Search results:

The pahtway p2509 has 83 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 69 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9806SPOCK2testican-2sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 210pter-q25.3
3098HK1HK1-ta | HK1-tb | HK1-tc | HKD | HKI | HMSNR | HXK1hexokinase 110q22
219738C10orf35-chromosome 10 open reading frame 3510q22.1
3983ABLIM1ABLIM | LIMAB1 | LIMATIN | abLIM-1actin binding LIM protein 110q25
56675NRIP3C11orf14 | NY-SAR-105nuclear receptor interacting protein 311p15.3
51286CEND1BM88cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation 111p15.5
114900C1QTNF4CTRP4 | ZACRP4C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 411q11
254263CNIH2CNIH-2 | Cnilcornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 211q13.2
5058PAK1PAKalphap21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 111q13.5-q14.1
399947C11orf87LOH11CR1A | NEURIM1chromosome 11 open reading frame 8711q22.3
55531ELMOD1-ELMO domain containing 111q22.3
4684NCAM1CD56 | MSK39 | NCAMneural cell adhesion molecule 111q23.1
7070THY1CD90 | CDw90Thy-1 cell surface antigen11q23.3
50863NTMHNT | IGLON2 | NTRIneurotrimin11q25
6857SYT1P65 | SVP65 | SYTsynaptotagmin 112cen-q21
3798KIF5AD12S1889 | MY050 | NKHC | SPG10kinesin family member 5A12q13.13
5801PTPRREC-PTP | PCPTP1 | PTP-SL | PTPBR7 | PTPRQprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type R12q15
488ATP2A2ATP2B | DAR | DD | SERCA2ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 212q24.11
9201DCLK1CL1 | CLICK1 | DCAMKL1 | DCDC3A | DCLKdoublecortin like kinase 113q13
9369NRXN3C14orf60neurexin 314q31
55384MEG3FP504 | GTL2 | LINC00023 | NCRNA00023 | PRO0518 | PRO2160 | onco-lncRNA-83 | prebp1maternally expressed 3 (non-protein coding)14q32
1159CKMT1BCKMT | CKMT1 | UMTCKcreatine kinase, mitochondrial 1B15q15
390598SKOR1CORL1 | FUSSEL15 | LBXCOR1SKI family transcriptional corepressor 115q23
26470SEZ6L2BSRPA | PSK-1seizure related 6 homolog (mouse)-like 216p11.2
869CBLN1-cerebellin 1 precursor16q12.1
65009NDRG4BDM1 | SMAP-8 | SMAP8NDRG family member 416q21
6844VAMP2SYB2 | VAMP-2vesicle associated membrane protein 217p13.1
1267CNPCNP12',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase17q21
8913CACNA1GCa(V)T.1 | Cav3.1 | NBR13 | SCA42calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G17q22
10982MAPRE2CSCSC2 | EB1 | EB2 | RP1microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 218q12.1
6511SLC1A6EAAT4solute carrier family 1 member 619p13.12
5864RAB3A-RAB3A, member RAS oncogene family19p13.2
126006PCP2GPSM4Purkinje cell protein 219p13.2
10100TSPAN2NET3 | TSN2 | TSPAN-2tetraspanin 21p13.2
7804LRP8APOER2 | HSZ75190 | LRP-8 | MCI1LDL receptor related protein 81p34
481ATP1B1ATP1BATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 11q24
3775KCNK1DPK | HOHO | K2P1 | K2p1.1 | KCNO1 | TWIK-1 | TWIK1potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 11q42.2
140679SLC32A1VGAT | VIAATsolute carrier family 32 member 120q11.23
757TMEM50BC21orf4 | HCVP7TP3transmembrane protein 50B21q22.11
4744NEFHNFHneurofilament, heavy polypeptide22q12.2
27254CSDC2PIPPIN | dJ347H13.2cold shock domain containing C222q13.2
9581PREPL-prolyl endopeptidase-like2p21
6546SLC8A1NCX1solute carrier family 8 member A12p22.1
22924MAPRE3EB3 | EBF3 | EBF3-S | RP3microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 32p23.3-p23.1
7447VSNL1HLP3 | HPCAL3 | HUVISL1 | VILIP | VILIP-1visinin like 12p24.3
57282SLC4A10NBCn2 | NCBEsolute carrier family 4 member 102q24.2
2571GAD1CPSQ1 | GAD | SCPglutamate decarboxylase 12q31
547KIF1AATSV | C2orf20 | HSN2C | MRD9 | SPG30 | UNC104kinesin family member 1A2q37.3
4134MAP4-microtubule associated protein 43p21
491ATP2B2PMCA2 | PMCA2a | PMCA2iATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 23p25.3
3708ITPR1ACV | CLA4 | INSP3R1 | IP3R | IP3R1 | PPP1R94 | SCA15 | SCA16 | SCA29inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 13p26.1
64084CLSTN2ALC-GAMMA | CDHR13 | CS2 | CSTN2 | alcagammacalsyntenin 23q23
5648MASP13MC1 | CRARF | CRARF1 | MAP1 | MASP | MASP3 | MAp44 | PRSS5 | RaRFmannan binding lectin serine peptidase 13q27-q28
817CAMK2DCAMKDcalcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II delta4q26
7222TRPC3SCA41 | TRP3transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 34q27
2982GUCY1A3GC-SA3 | GUC1A3 | GUCA3 | GUCSA3 | GUCY1A1 | MYMY6guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, alpha 34q32.1
3157HMGCS1HMGCS3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase 15p12
2890GRIA1GLUH1 | GLUR1 | GLURA | GluA1 | HBGR1glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 15q31.1
140767NRSN1VMP | p24neurensin 16p22.3
2697GJA1AVSD3 | CMDR | CX43 | EKVP | GJAL | HLHS1 | HSS | ODDD | PPKCAgap junction protein alpha 16q22.31
2913GRM3GLUR3 | GPRC1C | MGLUR3 | mGlu3glutamate receptor, metabotropic 37q21.1-q21.2
9723SEMA3EM-SEMAH | M-SemaK | SEMAH | coll-5semaphorin 3E7q21.11
3751KCND2KV4.2 | RK5potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 27q31
5179PENKPE | PENK-Aproenkephalin8q12.1
767CA8CA-VIII | CALS | CAMRQ3 | CARPcarbonic anhydrase VIII8q12.1
793CALB1CALB | D-28Kcalbindin 18q21.3
66004LYNX1SLURP2Ly6/neurotoxin 18q24.3
5730PTGDSL-PGDS | LPGDS | PDS | PGD2 | PGDS | PGDS2prostaglandin D2 synthase9q34.2-q34.3
6990DYNLT3RP3 | TCTE1L | TCTEX1Ldynein light chain Tctex-type 3Xp21

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