Search results:

The pahtway p1960 has 100 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 64 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
51703ACSL5ACS2 | ACS5 | FACL5acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 510q25.2
1892ECHS1ECHS1D | SCEHenoyl-CoA hydratase, short chain, 1, mitochondrial10q26.2-q26.3
3611ILKHEL-S-28 | ILK-1 | ILK-2 | P59 | p59ILKintegrin linked kinase11p15.4
7140TNNT3TNTFtroponin T3, fast skeletal type11p15.5
5837PYGM-phosphorylase, glycogen, muscle11q12-q13.2
710SERPING1C1IN | C1INH | C1NH | HAE1 | HAE2serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade G (C1 inhibitor), member 111q12.1
5091PCPCBpyruvate carboxylase11q13.4-q13.5
10632ATP5LATP5JGATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex subunit G11q23.3
50515CHST11C4ST | C4ST-1 | C4ST1 | HSA269537carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 1112q
2735GLI1GLIGLI family zinc finger 112q13.3
7337UBE3AANCR | AS | E6-AP | EPVE6AP | HPVE6Aubiquitin protein ligase E3A15q11.2
51451LCMT1CGI-68 | LCMT | PPMT1leucine carboxyl methyltransferase 116p12.1
5310PKD1PBP | Pc-1 | TRPP1polycystin 1, transient receptor potential channel interacting16p13.3
11060WWP2AIP2 | WWp2-likeWW domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 216q22.1
3240HPBP | HP2ALPHA2 | HPA1Shaptoglobin16q22.2
4239MFAP4-microfibrillar associated protein 417p11.2
5598MAPK7BMK1 | ERK4 | ERK5 | PRKM7mitogen-activated protein kinase 717p11.2
8557TCAPCMD1N | CMH25 | LGMD2G | T-cap | TELE | telethonintitin-cap17q12
11072DUSP14MKP-L | MKP6dual specificity phosphatase 1417q12
2194FASNFAS | OA-519 | SDR27X1fatty acid synthase17q25
2548GAALYAGglucosidase, alpha; acid17q25.2-q25.3
4089SMAD4DPC4 | JIP | MADH4 | MYHRSSMAD family member 418q21.1
5802PTPRSPTPSIGMAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type S19p13.3
166AESAES-1 | AES-2 | ESP1 | GRG | GRG5 | Grg-5 | TLE5amino-terminal enhancer of split19p13.3
718C3AHUS5 | ARMD9 | ASP | C3a | C3b | CPAMD1 | HEL-S-62pcomplement component 319p13.3-p13.2
4059BCAMAU | CD239 | LU | MSK19basal cell adhesion molecule (Lutheran blood group)19q13.2
5296PIK3R2MPPH | MPPH1 | P85B | p85 | p85-BETAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 219q13.2-q13.4
6195RPS6KA1HU-1 | MAPKAPK1A | RSK | RSK1 | p90Rskribosomal protein S6 kinase A11p
6342SCP2NLTP | NSL-TP | SCP-2 | SCP-CHI | SCP-X | SCPXsterol carrier protein 21p32
533ATP6V0BATP6F | HATPL | VMA16ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit b1p32.3
5792PTPRFBNAH2 | LARprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type F1p34
3925STMN1C1orf215 | LAP18 | Lag | OP18 | PP17 | PP19 | PR22 | SMNstathmin 11p36.11
712C1QA-complement component 1, q subcomponent, A chain1p36.12
10628TXNIPEST01027 | HHCPA78 | THIF | VDUP1thioredoxin interacting protein1q21.1
947CD34-CD34 molecule1q32
5664PSEN2AD3L | AD4 | CMD1V | PS2 | STM2presenilin 21q42.13
2139EYA2EAB1EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 220q13.1
1292COL6A2BTHLM1 | PP3610 | UCMD1collagen type VI alpha 221q22.3
4151MBPVALB | myoglobginmyoglobin22q13.1
6711SPTBN1ELF | HEL102 | SPTB2 | betaSpIIspectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 12p21
5500PPP1CBHEL-S-80p | PP-1B | PP1B | PP1beta | PPP1CDprotein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit beta2p23
1281COL3A1EDS4Acollagen type III alpha 12q31
8828NRP2NP2 | NPN2 | PRO2714 | VEGF165R2neuropilin 22q33.3
1674DESCSM1 | CSM2 | LGMD2Rdesmin2q35
3913LAMB2LAMS | NPHS5laminin subunit beta 23p21
2049EPHB3ETK2 | HEK2 | TYRO6EPH receptor B33q27.1
5156PDGFRACD140A | GAS9 | PDGFR-2 | PDGFR2 | RHEPDGFRAplatelet derived growth factor receptor alpha4q12
51294PCDH12VE-cadherin-2 | VECAD2protocadherin 125q31
9547CXCL14BMAC | BRAK | KEC | KS1 | MIP-2g | MIP2G | NJAC | SCYB14C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 145q31
2878GPX3GPx-P | GSHPx-3 | GSHPx-Pglutathione peroxidase 35q33.1
667DSTBP240 | BPA | BPAG1 | CATX-15 | CATX15 | D6S1101 | DMH | DT | EBSB2 | HSAN6 | MACF2dystonin6p12.1
2968GTF2H4P52 | TFB2 | TFIIHgeneral transcription factor IIH subunit 46p21.3
6785ELOVL4ADMD | CT118 | ISQMR | SCA34 | STGD2 | STGD3ELOVL fatty acid elongase 46q14
2697GJA1AVSD3 | CMDR | CX43 | EKVP | GJAL | HLHS1 | HSS | ODDD | PPKCAgap junction protein alpha 16q22.31
1523CUX1CASP | CDP | CDP/Cut | CDP1 | COY1 | CUTL1 | CUX | Clox | Cux/CDP | GOLIM6 | Nbla10317 | p100 | p110 | p200 | p75cut like homeobox 17q22.1
7791ZYXESP-2 | HED-2zyxin7q32
2041EPHA1EPH | EPHT | EPHT1EPH receptor A17q34
649BMP1OI13 | PCOLC | PCP | PCP2 | TLDbone morphogenetic protein 18p21.3
7169TPM2AMCD1 | DA1 | DA2B | HEL-S-273 | NEM4 | TMSBtropomyosin 2 (beta)9p13
1384CRATCAT1carnitine O-acetyltransferase9q34.1
1947EFNB1CFND | CFNS | EFB1 | EFL3 | EPLG2 | Elk-L | LERK2ephrin-B1Xq12
2182ACSL4ACS4 | FACL4 | LACS4 | MRX63 | MRX68acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 4Xq22.3-q23
7319UBE2AHHR6A | MRXS30 | MRXSN | RAD6A | UBC2ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 AXq24

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