Search results:

The pahtway p1318 has 71 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 51 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2253FGF8AIGF | FGF-8 | HBGF-8 | HH6 | KAL6fibroblast growth factor 810q24
2263FGFR2BBDS | BEK | BFR-1 | CD332 | CEK3 | CFD1 | ECT1 | JWS | K-SAM | KGFR | TK14 | TK25fibroblast growth factor receptor 210q26
5140PDE3BHcGIP1 | cGIPDE1phosphodiesterase 3B11p15.1
9965FGF19-fibroblast growth factor 1911q13.1
2249FGF4HBGF-4 | HST | HST-1 | HSTF1 | K-FGF | KFGFfibroblast growth factor 411q13.3
5571PRKAG1AMPKGprotein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 112q13.12
1975EIF4BEIF-4B | PRO1843eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B12q13.13
5564PRKAB1AMPK | HAMPKbprotein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 112q24.1-q24.3
8660IRS2IRS-2insulin receptor substrate 213q34
5494PPM1APP2C-ALPHA | PP2CA | PP2Calphaprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1A14q23.1
2252FGF7HBGF-7 | KGFfibroblast growth factor 715q21.2
29904EEF2KHSU93850 | eEF-2Keukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase16p12.2
64223MLST8GBL | GbetaL | LST8 | POP3 | WAT1MTOR associated protein, LST8 homolog16p13.3
7249TSC2LAM | PPP1R160 | TSC4tuberous sclerosis 216p13.3
92335STRADALYK5 | NY-BR-96 | PMSE | STRAD | StlkSTE20-related kinase adaptor alpha17q23.3
2885GRB2ASH | EGFRBP-GRB2 | Grb3-3 | MST084 | MSTP084 | NCKAP2growth factor receptor bound protein 217q24-q25
57521RPTORKOG1 | Mip1regulatory associated protein of MTOR, complex 117q25.3
5289PIK3C3VPS34 | Vps34 | hVps34phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 318q12.3
6794STK11LKB1 | PJS | hLKB1serine/threonine kinase 1119p13.3
27006FGF22-fibroblast growth factor 2219p13.3
3643INSRCD220 | HHF5insulin receptor19p13.3-p13.2
208AKT2HIHGHH | PKBB | PKBBETA | PRKBB | RAC-BETAv-akt murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 219q13.1-q13.2
5296PIK3R2MPPH | MPPH1 | P85B | p85 | p85-BETAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 219q13.2-q13.4
5563PRKAA2AMPK | AMPK2 | AMPKa2 | PRKAAprotein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 21p31
2475MTORFRAP | FRAP1 | FRAP2 | RAFT1 | RAPT1 | SKSmechanistic target of rapamycin1p36.2
5565PRKAB2-protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit beta 21q21.1
57761TRIB3C20orf97 | NIPK | SINK | SKIP3 | TRB3tribbles pseudokinase 320p13-p12.2
55437STRADBALS2CR2 | CALS-21 | ILPIP | ILPIPA | PAPK | PRO1038STE20-related kinase adaptor beta2q33.1
53632PRKAG3AMPKG3protein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 32q35
3667IRS1HIRS-1insulin receptor substrate 12q36
51719CAB39CGI-66 | MO25calcium binding protein 392q37.1
54106TLR9CD289toll like receptor 93p21.3
30849PIK3R4VPS15 | p150phosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 43q22.1
5291PIK3CBP110BETA | PI3K | PI3KBETA | PIK3C1phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta3q22.3
5290PIK3CACLOVE | CWS5 | MCAP | MCM | MCMTC | PI3K | p110-alphaphosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha3q26.3
2261FGFR3ACH | CD333 | CEK2 | HSFGFR3EX | JTK4fibroblast growth factor receptor 34p16.3
2250FGF5HBGF-5 | Smag-82 | TCMGLYfibroblast growth factor 54q21
1977EIF4EAUTS19 | CBP | EIF4E1 | EIF4EL1 | EIF4F | eIF-4Eeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E4q23
2247FGF2BFGF | FGF-2 | FGFB | HBGF-2fibroblast growth factor 24q26
2549GAB1-GRB2 associated binding protein 14q31.21
5562PRKAA1AMPK | AMPKa1protein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 15p12
5295PIK3R1AGM7 | GRB1 | IMD36 | p85 | p85-ALPHAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 15q13.1
2246FGF1AFGF | ECGF | ECGF-beta | ECGFA | ECGFB | FGF-1 | FGF-alpha | FGFA | GLIO703 | HBGF-1 | HBGF1fibroblast growth factor 15q31
8817FGF18FGF-18 | ZFGF5fibroblast growth factor 185q34
6009RHEBRHEB2Ras homolog enriched in brain7q36
51422PRKAG2AAKG | AAKG2 | CMH6 | H91620p | WPWSprotein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 27q36.1
2260FGFR1BFGFR | CD331 | CEK | FGFBR | FGFR-1 | FLG | FLT-2 | FLT2 | HBGFR | HH2 | HRTFDS | KAL2 | N-SAM | OGD | bFGF-R-1fibroblast growth factor receptor 18p11.23-p11.22
1978EIF4EBP14E-BP1 | 4EBP1 | BP-1 | PHAS-Ieukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 18p12
8822FGF17FGF-13 | FGF-17 | HH20fibroblast growth factor 178p21
26281FGF20FGF-20 | RHDA2fibroblast growth factor 208p22

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