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Gene ID | Symbol | Synonyms | Official Full Name | Location | SZ group ? | Functional group ? |
5660 | PSAP | GLBA | SAP1 | prosaposin | 10q21-q22 | Association CV:PGCnp DNM:Fromer_2014 PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets Ascano FMRP targets |
6609 | SMPD1 | ASM | ASMASE | NPD | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 1 | 11p15.4-p15.1 | ADT:Sun_2012 CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 GO_Annotation | |
2581 | GALC | - | galactosylceramidase | 14q31 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
3073 | HEXA | TSD | hexosaminidase subunit alpha | 15q24.1 | CV:PGCnp GO_Annotation PMID:cooccur | |
55512 | SMPD3 | NSMASE2 | sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 3 | 16q22.1 | CV:PGCnp | INTRACELLULAR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets |
22901 | ARSG | - | arylsulfatase G | 17q24.2 | CV:GWAScat CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp | |
339221 | ENPP7 | ALK-SMase | E-NPP 7 | NPP-7 | NPP7 | ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 7 | 17q25.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 | |
2629 | GBA | GBA1 | GCB | GLUC | glucosidase, beta, acid | 1q21 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_I GSMA_IIA PMID:cooccur | |
5476 | CTSA | GLB2 | GSL | NGBE | PPCA | PPGB | cathepsin A | 20q13.1 | DMG:Wockner_2014 GO_Annotation | |
9514 | GAL3ST1 | CST | galactose-3-O-sulfotransferase 1 | 22q12.2 | CV:PGCnp GO_Annotation GSMA_I PMID:cooccur | |
64781 | CERK | LK4 | dA59H18.2 | dA59H18.3 | hCERK | ceramide kinase | 22q13.31 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 DNM:Fromer_2014 Expression | CompositeSet |
410 | ARSA | MLD | arylsulfatase A | 22q13.33 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
4759 | NEU2 | SIAL2 | neuraminidase 2 (cytosolic sialidase) | 2q37 | CV:GWAScat CV:PGCnp | |
2720 | GLB1 | EBP | ELNR1 | MPS4B | galactosidase beta 1 | 3p21.33 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 GSMA_I | Ascano FMRP targets |
3074 | HEXB | ENC-1AS | HEL-248 | HEL-S-111 | hexosaminidase subunit beta | 5q13 | CV:PGCnp GO_Annotation PMID:cooccur | |
4758 | NEU1 | NANH | NEU | SIAL1 | neuraminidase 1 (lysosomal sialidase) | 6p21.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 GSMA_I | |
25870 | SUMF2 | pFGE | sulfatase modifying factor 2 | 7q11.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:vanEijk_2014 DMG:Wockner_2014 | |
427 | ASAH1 | AC | ACDase | ASAH | PHP | PHP32 | SMAPME | N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase (acid ceramidase) 1 | 8p22 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_I GSMA_IIA GSMA_IIE PMID:cooccur | |
7357 | UGCG | GCS | GLCT1 | UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase | 9q31 | CV:PGCnp | |
415 | ARSE | ASE | CDPX | CDPX1 | CDPXR | arylsulfatase E (chondrodysplasia punctata 1) | Xp22.3 | CV:PGCnp DNM:Fromer_2014 | CompositeSet |
412 | STS | ARSC | ARSC1 | ASC | ES | SSDD | XLI | steroid sulfatase (microsomal), isozyme S | Xp22.32 | CV:PGCnp Expression PMID:cooccur | |
2717 | GLA | GALA | galactosidase alpha | Xq22 | GO_Annotation PMID:cooccur | |