Search results:

The pahtway p1393 has 182 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 111 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6001RGS10-regulator of G-protein signaling 1010q25
90993CREB3L1OASIScAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 111p11.2
2620GAS2-growth arrest specific 211p14.3
55742PARVACH-ILKBP | MXRA2parvin alpha11p15.3
59307SIGIRRTIR8single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain11p15.5
391RHOGARHGras homolog family member G11p15.5-p15.4
29015SLC43A3EEG1 | FOAP-13 | PRO1659 | SEEEG-1solute carrier family 43 member 311q11
10938EHD1H-PAST | HPAST1 | PAST | PAST1EH domain containing 111q13
57124CD248CD164L1 | TEM1CD248 molecule11q13
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
9379NRXN2-neurexin 211q13
7481WNT11HWNT11wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 1111q13.5
25987TSKUE2IG4 | LRRC54 | TSKtsukushi, small leucine rich proteoglycan11q13.5
8322FZD4CD344 | EVR1 | FEVR | FZD4S | Fz-4 | Fz4 | FzE4 | GPCR | hFz4frizzled class receptor 411q14.2
79887PLBD1-phospholipase B domain containing 112p13.1
10867TSPAN9NET-5 | NET5 | PP1057tetraspanin 912p13.33-p13.32
1368CPM-carboxypeptidase M12q14.3
8091HMGA2BABL | HMGI-C | HMGIC | LIPO | STQTL9high mobility group AT-hook 212q15
115207KCTD12C13orf2 | PFET1 | PFETINpotassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1213q22.3
57523NYNRINCGIN1 | KIAA1305NYN domain and retroviral integrase containing14q12
652BMP4BMP2B | BMP2B1 | MCOPS6 | OFC11 | ZYMEbone morphogenetic protein 414q22-q23
4948OCA2BEY | BEY1 | BEY2 | BOCA | D15S12 | EYCL | EYCL2 | EYCL3 | HCL3 | P | PED | SHEP1OCA2 melanosomal transmembrane protein15q
54551MAGEL2NDNL1 | PWLS | SHFYNG | nM15MAGE family member L215q11.2
64285RHBDF1C16orf8 | Dist1 | EGFR-RS | gene-89 | gene-90 | hDist1rhomboid 5 homolog 1 (Drosophila)16p13.3
4313MMP2CLG4 | CLG4A | MMP-2 | MMP-II | MONA | TBE-1matrix metallopeptidase 216q12.2
4239MFAP4-microfibrillar associated protein 417p11.2
5376PMP22CMT1A | CMT1E | DSS | GAS-3 | GAS3 | HMSNIA | HNPP | Sp110peripheral myelin protein 2217p12
2064ERBB2CD340 | HER-2 | HER-2/neu | HER2 | MLN 19 | NEU | NGL | TKR1erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 217q12
8913CACNA1GCa(V)T.1 | Cav3.1 | NBR13 | SCA42calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G17q22
23580CDC42EP4BORG4 | CEP4 | KAIA1777CDC42 effector protein 417q25.1
81035COLEC12CLP1 | NSR2 | SCARA4 | SRCLcollectin subfamily member 1218p11.32
9592IER2ETR101immediate early response 219p13.2
9322TRIP10CIP4 | HSTP | STOT | STP | TRIP-10thyroid hormone receptor interactor 1019p13.3
2077ERFCRS4 | PE-2 | PE2ETS2 repressor factor19q13
8425LTBP4ARCL1C | LTBP-4 | LTBP4L | LTBP4Slatent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 419q13.1-q13.2
6510SLC1A5AAAT | ASCT2 | ATBO | M7V1 | M7VS1 | R16 | RDRCsolute carrier family 1 member 519q13.3
2944GSTM1GST1 | GSTM1-1 | GSTM1a-1a | GSTM1b-1b | GTH4 | GTM1 | H-B | MU | MU-1glutathione S-transferase mu 11p13.3
271AMPD2PCH9 | SPG63adenosine monophosphate deaminase 21p13.3
79971WLSC1orf139 | EVI | GPR177 | MRP | mig-14wntless Wnt ligand secretion mediator1p31.3
4237MFAP2MAGP | MAGP-1 | MAGP1microfibrillar associated protein 21p36.1-p35
23254KAZNKAZkazrin, periplakin interacting protein1p36.21
79630C1orf54-chromosome 1 open reading frame 541q21.2
116496FAM129AC1orf24 | GIG39 | NIBANfamily with sequence similarity 129 member A1q25
2590GALNT2GalNAc-T2polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 21q41-q42
6238RRBP1ES/130 | ES130 | RRp | hESribosome binding protein 120p12
100ADA-adenosine deaminase20q13.12
56603CYP26B1CYP26A2 | P450RAI-2 | P450RAI2 | RHFCAcytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily B member 12p13.2
678ZFP36L2BRF2 | ERF-2 | ERF2 | RNF162C | TIS11DZFP36 ring finger protein-like 22p22.3-p21
11117EMILIN1EMI | EMILIN | gp115elastin microfibril interfacer 12p23.3-p23.2
6382SDC1CD138 | SDC | SYND1 | syndecansyndecan 12p24.1
28951TRIB2C5FW | GS3955 | TRB2tribbles pseudokinase 22p24.3
26504CNNM4ACDP4cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 42q11
51454GULP1CED-6 | CED6 | GULPGULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 12q32.3-q33
81618ITM2CBRI3 | BRICD2C | E25 | E25C | ITM3integral membrane protein 2C2q37
1849DUSP7MKPX | PYST2dual specificity phosphatase 73p21
7867MAPKAPK33PK | MAPKAP-K3 | MAPKAP3 | MAPKAPK-3 | MK-3mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 33p21.3
7869SEMA3BLUCA-1 | SEMA5 | SEMAA | SemA | semaVsemaphorin 3B3p21.3
10217CTDSPLC3orf8 | HYA22 | PSR1 | RBSP3 | SCP3CTD small phosphatase like3p21.3
5745PTH1RPFE | PTHR | PTHR1parathyroid hormone 1 receptor3p22-p21.1
10491CRTAPCASP | LEPREL3 | OI7 | P3H5cartilage associated protein3p22.3
27303RBMS3-RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 33p24-p23
7545ZIC1CRS6 | ZIC | ZNF201Zic family member 13q24
64778FNDC3BFAD104 | PRO4979 | YVTM2421fibronectin type III domain containing 3B3q26.31
2049EPHB3ETK2 | HEK2 | TYRO6EPH receptor B33q27.1
10644IGF2BP2IMP-2 | IMP2 | VICKZ2insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 23q27.2
8626TP63AIS | B(p51A) | B(p51B) | EEC3 | KET | LMS | NBP | OFC8 | RHS | SHFM4 | TP53CP | TP53L | TP73L | p40 | p51 | p53CP | p63 | p73H | p73Ltumor protein p633q28
5783PTPN13FAP-1 | PNP1 | PTP-BAS | PTP-BL | PTP1E | PTPL1 | PTPLE | hPTP1Eprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 134q21.3
79633FAT4CDHF14 | CDHR11 | FAT-J | FATJ | HKLLS2 | NBLA00548 | VMLDS2FAT atypical cadherin 44q28.1
8821INPP4B-inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase type II B4q31.21
6507SLC1A3EA6 | EAAT1 | GLAST | GLAST1solute carrier family 1 member 35p13
5734PTGER4EP4 | EP4Rprostaglandin E receptor 45p13.1
10769PLK2SNK | hPlk2 | hSNKpolo like kinase 25q12.1-q13.2
4245MGAT1GLCNAC-TI | GLCT1 | GLYT1 | GNT-1 | GNT-I | MGATmannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase5q35
7162TPBG5T4 | 5T4AG | M6P1 | WAIF1trophoblast glycoprotein6q14-q15
55084SOBPJXC1 | MRAMSsine oculis binding protein homolog6q21
3908LAMA2LAMMlaminin subunit alpha 26q22-q23
10981RAB32-RAB32, member RAS oncogene family6q24.3
1956EGFRERBB | ERBB1 | HER1 | NISBD2 | PIG61 | mENAepidermal growth factor receptor7p12
3206HOXA10HOX1 | HOX1.8 | HOX1H | PLhomeobox A107p15.2
25928SOSTDC1CDA019 | ECTODIN | USAG1sclerostin domain containing 17p21.1
10124ARL4AARL4ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4A7p21.3
2050EPHB4HTK | MYK1 | TYRO11EPH receptor B47q22
7205TRIP6OIP-1 | OIP1 | TRIP-6 | TRIP6i2 | ZRP-1thyroid hormone receptor interactor 67q22
5764PTNHARP | HBGF8 | HBNF | NEGF1pleiotrophin7q33
27147DENND2AFAM31D | KIAA1277DENN domain containing 2A7q34
1978EIF4EBP14E-BP1 | 4EBP1 | BP-1 | PHAS-Ieukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 18p12
1846DUSP4HVH2 | MKP-2 | MKP2 | TYPdual specificity phosphatase 48p12-p11
51435SCARA3APC7 | CSR | CSR1 | MSLR1 | MSRL1scavenger receptor class A member 38p21
55246CCDC25-coiled-coil domain containing 258p21.1
649BMP1OI13 | PCOLC | PCP | PCP2 | TLDbone morphogenetic protein 18p21.3
23362PSD3EFA6D | EFA6R | HCA67pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 38p21.3
80346REEP4C8orf20 | PP432 | Yip2creceptor accessory protein 48p21.3
64760FAM160B2RAI16family with sequence similarity 160 member B28p21.3
23516SLC39A14LZT-Hs4 | NET34 | ZIP14 | cig19solute carrier family 39 member 148p21.3
10174SORBS3SCAM-1 | SCAM1 | SH3D4sorbin and SH3 domain containing 38p21.3
91782CHMP7-charged multivesicular body protein 78p21.3
10395DLC1ARHGAP7 | HP | STARD12 | p122-RhoGAPDLC1 Rho GTPase activating protein8p22
5157PDGFRLPDGRL | PRLTSplatelet derived growth factor receptor like8p22-p21.3
90362FAM110BC8orf72family with sequence similarity 110 member B8q12.1
23462HEY1BHLHb31 | CHF2 | HERP2 | HESR1 | HRT-1 | OAF1 | hHRT1hes related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 18q21
4683NBNAT-V1 | AT-V2 | ATV | NBS | NBS1 | P95nibrin8q21
79776ZFHX4ZFH4 | ZHF4zinc finger homeobox 48q21.11
2171FABP5E-FABP | EFABP | KFABP | PA-FABP | PAFABPfatty acid binding protein 58q21.13
7227TRPS1GC79 | LGCRtranscriptional repressor GATA binding 18q24.12
1936EEF1DEF-1D | EF1D | FP1047eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 delta8q24.3
7264TSTA3FX | P35B | SDR4E1tissue specific transplantation antigen P35B8q24.3
54512EXOSC4RRP41 | RRP41A | Rrp41p | SKI6 | Ski6p | hRrp41p | p12Aexosome component 48q24.3
83696TRAPPC9IBP | IKBKBBP | MRT13 | NIBP | T1 | TRS120trafficking protein particle complex 98q24.3
26468LHX6LHX6.1LIM homeobox 69q33.2
57706DENND1AFAM31A | KIAA1608DENN domain containing 1A9q33.3

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