Search results:

The pahtway p1925 has 88 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 71 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8453CUL2-cullin 210p11.21
22884WDR37-WD repeat domain 3710p15.3
22943DKK1DKK-1 | SKdickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 110q11.2
657BMPR1A10q23del | ACVRLK3 | ALK3 | CD292 | SKR5bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1A10q22.3
5728PTEN10q23del | BZS | CWS1 | DEC | GLM2 | MHAM | MMAC1 | PTEN1 | TEP1phosphatase and tensin homolog10q23.3
8945BTRCBETA-TRCP | FBW1A | FBXW1 | FBXW1A | FWD1 | bTrCP | bTrCP1 | betaTrCPbeta-transducin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase10q24.32
1847DUSP5DUSP | HVH3dual specificity phosphatase 510q25
2869GRK5GPRK5G protein-coupled receptor kinase 510q26.11
627BDNFANON2 | BULN2brain-derived neurotrophic factor11p13
5286PIK3C2ACPK | PI3-K-C2(ALPHA) | PI3-K-C2Aphosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 alpha11p15.5-p14
23201FAM168AKIAA0280 | TCRP1family with sequence similarity 168 member A11q13.4
636BICD1BICDbicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila)12p11.2-p11.1
10198MPHOSPH9MPP-9 | MPP9M-phase phosphoprotein 912q24.31
23047PDS5BAPRIN | AS3 | CG008PDS5 cohesin associated factor B13q12.3
8847DLEU21B4 | BCMSUN | DLB2 | LEU2 | LINC00022 | MIR15AHG | NCRNA00022 | RFP2OS | TRIM13OSdeleted in lymphocytic leukemia 2 (non-protein coding)13q14.3
5095PCCA-propionyl-CoA carboxylase alpha subunit13q32
23348DOCK9ZIZ1 | ZIZIMIN1dedicator of cytokinesis 913q32.3
728215FAM155A-family with sequence similarity 155 member A13q33.3
6655SOS2NS9SOS Ras/Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 214q21
3480IGF1RCD221 | IGFIR | IGFR | JTK13insulin like growth factor 1 receptor15q26.3
4363ABCC1ABC29 | ABCC | GS-X | MRP | MRP1ATP binding cassette subfamily C member 116p13.1
115ADCY9AC9 | ACIXadenylate cyclase 916p13.3
4775NFATC3NFAT4 | NFATXnuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 316q22.2
11216AKAP10AKAP-10 | D-AKAP-2 | D-AKAP2 | PRKA10A-kinase anchoring protein 1017p11.1
23131GPATCH8GPATC8 | KIAA0553G-patch domain containing 817q21.31
3212HOXB2HOX2 | HOX2H | Hox-2.8 | K8homeobox B217q21.32
1000CDH2CD325 | CDHN | CDw325 | NCADcadherin 218q11.2
10892MALT1IMD12 | MLT | MLT1 | PCASP1MALT1 paracaspase18q21
4089SMAD4DPC4 | JIP | MADH4 | MYHRSSMAD family member 418q21.1
9811CTIFGm672 | KIAA0427CBP80/20-dependent translation initiation factor18q21.1
5205ATP8B1ATPIC | BRIC | FIC1 | ICP1 | PFIC | PFIC1ATPase phospholipid transporting 8B118q21.31
4650MYO9BCELIAC4 | MYR5myosin IXB19p13.1
7049TGFBR3BGCAN | betaglycantransforming growth factor beta receptor III1p33-p32
27245AHDC1MRD25AT-hook DNA binding motif containing 11p36.13
5332PLCB4ARCND2 | PI-PLCphospholipase C beta 420p12
8455ATRNDPPT-L | MGCAattractin20p13
171023ASXL1BOPS | MDSadditional sex combs like 1, transcriptional regulator20q11
57148RALGAPBKIAA1219 | RalGAPbetaRal GTPase activating protein non-catalytic beta subunit20q11.23
6651SONBASS1 | C21orf50 | DBP-5 | NREBP | SON3SON DNA binding protein21q22.11
5116PCNTKEN | MOPD2 | PCN | PCNT2 | PCNTB | PCTN2 | SCKL4pericentrin21q22.3
2956MSH6GTBP | GTMBP | HNPCC5 | HSAP | p160mutS homolog 62p16
5903RANBP2ADANE | ANE1 | IIAE3 | NUP358 | TRP1 | TRP2RAN binding protein 22q12.3
9839ZEB2HSPC082 | SIP-1 | SIP1 | SMADIP1 | ZFHX1Bzinc finger E-box binding homeobox 22q22.3
8604SLC25A12AGC1 | ARALARsolute carrier family 25 member 122q24
3267AGFG1HRB | RAB | RIPArfGAP with FG repeats 12q36.3
51460SFMBT1RU1 | SFMBT | hSFMBTScm-like with four mbt domains 13p21.1
57493HEG1HEG | MST112 | MSTP112heart development protein with EGF like domains 13q21.2
27032ATP2C1ATP2C1A | BCPM | HHD | PMR1 | SPCA1 | hSPCA1ATPase secretory pathway Ca2+ transporting 13q22.1
5806PTX3TNFAIP5 | TSG-14pentraxin 33q25
26043UBXN7UBXD7UBX domain protein 73q29
1739DLG1DLGH1 | SAP-97 | SAP97 | dJ1061C18.1.1 | hdlgdiscs large homolog 1, scribble cell polarity complex component3q29
23527ACAP2CENTB2 | CNT-B2ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 23q29
323APBB2FE65L | FE65L1amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 24p13
116984ARAP2CENTD1 | PARXArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 24p14
9353SLIT2SLIL3 | Slit-2slit guidance ligand 24p15.2
8603FAM193AC4orf8 | RES4-22family with sequence similarity 193 member A4p16.3
10611PDLIM5ENH | ENH1 | L9 | LIMPDZ and LIM domain 54q22
4790NFKB1CVID12 | EBP-1 | KBF1 | NF-kB1 | NF-kappa-B | NF-kappaB | NFKB-p105 | NFKB-p50 | NFkappaB | p105 | p50nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 14q24
667DSTBP240 | BPA | BPAG1 | CATX-15 | CATX15 | D6S1101 | DMH | DT | EBSB2 | HSAN6 | MACF2dystonin6p12.1
23080AVL9KIAA0241AVL9 cell migration associated7p14.3
3569IL6BSF-2 | BSF2 | CDF | HGF | HSF | IFN-beta-2 | IFNB2 | IL-6interleukin 67p21
9678PHF14-PHD finger protein 147p21.3
9732DOCK4-dedicator of cytokinesis 47q31.1
9639ARHGEF10GEF10 | SNCVRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 108p23
9821RB1CC1ATG17 | CC1 | FIP200 | PPP1R131RB1 inducible coiled-coil 18q11
1875E2F5E2F-5E2F transcription factor 58q21.2
157680VPS13BCHS1 | COH1vacuolar protein sorting 13 homolog B (yeast)8q22.2
4507MTAPBDMF | DMSFH | DMSMFH | HEL-249 | LGMBF | MSAP | c86fusmethylthioadenosine phosphorylase9p21
7436VLDLRCAMRQ1 | CARMQ1 | CHRMQ1 | VLDLRCHvery low density lipoprotein receptor9p24
6197RPS6KA3CLS | HU-3 | ISPK-1 | MAPKAPK1B | MRX19 | RSK | RSK2 | S6K-alpha3 | p90-RSK2 | pp90RSK2ribosomal protein S6 kinase A3Xp22.2-p22.1

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