Search results:

The pahtway p1421 has 384 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 220 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
94134ARHGAP12-Rho GTPase activating protein 1210p11.22
283078MKXC10orf48 | IFRX | IRXL1mohawk homeobox10p12.1
23412COMMD3BUP | C10orf8COMM domain containing 310p12.2
55691FRMD4ACCAFCA | FRMD4 | bA295P9.4FERM domain containing 4A10p13
80201HKDC1-hexokinase domain containing 110q22.1
657BMPR1A10q23del | ACVRLK3 | ALK3 | CD292 | SKR5bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1A10q22.3
3087HHEXHEX | HMPH | HOX11L-PEN | PRH | PRHXhematopoietically expressed homeobox10q23.33
953ENTPD1ATPDase | CD39 | NTPDase-1 | SPG64ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 110q24
84445LZTS2LAPSER1leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 210q24
10023FRAT1-frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas 110q24.1
23401FRAT2-frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas 210q24.1
51684SUFUPRO1280 | SUFUH | SUFUXLSUFU negative regulator of hedgehog signaling10q24.32
79991OBFC1AAF-44 | AAF44 | RPA-32 | STN1 | bA541N10.2oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide-binding fold containing 110q24.33
51063CALHM2FAM26Bcalcium homeostasis modulator 210q24.33
170394PWWP2BPWWP2 | bA432J24.1 | pp8607PWWP domain containing 2B10q26.3
8525DGKZDAGK5 | DAGK6 | DGK-ZETA | hDGKzetadiacylglycerol kinase zeta11p11.2
744MPPED2239FB | C11orf8metallophosphoesterase domain containing 211p13
10944C11orf58IMAGE145052 | SMAPchromosome 11 open reading frame 5811p15.1
27122DKK3REIC | RIGdickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 311p15.2
219539YPEL4-yippee like 411q12.1
923CD6TP120CD6 molecule11q13
254359ZDHHC24-zinc finger DHHC-type containing 2411q13.2
8772FADDGIG3 | MORT1Fas associated via death domain11q13.3
10008KCNE3HOKPP | HYPP | MiRP2potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 311q13.4
60496AASDHPPTAASD-PPT | ACPS | CGI-80 | LYS2 | LYS5aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase-phosphopantetheinyl transferase11q22
9099USP2UBP41 | USP9ubiquitin specific peptidase 211q23.3
54414SIAEAIS6 | CSE-C | CSEC | LSE | YSG2sialic acid acetylesterase11q24
636BICD1BICDbicaudal D homolog 1 (Drosophila)12p11.2-p11.1
121512FGD4CMT4H | FRABP | ZFYVE6FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 412p11.21
4033LRMPJAW1lymphoid restricted membrane protein12p12.1
25900IFFO1HOM-TES-103 | IFFOintermediate filament family orphan 112p13.3
5800PTPROGLEPP1 | NPHS6 | PTP-OC | PTP-U2 | PTPROT | PTPU2 | R-PTP-Oprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type O12p13.3-p13.2|12p13-p12
196513DCP1BDCP1decapping mRNA 1B12p13.33
27165GLS2GA | GLS | LGA | hLGAglutaminase 212q13.3
9815GIT2CAT-2 | CAT2 | PKLGIT ArfGAP 212q24.1
219402MTIF3IF3mtmitochondrial translational initiation factor 313q12.2
10161LPAR6ARWH1 | HYPT8 | LAH3 | P2RY5 | P2Y5lysophosphatidic acid receptor 613q14
79612NAA16NARG1LN(alpha)-acetyltransferase 16, NatA auxiliary subunit13q14.11
253512SLC25A30KMCP1solute carrier family 25 member 3013q14.13
115761ARL11ARLTS1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 1113q14.2
1102RCBTB2CHC1L | RLGRCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 213q14.3
11278KLF12AP-2rep | AP2REP | HSPC122Kruppel-like factor 1213q22
10253SPRY2IGAN3 | hSPRY2sprouty RTK signaling antagonist 213q31.1
57447NDRG2SYLDNDRG family member 214q11.2
8110DPF3BAF45C | CERD4double PHD fingers 314q24.2
2353FOSAP-1 | C-FOS | p55FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog14q24.3
79882ZC3H14MSUT-2 | NY-REN-37 | SUT2 | UKp68zinc finger CCCH-type containing 1414q31.3
51676ASB2ASB-2ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 214q32.12
79890RIN3-Ras and Rab interactor 314q32.12
78990OTUB2C14orf137 | OTB2 | OTU2OTU deubiquitinase, ubiquitin aldehyde binding 214q32.12
55148UBR7C14orf130ubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 7 (putative)14q32.12
51218GLRX5C14orf87 | FLB4739 | GRX5 | PR01238 | PRO1238 | PRSAglutaredoxin 514q32.13
123096SLC25A29C14orf69 | CACL | ORNT3solute carrier family 25 member 2914q32.2
388115C15orf52-chromosome 15 open reading frame 5215q15.1
2252FGF7HBGF-7 | KGFfibroblast growth factor 715q21.2
10845CLPX-caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit15q22.31
123228SENP8DEN1 | NEDP1 | PRSC2SUMO/sentrin peptidase family member, NEDD8 specific15q23
9051PSTPIP1CD2BP1 | CD2BP1L | CD2BP1S | H-PIP | PAPAS | PSTPIPproline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 115q24.3
57496MKL2MRTF-B | MRTFB | NPD001MKL/myocardin-like 216p13.12
57465TBC1D24DFNA65 | DFNB86 | DOORS | EIEE16 | FIME | TLDC6TBC1 domain family member 2416p13.3
55027HEATR3SYO1HEAT repeat containing 316q12.1
80205CHD9AD013 | CHD-9 | CReMM | KISH2 | PRIC320chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 916q12.2
55794DDX28MDDX28DEAD-box helicase 2816q22.1
23659PLA2G15ACS | GXVPLA2 | LLPL | LPLA2 | LYPLA3phospholipase A2 group XV16q22.1
4775NFATC3NFAT4 | NFATXnuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 316q22.2
85445CNTNAP4CASPR4contactin associated protein-like 416q23.1
54849DEF8-differentially expressed in FDCP 8 homolog (mouse)16q24.3
28964GIT1-GIT ArfGAP 117p11.2
1770DNAH9DNAH17L | DNEL1 | DYH9 | Dnahc9 | HL-20 | HL20dynein axonemal heavy chain 917p12
79142PHF23hJUNE-1bPHD finger protein 2317p13.1
54478FAM64ACATS | RCS1family with sequence similarity 64 member A17p13.2
7326UBE2G1E217K | UBC7 | UBE2Gubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G117p13.2
6117RPA1HSSB | MST075 | REPA1 | RF-A | RP-A | RPA70replication protein A117p13.3
400566C17orf97CK20 | LIAT1chromosome 17 open reading frame 9717p13.3
11232POLG2HP55 | MTPOLB | PEOA4 | POLB | POLG-BETA | POLGBpolymerase (DNA) gamma 2, accessory subunit17q
8396PIP4K2BPI5P4KB | PIP5K2B | PIP5KIIB | PIP5KIIbeta | PIP5P4KBphosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, beta17q12
10481HOXB13PSGDhomeobox B1317q21.2
124599CD300LBCD300b | CLM-7 | CLM7 | CMRF35-A2 | IREM-3 | IREM3 | TREM-5 | TREM5CD300 molecule like family member b17q25.1
3396ICT1DS-1 | DS1 | MRP-L58immature colon carcinoma transcript 117q25.1
6397SEC14L1PRELID4A | SEC14LSEC14 like lipid binding 117q25.2
10966RAB40BRAR | SEC4LRAB40B, member RAS oncogene family17q25.3
6904TBCDSSD-1 | tfcDtubulin folding cofactor D17q25.3
2774GNALDYT25G protein subunit alpha L18p11.22-p11.21
4155MBP-myelin basic protein18q23
2063NR2F6EAR-2 | EAR2 | ERBAL2nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group F member 619p13.1
5141PDE4ADPDE2 | PDE4 | PDE46phosphodiesterase 4A19p13.2
84337ELOF1ELF1elongation factor 1 homolog19p13.2
1050CEBPAC/EBP-alpha | CEBPCCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha19q13.1
162989DEDD2FLAME-3death effector domain containing 219q13.2
57479PRR12KIAA1205proline rich 1219q13.33
6847SYCP1CT8 | HOM-TES-14 | SCP-1 | SCP1synaptonemal complex protein 11p13-p12
10451VAV3-vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 31p13.3
22854NTNG1Lmnt1netrin G11p13.3
51611DPH5AD-018 | CGI-30 | HSPC143 | NPD015diphthamide biosynthesis 51p21.2
118427OLFM3NOE3 | NOELIN3 | OPTIMEDINolfactomedin 31p22
22823MTF2M96 | PCL2 | TDRD19A | dJ976O13.2metal response element binding transcription factor 21p22.1
1629DBTBCATE2 | BCKAD-E2 | BCKADE2 | BCOADC-E2 | E2 | E2Bdihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E21p31
6513SLC2A1CSE | DYT17 | DYT18 | DYT9 | EIG12 | GLUT | GLUT-1 | GLUT1 | GLUT1DS | HTLVR | PED | SDCHCNsolute carrier family 2 member 11p34.2
54955C1orf109-chromosome 1 open reading frame 1091p34.3
84967LSM10MST074 | MSTP074LSM10, U7 small nuclear RNA associated1p34.3
8431NR0B2SHP | SHP1nuclear receptor subfamily 0 group B member 21p36.1
26119LDLRAP1ARH | ARH1 | ARH2 | FHCB1 | FHCB2low density lipoprotein receptor adaptor protein 11p36.11
23569PADI4PAD | PAD4 | PADI5 | PDI4 | PDI5peptidyl arginine deiminase, type IV1p36.13
3104ZBTB48HKR3 | ZNF855 | pp9964zinc finger and BTB domain containing 481p36.3
477ATP1A2FHM2 | MHP2ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 21q23.2
114836SLAMF6CD352 | KALI | KALIb | Ly108 | NTB-A | NTBA | SF2000SLAM family member 61q23.2
55758RCOR3-REST corepressor 31q32.2
4931NVLNVL2nuclear VCP-like1q42.11
116841SNAP47C1orf142 | ESFI5812 | HEL-S-290 | HEL170 | SNAP-47 | SVAP1synaptosome associated protein 47kDa1q42.13
3707ITPKBIP3-3KB | IP3K | IP3K-B | IP3KB | PIG37inositol-trisphosphate 3-kinase B1q42.13
64412GZF1ZBTB23 | ZNF336GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 120p11.21
57325CSRP2BPATAC2 | CRP2BP | KAT14 | PRO1194 | dJ717M23.1CSRP2 binding protein20p11.23
84905ZNF341-zinc finger protein 34120q11.22
55734ZFP64ZNF338ZFP64 zinc finger protein20q13.2
5152PDE9AHSPDE9A2phosphodiesterase 9A21q22.3
23181DIP2AC21orf106 | DIP2disco interacting protein 2 homolog A21q22.3
54058C21orf58-chromosome 21 open reading frame 5821q22.3
4731NDUFV3CI-10k | CI-9KDNADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit V321q22.3
9993DGCR2DGS-C | IDD | LAN | SEZ-12DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 222q11.21
27128CYTH4CYT4 | DJ63G5.1 | PSCD4cytohesin 422q12.3-q13.1
25813SAMM50CGI-51 | OMP85 | SAM50 | TOB55 | TRG-3 | YNL026WSAMM50 sorting and assembly machinery component22q13.31
7380UPK3AUP3A | UPIII | UPIIIA | UPK3uroplakin 3A22q13.31
51318MRPL35L35mt | MRP-L35mitochondrial ribosomal protein L352p11.2
55818KDM3AJHDM2A | JHMD2A | JMJD1 | JMJD1A | TSGAlysine demethylase 3A2p11.2
5968REG1BPSPS2 | REGH | REGI-BETA | REGLregenerating family member 1 beta2p12
84693MCEEGLOD2methylmalonyl-CoA epimerase2p13.3
9792SERTAD2Sei-2 | TRIP-Br2SERTA domain containing 22p14
23177CEP68KIAA0582centrosomal protein 68kDa2p14
339804C2orf74-chromosome 2 open reading frame 742p15
23683PRKD3EPK2 | PKC-NU | PKD3 | PRKCN | nPKC-NUprotein kinase D32p21
90411MCFD2F5F8D | F5F8D2 | LMAN1IP | SDNSFmultiple coagulation factor deficiency 22p21
63892THADAGITAthyroid adenoma associated2p21
79833GEMIN6-gem nuclear organelle associated protein 62p22.1
55006TRMT61B-tRNA methyltransferase 61B2p23.2
57159TRIM54MURF | MURF-3 | RNF30 | muRF3tripartite motif containing 542p23.3
6382SDC1CD138 | SDC | SYND1 | syndecansyndecan 12p24.1
4118MAL-mal T-cell differentiation protein2q11.1
23397NCAPHBRRN1 | CAP-Hnon-SMC condensin I complex subunit H2q11.2
56910STARD7GTT1StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 72q11.2
9391CIAO1CIA1 | WDR39cytosolic iron-sulfur assembly component 12q11.2
6574SLC20A1GLVR1 | Glvr-1 | PIT1 | PiT-1solute carrier family 20 member 12q13
7852CXCR4CD184 | D2S201E | FB22 | HM89 | HSY3RR | LAP-3 | LAP3 | LCR1 | LESTR | NPY3R | NPYR | NPYRL | NPYY3R | WHIM | WHIMSC-X-C motif chemokine receptor 42q21
150737TTC30BIFT70 | IFT70B | fleertetratricopeptide repeat domain 30B2q31.2
64172OSGEPL1Qri7O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase-like 12q32.2
116987AGAP1AGAP-1 | CENTG2 | GGAP1 | cnt-g2ArfGAP with GTPase domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 12q37
248ALPIIAPalkaline phosphatase, intestinal2q37.1
1605DAG1156DAG | A3a | AGRNR | DAG | MDDGA9 | MDDGC7 | MDDGC9dystroglycan 13p21
1849DUSP7MKPX | PYST2dual specificity phosphatase 73p21
55830GLT8D1AD-017 | MSTP139glycosyltransferase 8 domain containing 13p21.1
23228PLCL2PLCE2phospholipase C like 23p24.3
285367RPUSD3-RNA pseudouridylate synthase domain containing 33p25.3
25917THUMPD3-THUMP domain containing 33p25.3
9686VGLL4VGL-4vestigial like family member 43p25.3
8930MBD4MED1methyl-CpG binding domain 4 DNA glycosylase3q21.3
8403SOX14SOX28SRY-box 143q22-q23
9616RNF7CKBBP1 | ROC2 | SAGring finger protein 73q22-q24
55186SLC25A36PNC2solute carrier family 25 member 363q23
90407TMEM41A2900010K02Riktransmembrane protein 41A3q27.2
348793WDR53-WD repeat domain 533q29
10333TLR6CD286toll like receptor 64p14
7096TLR1CD281 | TIL | TIL. LPRS5 | rsc786toll like receptor 14p14
132949AASDHACSF4 | LYS2 | NRPS1098 | NRPS998aminoadipate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase4q12
84273NOA1C4orf14 | MTG3 | hAtNOS1 | hNOA1 | mAtNOS1nitric oxide associated 14q12
80817CEP44KIAA1712 | PS1TP3centrosomal protein 44kDa4q34
8470SORBS2ARGBP2 | PRO0618sorbin and SH3 domain containing 24q35.1
114899C1QTNF3C1ATNF3 | CORCS | CORS | CORS-26 | CORS26 | CTRP3C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 35p13
1601DAB2DOC-2 | DOC2Dab, mitogen-responsive phosphoprotein, homolog 2 (Drosophila)5p13.1
10769PLK2SNK | hPlk2 | hSNKpolo like kinase 25q12.1-q13.2
5295PIK3R1AGM7 | GRB1 | IMD36 | p85 | p85-ALPHAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 15q13.1
153364MBLAC2-metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing 25q14.3
9337CNOT8CAF1 | CALIF | Caf1b | POP2 | hCAF1CCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 85q31-q33
51237MZB1MEDA-7 | PACAP | pERp1marginal zone B and B1 cell specific protein5q31.2
51523CXXC5CF5 | HSPC195 | RINF | WIDCXXC finger protein 55q31.2
64411ARAP3CENTD3 | DRAG1ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 35q31.3
81789TIGD6-tigger transposable element derived 65q32
79930DOK3DOKLdocking protein 35q35.3
116138KLHDC3PEAS | dJ20C7.3kelch domain containing 36p21.1
167CRISP1AEGL1 | ARP | CRISP-1 | HEL-S-57 | HSCRISP1D | HSCRISP1G | HUMARPcysteine rich secretory protein 16p21.3
28973MRPS18BC6orf14 | HSPC183 | HumanS18a | MRP-S18-2 | MRPS18-2 | PTD017 | S18amtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S18B6p21.3
1432MAPK14CSBP | CSBP1 | CSBP2 | CSPB1 | EXIP | Mxi2 | PRKM14 | PRKM15 | RK | SAPK2A | p38 | p38ALPHAmitogen-activated protein kinase 146p21.3-p21.2
8970HIST1H2BJH2B/r | H2BFR | H2BJhistone cluster 1, H2bj6p22.1
10455ECI2ACBD2 | DRS-1 | DRS1 | HCA88 | PECI | dJ1013A10.3enoyl-CoA delta isomerase 26p24.3
54438GFOD1ADG-90 | C6orf114glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 16pter-p22.1
112611RWDD2ARWDD2 | dJ747H23.2RWD domain containing 2A6q14.2
256380SCML4dJ47M23.1sex comb on midleg-like 4 (Drosophila)6q21
6446SGK1SGKserum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 16q23
2099ESR1ER | ESR | ESRA | ESTRR | Era | NR3A1estrogen receptor 16q25.1
29074MRPL18HSPC071 | L18mt | MRP-L18mitochondrial ribosomal protein L186q25.3
9734HDAC9HD7 | HD7b | HD9 | HDAC | HDAC7 | HDAC7B | HDAC9B | HDAC9FL | HDRP | MITRhistone deacetylase 97p21.1
1607DGKBDAGK2 | DGK | DGK-BETAdiacylglycerol kinase beta7p21.2
29960FTSJ2FJH1 | HEL97 | MRM2 | RRMJ2FtsJ RNA methyltransferase homolog 2 (E. coli)7p22
221955DAGLBDAGLBETA | KCCR13Ldiacylglycerol lipase beta7p22.1
10248POP70610037N12Rik | RPP2 | RPP20POP7 homolog, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit7q22
5001ORC5ORC5L | ORC5P | ORC5T | PPP1R117origin recognition complex subunit 57q22.1
78996C7orf49MRIchromosome 7 open reading frame 497q33
3084NRG1ARIA | GGF | GGF2 | HGL | HRG | HRG1 | HRGA | MST131 | MSTP131 | NDF | NRG1-IT2 | SMDFneuregulin 18p12
55893ZNF395HDBP-2 | HDBP2 | HDRF-2 | PBF | PRF-1 | PRF1 | Si-1-8-14zinc finger protein 3958p21.1
23221RHOBTB2DBC2Rho related BTB domain containing 28p21.3
55174INTS10C8orf35 | INT10integrator complex subunit 108p21.3
793CALB1CALB | D-28Kcalbindin 18q21.3
51366UBR5DD5 | EDD | EDD1 | HYDubiquitin protein ligase E3 component n-recognin 58q22
55656INTS8C8orf52 | INT8integrator complex subunit 88q22.1
7227TRPS1GC79 | LGCRtranscriptional repressor GATA binding 18q24.12
114907FBXO32Fbx32 | MAFbxF-box protein 328q24.13
54512EXOSC4RRP41 | RRP41A | Rrp41p | SKI6 | Ski6p | hRrp41p | p12Aexosome component 48q24.3
3297HSF1HSTF1heat shock transcription factor 18q24.3
375704ENHOC9orf165 | UNQ470energy homeostasis associated9p13.3
123PLIN2ADFP | ADRPperilipin 29p22.1
26953RANBP6-RAN binding protein 69p24.1
7507XPAXP1 | XPACxeroderma pigmentosum, complementation group A9q22.3
55357TBC1D2PARIS-1 | PARIS1 | TBC1D2ATBC1 domain family member 29q22.33
1757SARDHBPR-2 | DMGDHL1 | SAR | SARD | SDHsarcosine dehydrogenase9q33-q34
22954TRIM32BBS11 | HT2A | LGMD2H | TATIPtripartite motif containing 329q33.1
286336FAM78AC9orf59family with sequence similarity 78 member A9q34
54662TBC1D13-TBC1 domain family member 139q34.11
389792IER5LbA247A12.2immediate early response 5-like9q34.11
6838SURF6RRP14surfeit 69q34.2
114928GPRASP2GASP2G protein-coupled receptor associated sorting protein 2Xq22.1
4168MCF2ARHGEF21 | DBLMCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequenceXq27

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