Search results:

The pahtway p4573 has 152 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 88 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
7431VIMCTRCT30 | HEL113vimentin10p13
9632SEC24C-SEC24 homolog C, COPII coat complex component10q22.2
6623SNCGBCSG1 | SRsynuclein gamma10q23.2-q23.3
83759RBM4BRBM30 | RBM4L | ZCCHC15 | ZCCHC21B | ZCRB3BRNA binding motif protein 4B11q13
7536SF1BBP | D11S636 | MBBP | ZCCHC25 | ZFM1 | ZNF162splicing factor 111q13
7351UCP2BMIQ4 | SLC25A8 | UCPHuncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)11q13
9600PITPNM1DRES9 | NIR2 | PITPNM | RDGB | RDGB1 | RDGBA | RDGBA1 | Rd9phosphatidylinositol transfer protein membrane associated 111q13
57804POLD4POLDS | p12polymerase (DNA) delta 4, accessory subunit11q13
55231CCDC87-coiled-coil domain containing 8711q13.2
1374CPT1ACPT1 | CPT1-L | L-CPT1carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A11q13.2
8082SSPNDAGA5 | KRAG | NSPN | SPN1 | SPN2sarcospan12p11.2
4257MGST1GST12 | MGST | MGST-Imicrosomal glutathione S-transferase 112p12.3-p12.1
8079MLF2NTN4myeloid leukemia factor 212p13
7786MAP3K12DLK | MEKK12 | MUK | ZPK | ZPKP1mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1212q13
341405ANKRD33C12orf7 | PANKYankyrin repeat domain 3312q13.13
5094PCBP2HNRNPE2 | HNRPE2 | hnRNP-E2poly(rC) binding protein 212q13.13
9924PAN2USP52PAN2 poly(A) specific ribonuclease subunit12q13.3
7184HSP90B1ECGP | GP96 | GRP94 | HEL-S-125m | HEL35 | TRA1heat shock protein 90kDa beta family member 112q24.2-q24.3
35ACADSACAD3 | SCADacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-2 to C-3 short chain12q24.31
55269PSPC1PSP1paraspeckle component 113q12.11
145482PTGR2HEL-S-298 | PGR2 | ZADH1prostaglandin reductase 214q24.3
825CAPN3CANP3 | CANPL3 | LGMD2 | LGMD2A | nCL-1 | p94calpain 315q15.1
25963TMEM87A-transmembrane protein 87A15q15.1
2595GANC-glucosidase, alpha; neutral C15q15.2
2108ETFAEMA | GA2 | MADDelectron transfer flavoprotein alpha subunit15q23-q25
2184FAH-fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (fumarylacetoacetase)15q25.1
5346PLIN1FPLD4 | PERI | PLINperilipin 115q26
51108METTL9CGI-81 | DREV | DREV1 | PAP1methyltransferase like 916p12.2
10261IGSF6DORAimmunoglobulin superfamily member 616p12.2
64223MLST8GBL | GbetaL | LST8 | POP3 | WAT1MTOR associated protein, LST8 homolog16p13.3
23019CNOT1AD-005 | CDC39 | NOT1 | NOT1HCCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 116q21
6483ST3GAL2Gal-NAc6S | SIAT4B | ST3GALII | ST3GalA.2ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 216q22.1
23659PLA2G15ACS | GXVPLA2 | LLPL | LPLA2 | LYPLA3phospholipase A2 group XV16q22.1
80790CMIPTCMIPc-Maf inducing protein16q23
146691TOM1L2-target of myb1 like 2 membrane trafficking protein17p11.2
37ACADVLACAD6 | LCACD | VLCADacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain17p13.1
1742DLG4PSD95 | SAP-90 | SAP90discs large homolog 417p13.1
10994ILVBL209L8 | AHAS | ILV2HilvB (bacterial acetolactate synthase)-like19p13.1
27106ARRDC2CLONE24945 | PP2703arrestin domain containing 219p13.11
1455CSNK1G2CK1g2casein kinase 1 gamma 219p13.3
2931GSK3A-glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha19q13.2
3991LIPEAOMS4 | FPLD6 | HSL | LHSlipase E, hormone sensitive type19q13.2
2109ETFBFP585 | MADDelectron transfer flavoprotein beta subunit19q13.3
34ACADMACAD1 | MCAD | MCADHacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-4 to C-12 straight chain1p31
257194NEGR1DMML2433 | IGLON4 | KILON | Ntraneuronal growth regulator 11p31.1
1376CPT2CPT1 | CPTASE | IIAE4carnitine palmitoyltransferase 21p32
9869SETDB1ESET | H3-K9-HMTase4 | KG1T | KMT1E | TDRD21SET domain bifurcated 11q21
10628TXNIPEST01027 | HHCPA78 | THIF | VDUP1thioredoxin interacting protein1q21.1
84919PPP1R15BCREP | MSSGM2protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 15B1q32.1
4811NID1NIDnidogen 11q43
11264PXMP4PMP24peroxisomal membrane protein 420q11.22
128486FITM2C20orf142 | Fit2 | dJ881L22.2fat storage-inducing transmembrane protein 220q13.12
9946CRYZL14P11 | QOH-1crystallin zeta like 121q21.3
6453ITSN1ITSN | SH3D1A | SH3P17intersectin 121q22.1-q22.2
23076RRP1BKIAA0179 | NNP1L | Nnp1 | PPP1R136 | RRP1ribosomal RNA processing 1B21q22.3
23786BCL2L13BCL-RAMBO | Bcl2-L-13 | MIL1BCL2 like 1322q11.1
415116PIM3pim-3Pim-3 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase22q13
84173ELMOD3DFNB88 | LST3 | RBED1 | RBM29ELMO domain containing 32p11.2
1622DBIACBD1 | ACBP | CCK-RP | EPdiazepam binding inhibitor (GABA receptor modulator, acyl-CoA binding protein)2q12-q21
5624PROCAPC | PC | PROC1 | THPH3 | THPH4protein C, inactivator of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa2q13-q14
841CASP8ALPS2B | CAP4 | Casp-8 | FLICE | MACH | MCH5caspase 82q33-q34
3417IDH1HEL-216 | HEL-S-26 | IDCD | IDH | IDP | IDPC | PICDisocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+)2q33.3
10267RAMP1-receptor (G protein-coupled) activity modifying protein 12q36-q37.1
54578UGT1A6GNT1 | HLUGP | HLUGP1 | UDPGT | UDPGT 1-6 | UGT1 | UGT1A6S | UGT1FUDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A62q37
54600UGT1A9HLUGP4 | LUGP4 | UDPGT | UDPGT 1-9 | UGT-1I | UGT1-09 | UGT1-9 | UGT1.9 | UGT1A9S | UGT1AI | UGT1IUDP glucuronosyltransferase family 1 member A92q37
201626PDE122'-PDEphosphodiesterase 123p14.3
4615MYD88MYD88Dmyeloid differentiation primary response 883p22
9943OXSR1OSR1oxidative stress responsive 13p22.2
868CBLBCbl-b | Nbla00127 | RNF56Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase3q13.11
131118DNAJC19PAM18 | TIM14 | TIMM14DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C193q26.33
950SCARB2AMRF | CD36L2 | EPM4 | HLGP85 | LGP85 | LIMP-2 | LIMPII | SR-BIIscavenger receptor class B member 24q21.1
5089PBX2G17 | HOX12 | PBX2MHCpre-B-cell leukemia homeobox 26p21.3
10455ECI2ACBD2 | DRS-1 | DRS1 | HCA88 | PECI | dJ1013A10.3enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 26p24.3
55788LMBRD1C6orf209 | LMBD1 | MAHCF | NESILMBR1 domain containing 16q13
10957PNRC1B4-2 | PNAS-145 | PROL2 | PRR2proline rich nuclear receptor coactivator 16q15
3198HOXA1BSAS | HOX1 | HOX1Fhomeobox A17p15.3
79778MICALL2JRAB | MICAL-L2MICAL like 27p22.3
7532YWHAG14-3-3GAMMA | PPP1R170tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein gamma7q11.23
5001ORC5ORC5L | ORC5P | ORC5T | PPP1R117origin recognition complex subunit 57q22.1
5054SERPINE1PAI | PAI-1 | PAI1 | PLANH1serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 17q22.1
51650MRPS33CGI-139 | MRP-S33 | PTD003 | S33mtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S337q34
64327LMBR1ACHP | C7orf2 | DIF14 | LSS | PPD2 | THYP | TPT | ZRSlimb development membrane protein 17q36
2053EPHX2CEH | SEHepoxide hydrolase 28p21
10395DLC1ARHGAP7 | HP | STARD12 | p122-RhoGAPDLC1 Rho GTPase activating protein8p22
4023LPLHDLCQ11 | LIPDlipoprotein lipase8p22
1666DECR1DECR | NADPH | SDR18C12,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase 1, mitochondrial8q21.3
23237ARCArg3.1activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein8q24.3
84263HSDL2C9orf99 | SDR13C1hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 29q32

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