Search results:

The pahtway p2201 has 97 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 51 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10133OPTNALS12 | FIP2 | GLC1E | HIP7 | HYPL | NRP | TFIIIA-INTPoptineurin10p13
4925NUCB2HEL-S-109 | NEFAnucleobindin 211p15.1
9846GAB2-GRB2 associated binding protein 211q14.1
84623KIRREL3KIRRE | MRD4 | NEPH2 | PRO4502kin of IRRE like 3 (Drosophila)11q24
2120ETV6TEL | TEL/ABL | THC5ETS variant 612p13
57494RIMKLBFAM80B | NAAGS | NAAGS-Iribosomal modification protein rimK-like family member B12p13.31
283431GAS2L3G2L3growth arrest specific 2 like 312q23.1
9201DCLK1CL1 | CLICK1 | DCAMKL1 | DCDC3A | DCLKdoublecortin like kinase 113q13
688KLF5BTEB2 | CKLF | IKLFKruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)13q22.1
7080NKX2-1BCH | BHC | NK-2 | NKX2.1 | NKX2A | NMTC1 | T/EBP | TEBP | TITF1 | TTF-1 | TTF1NK2 homeobox 114q13
6095RORANR1F1 | ROR1 | ROR2 | ROR3 | RZR-ALPHA | RZRARAR related orphan receptor A15q22.2
170692ADAMTS18ADAMTS21 | KNO2 | MMCATADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 1816q23
2922GRPBN | GRP-10 | preproGRP | proGRPgastrin releasing peptide18q21.1-q21.32
596BCL2Bcl-2 | PPP1R50B-cell CLL/lymphoma 218q21.3
81931ZNF93HPF34 | HTF34 | TF34 | ZNF505zinc finger protein 9319p12
10362HMG20BBRAF25 | BRAF35 | HMGX2 | HMGXB2 | PP7706 | SMARCE1r | SOXL | pp8857high mobility group 20B19p13.3
55769ZNF83HPF1 | ZNF816Bzinc finger protein 8319q13.3
400713ZNF880-zinc finger protein 88019q13.41
84671ZNF347ZNF1111zinc finger protein 34719q13.42
79717PPCS-phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase1p34.2
387597ILDR2C1orf32 | dJ782G3.1immunoglobulin like domain containing receptor 21q24.1
493ATP2B4ATP2B2 | MXRA1 | PMCA4 | PMCA4b | PMCA4xATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 41q32.1
5362PLXNA2OCT | PLXN2plexin A21q32.2
3964LGALS8Gal-8 | PCTA-1 | PCTA1 | Po66-CBPlectin, galactoside-binding, soluble, 81q43
4773NFATC2NFAT1 | NFATPnuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 220q13.2
64135IFIH1AGS7 | Hlcd | IDDM19 | MDA-5 | MDA5 | RLR-2 | SGMRT1interferon induced, with helicase C domain 12q24
92737DNERUNQ26 | betdelta/notch like EGF repeat containing2q36.3
4026LPP-LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma3q28
57619SHROOM3APXL3 | MSTP013 | SHRM | ShrmLshroom family member 34q21.1
8470SORBS2ARGBP2 | PRO0618sorbin and SH3 domain containing 24q35.1
79993ELOVL7-ELOVL fatty acid elongase 75q12.1
57688ZSWIM6AFNDzinc finger SWIM-type containing 65q12.1
1495CTNNA1CAP102catenin alpha 15q31.2
1809DPYSL3CRMP-4 | CRMP4 | DRP-3 | DRP3 | LCRMP | ULIP | ULIP-1dihydropyrimidinase like 35q32
629CFBAHUS4 | ARMD14 | BF | BFD | CFAB | CFBD | FB | FBI12 | GBG | H2-Bf | PBF2complement factor B6p21.3
6941TCF19SC1 | TCF-19transcription factor 196p21.3
4646MYO6DFNA22 | DFNB37myosin VI6q13
57480PLEKHG1ARHGEF41pleckstrin homology and RhoGEF domain containing G16q25.1
57639CCDC146-coiled-coil domain containing 1467q11.23
5799PTPRN2IA-2beta | IAR | ICAAR | PTPRP | R-PTP-N2protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type N27q36
22976PAXIP1CAGF28 | CAGF29 | PACIP1 | PAXIP1L | PTIP | TNRC2PAX interacting protein 17q36
1052CEBPDC/EBP-delta | CELF | CRP3 | NF-IL6-betaCCAAT/enhancer binding protein delta8p11.2-p11.1
79698ZMAT4-zinc finger matrin-type 48p11.21
59339PLEKHA2TAPP2pleckstrin homology domain containing A28p11.22
23303KIF13BGAKINkinesin family member 13B8p12
25897RNF19ARNF19ring finger protein 19A, RBR E3 ubiquitin protein ligase8q22
152006RNF38-ring finger protein 389p13
158219TTC39BC9orf52tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39B9p22.3
158471PRUNE2BMCC1 | BNIPXL | C9orf65 | KIAA0367prune homolog 2 (Drosophila)9q21.2

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