Search results:

The pahtway p3025 has 175 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 116 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3688ITGB1CD29 | FNRB | GPIIA | MDF2 | MSK12 | VLA-BETA | VLABintegrin subunit beta 110p11.2
57713SFMBT2-Scm-like with four mbt domains 210p14
5660PSAPGLBA | SAP1prosaposin10q21-q22
1592CYP26A1CP26 | CYP26 | P450RAI | P450RAI1cytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily A member 110q23-q24
6934TCF7L2TCF-4 | TCF4transcription factor 7 like 210q25.3
90993CREB3L1OASIScAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 111p11.2
5954RCN1HEL-S-84 | PIG20 | RCAL | RCNreticulocalbin 111p13
710SERPING1C1IN | C1INH | C1NH | HAE1 | HAE2serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade G (C1 inhibitor), member 111q12.1
10205MPZL2EVA | EVA1myelin protein zero like 211q24
894CCND2KIAK0002 | MPPH3cyclin D212p13
3164NR4A1GFRP1 | HMR | N10 | NAK-1 | NGFIB | NP10 | NUR77 | TR3nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 112q13
81539SLC38A1ATA1 | NAT2 | SAT1 | SNAT1solute carrier family 38 member 112q13.11
8445DYRK2-dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 212q15
6541SLC7A1ATRC1 | CAT-1 | ERR | HCAT1 | REC1Lsolute carrier family 7 member 113q12.3
22862FNDC3AFNDC3 | HUGO | bA203I16.1 | bA203I16.5fibronectin type III domain containing 3A13q14.2
10150MBNL2MBLL | MBLL39 | PRO2032muscleblind like splicing regulator 213q32.1
23348DOCK9ZIZ1 | ZIZIMIN1dedicator of cytokinesis 913q32.3
1282COL4A1BSVD | RATORcollagen type IV alpha 113q34
1284COL4A2ICH | POREN2collagen type IV alpha 213q34
22795NID2NID-2nidogen 214q22.1
2530FUT8-fucosyltransferase 8 (alpha (1,6) fucosyltransferase)14q24.3
5641LGMNAEP | LGMN1 | PRSC1legumain14q32.1
801CALM1CALML2 | CAMI | CPVT4 | DD132 | LQT14 | PHKD | caMcalmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)14q32.11
23186RCOR1COREST | RCORREST corepressor 114q32.31
7453WARSGAMMA-2 | IFI53 | IFP53tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase14q32.31
59274MESDC1-mesoderm development candidate 115q13
7301TYRO3BYK | Dtk | Etk-2 | RSE | Rek | Sky | TifTYRO3 protein tyrosine kinase15q15
2923PDIA3ER60 | ERp57 | ERp60 | ERp61 | GRP57 | GRP58 | HEL-S-269 | HEL-S-93n | HsT17083 | P58 | PI-PLCprotein disulfide isomerase family A member 315q15
80031SEMA6D-semaphorin 6D15q21.1
302ANXA2ANX2 | ANX2L4 | CAL1H | HEL-S-270 | LIP2 | LPC2 | LPC2D | P36 | PAP-IVannexin A215q22.2
283807FBXL22Fbl22F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 2215q22.31
92912UBE2Q2-ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Q215q24.2
4240MFGE8BA46 | EDIL1 | HMFG | HsT19888 | MFG-E8 | MFGM | OAcGD3S | SED1 | SPAG10 | hP47milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein15q25
7026NR2F2ARP1 | CHTD4 | COUPTFB | COUPTFII | NF-E3 | NR2F1 | SVP40 | TFCOUP2nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group F member 215q26
5045FURINFUR | PACE | PCSK3 | SPC1furin, paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme15q26.1
343AQP8AQP-8aquaporin 816p12
89970RSPRY1SEMDFAring finger and SPRY domain containing 116q13
267AMFRGP78 | RNF45autocrine motility factor receptor, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase16q21
1003CDH57B4 | CD144cadherin 516q22.1
9057SLC7A6LAT-2 | LAT3 | y+LAT-2solute carrier family 7 member 616q22.1
463ZFHX3ATBF1 | ATBT | ZNF927zinc finger homeobox 316q22.3
30851TAX1BP3TIP-1 | TIP1Tax1 binding protein 317p13
100170841C17orf96PRR28chromosome 17 open reading frame 9617q12
3487IGFBP4BP-4 | HT29-IGFBP | IBP4 | IGFBP-4insulin like growth factor binding protein 417q21.2
388403YPEL2FKSG4yippee like 217q22
5034P4HBCLCRP1 | DSI | ERBA2L | GIT | P4Hbeta | PDI | PDIA1 | PHDB | PO4DB | PO4HB | PROHBprolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit beta17q25
57513CASKIN2ANKS5BCASK interacting protein 217q25.1
5797PTPRMPTPRL1 | R-PTP-MU | RPTPM | RPTPU | hR-PTPuprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type M18p11.2
284217LAMA1LAMA | PTBHS | S-LAM-alphalaminin subunit alpha 118p11.3
23136EPB41L34.1B | DAL-1 | DAL1erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 318p11.32
2627GATA6-GATA binding protein 618q11.1-q11.2
80206FHOD3FHOS2 | Formactin2formin homology 2 domain containing 318q12
7276TTRCTS | CTS1 | HEL111 | HsT2651 | PALB | TBPAtransthyretin18q12.1
3727JUNDAP-1jun D proto-oncogene19p13.2
6566SLC16A1HHF7 | MCT | MCT1 | MCT1Dsolute carrier family 16 member 11p12
23576DDAH1DDAH | HEL-S-16dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 11p22
2152F3CD142 | TF | TFAcoagulation factor III, tissue factor1p22-p21
84146ZNF644BM-005 | MYP21 | NatF | ZEP-2zinc finger protein 6441p22.2
3339HSPG2HSPG | PLC | PRCAN | SJA | SJS | SJS1heparan sulfate proteoglycan 21p36.1-p34
481ATP1B1ATP1BATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 11q24
2752GLULGLNS | GS | PIG43 | PIG59glutamate-ammonia ligase1q31
2590GALNT2GalNAc-T2polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 21q41-q42
4811NID1NIDnidogen 11q43
7056THBDAHUS6 | BDCA3 | CD141 | THPH12 | THRM | TMthrombomodulin20p11.2
1471CST3ARMD11 | HEL-S-2cystatin C20p11.21
6238RRBP1ES/130 | ES130 | RRp | hESribosome binding protein 120p12
80025PANK2C20orf48 | HARP | HSS | NBIA1 | PKANpantothenate kinase 220p13
2778GNASAHO | C20orf45 | GNAS1 | GPSA | GSA | GSP | NESP | POH | SCG6 | SgVIGNAS complex locus20q13.3
1522CTSZCTSXcathepsin Z20q13.32
351APPAAA | ABETA | ABPP | AD1 | APPI | CTFgamma | CVAP | PN-II | PN2amyloid beta precursor protein21q21.3
571BACH1BACH-1 | BTBD24BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 121q22.11
7078TIMP3HSMRK222 | K222 | K222TA2 | SFDTIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 322q12.3
7263TSTRDSthiosulfate sulfurtransferase22q13.1
11015KDELR3ERD2L3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 322q13.1
29780PARVBCGI-56parvin beta22q13.2-q13.33
2034EPAS1ECYT4 | HIF2A | HLF | MOP2 | PASD2 | bHLHe73endothelial PAS domain protein 12p21-p16
7837PXDNCOPOA | D2S448 | D2S448E | MG50 | PRG2 | PXN | VPOperoxidasin2p25
22837COBLL1COBLR1cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein like 12q24.3
5745PTH1RPFE | PTHR | PTHR1parathyroid hormone 1 receptor3p22-p21.1
2199FBLN2-fibulin 23p25.1
51421AMOTL2LCCPangiomotin like 23q21-q22
8997KALRNARHGEF24 | CHD5 | CHDS5 | DUET | DUO | HAPIP | TRADkalirin, RhoGEF kinase3q21.2
64778FNDC3BFAD104 | PRO4979 | YVTM2421fibronectin type III domain containing 3B3q26.31
4026LPP-LIM domain containing preferred translocation partner in lipoma3q28
952CD38ADPRC 1 | ADPRC1CD38 molecule4p15
4043LRPAP1A2MRAP | A2RAP | HBP44 | MRAP | MYP23 | RAP | alpha-2-MRAPLDL receptor related protein associated protein 14p16.3
3815KITC-Kit | CD117 | PBT | SCFRKIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase4q12
64854USP46-ubiquitin specific peptidase 464q12
57182ANKRD50-ankyrin repeat domain 504q28.1
2690GHRGHBP | GHIPgrowth hormone receptor5p13-p12
57556SEMA6AHT018 | SEMA | SEMA6A1 | SEMAQ | VIAsemaphorin 6A5q23.1
8974P4HA2-prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 25q31
10915TCERG1CA150 | TAF2S | Urn1transcription elongation regulator 15q31
6695SPOCK1SPOCK | TESTICAN | TIC1sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 15q31.2
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
1192CLIC1G6 | NCC27chloride intracellular channel 16p21.3
55788LMBRD1C6orf209 | LMBD1 | MAHCF | NESILMBR1 domain containing 16q13
11328FKBP9FKBP60 | FKBP63 | PPIaseFK506 binding protein 97p11.1
5723PSPHPSP | PSPHDphosphoserine phosphatase7p11.2
11014KDELR2ELP-1 | ERD2.2KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 27p22.1
2768GNA12NNX3 | RMP | gepG protein subunit alpha 127p22.2
8910SGCEDYT11 | ESGsarcoglycan epsilon7q21.3
2050EPHB4HTK | MYK1 | TYRO11EPH receptor B47q22
29969MDFICHICMyoD family inhibitor domain containing7q31.1-q31.2
7791ZYXESP-2 | HED-2zyxin7q32
8454CUL1-cullin 17q36.1
5327PLATT-PA | TPAplasminogen activator, tissue type8p12
1191CLUAAG4 | APO-J | APOJ | CLI | CLU1 | CLU2 | KUB1 | NA1/NA2 | SGP-2 | SGP2 | SP-40 | TRPM-2 | TRPM2clusterin8p21-p12
2907GRINAHNRGW | LFG1 | NMDARA1 | TMBIM3glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit associated protein 18q24.3
9413FAM189A2C9orf61 | X123family with sequence similarity 189 member A29q21.11
23071ERP44PDIA10 | TXNDC4endoplasmic reticulum protein 449q31.1
2790GNG10-G protein subunit gamma 109q31.3
3309HSPA5BIP | GRP78 | HEL-S-89n | MIF2heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 59q33.3
6303SAT1DC21 | KFSD | KFSDX | SAT | SSAT | SSAT-1spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1Xp22.1

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