Search results:

The pahtway p2777 has 81 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 54 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8829NRP1BDCA4 | CD304 | NP1 | NRP | VEGF165Rneuropilin 110p12
5728PTEN10q23del | BZS | CWS1 | DEC | GLM2 | MHAM | MMAC1 | PTEN1 | TEP1phosphatase and tensin homolog10q23.3
2785GNG3-G protein subunit gamma 311p11
966CD5916.3A5 | 1F5 | EJ16 | EJ30 | EL32 | G344 | HRF-20 | HRF20 | MAC-IP | MACIF | MEM43 | MIC11 | MIN1 | MIN2 | MIN3 | MIRL | MSK21 | p18-20CD59 molecule11p13
2011MARK2EMK-1 | EMK1 | PAR-1 | Par-1b | Par1bmicrotubule affinity regulating kinase 211q13.1
8322FZD4CD344 | EVR1 | FEVR | FZD4S | Fz-4 | Fz4 | FzE4 | GPCR | hFz4frizzled class receptor 411q14.2
6667SP1-Sp1 transcription factor12q13.1
6311ATXN2ASL13 | ATX2 | SCA2 | TNRC13ataxin 212q24.1
6926TBX3TBX3-ISO | UMS | XHLT-box 312q24.21
652BMP4BMP2B | BMP2B1 | MCOPS6 | OFC11 | ZYMEbone morphogenetic protein 414q22-q23
6252RTN1NSPreticulon 114q23.1
5826ABCD4ABC41 | EST352188 | MAHCJ | P70R | P79R | PMP69 | PXMP1LATP binding cassette subfamily D member 414q24.3
5228PGFD12S1900 | PGFL | PLGF | PlGF-2 | SHGC-10760placental growth factor14q24.3
55384MEG3FP504 | GTL2 | LINC00023 | NCRNA00023 | PRO0518 | PRO2160 | onco-lncRNA-83 | prebp1maternally expressed 3 (non-protein coding)14q32
54551MAGEL2NDNL1 | PWLS | SHFYNG | nM15MAGE family member L215q11.2
7337UBE3AANCR | AS | E6-AP | EPVE6AP | HPVE6Aubiquitin protein ligase E3A15q11.2
4692NDNHsT16328 | PWCRnecdin, MAGE family member15q11.2
3480IGF1RCD221 | IGFIR | IGFR | JTK13insulin like growth factor 1 receptor15q26.3
64400AKTIPFT1 | FTSAKT interacting protein16q12.2
463ZFHX3ATBF1 | ATBT | ZNF927zinc finger homeobox 316q22.3
2734GLG1CFR-1 | ESL-1 | MG-160 | MG160golgi glycoprotein 116q22.3
7703PCGF2MEL-18 | RNF110 | ZNF144polycomb group ring finger 217q12
1943EFNA2ELF-1 | EPLG6 | HEK7-L | LERK-6 | LERK6ephrin-A219p13.3
2077ERFCRS4 | PE-2 | PE2ETS2 repressor factor19q13
2901GRIK5EAA2 | GRIK2 | GluK5 | KA2glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 519q13.2
808CALM3HEL-S-72 | PHKD | PHKD3calmodulin 3 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)19q13.2-q13.3
22823MTF2M96 | PCL2 | TDRD19A | dJ976O13.2metal response element binding transcription factor 21p22.1
6491STILMCPH7 | SILSCL/TAL1 interrupting locus1p32
5451POU2F1OCT1 | OTF1 | oct-1BPOU class 2 homeobox 11q24.2
80232WDR26CDW2 | GID7 | MIP2WD repeat domain 261q42.13
5770PTPN1PTP1Bprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 120q13.1-q13.2
410ARSAMLDarylsulfatase A22q13.33
6432SRSF79G8 | AAG3 | SFRS7serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 72p22.1
6664SOX11MRD27SRY-box 112p25
8609KLF7UKLFKruppel-like factor 7 (ubiquitous)2q32
2043EPHA4HEK8 | SEK | TYRO1EPH receptor A42q36.1
3267AGFG1HRB | RAB | RIPArfGAP with FG repeats 12q36.3
6304SATB1-SATB homeobox 13p23
6533SLC6A6TAUTsolute carrier family 6 member 63p25.1
2199FBLN2-fibulin 23p25.1
25937WWTR1TAZWW domain containing transcription regulator 13q23-q24
170506DHX36DDX36 | G4R1 | MLEL1 | RHAUDEAH-box helicase 363q25.2
5783PTPN13FAP-1 | PNP1 | PTP-BAS | PTP-BL | PTP1E | PTPL1 | PTPLE | hPTP1Eprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 134q21.3
79071ELOVL6FACE | FAE | LCEELOVL fatty acid elongase 64q25
6423SFRP2FRP-2 | SARP1 | SDF-5secreted frizzled-related protein 24q31.3
3977LIFRCD118 | LIF-R | SJS2 | STWS | SWSleukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha5p13-p12
5813PURAMRD31 | PUR-ALPHA | PUR1 | PURALPHApurine-rich element binding protein A5q31
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
79692ZNF322HCG12 | ZNF322A | ZNF388 | ZNF489zinc finger protein 3226p22.1
58528RRAGDRAGD | bA11D8.2.1Ras related GTP binding D6q15
9590AKAP12AKAP250 | SSeCKSA-kinase anchoring protein 126q24-q25
26136TESTESS | TESS-2testin LIM domain protein7q31.2
51631LUC7L2CGI-59 | CGI-74 | LUC7B2LUC7-like 2 pre-mRNA splicing factor7q34
5108PCM1PTC4 | RET/PCM-1pericentriolar material 18p22-p21.3

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