Search results:

The pahtway p3052 has 43 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 38 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
288ANK3ANKYRIN-G | MRT37ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G)10q21
818CAMK2GCAMK | CAMK-II | CAMKGcalcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II gamma10q22
3778KCNMA1BKTM | KCa1.1 | MaxiK | SAKCA | SLO | SLO-ALPHA | SLO1 | bA205K10.1 | mSLO1potassium calcium-activated channel subfamily M alpha 110q22.3
9479MAPK8IP1IB1 | JIP-1 | JIP1 | PRKM8IPmitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 111p11.2
23705CADM1BL2 | IGSF4 | IGSF4A | NECL2 | Necl-2 | RA175 | ST17 | SYNCAM | TSLC1 | sTSLC-1 | sgIGSF | synCAM1cell adhesion molecule 111q23.2
490ATP2B1PMCA1 | PMCA1kbATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 112q21.3
2054STX2EPIM | EPM | STX2A | STX2B | STX2Csyntaxin 212q24.33
10243GPHNGEPH | GPH | GPHRYN | HKPX1 | MOCODCgephyrin14q23.3
63826SRRILV1 | ISO1serine racemase17p13
23136EPB41L34.1B | DAL-1 | DAL1erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 318p11.32
22854NTNG1Lmnt1netrin G11p13.3
2035EPB414.1R | EL1 | HEerythrocyte membrane protein band 4.11p33-p32
5792PTPRFBNAH2 | LARprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type F1p34
5909RAP1GAPRAP1GA1 | RAP1GAP1 | RAP1GAPII | RAPGAPRAP1 GTPase activating protein1p36.1-p35
22883CLSTN1ALC-ALPHA | CDHR12 | CST-1 | CSTN1 | PIK3CD | XB31alpha | alcalpha1 | alcalpha2calsyntenin 11p36.22
375790AGRNCMS8 | CMSPPDagrin1p36.33
7170TPM3CAPM1 | CFTD | HEL-189 | HEL-S-82p | NEM1 | OK/SW-cl.5 | TM-5 | TM3 | TM30 | TM30nm | TM5 | TPMsk3 | TRK | hscp30tropomyosin 31q21.2
5332PLCB4ARCND2 | PI-PLCphospholipase C beta 420p12
3420IDH3BH-IDHB | RP46isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) beta20p13
3785KCNQ2BFNC | BFNS1 | EBN | EBN1 | EIEE7 | ENB1 | HNSPC | KCNA11 | KV7.2 | KVEBN1potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 220q13.3
1496CTNNA2CAP-R | CAPR | CT114 | CTNRcatenin alpha 22p12-p11.1
11250GPR45PSP24 | PSP24(ALPHA) | PSP24AG protein-coupled receptor 452q11.1-q12
9448MAP4K4FLH21957 | HEL-S-31 | HGK | MEKKK4 | NIKmitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 42q11.2-q12
23332CLASP1MAST1cytoplasmic linker associated protein 12q14.2-q14.3
53353LRP1BLRP-DIT | LRPDITLDL receptor related protein 1B2q21.2
2803GOLGA4CRPF46 | GCP2 | GOLG | MU-RMS-40.18 | p230golgin A43p22-p21.3
10752CHL1CALL | L1CAM2cell adhesion molecule L1 like3p26.1
2044EPHA5CEK7 | EHK-1 | EHK1 | EK7 | HEK7 | TYRO4EPH receptor A54q13.1
1946EFNA5AF1 | EFL5 | EPLG7 | GLC1M | LERK7 | RAGSephrin-A55q21
2898GRIK2EAA4 | GLR6 | GLUK6 | GLUR6 | GluK2 | MRT6glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 26q16.3
2037EPB41L24.1-G | 4.1Gerythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 26q23
29967LRP12ST7LDL receptor related protein 128q22.2
25822DNAJB5Hsc40DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B59p13.3
774CACNA1BBIII | CACNL1A5 | CACNN | Cav2.2 | DYT23calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 B9q34
6709SPTAN1EIEE5 | NEAS | SPTA2spectrin alpha, non-erythrocytic 19q34.11
2902GRIN1GluN1 | MRD8 | NMD-R1 | NMDA1 | NMDAR1 | NR1glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 19q34.3
8573CASKCAGH39 | CAMGUK | CMG | FGS4 | LIN2 | MICPCH | MRXSNA | TNRC8calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family)Xp11.4

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