Search results:

The pahtway p2685 has 66 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 48 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6387CXCL12IRH | PBSF | SCYB12 | SDF1 | TLSF | TPAR1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1210q11.1
983CDK1CDC2 | CDC28A | P34CDC2cyclin-dependent kinase 110q21.1
1027CDKN1BCDKN4 | KIP1 | MEN1B | MEN4 | P27KIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1B12p13.1-p12
928CD9BTCC-1 | DRAP-27 | MIC3 | MRP-1 | TSPAN-29 | TSPAN29CD9 molecule12p13.3
599BCL2L2BCL-W | BCL2-L-2 | BCLW | PPP1R51BCL2 like 214q11.2-q12
2353FOSAP-1 | C-FOS | p55FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog14q24.3
863CBFA2T3ETO2 | MTG16 | MTGR2 | ZMYND4core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 316q24
6776STAT5AMGF | STAT5signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A17q11.2
6352CCL5D17S136E | RANTES | SCYA5 | SIS-delta | SISd | TCP228 | eoCPC-C motif chemokine ligand 517q12
6774STAT3ADMIO | APRF | HIESsignal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (acute-phase response factor)17q21.31
3690ITGB3BDPLT16 | BDPLT2 | CD61 | GP3A | GPIIIa | GTintegrin subunit beta 317q21.32
596BCL2Bcl-2 | PPP1R50B-cell CLL/lymphoma 218q21.3
3727JUNDAP-1jun D proto-oncogene19p13.2
6915TBXA2RBDPLT13 | TXA2-Rthromboxane A2 receptor19p13.3
898CCNE1CCNE | pCCNE1cyclin E119q12
7040TGFB1CED | DPD1 | LAP | TGFB | TGFbetatransforming growth factor beta 119q13.1
6886TAL1SCL | TCL5 | bHLHa17 | tal-1T-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia 11p32
4352MPLC-MPL | CD110 | MPLV | THCYT2 | TPORMPL proto-oncogene, thrombopoietin receptor1p34
842CASP9APAF-3 | APAF3 | ICE-LAP6 | MCH6 | PPP1R56caspase 91p36.21
3570IL6RCD126 | IL-6R-1 | IL-6RA | IL6Q | IL6RA | IL6RQ | gp80interleukin 6 receptor1q21
5287PIK3C2BC2-PI3Kphosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 2 beta1q32
9139CBFA2T2EHT | MTGR1 | ZMYND3 | p85core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 220q11
5155PDGFBIBGC5 | PDGF-2 | PDGF2 | SIS | SSV | c-sisplatelet derived growth factor subunit B22q13.1
3554IL1R1CD121A | D2S1473 | IL-1R-alpha | IL1R | IL1RA | P80interleukin 1 receptor type 12q12
3553IL1BIL-1 | IL1-BETA | IL1F2interleukin 1 beta2q14
7852CXCR4CD184 | D2S201E | FB22 | HM89 | HSY3RR | LAP-3 | LAP3 | LCR1 | LESTR | NPY3R | NPYR | NPYRL | NPYY3R | WHIM | WHIMSC-X-C motif chemokine receptor 42q21
6772STAT1CANDF7 | IMD31A | IMD31B | IMD31C | ISGF-3 | STAT91signal transducer and activator of transcription 12q32.2
2815GP9CD42a | GPIXglycoprotein IX platelet3q21.3
2624GATA2DCML | IMD21 | MONOMAC | NFE1BGATA binding protein 23q21.3
2122MECOMAML1-EVI-1 | EVI1 | MDS1 | MDS1-EVI1 | PRDM3 | RUSAT2MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus3q26.2
3815KITC-Kit | CD117 | PBT | SCFRKIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase4q12
2919CXCL1FSP | GRO1 | GROa | MGSA | MGSA-a | NAP-3 | SCYB1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 14q21
56034PDGFCFALLOTEIN | SCDGFplatelet derived growth factor C4q32
836CASP3CPP32 | CPP32B | SCA-1caspase 34q34
5921RASA1CM-AVM | CMAVM | GAP | PKWS | RASA | RASGAP | p120 | p120GAP | p120RASGAPRAS p21 protein activator 15q13.3
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
896CCND3-cyclin D36p21
578BAK1BAK | BAK-LIKE | BCL2L7 | CDN1BCL2 antagonist/killer 16p21.3
1432MAPK14CSBP | CSBP1 | CSBP2 | CSPB1 | EXIP | Mxi2 | PRKM14 | PRKM15 | RK | SAPK2A | p38 | p38ALPHAmitogen-activated protein kinase 146p21.3-p21.2
3720JARID2JMJjumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 26p24-p23
4602MYBCmyb | c-myb | c-myb_CDS | efgMYB proto-oncogene, transcription factor6q22-q23
3569IL6BSF-2 | BSF2 | CDF | HGF | HSF | IFN-beta-2 | IFNB2 | IL-6interleukin 67p21
5154PDGFAPDGF-A | PDGF1platelet derived growth factor subunit A7p22
9134CCNE2CYCE2cyclin E28q22.1
4609MYCMRTL | MYCC | bHLHe39 | c-Mycv-myc avian myelocytomatosis viral oncogene homolog8q24.21
1029CDKN2AARF | CDK4I | CDKN2 | CMM2 | INK4 | INK4A | MLM | MTS-1 | MTS1 | P14 | P14ARF | P16 | P16-INK4A | P16INK4 | P16INK4A | P19 | P19ARF | TP16cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A9p21
3717JAK2JTK10 | THCYT3Janus kinase 29p24
3563IL3RACD123 | IL3R | IL3RAY | IL3RX | IL3RY | hIL-3Rainterleukin 3 receptor subunit alphaXp22.3 or Yp11.3

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