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Gene list on Mouse chromosome 2 (192 genes, ordered by genetic location)
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GeneIDSymbolNameGenetic locationDataset
18012Neurod1neurogenic differentiation 12 C3|2 46.0 cMEtact1
13067Cyctcytochrome c, testis2 C3|2 47.0 cMEtact1
50884Nckap1NCK-associated protein 12 C3|2 48.0 cMEtact1
20378Frzbfrizzled-related protein2 C3|2 49.75 cM15745951
14231Fkbp7FK506 binding protein 72 C3|2 60.5 cMEtact1
15139Hchemolytic complement2 cen-C1|2 23.5 cMAlcp1
14415Gad1glutamic acid decarboxylase 12 D|2 43.0 cMEtact1
22138Ttntitin2 D|2 44.0 cMEtact1
15436Hoxd4homeo box D42 D|2 45.0 cMEtact1
15437Hoxd8homeo box D82 D|2 45.0 cMEtact1
16410Itgavintegrin alpha V2 D|2 46.0 cMEtact1
20833Ssrp1structure specific recognition protein 12 D|2 47.8 cMEtact1
12388Ctnnd1catenin (cadherin associated protein), delta 12 D|2 47.8 cMEtact1
19074Prg2proteoglycan 2, bone marrow2 D|2 50.0 cMEtact1
53856Prg3proteoglycan 32 D|2 50.0 cMEtact1
51897Harbi1harbinger transposase derived 12 E115745951
19271Ptprjprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, J2 E1-2|2 49.5 cMEtact1
19182Psmc3proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase 32 E1|2 47.0 cMEtact1
13046Cugbp1CUG triplet repeat, RNA binding protein 12 E1|2 47.5 cMEtact1
14061F2coagulation factor II2 E1|2 47.5 cMEtact1
19400Rapsnreceptor-associated protein of the synapse2 E1|2 47.5 cMEtact1
12672Chrm4cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 42 E1|2 49.0 cMEtact1
12521Cd82CD82 antigen2 E1|2 49.6 cM15745951
228357Lrp4low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 42 E1|2 50.0 cMEtact1
14043Ext2exostoses (multiple) 22 E1|2 51.0 cMEtact1
11695Alx4aristaless 42 E1|2 52.0 cMEtact1
11432Acp2acid phosphatase 2, lysosomal2 E1|2 52.0 cMEtact1
74569Ttc17tetratricopeptide repeat domain 172 E1|2 52.0 cMEtact1
17242Mdkmidkine2 E1|2 53.0 cMEtact1
53872Caprin1cell cycle associated protein 12 E217295719
228410Cstf3cleavage stimulation factor, 3' pre-RNA, subunit 32 E2Etact1
98221Eif3meukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit M2 E2Etact1
20511Slc1a2solute carrier family 1 (glial high affinity glutamate transporter), member 22 E2|2 54.0 cMEtact1
68170B230118H07RikRIKEN cDNA B230118H07 gene2 E2|2 56.0 cMEtact1
12505Cd44CD44 antigen2 E2|2 56.0 cMEtact1
19373Rag1recombination activating gene 12 E2|2 56.0 cMEtact1
19374Rag2recombination activating gene 22 E2|2 56.0 cMEtact1
241589D430041D05RikRIKEN cDNA D430041D05 gene2 E2|2 57.9 cMEtact1
16909Lmo2LIM domain only 22 E2|2 60.0 cMEtact1
76894Mett5d1methyltransferase 5 domain containing 12 E315668661
213788Chrm5cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 52 E3Etact1
20375Sfpi1SFFV proviral integration 12 E3|2 47.5 cMEtact1
12359Catcatalase2 E3|2 57.0 cMEtact1
18508Pax6paired box gene 62 E3|2 58.0 cMEtact1
19672Rcn1reticulocalbin 12 E3|2 58.0 cM15597075
77766Elp4elongation protein 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae)2 E3|2 58.1 cMEtact1
77015Mpped2metallophosphoesterase domain containing 22 E3|2 59.0 cMEtact1
14308Fshbfollicle stimulating hormone beta2 E3|2 60.0 cMEtact1
22343Lin7clin-7 homolog C (C. elegans)2 E3|2 61.0 cMEtact1
12064Bdnfbrain derived neurotrophic factor2 E3|2 62.0 cM15745951
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