Search results:

The pahtway p2143 has 176 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 111 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
23412COMMD3BUP | C10orf8COMM domain containing 310p12.2
84898PLXDC2TEM7Rplexin domain containing 210p12.31
8516ITGA8-integrin subunit alpha 810p13
5214PFKPATP-PFK | PFK-C | PFK-P | PFKFphosphofructokinase, platelet10p15.3-p15.2
22891ZNF365Su48 | UAN | ZNF365Dzinc finger protein 36510q21.2
54541DDIT4Dig2 | REDD-1 | REDD1DNA damage inducible transcript 410q22.1
1847DUSP5DUSP | HVH3dual specificity phosphatase 510q25
84504NKX6-2GTX | NKX6.2 | NKX6BNK6 homeobox 210q26
664BNIP3NIP3BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 310q26.3
63982ANO3C11orf25 | DYT23 | DYT24 | GENX-3947 | TMEM16Canoctamin 311p14.2
133ADMAM | PAMPadrenomedullin11p15.4
3939LDHAGSD11 | HEL-S-133P | LDHM | PIG19lactate dehydrogenase A11p15.4
975CD81CVID6 | S5.7 | TAPA1 | TSPAN28CD81 molecule11p15.5
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
9965FGF19-fibroblast growth factor 1911q13.1
220382FAM181B-family with sequence similarity 181 member B11q14.1
9538EI24EPG4 | PIG8 | TP53I8EI24, autophagy associated transmembrane protein11q24
7167TPI1HEL-S-49 | TIM | TPI | TPIDtriosephosphate isomerase 112p13
894CCND2KIAK0002 | MPPH3cyclin D212p13
6515SLC2A3GLUT3solute carrier family 2 member 312p13.3
387882C12orf75AGD3 | OCC-1 | OCC1chromosome 12 open reading frame 7512q23.3
6926TBX3TBX3-ISO | UMS | XHLT-box 312q24.21
26586CKAP2LB1 | TMAP | se20-10cytoskeleton associated protein 213q14
112399EGLN3HIFP4H3 | HIFPH3 | PHD3egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 314q13.1
87ACTN1BDPLT15actinin alpha 114q24|14q22-q24
55384MEG3FP504 | GTL2 | LINC00023 | NCRNA00023 | PRO0518 | PRO2160 | onco-lncRNA-83 | prebp1maternally expressed 3 (non-protein coding)14q32
27023FOXB1FKH5 | HFKH-5forkhead box B115q22.2
64782AENISG20L1 | pp12744apoptosis enhancing nuclease15q26.1
23336SYNMDMN | SYNsynemin15q26.3
146542ZNF688-zinc finger protein 68816p11.2
226ALDOAALDA | GSD12 | HEL-S-87paldolase, fructose-bisphosphate A16p11.2
23420NOMO1Nomo | PM5NODAL modulator 116p13.11
221184CPNE2COPN2 | CPN2copine 216q13
4489MT1AMT1 | MT1S | MTCmetallothionein 1A16q13
4502MT2AMT2metallothionein 2A16q13
7157TP53BCC7 | LFS1 | P53 | TRP53tumor protein p5317p13.1
2584GALK1GALK | GK1 | HEL-S-19galactokinase 117q24
5366PMAIP1APR | NOXAphorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 118q21.32
55295KLHL26-kelch like family member 2619p13.11
84261FBXW9Fbw9F-box and WD repeat domain containing 919p13.2
2821GPIAMF | GNPI | NLK | PGI | PHI | SA-36 | SA36glucose-6-phosphate isomerase19q13.1
581BAXBCL2L4BCL2-associated X protein19q13.3-q13.4
126129CPT1CCATL1 | CPT1-B | CPT1P | CPTI-B | CPTIC | SPG73carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1C19q13.33
5178PEG3PW1 | ZKSCAN22 | ZNF904 | ZSCAN24paternally expressed 319q13.4
125965COX6B2COXVIB2 | CT59cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B219q13.42
126868MAB21L3C1orf161mab-21-like 3 (C. elegans)1p13.1
6513SLC2A1CSE | DYT17 | DYT18 | DYT9 | EIG12 | GLUT | GLUT-1 | GLUT1 | GLUT1DS | HTLVR | PED | SDCHCNsolute carrier family 2 member 11p34.2
83667SESN2HI95 | SES2 | SEST2sestrin 21p35.3
8659ALDH4A1ALDH4 | P5CD | P5CDhaldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family member A11p36
79727LIN28ACSDD1 | LIN-28 | LIN28 | ZCCHC1 | lin-28Alin-28 homolog A1p36.11
6281S100A1042C | ANX2L | ANX2LG | CAL1L | CLP11 | Ca[1] | GP11 | P11 | p10S100 calcium binding protein A101q21
5202PFDN2PFD2prefoldin subunit 21q23.3
10560SLC19A2TC1 | THMD1 | THT1 | THTR1 | TRMAsolute carrier family 19 member 21q23.3
89796NAV1POMFIL3 | STEERIN1 | UNC53H1neuron navigator 11q32.3
2104ESRRGERR3 | ERRgamma | NR3B3estrogen related receptor gamma1q41
89780WNT3A-wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 3A1q42
54583EGLN1C1orf12 | ECYT3 | HALAH | HIF-PH2 | HIFPH2 | HPH-2 | HPH2 | PHD2 | SM20 | ZMYND6egl-9 family hypoxia-inducible factor 11q42.1
55544RBM38HSRNASEB | RNPC1 | SEB4B | SEB4D | dJ800J21.2RNA binding motif protein 3820q13.31
5211PFKLATP-PFK | PFK-B | PFK-Lphosphofructokinase, liver type21q22.3
3099HK2HKII | HXK2hexokinase 22p13
790CADCDG1Zcarbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase2p22-p21
51776ZAKAZK | MLK7 | MLT | MLTK | MRK | mlklak | pksterile alpha motif and leucine zipper containing kinase AZK2q24.2
5270SERPINE2GDN | GDNPF | PI-7 | PI7 | PN-1 | PN1 | PNIserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 22q36.1
9208LRRFIP1FLAP-1 | FLAP1 | FLIIAP1 | GCF-2 | GCF2 | HUFI-1 | TRIPleucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 12q37.3
7867MAPKAPK33PK | MAPKAP-K3 | MAPKAP3 | MAPKAPK-3 | MK-3mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 33p21.3
3680ITGA9ALPHA-RLC | ITGA4L | RLCintegrin subunit alpha 93p21.3
25994HIGD1AHIG1 | RCF1aHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1A3p22.1
8553BHLHE40BHLHB2 | DEC1 | HLHB2 | SHARP-2 | STRA13 | Stra14basic helix-loop-helix family member e403p26
5627PROS1PROS | PS21 | PS22 | PS23 | PS24 | PS25 | PSA | THPH5 | THPH6protein S (alpha)3q11.2
131076CCDC58-coiled-coil domain containing 583q21.1
4026LPP-LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma3q28
116984ARAP2CENTD1 | PARXArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 24p14
115265DDIT4LREDD2 | Rtp801LDNA damage inducible transcript 4 like4q24
81579PLA2G12AGXII | PLA2G12 | ROSSYphospholipase A2 group XIIA4q25
2195FAT1CDHF7 | CDHR8 | FAT | ME5 | hFat1FAT atypical cadherin 14q35
353322ANKRD37Lrp2bpankyrin repeat domain 374q35.1
10769PLK2SNK | hPlk2 | hSNKpolo like kinase 25q12.1-q13.2
57561ARRDC3TLIMParrestin domain containing 35q14.3
1462VCANCSPG2 | ERVR | GHAP | PG-M | WGN | WGN1versican5q14.3
4012LNPEPCAP | IRAP | P-LAP | PLAPleucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase5q15
153768PRELID2-PRELI domain containing 25q32
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
5754PTK7CCK-4 | CCK4protein tyrosine kinase 7 (inactive)6p21.1-p12.2
1026CDKN1ACAP20 | CDKN1 | CIP1 | MDA-6 | P21 | SDI1 | WAF1 | p21CIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A6p21.2
3304HSPA1BHSP70-1B | HSP70-2 | HSP70.2heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B6p21.3
7922SLC39A7D6S115E | D6S2244E | H2-KE4 | HKE4 | KE4 | RING5 | ZIP7solute carrier family 39 member 76p21.3
6890TAP1ABC17 | ABCB2 | APT1 | D6S114E | PSF-1 | PSF1 | RING4 | TAP1*0102N | TAP1Ntransporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP)6p21.3
5987TRIM27RFP | RNF76tripartite motif containing 276p22
2309FOXO3AF6q21 | FKHRL1 | FKHRL1P2 | FOXO2 | FOXO3Aforkhead box O36q21
7164TPD52L1D53tumor protein D52-like 16q22-q23
3482IGF2RCD222 | CI-M6PR | CIMPR | M6P-R | M6P/IGF2R | MPR 300 | MPR1 | MPR300 | MPRIinsulin like growth factor 2 receptor6q26
1021CDK6MCPH12 | PLSTIREcyclin-dependent kinase 67q21-q22
7979SHFM1DSS1 | ECD | SEM1 | SHFD1 | SHSF1 | Shfdg1split hand/foot malformation (ectrodactyly) type 17q21.3
60412EXOC4SEC8 | SEC8L1 | Sec8pexocyst complex component 47q31
800CALD1CDM | H-CAD | HCAD | L-CAD | LCAD | NAG22caldesmon 17q33
1978EIF4EBP14E-BP1 | 4EBP1 | BP-1 | PHAS-Ieukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 18p12
2053EPHX2CEH | SEHepoxide hydrolase 28p21
55326AGPAT51AGPAT5 | LPAATE1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 58p23.1
115908CTHRC1-collagen triple helix repeat containing 18q22.3
5820PVT1LINC00079 | NCRNA00079 | onco-lncRNA-100Pvt1 oncogene (non-protein coding)8q24
4609MYCMRTL | MYCC | bHLHe39 | c-Mycv-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog8q24.21
27019DNAI1CILD1 | DIC1 | ICS1 | PCDdynein axonemal intermediate chain 19p13.3
1612DAPK1DAPKdeath-associated protein kinase 19q21.33
203AK1HTL-S-58jadenylate kinase 19q34.1
2022ENGEND | HHT1 | ORW1endoglin9q34.11
138162C9orf116PIERCE1 | RbEST47chromosome 9 open reading frame 1169q34.3
5230PGK1HEL-S-68p | MIG10 | PGKAphosphoglycerate kinase 1Xq13.3
55859BEX1BEX2 | HBEX2 | HGR74-hbrain expressed X-linked 1Xq22.1|Xq22
2892GRIA3GLUR-C | GLUR-K3 | GLUR3 | GLURC | GluA3 | MRX94glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 3Xq25

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