Search results:

The pahtway p3453 has 125 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 89 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3799KIF5BHEL-S-61 | KINH | KNS | KNS1 | UKHCkinesin family member 5B10p11.22
288ANK3ANKYRIN-G | MRT37ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G)10q21
5654HTRA1ARMD7 | CADASIL2 | CARASIL | HtrA | L56 | ORF480 | PRSS11HtrA serine peptidase 110q26.3
10480EIF3MB5 | GA17 | PCID1 | TANGO7 | hfl-B5eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit M11p13
5954RCN1HEL-S-84 | PIG20 | RCAL | RCNreticulocalbin 111p13
23705CADM1BL2 | IGSF4 | IGSF4A | NECL2 | Necl-2 | RA175 | ST17 | SYNCAM | TSLC1 | sTSLC-1 | sgIGSF | synCAM1cell adhesion molecule 111q23.2
112936VPS26BPep8bVPS26 retromer complex component B11q25
6311ATXN2ASL13 | ATX2 | SCA2 | TNRC13ataxin 212q24.1
10094ARPC3ARC21 | p21-Arcactin related protein 2/3 complex subunit 312q24.11
121665SPPL3IMP2 | MDHV1887 | PRO4332 | PSH1 | PSL4signal peptide peptidase like 312q24.31
26524LATS2KPMlarge tumor suppressor kinase 213q12.11
3621ING1p24ING1c | p33 | p33ING1 | p33ING1b | p47 | p47ING1ainhibitor of growth family member 113q34
3183HNRNPCC1 | C2 | HNRNP | HNRPC | SNRPCheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C (C1/C2)14q11.2
57680CHD8AUTS18 | HELSNF1chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 814q11.2
5411PNNDRS | DRSP | SDK3 | memApinin, desmosome associated protein14q21.1
51528JKAMPC14orf100 | CDA06 | HSPC213 | HSPC327 | JAMPJNK1/MAPK8-associated membrane protein14q23.1
8554PIAS1DDXBP1 | GBP | GU/RH-II | ZMIZ3protein inhibitor of activated STAT 115q
51621KLF13BTEB3 | FKLF2 | NSLP1 | RFLAT-1 | RFLAT1Kruppel-like factor 1315q12
56965PARP6ARTD17 | PARP-6-B1 | PARP-6-C | pART17poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 615q23
3658IREB2ACO3 | IRP2 | IRP2ADiron responsive element binding protein 215q25.1
27183VPS4ASKD1 | SKD1A | SKD2 | VPS4 | VPS4-1vacuolar protein sorting 4 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)16q22.1
10664CTCFMRD21CCCTC-binding factor16q22.1
2734GLG1CFR-1 | ESL-1 | MG-160 | MG160golgi glycoprotein 116q22.3
80790CMIPTCMIPc-Maf inducing protein16q23
4239MFAP4-microfibrillar associated protein 417p11.2
5636PRPSAP2PAP41phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 217p11.2-p12
124997WDR81CAMRQ2 | PPP1R166 | SORF-2WD repeat domain 8117p13.3
7067THRAAR7 | CHNG6 | EAR7 | ERB-T-1 | ERBA | ERBA1 | NR1A1 | THRA1 | THRA2 | c-ERBA-1thyroid hormone receptor, alpha17q11.2
6426SRSF1ASF | SF2 | SF2p33 | SFRS1 | SRp30aserine/arginine-rich splicing factor 117q22
4089SMAD4DPC4 | JIP | MADH4 | MYHRSSMAD family member 418q21.1
9063PIAS2ARIP3 | DIP | MIZ | MIZ1 | PIASX | PIASX-ALPHA | PIASX-BETA | SIZ2 | ZMIZ4protein inhibitor of activated STAT 218q21.1
30000TNPO2IPO3 | KPNB2B | TRN2transportin 219p13.2
5802PTPRSPTPSIGMAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type S19p13.3
81ACTN4ACTININ-4 | FSGS | FSGS1actinin alpha 419q13
3276PRMT1ANM1 | HCP1 | HRMT1L2 | IR1B4protein arginine methyltransferase 119q13.3
4893NRASALPS4 | CMNS | N-ras | NCMS | NRAS1 | NS6neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog1p13.2
6814STXBP3MUNC18-3 | MUNC18C | PSP | UNC-18Csyntaxin binding protein 31p13.3
4524MTHFR-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (NAD(P)H)1p36.3
55793FAM63A-family with sequence similarity 63 member A1q21.3
54499TMCO1HP10122 | PCIA3 | PNAS-136 | TMCC4transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 11q24.1
4194MDM4HDMX | MDMX | MRP1MDM4, p53 regulator1q32
1116CHI3L1ASRT7 | CGP-39 | GP-39 | GP39 | HC-gp39 | HCGP-3P | YKL-40 | YKL40 | YYL-40 | hCGP-39chitinase 3 like 11q32.1
80232WDR26CDW2 | GID7 | MIP2WD repeat domain 261q42.13
140885SIRPABIT | CD172A | MFR | MYD-1 | P84 | PTPNS1 | SHPS1 | SIRPsignal regulatory protein alpha20p13
8813DPM1CDGIE | MPDSdolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit20q13.13
8204NRIP1RIP140nuclear receptor interacting protein 121q11.2
3455IFNAR2IFN-R | IFN-alpha-REC | IFNABR | IFNARB | IMD45interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 221q22.11
23076RRP1BKIAA0179 | NNP1L | Nnp1 | PPP1R136 | RRP1ribosomal RNA processing 1B21q22.3
5594MAPK1ERK | ERK-2 | ERK2 | ERT1 | MAPK2 | P42MAPK | PRKM1 | PRKM2 | p38 | p40 | p41 | p41mapk | p42-MAPKmitogen-activated protein kinase 122q11.21
128977C22orf39-chromosome 22 open reading frame 3922q11.21
55000TUG1LINC00080 | NCRNA00080 | TI-227Htaurine up-regulated 1 (non-protein coding)22q12.2
4358MPV17MTDPS6 | SYM1MpV17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein2p23.3
284996RNF149DNAPTP2ring finger protein 1492q11.2
3987LIMS1PINCH | PINCH-1 | PINCH1LIM zinc finger domain containing 12q12.3
54431DNAJC10ERdj5 | JPDI | MTHr | PDIA19DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C102q32.1
1195CLK1CLK | CLK/STY | STYCDC like kinase 12q33
23451SF3B1Hsh155 | MDS | PRP10 | PRPF10 | SAP155 | SF3b155splicing factor 3b subunit 12q33.1
3700ITIH4GP120 | H4P | IHRP | ITI-HC4 | ITIHL1 | PK-120 | PK120inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 43p21.1
8850KAT2BCAF | P/CAF | PCAFlysine acetyltransferase 2B3p24
5337PLD1-phospholipase D13q26
323APBB2FE65L | FE65L1amyloid beta precursor protein binding family B member 24p13
9575CLOCKKAT13D | bHLHe8clock circadian regulator4q12
91746YTHDC1YT521 | YT521-BYTH domain containing 14q13.2
950SCARB2AMRF | CD36L2 | EPM4 | HLGP85 | LGP85 | LIMP-2 | LIMPII | SR-BIIscavenger receptor class B member 24q21.1
118429ANTXR2CMG-2 | CMG2 | HFS | ISH | JHFanthrax toxin receptor 24q21.21
5311PKD2APKD2 | PC2 | PKD4 | Pc-2 | TRPP2polycystin 2, transient receptor potential cation channel4q22.1
4338MOCS2MCBPE | MOCO1 | MOCODB | MPTSmolybdenum cofactor synthesis 25q11
5921RASA1CM-AVM | CMAVM | GAP | PKWS | RASA | RASGAP | p120 | p120GAP | p120RASGAPRAS p21 protein activator 15q13.3
831CASTBS-17 | PLACKcalpastatin5q15
81555YIPF5FinGER5 | SB140 | SMAP-5 | SMAP5 | YIP1AYip1 domain family member 55q31.3
3187HNRNPH1HNRPH | HNRPH1 | hnRNPHheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H1 (H)5q35.3
23787MTCH1CGI-64 | PIG60 | PSAP | SLC25A49mitochondrial carrier 16p21.2
63027SLC22A23C6orf85solute carrier family 22 member 236p25.2
9439MED23ARC130 | CRSP130 | CRSP133 | CRSP3 | DRIP130 | MRT18 | SUR-2 | SUR2mediator complex subunit 236q22.33-q24.1
1644DDCAADCdopa decarboxylase7p12.2
94239H2AFVH2A.Z-2 | H2AVH2A histone family member V7p13
5154PDGFAPDGF-A | PDGF1platelet derived growth factor subunit A7p22
6608SMOFZD11 | Gx | SMOHsmoothened, frizzled class receptor7q32.3
2961GTF2E2FE | TF2E2 | TFIIE-Bgeneral transcription factor IIE subunit 28p12
2675GFRA2GDNFRB | NRTNR-ALPHA | NTNRA | RETL2 | TRNR2GDNF family receptor alpha 28p21.3
55326AGPAT51AGPAT5 | LPAATE1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 58p23.1
6921TCEB1SIII | eloCtranscription elongation factor B subunit 18q21.11
5789PTPRDHPTP | HPTPD | HPTPDELTA | PTPD | RPTPDELTAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type D9p23-p24.3
4781NFIBCTF | HMGIC/NFIB | NF-I/B | NF1-B | NFI-B | NFI-RED | NFIB2 | NFIB3nuclear factor I/B9p24.1
2395FXNCyaY | FA | FARR | FRDA | X25frataxin9q21.11
5742PTGS1COX1 | COX3 | PCOX1 | PES-1 | PGG/HS | PGHS-1 | PGHS1 | PHS1 | PTGHSprostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase)9q32-q33.3
1654DDX3XCAP-Rf | DBX | DDX14 | DDX3 | HLP2 | MRX102DEAD-box helicase 3, X-linkedXp11.3-p11.23
64219PJA1PRAJA1 | RNF70praja ring finger ubiquitin ligase 1Xq13.1
65109UPF3BHUPF3B | MRX62 | MRXS14 | RENT3B | UPF3BP1 | UPF3BP2 | UPF3BP3 | UPF3X | Upf3p-XUPF3 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog B (yeast)Xq24

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