Search results:

The pahtway p1110 has 41 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 30 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5588PRKCQPRKCT | nPKC-thetaprotein kinase C theta10p15
3983ABLIM1ABLIM | LIMAB1 | LIMATIN | abLIM-1actin binding LIM protein 110q25
7225TRPC6FSGS2 | TRP6transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 611q22.1
59277NTN4PRO3091netrin 412q22
7223TRPC4HTRP-4 | HTRP4 | TRP4transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 413q13.3
4756NEO1IGDCC2 | NGN | NTN1R2neogenin 115q22.3-q23
56963RGMARGMrepulsive guidance molecule family member a15q26.1
6477SIAH1SIAH1Asiah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 116q12.1
9423NTN1NTN1Lnetrin 117p13.1
5306PITPNAHEL-S-36 | PI-TPalpha | PITPN | VIB1Aphosphatidylinositol transfer protein alpha17p13.3
1630DCCCRC18 | CRCR1 | IGDCC1 | MRMV1 | NTN1R1DCC netrin 1 receptor18q21.3
998CDC42CDC42Hs | G25K | TKScell division cycle 421p36.1
148738HFE2HFE2A | HJV | JH | RGMChemochromatosis type 2 (juvenile)1q21.1
6714SRCASV | SRC1 | c-SRC | p60-SrcSRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase20q12-q13
5335PLCG1NCKAP3 | PLC-II | PLC1 | PLC148 | PLCgamma1phospholipase C gamma 120q12-q13.1
6091ROBO1DUTT1 | SAX3roundabout guidance receptor 13p12
4690NCK1NCK | NCKalpha | nck-1NCK adaptor protein 13q21
6478SIAH2hSiah2siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 23q25
9353SLIT2SLIL3 | Slit-2slit guidance ligand 24p15.2
8633UNC5CUNC5H3unc-5 netrin receptor C4q21-q23
7222TRPC3SCA41 | TRP3transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 34q27
4651MYO10-myosin X5p15.1
7204TRIOARHGEF23 | tgattrio Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor5p15.2
285704RGMBDRAGONrepulsive guidance molecule family member b5q15
57113TRPC7TRP7transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 75q31.1
6586SLIT3MEGF5 | SLIL2 | SLIT1 | Slit-3 | slit2slit guidance ligand 35q35
2534FYNSLK | SYN | p59-FYNFYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase6q21
5879RAC1MIG5 | Rac-1 | TC-25 | p21-Rac1ras-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1 (rho family, small GTP binding protein Rac1)7p22
8976WASLN-WASP | NWASP | WASPBWiskott-Aldrich syndrome-like7q31.3
5747PTK2FADK | FAK | FAK1 | FRNK | PPP1R71 | p125FAK | pp125FAKprotein tyrosine kinase 28q24.3

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