Search results:

The pahtway p3712 has 93 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 56 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3434IFIT1C56 | G10P1 | IFI-56 | IFI-56K | IFI56 | IFIT-1 | IFNAI1 | ISG56 | P56 | RNM561interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 110q23.31
5950RBP4MCOPCB10 | RDCCASretinol binding protein 410q23.33
259217HSPA12A-heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 12A10q26.12
1571CYP2E1CPE1 | CYP2E | P450-J | P450C2Ecytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily E member 110q26.3
51317PHF21ABHC80 | BM-006PHD finger protein 21A11p11.2
8534CHST1C6ST | GST-1 | KS6ST | KSGal6ST | KSSTcarbohydrate sulfotransferase 111p11.2
6288SAA1PIG4 | SAA | SAA2 | TP53I4serum amyloid A111p15.1
5091PCPCBpyruvate carboxylase11q13.4-q13.5
65987KCTD14-potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 1411q14.1
7069THRSPLPGP1 | Lpgp | S14 | SPOT14 | THRPthyroid hormone responsive11q14.1
335APOA1apo(a)apolipoprotein A-I11q23-q24
9332CD163M130 | MM130CD163 molecule12p13.3
50846DHHGDXYM | HHG-3 | SRXY7desert hedgehog12q13.1
11113CITCRIK | STK21citron rho-interacting serine/threonine kinase12q24
27253PCDH17PCDH68 | PCH68protocadherin 1713q21.1
25963TMEM87A-transmembrane protein 87A15q15.1
4058LTKTYK1leukocyte receptor tyrosine kinase15q15.1-q21.1
3240HPBP | HP2ALPHA2 | HPA1Shaptoglobin16q22.2
4761NEUROD2NDRF | bHLHa1neuronal differentiation 217q12
9842PLEKHM1AP162 | B2 | OPTB6pleckstrin homology and RUN domain containing M117q21.31
124857WFIKKN2GASP-1 | WFDC20B | WFIKKNRP | hGASP-1WAP, follistatin/kazal, immunoglobulin, kunitz and netrin domain containing 217q21.33
114897C1QTNF1CTRP1 | GIP | ZSIG37C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 117q25.3
9021SOCS3ATOD4 | CIS3 | Cish3 | SOCS-3 | SSI-3 | SSI3suppressor of cytokine signaling 317q25.3
8907AP1M1AP47 | CLAPM2 | CLTNM | MU-1Aadaptor related protein complex 1 mu 1 subunit19p13.12
1675CFDADIPSIN | ADN | DF | PFDcomplement factor D (adipsin)19p13.3
729359PLIN4KIAA1881 | S3-12perilipin 419p13.3
344APOC2APO-CII | APOC-IIapolipoprotein C-II19q13.2
2217FCGRTFCRN | alpha-chainFc fragment of IgG receptor and transporter19q13.3
5733PTGER3EP3 | EP3-I | EP3-II | EP3-III | EP3-IV | EP3-VI | EP3e | PGE2-Rprostaglandin E receptor 31p31.2
6342SCP2NLTP | NSL-TP | SCP-2 | SCP-CHI | SCP-X | SCPXsterol carrier protein 21p32
5174PDZK1CAP70 | CLAMP | NHERF-3 | NHERF3 | PDZD1PDZ domain containing 11q21
56776FMN2-formin 21q43
9371KIF3BFLA8 | HH0048 | KLP-11kinesin family member 3B20q11.21
54097FAM3B2-21 | C21orf11 | C21orf76 | ORF9 | PANDER | PRED44family with sequence similarity 3 member B21q22.3
150726FBXO41FBX41F-box protein 412p13.2
91543RSAD22510004L01Rik | cig33 | cig5 | vig1radical S-adenosyl methionine domain containing 22p25.2
129831RBM45DRB1 | RB-1RNA binding motif protein 452q31.2
57590WDFY1FENS-1 | WDF1 | ZFYVE17WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 12q36.1
248ALPIIAPalkaline phosphatase, intestinal2q37.1
151887CCDC80DRO1 | SSG1 | URB | okuribincoiled-coil domain containing 803q13.2
7018TFHEL-S-71p | PRO1557 | PRO2086 | TFQTL1transferrin3q22.1
9370ADIPOQACDC | ACRP30 | ADIPQTL1 | ADPN | APM-1 | APM1 | GBP28adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing3q27
2919CXCL1FSP | GRO1 | GROa | MGSA | MGSA-a | NAP-3 | SCYB1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14q21
4547MTTPABL | MTPmicrosomal triglyceride transfer protein4q24
3426CFIAHUS3 | ARMD13 | C3BINA | C3b-INA | FI | IF | KAFcomplement factor I4q25
4883NPR3ANP-C | ANPR-C | ANPRC | C5orf23 | GUCY2B | NPR-C | NPRCnatriuretic peptide receptor 35p13.3
10184LHFPL2-lipoma HMGIC fusion partner-like 25q14.1
89870TRIM15RNF93 | ZNF178 | ZNFB7tripartite motif containing 156p21.3
29881NPC1L1NPC11L1NPC1 like 17p13
11185INMTTEMTindolethylamine N-methyltransferase7p14.3
948CD36BDPLT10 | CHDS7 | FAT | GP3B | GP4 | GPIV | PASIV | SCARB3CD36 molecule7q11.2
3952LEPLEPD | OB | OBSleptin7q31.3
4023LPLHDLCQ11 | LIPDlipoprotein lipase8p22
2167FABP4A-FABP | AFABP | ALBP | HEL-S-104 | aP2fatty acid binding protein 48q21
1621DBHDBMdopamine beta-hydroxylase (dopamine beta-monooxygenase)9q34

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