Search results:

The pahtway p4091 has 80 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 50 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
220047CCDC83CT148 | HSD9coiled-coil domain containing 8311q14.1-q14.2
4842NOS1IHPS1 | N-NOS | NC-NOS | NOS | bNOS | nNOSnitric oxide synthase 112q24.22
9271PIWIL1CT80.1 | HIWI | MIWI | PIWIpiwi-like RNA-mediated gene silencing 112q24.33
5619PRM1CT94.1 | P1protamine 116p13.2
64180DPEP3MBD3dipeptidase 316q22.1
84690SPATA22NYD-SP20 | NYDSP20spermatogenesis associated 2217p13.3
64132XYLT2PXYLT2 | SOS | XT-II | XT2 | xylT-IIxylosyltransferase II17q21.33
81033KCNH6ERG-2 | ERG2 | HERG2 | Kv11.2 | hERG-2potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 617q23.3
6752SSTR2-somatostatin receptor 217q24
25794FSCN2RFSN | RP30fascin actin-bundling protein 2, retinal17q25
57597BAHCC1BAHD2BAH domain and coiled-coil containing 117q25.3
116ADCYAP1PACAPadenylate cyclase activating polypeptide 1 (pituitary)18p11
56907SPIRE1Spir-1spire type actin nucleation factor 118p11.21
1630DCCCRC18 | CRCR1 | IGDCC1 | MRMV1 | NTN1R1DCC netrin 1 receptor18q21.3
126410CYP4F22ARCI5 | INLNE | LI3cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 2219p13.12
80131LRRC8E-leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member E19p13.2
148252DIRAS1Di-Ras1 | GBTS1 | RIGDIRAS family GTP binding RAS like 119p13.3
83639TEX101CT131 | GTPR867 | NYD-SP8 | PRO1884 | SGRG | SPATA44 | TES101RPtestis expressed 10119q13.31
2512FTLLFTD | NBIA3ferritin, light polypeptide19q13.33
7137TNNI3CMD1FF | CMD2A | CMH7 | RCM1 | TNNC1 | cTnItroponin I3, cardiac type19q13.4
3752KCND3BRGDA9 | KCND3L | KCND3S | KSHIVB | KV4.3 | SCA19 | SCA22potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 31p13.3
676BRDTBRD6 | CT9bromodomain testis associated1p22.1
6886TAL1SCL | TCL5 | bHLHa17 | tal-1T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 11p32
4237MFAP2MAGP | MAGP-1 | MAGP1microfibrillar associated protein 21p36.1-p35
50651SLC45A1DNB5solute carrier family 45 member 11p36.23
23617TSSK2DGS-G | SPOGA2 | STK22B | TSK2testis specific serine kinase 222q11.21
5443POMCACTH | CLIP | LPH | MSH | NPP | POCproopiomelanocortin2p23.3
64943NT5DC2-5'-nucleotidase domain containing 23p21.1
1295COL8A1C3orf7collagen type VIII alpha 13q12.3
3592IL12ACLMF | IL-12A | NFSK | NKSF1 | P35interleukin 12A3q25.33
266812NAP1L5DRLMnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 54q22.1|4q21-q22
152503SH3D19EBP | EVE1 | Kryn | SH3P19SH3 domain containing 194q31.3
57491AHRRAHH | AHHR | bHLHe77aryl-hydrocarbon receptor repressor5p15.3
9752PCDHA9PCDH-ALPHA9protocadherin alpha 95q31
56125PCDHB11ME2 | PCDH-BETA11protocadherin beta 115q31
56131PCDHB4PCDH-BETA4protocadherin beta 45q31
56141PCDHA7CNR4 | CNRN4 | CNRS4 | CRNR4 | PCDH-ALPHA7protocadherin alpha 75q31
56142PCDHA6CNR2 | CNRN2 | CNRS2 | CRNR2 | PCDH-ALPHA6protocadherin alpha 65q31
2741GLRA1HKPX1 | STHEglycine receptor alpha 15q32
53405CLIC5DFNB102 | DFNB103 | MST130 | MSTP130chloride intracellular channel 56p12.3
140767NRSN1VMP | p24neurensin 16p22.3
10590SCGNCALBL | DJ501N12.8 | SECRET | SEGN | setaginsecretagogin, EF-hand calcium binding protein6p22.3-p22.1
392862GRID2IPDELPHILINGrid2 interacting protein7p22.1
64599GIGYF1GYF1 | PERQ1GRB10 interacting GYF protein 17q22
375611SLC26A5DFNB61 | PRESsolute carrier family 26 member 57q22.1
137797LYPD2LYPDC2 | UNQ430LY6/PLAUR domain containing 28q24.3
56751BARHL1-BarH like homeobox 19q34
84631SLITRK2CXorf2 | SLITL1SLIT and NTRK like family member 2Xq27.3

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