Search results:

The pahtway p2632 has 121 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 79 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
10580SORBS1CAP | FLAF2 | R85FL | SH3D5 | SH3P12 | SORB1sorbin and SH3 domain containing 110q23.33
9644SH3PXD2AFISH | SH3MD1 | TKS5SH3 and PX domains 2A10q24.33
10410IFITM31-8U | DSPA2b | IP15interferon induced transmembrane protein 311p15.5
9246UBE2L6RIG-B | UBCH8ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 L611q12
26229B3GAT3GLCATI | glcUAT-Ibeta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 311q12.3
1351COX8ACOX | COX8 | COX8-2 | COX8L | VIII | VIII-Lcytochrome c oxidase subunit 8A11q13.1
3312HSPA8HEL-33 | HEL-S-72p | HSC54 | HSC70 | HSC71 | HSP71 | HSP73 | HSPA10 | LAP-1 | LAP1 | NIP71heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 811q24.1
9802DAZAP2PRTBDAZ associated protein 212q12
5204PFDN5MM-1 | MM1 | PFD5prefoldin subunit 512q12
23603CORO1CHCRNN4coronin 1C12q24.1
488ATP2A2ATP2B | DAR | DD | SERCA2ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 212q24.11
8562DENRDRP | DRP1 | SMAP-3density-regulated protein12q24.31
22877MLXIPMIR | MONDOA | bHLHe36MLX interacting protein12q24.31
8428STK24HEL-S-95 | MST3 | MST3B | STE20 | STK3serine/threonine kinase 2413q31.2-q32.3
6235RPS29DBA13 | S29ribosomal protein S2914q
10979FERMT2KIND2 | MIG2 | PLEKHC1 | UNC112 | UNC112B | mig-2fermitin family member 214q22.1
677ZFP36L1BRF1 | Berg36 | ERF-1 | ERF1 | RNF162B | TIS11B | cMG1ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 114q24.1
81631MAP1LC3BATG8F | LC3B | MAP1A/1BLC3 | MAP1LC3B-amicrotubule associated protein 1 light chain 3 beta16q24.2
1440CSF3C17orf33 | CSF3OS | GCSFcolony stimulating factor 317q11.2-q12
7343UBTFNOR-90 | UBF | UBF-1 | UBF1 | UBF2upstream binding transcription factor, RNA polymerase I17q21.31
7077TIMP2CSC-21K | DDC8TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 217q25
498ATP5A1ATP5A | ATP5AL2 | ATPM | COXPD22 | HEL-S-123m | MC5DN4 | MOM2 | OMR | ORM | hATP1ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1, cardiac muscle18q21
5300PIN1DOD | UBL5peptidylprolyl cis/trans isomerase, NIMA-interacting 119p13
1675CFDADIPSIN | ADN | DF | PFDcomplement factor D (adipsin)19p13.3
718C3AHUS5 | ARMD9 | ASP | C3a | C3b | CPAMD1 | HEL-S-62pcomplement component 319p13.3-p13.2
6217RPS16S16ribosomal protein S1619q13.1
2217FCGRTFCRN | alpha-chainFc fragment of IgG receptor and transporter19q13.3
8778SIGLEC5CD170 | CD33L2 | OB-BP2 | OBBP2 | SIGLEC-5sialic acid binding Ig like lectin 519q13.3
9476NAPSAKAP | Kdap | NAP1 | NAPA | SNAPAnapsin A aspartic peptidase19q13.33
10768AHCYL1DCAL | IRBIT | PPP1R78 | PRO0233 | XPVKONAadenosylhomocysteinase like 11p13.2
388650FAM69A-family with sequence similarity 69 member A1p22.1
6487ST3GAL3EIEE15 | MRT12 | SIAT6 | ST3GALII | ST3GalIII | ST3NST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 31p34.1
832CAPZBCAPB | CAPPB | CAPZcapping actin protein of muscle Z-line beta subunit1p36.1
2782GNB1-G protein subunit beta 11p36.33
6279S100A860B8AG | CAGA | CFAG | CGLA | CP-10 | L1Ag | MA387 | MIF | MRP8 | NIF | P8S100 calcium binding protein A81q21
6628SNRPBCCMS | COD | SNRPB1 | Sm-B/B' | SmB/B' | SmB/SmB' | snRNP-Bsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B120p13
10955SERINC3AIGP1 | DIFF33 | SBBI99 | TDE | TDE1 | TMS-1serine incorporator 320q13.12
66035SLC2A11GLUT10 | GLUT11solute carrier family 2 member 1122q11.23
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
6721SREBF2SREBP-2 | SREBP2 | bHLHd2sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 222q13
3162HMOX1HMOX1D | HO-1 | HSP32 | bK286B10heme oxygenase 122q13.1
11015KDELR3ERD2L3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 322q13.1
23492CBX7-chromobox 722q13.1
1375CPT1BCPT1-M | CPT1M | CPTI | CPTI-M | M-CPT1 | MCCPT1 | MCPT1carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1B22q13.33
3241HPCAL1BDR1 | HLP2 | VILIP-3hippocalcin like 12p25.1
1329COX5BCOXVBcytochrome c oxidase subunit 5B2q11.2
1281COL3A1EDS4Acollagen type III alpha 12q31
4735SEPT2DIFF6 | NEDD-5 | NEDD5 | Pnutl3 | hNedd5septin 22q37
7873MANFARMET | ARPmesencephalic astrocyte derived neurotrophic factor3p21.1
10289EIF1BGC20eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1B3p22.1
961CD47IAP | MER6 | OA3CD47 molecule3q13.1-q13.2
151887CCDC80DRO1 | SSG1 | URB | okuribincoiled-coil domain containing 803q13.2
51714SELT-selenoprotein T3q25.1
6452SH3BP23BP-2 | 3BP2 | CRBM | CRPM | RES4-23SH3-domain binding protein 24p16.3
5156PDGFRACD140A | GAS9 | PDGFR-2 | PDGFR2 | RHEPDGFRAplatelet derived growth factor receptor alpha4q12
10886NPFFR2GPR74 | HLWAR77 | NPFF2 | NPGPRneuropeptide FF receptor 24q21
8404SPARCL1MAST 9 | MAST9 | PIG33 | SC1SPARC like 14q22.1
23743BHMT2-betaine--homocysteine S-methyltransferase 25q13
23092ARHGAP26GRAF | GRAF1 | OPHN1L | OPHN1L1Rho GTPase activating protein 265q31
6500SKP1EMC19 | OCP-II | OCP2 | SKP1A | TCEB1L | p19AS-phase kinase-associated protein 15q31
821CANXCNX | IP90 | P90calnexin5q35
6222RPS18D6S218E | HKE3 | KE-3 | KE3 | S18ribosomal protein S186p21.3
7407VARSG7A | VARS1 | VARS2valyl-tRNA synthetase6p21.3
10919EHMT2BAT8 | C6orf30 | G9A | GAT8 | KMT1C | NG36euchromatic histone-lysine N-methyltransferase 26p21.31
51596CUTAACHAP | C6orf82cutA divalent cation tolerance homolog (E. coli)6p21.32
3066HDAC2HD2 | RPD3 | YAF1histone deacetylase 26q21
6206RPS12S12ribosomal protein S126q23.2
84820POLR2J4RPB11-phipolymerase (RNA) II subunit J4, pseudogene7p13
51119SBDSCGI-97 | SDS | SWDSSBDS ribosome assembly guanine nucleotide exchange factor7q11.21
7532YWHAG14-3-3GAMMA | PPP1R170tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein gamma7q11.23
9863MAGI2ACVRIP1 | AIP-1 | AIP1 | ARIP1 | MAGI-2 | SSCAMmembrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 27q21
10142AKAP9AKAP-9 | AKAP350 | AKAP450 | CG-NAP | HYPERION | LQT11 | MU-RMS-40.16A | PPP1R45 | PRKA9 | YOTIAOA-kinase anchoring protein 97q21-q22
155066ATP6V0E2ATP6V0E2L | C7orf32ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit e27q36.1
2619GAS1-growth arrest specific 19q21.3-q22
6136RPL12L12ribosomal protein L129q34
2664GDI11A | GDIL | MRX41 | MRX48 | OPHN2 | RABGD1A | RABGDIA | XAP-4GDP dissociation inhibitor 1Xq28

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