPP32protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 1B17q12
2896GRNCLN11 | GEP | GP88 | PCDGF | PEPI | PGRNgranulin17q21.32
7716VEZF1DB1 | ZNF161vascular endothelial zinc finger 117q22
4215MAP3K3MAPKKK3 | MEKK3mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 317q23.3
23253ANKRD12ANCO-2 | ANCO1 | GAC-1 | Nbla00144ankyrin repeat domain 1218p11.22
8178ELLC19orf17 | ELL1 | MEN | PPP1R68elongation factor for RNA polymerase II19p13.1
166AESAES-1 | AES-2 | ESP1 | GRG | GRG5 | Grg-5 | TLE5amino-terminal enhancer of split19p13.3
27243CHMP2ABC-2 | BC2 | CHMP2 | VPS2 | VPS2Acharged multivesicular body protein 2A19q
2512FTLLFTD | NBIA3ferritin, light polypeptide19q13.33
10745PHTF1PHTFputative homeodomain transcription factor 11p13
79961DENND2D-DENN domain containing 2D1p13.3
5792PTPRFBNAH2 | LARprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type F1p34
8751ADAM15MDC15ADAM metallopeptidase domain 151q21.3
140609NEK7-NIMA related kinase 71q31.3
7832BTG2PC3 | TIS21BTG family member 21q32
9911TMCC2HUCEP11transmembrane and coiled-coil domain family 21q32.1
89796NAV1POMFIL3 | STEERIN1 | UNC53H1neuron navigator 11q32.3
64754SMYD3KMT3E | ZMYND1 | ZNFN3A1 | bA74P14.1SET and MYND domain containing 31q44
6714SRCASV | SRC1 | c-SRC | p60-SrcSRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase20q12-q13
55905RNF114PSORS12 | ZNF313ring finger protein 11420q13.13
9217VAPBALS8 | VAMP-B | VAP-BVAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein B and C20q13.33
4733DRG1NEDD3developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 122q12.2
23112TNRC6B-trinucleotide repeat containing 6B22q13.1
10762NUP50NPAP60 | NPAP60Lnucleoporin 50kDa22q13.31
64395GMCL1BTBD13 | GCL | GCL1 | SPATA29germ cell-less, spermatogenesis associated 12p13.3
29959NRBP1BCON3 | MADM | MUDPNP | NRBPnuclear receptor binding protein 12p23
10254STAM2Hbp | STAM2A | STAM2Bsignal transducing adaptor molecule 22q23.3
91752ZNF804AC2orf10zinc finger protein 804A2q32.1
8828NRP2NP2 | NPN2 | PRO2714 | VEGF165R2neuropilin 22q33.3
1294COL7A1EBD1 | EBDCT | EBR1 | NDNC8collagen type VII alpha 13p21.1
375346TMEM110STIMATEtransmembrane protein 1103p21.1
10181RBM5G15 | H37 | LUCA15 | RMB5RNA binding motif protein 53p21.3
11180WDR6-WD repeat domain 63p21.31
9779TBC1D5-TBC1 domain family member 53p24.3
26984SEC22ASEC22L2SEC22 homolog A, vesicle trafficking protein3q21.1
27333GOLIM4GIMPC | GOLPH4 | GPP130 | P138golgi integral membrane protein 43q26.2
1608DGKGDAGK3 | DGK-GAMMAdiacylglycerol kinase gamma3q27.2-q27.3
5130PCYT1ACCTA | CT | CTA | CTPCT | PCYT1 | SMDCRDphosphate cytidylyltransferase 1, choline, alpha3q29
54965PIGXPIG-Xphosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class X3q29
118ADD1ADDAadducin 14p16.3
2919CXCL1FSP | GRO1 | GROa | MGSA | MGSA-a | NAP-3 | SCYB1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14q21
152503SH3D19EBP | EVE1 | Kryn | SH3P19SH3 domain containing 194q31.3
6499SKIV2L170A | DDX13 | HLP | SKI2 | SKI2W | SKIV2 | SKIV2L1 | THES2Ski2 like RNA helicase6p21
51406NOL7C6orf90 | PQBP3 | RARG-1 | dJ223E5.2nucleolar protein 76p23
8528DDODASOX | DDO-1 | DDO-2D-aspartate oxidase6q21
63979FIGNL1-fidgetin like 17p12.1
3792KELCD238 | ECE3Kell blood group, metallo-endopeptidase7q33
28996HIPK2PRO0593homeodomain interacting protein kinase 27q34
50626CYHR1CHRPcysteine/histidine-rich 18q24.3
1211CLTALCAclathrin light chain A9p13
84909C9orf3AOPEP | AP-O | APO | C90RF3 | ONPEPchromosome 9 open reading frame 39q22.32
212ALAS2ALAS-E | ALASE | ANH1 | ASB | XLDPP | XLEPP | XLSA5'-aminolevulinate synthase 2Xp11.21
546ATRXATR2 | JMS | MRX52 | MRXHF1 | RAD54 | RAD54L | SFM1 | SHS | XH2 | XNP | ZNF-HXalpha thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linkedXq21.1
1774DNASE1L1DNAS1L1 | DNASEX | DNL1L | G4.8 | XIBdeoxyribonuclease I-like 1Xq28

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