Search results:

The pahtway p3885 has 238 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 145 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
9802DAZAP2PRTBDAZ associated protein 212q12
5204PFDN5MM-1 | MM1 | PFD5prefoldin subunit 512q12
377ARF3-ADP ribosylation factor 312q13
7024TFCP2LBP1C | LSF | LSF1D | SEF | TFCP2Ctranscription factor CP212q13
4891SLC11A2DCT1 | DMT1 | NRAMP2solute carrier family 11 member 212q13
784CACNB3CAB3 | CACNLB3calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 312q13
5916RARGNR1B3 | RARCretinoic acid receptor gamma12q13
2647BLOC1S1BLOS1 | BORCS1 | GCN5L1 | MICoA | RT14biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 112q13-q14
55652SLC48A1HRG-1 | HRG1 | hHRG-1solute carrier family 48 member 112q13.11
7421VDRNR1I1 | PPP1R163vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor12q13.11
65244SPATS2Nbla00526 | P59SCR | SCR59 | SPATA10spermatogenesis associated serine rich 212q13.12
9416DDX23PRPF28 | SNRNP100 | U5-100K | U5-100KD | prp28DEAD-box helicase 2312q13.12
29127RACGAP1CYK4 | HsCYK-4 | ID-GAP | MgcRacGAPRac GTPase activating protein 112q13.12
55716LMBR1LLIMRlimb development membrane protein 1 like12q13.12
10445MCRS1ICP22BP | INO80Q | MCRS2 | MSP58 | P78microspherule protein 112q13.12
5571PRKAG1AMPKGprotein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 112q13.12
1975EIF4BEIF-4B | PRO1843eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4B12q13.13
84975MFSD5hsMOT2major facilitator superfamily domain containing 512q13.13
23468CBX5HEL25 | HP1 | HP1Achromobox 512q13.13
23583SMUG1FDG | HMUDG | UNG3single-strand-selective monofunctional uracil-DNA glycosylase 112q13.13
967CD63LAMP-3 | ME491 | MLA1 | OMA81H | TSPAN30CD63 molecule12q13.2
3221HOXC4HOX3 | HOX3E | cp19homeobox C412q13.3
5908RAP1BK-REV | RAL1BRAP1B, member of RAS oncogene family12q14
55832CAND1TIP120 | TIP120Acullin-associated and neddylation-dissociated 112q14
23592LEMD3MAN1LEM domain containing 312q14
11260XPOTXPO3exportin for tRNA12q14.2
8445DYRK2-dual specificity tyrosine phosphorylation regulated kinase 212q15
490ATP2B1PMCA1 | PMCA1kbATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 112q21.3
29080CCDC59BR22 | HSPC128 | TAP26coiled-coil domain containing 5912q21.31
91298C12orf29-chromosome 12 open reading frame 2912q21.32
80184CEP2903H11Ag | BBS14 | CT87 | JBTS5 | LCA10 | MKS4 | NPHP6 | POC3 | SLSN6 | rd16centrosomal protein 290kDa12q21.32
1848DUSP6HH19 | MKP3 | PYST1dual specificity phosphatase 612q21.33
694BTG1-B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative12q22
527ATP6V0CATP6C | ATP6L | ATPL | VATL | VPPC | Vma3ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit c16p13.3
9570GOSR2Bos1 | EPM6 | GS27golgi SNAP receptor complex member 217q21
5289PIK3C3VPS34 | Vps34 | hVps34phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 318q12.3
498ATP5A1ATP5A | ATP5AL2 | ATPM | COXPD22 | HEL-S-123m | MC5DN4 | MOM2 | OMR | ORM | hATP1ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, alpha subunit 1, cardiac muscle18q21
9063PIAS2ARIP3 | DIP | MIZ | MIZ1 | PIASX | PIASX-ALPHA | PIASX-BETA | SIZ2 | ZMIZ4protein inhibitor of activated STAT 218q21.1
79863RBFAC18orf22 | HsT169ribosome binding factor A (putative)18q23
9150CTDP1CCFDN | FCP1CTD phosphatase subunit 118q23
4155MBP-myelin basic protein18q23
22850ADNP2ZNF508ADNP homeobox 218q23
80148PQLC1-PQ loop repeat containing 118q23
10907TXNL4ABMKS | DIB1 | DIM1 | SNRNP15 | TXNL4 | U5-15kDthioredoxin like 4A18q23
4772NFATC1NF-ATC | NF-ATc1.2 | NFAT2 | NFATcnuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 118q23
6195RPS6KA1HU-1 | MAPKAPK1A | RSK | RSK1 | p90Rskribosomal protein S6 kinase A11p
2517FUCA1FUCAfucosidase, alpha-L- 1, tissue1p34
204AK2ADK2adenylate kinase 21p34
1912PHC2EDR2 | HPH2 | PH2polyhomeotic homolog 21p34.3
51441YTHDF2CAHL | HGRG8 | NY-REN-2YTH N(6)-methyladenosine RNA binding protein 21p35
8565YARSCMTDIC | TYRRS | YRS | YTStyrosyl-tRNA synthetase1p35.1
79570NKAIN1FAM77CNa+/K+ transporting ATPase interacting 11p35.2
54952TRNAU1APPRO1902 | SECP43 | TRSPAP1tRNA selenocysteine 1 associated protein 11p35.3
6429SRSF4SFRS4 | SRP75serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 41p35.3
10691GMEB1P96PIF | PIF96glucocorticoid modulatory element binding protein 11p35.3
51102MECRCGI-63 | FASN2B | NRBF1mitochondrial trans-2-enoyl-CoA reductase1p35.3
6883TAF12TAF2J | TAFII20TATA-box binding protein associated factor 121p35.3
63906GPATCH3GPATC3G-patch domain containing 31p35.3-p35.1
1870E2F2E2F-2E2F transcription factor 21p36
55650PIGVGPI-MT-II | HPMRS1 | PIG-Vphosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class V1p36.11
11313LYPLA2APT-2 | APT2 | DJ886K2.4lysophospholipase II1p36.11
3925STMN1C1orf215 | LAP18 | Lag | OP18 | PP17 | PP19 | PR22 | SMNstathmin 11p36.11
10250SRRM1160-KD | POP101 | SRM160serine and arginine repetitive matrix 11p36.11
23028KDM1AAOF2 | BHC110 | CPRF | KDM1 | LSD1lysine demethylase 1A1p36.12
249ALPLAP-TNAP | APTNAP | HOPS | TNAP | TNSALPalkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney1p36.12
754PTTG1IPC21orf1 | C21orf3 | PBFpituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein21q22.3
3275PRMT2HRMT1L1protein arginine methyltransferase 221q22.3
6612SUMO3SMT3A | SMT3H1 | SUMO-3 | Smt3Bsmall ubiquitin-like modifier 321q22.3
89781HPS4BLOC3S2 | LEHPS4, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 222cen-q12.3
3543IGLL114.1 | AGM2 | CD179b | IGL1 | IGL5 | IGLJ14.1 | IGLL | IGO | IGVPB | VPREB2immunoglobulin lambda like polypeptide 122q11.23
2952GSTT1-glutathione S-transferase theta 122q11.23
613BCRALL | BCR1 | CML | D22S11 | D22S662 | PHLbreakpoint cluster region22q11.23
6634SNRPD3SMD3 | Sm-D3small nuclear ribonucleoprotein D3 polypeptide22q11.23
23780APOL2APOL-II | APOL3apolipoprotein L222q12
1413CRYBA4CTRCT23 | MCOPCT4crystallin beta A422q12.1
11200CHEK2CDS1 | CHK2 | HuCds1 | LFS2 | PP1425 | RAD53 | hCds1checkpoint kinase 222q12.1
23761PISDDJ858B16 | PSD | PSDC | PSSC | dJ858B16.2phosphatidylserine decarboxylase22q12.2
8563THOC5C22orf19 | Fmip | PK1.3 | fSAP79THO complex 522q12.2
23541SEC14L2C22orf6 | SPF | TAP | TAP1SEC14 like lipid binding 222q12.2
23598PATZ1MAZR | PATZ | RIAZ | ZBTB19 | ZNF278 | ZSG | dJ400N23POZ/BTB and AT hook containing zinc finger 122q12.2
10291SF3A1PRP21 | PRPF21 | SAP114 | SF3A120splicing factor 3a subunit 122q12.2
7533YWHAHYWHA1tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein eta22q12.3
7078TIMP3HSMRK222 | K222 | K222TA2 | SFDTIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 322q12.3
9681DEPDC5DEP.5 | FFEVFDEP domain containing 522q12.3
10043TOM1-target of myb1 membrane trafficking protein22q13.1
7263TSTRDSthiosulfate sulfurtransferase22q13.1
5155PDGFBIBGC5 | PDGF-2 | PDGF2 | SIS | SSV | c-sisplatelet derived growth factor subunit B22q13.1
11015KDELR3ERD2L3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 322q13.1
29775CARD10BIMP1 | CARMA3caspase recruitment domain family member 1022q13.1
25777SUN2UNC84BSad1 and UNC84 domain containing 222q13.1
10454TAB13'-Tab1 | MAP3K7IP1TGF-beta activated kinase 1/MAP3K7 binding protein 122q13.1
4627MYH9BDPLT6 | DFNA17 | EPSTS | FTNS | MHA | NMHC-II-A | NMMHC-IIA | NMMHCAmyosin, heavy chain 9, non-muscle22q13.1
468ATF4CREB-2 | CREB2 | TAXREB67 | TXREBactivating transcription factor 422q13.1
4248MGAT3GNT-III | GNT3mannosyl (beta-1,4-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase22q13.1
25828TXN2COXPD29 | MT-TRX | MTRX | TRX2thioredoxin 222q13.1
1454CSNK1ECKIepsilon | HCKIEcasein kinase 1 epsilon22q13.1
9929JOSD1dJ508I15.2Josephin domain containing 122q13.1
8664EIF3DEIF3S7 | eIF3-p66 | eIF3-zetaeukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit D22q13.1
4357MPSTMST | TST2 | TUM1mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase22q13.1
23616SH3BP1ARHGAP43SH3-domain binding protein 122q13.1
27352SGSM3MAP | RABGAP5 | RUSC3 | RUTBC3 | RabGAP-5 | rabGAPLPsmall G protein signaling modulator 322q13.1-q13.2
27258LSM3SMX4 | USS2 | YLR438CLSM3 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated3p25.1
79188TMEM43ARVC5 | ARVD5 | EDMD7 | LUMAtransmembrane protein 433p25.1
51809GALNT7GALNAC-T7 | GalNAcT7polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 74q31.1
1635DCTD-dCMP deaminase4q35.1
3660IRF2IRF-2interferon regulatory factor 24q35.1
11231SEC63DNAJC23 | ERdj2 | PRO2507 | SEC63LSEC63 homolog, protein translocation regulator6q21
8763CD164DFNA66 | MGC-24 | MUC-24 | endolynCD164 molecule6q21
9474ATG5APG5 | APG5-LIKE | APG5L | ASP | hAPG5autophagy related 56q21
23097CDK19CDC2L6 | CDK11 | bA346C16.3cyclin-dependent kinase 196q21
57107PDSS2C6orf210 | COQ10D3 | DLP1 | bA59I9.3 | hDLP1prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase, subunit 26q21
8936WASF1SCAR1 | WAVE | WAVE1WAS protein family member 16q21
5980REV3LPOLZ | REV3REV3 like, DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit6q21
262AMD1ADOMETDC | AMD | SAMDCadenosylmethionine decarboxylase 16q21
3066HDAC2HD2 | RPD3 | YAF1histone deacetylase 26q21
285755PPIL6PPIase | RSPH12 | bA425D10.6 | dJ919F19.1peptidylprolyl isomerase like 66q21
8724SNX3Grd19 | MCOPS8 | SDP3sorting nexin 36q21
25842ASF1ACGI-98 | CIA | HSPC146anti-silencing function 1A histone chaperone6q22.31
4217MAP3K5ASK1 | MAPKKK5 | MEKK5mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 56q22.33
51696HECAHDC | HDCL | HHDC | dJ225E12.1hdc homolog, cell cycle regulator6q23-q24
10767HBS1LEF-1a | ERFS | HBS1 | HSPC276 | eRF3cHBS1 like translational GTPase6q23.3
54806AHI1AHI-1 | JBTS3 | ORF1 | dJ71N10.1Abelson helper integration site 16q23.3
2911GRM1GPRC1A | MGLU1 | MGLUR1 | PPP1R85 | SCAR13glutamate receptor, metabotropic 16q24
23593HEBP2C6ORF34B | C6orf34 | PP23 | SOULheme binding protein 26q24
55274PHF10BAF45A | XAP135PHD finger protein 106q27
10671DCTN6WS-3 | WS3 | p27dynactin subunit 68p12
11030RBPMSHERMESRNA binding protein with multiple splicing8p12
2961GTF2E2FE | TF2E2 | TFIIE-Bgeneral transcription factor IIE subunit 28p12
3084NRG1ARIA | GGF | GGF2 | HGL | HRG | HRG1 | HRGA | MST131 | MSTP131 | NDF | NRG1-IT2 | SMDFneuregulin 18p12
2137EXTL3BOTV | EXTL1L | EXTR1 | REGR | RPRexostosin like glycosyltransferase 38p21
2936GSRHEL-75 | HEL-S-122mglutathione reductase8p21.1
55756INTS9CPSF2L | INT9 | RC74integrator complex subunit 98p21.1
23362PSD3EFA6D | EFA6R | HCA67pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 38p21.3
526ATP6V1B2ATP6B1B2 | ATP6B2 | HO57 | VATB | VPP3 | Vma2ATPase H+ transporting V1 subunit B28p21.3
9NAT1AAC1 | MNAT | NAT-1 | NATIN-acetyltransferase 1 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase)8p22
4507MTAPBDMF | DMSFH | DMSMFH | HEL-249 | LGMBF | MSAP | c86fusmethylthioadenosine phosphorylase9p21
55958KLHL9-kelch like family member 99p22
54801HAUS6Dgt6 | FAM29AHAUS augmin like complex subunit 69p22.1
11168PSIP1DFS70 | LEDGF | PAIP | PSIP2 | p52 | p75PC4 and SFRS1 interacting protein 19p22.3
6595SMARCA2BAF190 | BRM | NCBRS | SNF2 | SNF2L2 | SNF2LA | SWI2 | Sth1p | hBRM | hSNF2aSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 29p22.3
6619SNAPC3PTFbeta | SNAP50small nuclear RNA activating complex polypeptide 39p22.3
7436VLDLRCAMRQ1 | CARMQ1 | CHRMQ1 | VLDLRCHvery low density lipoprotein receptor9p24
4781NFIBCTF | HMGIC/NFIB | NF-I/B | NF1-B | NFI-B | NFI-RED | NFIB2 | NFIB3nuclear factor I/B9p24.1
26953RANBP6-RAN binding protein 69p24.1

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