Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase

Found 463 literature records

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Entrez IDDescription
26524"Lats2, a putative tumor suppressor, inhibits G1/S transition."
5920"Induction of TIG3, a putative class II tumor suppressor gene, by retinoic acid in head and neck and lung carcinoma cells and its association with suppression of the transformed phenotype."
23705The results support the hypothesis that TSLC1 is a tumor suppressor of NSCLC and also suggest that preserved integrity of TSLC1 may contribute to less invasive phenotypes of lepidic growth tumor cells.
23705Clinical implication and prognostic significance of the tumor suppressor TSLC1 gene detected in adenocarcinoma of the lung.
838Caspase-5 might be a suppressor gene of highly metastatic potential in lung cancer
4763Evaluation of NF2 and NF1 tumor suppressor genes in distinctive gastrointestinal nerve sheath tumors traditionally diagnosed as benign schwannomas: s study of 20 cases.
4771Evaluation of NF2 and NF1 tumor suppressor genes in distinctive gastrointestinal nerve sheath tumors traditionally diagnosed as benign schwannomas: s study of 20 cases.
23705"Lung tumor suppressor gene,TSLC1, associates with MPP3, a human homologue of Drosophila tumor suppressor Dlg."
4221Functional characterization of a promoter region in the human MEN1 tumor suppressor gene.
23705The cytoplasmic domain is critical to the tumor suppressor activity of TSLC1 in non-small cell lung cancer.
10395DLC-1 plays a role in non-small cell lung carcinoma by acting as a bona fide new tumor suppressor gene.
7490"Suppression of prostate tumor cell growth in vivo by WT1, the Wilms' tumor suppressor gene."
1803"DPPIV functions as a tumor suppressor, and its downregulation may contribute to the loss of growth control in NSCLC cells"
387496RASL11A is down-regulated in prostate tumors as measured by quantitative real-time PCR. This result suggests that this gene may have a tumor suppressor role in prostate cancer.
10217"analysis of RBSP3/HYA22located in the AP20 region, and evidence for tumor suppressor function"
4089Status of the DPC4 tumor suppressor gene in sporadic colon adenocarcinoma of Croatian patients: identification of a novel somatic mutation.
53353Normal development and fertility of knockout mice lacking the tumor suppressor gene LRP1b suggest functional compensation by LRP1.
1540Identification of the cylindromatosis tumor-suppressor gene responsible for multiple familial trichoepithelioma.
5071Parkin is a tumor suppressor gene whose inactivation may play an important role in non-small cell lung cancer tumorigenesis
4830"Co-downregulation of PTEN, KAI-1, and nm23-H1 tumor/metastasis suppressor proteins in non-small cell lung cancer."
5728a role of these tumor suppressor and metastasis suppressor genes in the evolution and progression of NSCLC
23136Allele-specific loss of heterozygosity at the DAL-1/4.1B (EPB41L3) tumor-suppressor gene locus in the absence of mutation.
857"Results suggest different roles for CAV1 in SCLC, where CAV1 acts like a tumor suppressor gene, and NSCLC, where it appears required for survival and growth."
84700"Reduced expression of MYO18B, a candidate tumor-suppressor gene on chromosome arm 22q, in ovarian cancer."
23136DAL-1/4.1B tumor suppressor interacts with protein arginine N-methyltransferase 3 (PRMT3) and inhibits its ability to methylate substrates in vitro and in vivo.
1029ability to promote SUMO conjugation is a general property of the p14 Arf tumor suppressor
1009"A 2.62 Mbp minimal region of genomic loss of chromosome 16q22 was found in retinoblastoma which contains a hotspot CDH11, implicating CDH11as a potential tumor suppressor gene in retinoblastoma."
11186Hypermethylation of RASSF1A and BLU tumor suppressor genes in non-small cell lung cancer: implications for tobacco smoking during adolescence.
51364Hypermethylation of RASSF1A and BLU tumor suppressor genes in non-small cell lung cancer: implications for tobacco smoking during adolescence.
23221High expression during neurogenesis but not mammogenesis of a murine homologue of the Deleted in Breast Cancer2/Rhobtb2 tumor suppressor.
5268Prognostic significance of the tumor suppressor gene maspin in non-small cell lung cancer.
23261"Allelic losses at 1p36 and 19q13 in gliomas: correlation with histologic classification, definition of a 150-kb minimal deleted region on 1p36, and evaluation of CAMTA1 as a candidate tumor suppressor gene."
7157"p73, through HDM2, can oppose p53 tumor suppressor function and possibly contribute to tumorigenesis"
7161"p73, through HDM2, can oppose p53 tumor suppressor function and possibly contribute to tumorigenesis"
10210"topors mediates p53-dependent cellular responses induced by DNA damage, suggesting its physiological role as a tumor suppressor"
55193The 3p21 candidate tumor suppressor gene BAF180 is normally expressed in human lung cancer.
11186The tumor suppressor RASSF1A in human carcinogenesis: an update.
1620likely tumor suppressor for NSCLC;silencing through homozygous deletion or methylation of its promoter promotes progression
390RhoE is a tumor suppressor gene that is downregulated early in the development of prostate cancer
7157demonstrated that epigallocatechin-3-gallate activates growth arrest and apoptosis primarily via tumor suppressor p53-dependent pathway that involves the function of both p21 protein and Bax protein
11315"DJ-1, a novel regulator of the tumor suppressor PTEN."
5728"DJ-1, a novel regulator of the tumor suppressor PTEN."
857"Cav-1 functions as a tumor promoter during prostate carcinogenesis, rather than as a tumor suppressor"
10633RRP22 localizes to the nucleolus in a GTP-dependent manner and can serve as a potential tumor suppressor.
5777STAT3- and DNA methyltransferase 1-mediated epigenetic silencing of SHP-1 tyrosine phosphatase tumor suppressor gene in malignant T lymphocytes.
268AMH is also a gonadal tumor suppressor which mediates its effects through a specific type II receptor and the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-specific Smad proteins.
112464"hSRBC is a candidate tumor suppressor gene involved in lung cancer pathogenesis, where expression is frequently inactivated by methylation and other mechanisms"
7428von Hippel Lindau tumor suppressor has a role in iron homeostasis in renal carcinoma cells
5728We identified the dual phosphatase and tumor suppressor protein PTEN as an LKB1-interacting protein.PTEN is a substrate of kinase LKB1 in vitro.
5728Negative regulation of CXCR4-mediated chemotaxis by the lipid phosphatase activity of tumor suppressor PTEN.
