Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase

Found 84 literature records

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Entrez IDDescription
7157Results suggest that simultaneous exposure to ACR and long-term dietary corn oil induces development of colon cancer partly by inhibiting the tumor suppressor gene p53-mediated mitochondria-dependent apoptosis.
51696Human HECA slows down cell division of oral squamous cell carcinoma cells and may therefore act as a tumor suppressor in head and neck cancer.
8821"INPP4B has been identified as a tumor suppressor. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is found at the INPP4B locus in basal-like breast cancers, as well as in a significant fraction of ovarian cancers."
9113Transcriptional activation of the Lats1 tumor suppressor gene in tumors of CUX1 transgenic mice.
7157these results point toward a correlation between GST P1 polymorphisms and lack of TP53 expression in cutaneous basal cell carcinoma(BCC) suggesting perhaps a crucial role for the GST P1 in expression of TP53 tumor suppressor in BCC.
23513Tumor suppressor scribble regulates assembly of tight junctions in the intestinal epithelium.
56849"TCEAL7, a putative tumor suppressor gene, negatively regulates NF-kappaB pathway."
11186"14-3-3 mediated regulation of the tumor suppressor protein, RASSF1A."
4771"The tumor suppressor merlin is required for cell cycle exit, terminal differentiation, and cell polarity in the developing murine lens."
9052Knockout of the tumor suppressor gene Gprc5a in mice leads to NF-kappaB activation in airway epithelium and promotes lung inflammation and tumorigenesis.
27250Regulation of tumor suppressor PDCD4 by novel protein kinase C isoforms.
5580Regulation of tumor suppressor PDCD4 by novel protein kinase C isoforms.
10048Findings reveal that RanBPM plays a novel role in regulating Mgl-1 stability and contributes to its biological function as a tumor suppressor.
23513"hScrib, a human homolog of Drosophila neoplastic tumor suppressor, is involved in the progress of endometrial cancer."
117581Our data implicate dermo1 as a tumor suppressor gene and a valuable molecular marker for human cancer
8821INPP4B functions as a tumor suppressor by negatively regulating normal and malignant mammary epithelial cell proliferation through regulation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway
94241Absence of tumor suppressor tumor protein 53-induced nuclear protein 1 (TP53INP1) sensitizes mouse thymocytes and embryonic fibroblasts to redox-driven apoptosis.
324The tumor suppressor adenomatous polyposis coli controls the direction in which a cell extrudes from an epithelium.
1029The tumor suppressor ARF regulates innate immune responses in mice.
407040Capture of microRNA-bound mRNAs identifies the tumor suppressor miR-34a as a regulator of growth factor signaling.
3172"HNF4alpha maintains hepatocyte differentiation in the adult healthy liver, and its loss may directly contribute to hepatocellular carcinoma development, thus indicating this factor as a possible liver tumor suppressor gene."
2100"findings unveil a potential tumor-suppressor role of ERbeta in ovarian carcinogenesis, which could be of potential clinical relevance for the selection of the most appropriate treatment for patients"
374654"These studies establish Sufu and Kif7 as crucial components in the regulation of Gli2 localization and activity, and illustrate their overlapping functions in skin development and tumor suppression."
51684"These studies establish Sufu and Kif7 as crucial components in the regulation of Gli2 localization and activity, and illustrate their overlapping functions in skin development and tumor suppression."
127700"Data revealed novel aspects of the interplay between autophagy and apoptosis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells, which underlies the tumor suppression function of NOR1."
4734Data show that NEDD4-1 E3 ligase as a novel component of the tumor suppressor protein p53/proto-oncogene proteins c-mdm2 regulatory feedback loop that controls p53 activity during stress responses.
200504Epstein-Barr virus EBNA1 binds to the divergent promoter of the GKN1 and GKN2 genes and contributes to the complex transcriptional and epigenetic deregulation of the GKN1 and GKN2 tumor suppressor genes.
5337PLCdelta1 has tumor-suppressive functions in colorectal cancer through E-cadherin induction.
1739"Molecular characterization and spatial distribution of SAP97, a novel presynaptic protein homologous to SAP90 and the Drosophila discs-large tumor suppressor protein."
324Cloning and characterization of NE-dlg: a novel human homolog of the Drosophila discs large (dlg) tumor suppressor protein interacts with the APC protein.
7428The von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor gene product interacts with Sp1 to repress vascular endothelial growth factor promoter activity.
8099"Cloning, mapping, expression, function, and mutation analyses of the human ortholog of the hamster putative tumor suppressor gene Doc-1."
4763Region-specific astrogliosis in brains of mice heterozygous for mutations in the neurofibromatosis type 1 (Nf1) tumor suppressor.
8643"Isolation and characterization of human patched 2 (PTCH2), a putative tumour suppressor gene inbasal cell carcinoma and medulloblastoma on chromosome 1p32."
