Search results:

The pahtway p3212 has 111 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 68 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
8945BTRCBETA-TRCP | FBW1A | FBXW1 | FBXW1A | FWD1 | bTrCP | bTrCP1 | betaTrCPbeta-transducin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase10q24.32
7189TRAF6MGC:3310 | RNF85TNF receptor associated factor 611p12
2237FEN1FEN-1 | MF1 | RAD2flap structure-specific endonuclease 111q12
79080CCDC86-coiled-coil domain containing 8611q12.2
7536SF1BBP | D11S636 | MBBP | ZCCHC25 | ZFM1 | ZNF162splicing factor 111q13
10963STIP1HEL-S-94n | HOP | IEF-SSP-3521 | P60 | STI1 | STI1Lstress induced phosphoprotein 111q13
3359HTR3A5-HT-3 | 5-HT3A | 5-HT3R | 5HT3R | HTR35-hydroxytryptamine receptor 3A11q23.1
6996TDGhTDGthymine DNA glycosylase12q24.1
4939OAS2-2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase 212q24.2
54737MPHOSPH8HSMPP8 | TWA3 | mpp8M-phase phosphoprotein 813q12.11
9692KIAA0391MRPP3 | PRORPKIAA039114q13.2
10668CGRRF1CGR19 | RNF197cell growth regulator with ring finger domain 114q22.2
2957GTF2A1TF2A1 | TFIIA | TFIIA-42 | TFIIALgeneral transcription factor IIA 114q31.1
5371PMLMYL | PP8675 | RNF71 | TRIM19promyelocytic leukemia15q22
6095RORANR1F1 | ROR1 | ROR2 | ROR3 | RZR-ALPHA | RZRARAR related orphan receptor A15q22.2
23336SYNMDMN | SYNsynemin15q26.3
10847SRCAPDOMO1 | EAF1 | FLHS | SWR1Snf2-related CREBBP activator protein16p11.2
9810RNF40BRE1B | RBP95 | STARINGring finger protein 40, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase16p11.2-p11.1
608TNFRSF17BCM | BCMA | CD269 | TNFRSF13Atumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1716p13.1
6299SALL1HEL-S-89 | HSAL1 | Sal-1 | TBS | ZNF794spalt-like transcription factor 116q12.1
409ARRB2ARB2 | ARR2 | BARR2arrestin, beta 217p13
5697PYYPYY-I | PYY1peptide YY17q21.1
5878RAB5CL1880 | RAB5CL | RAB5L | RABLRAB5C, member RAS oncogene family17q21.2
9267CYTH1B2-1 | CYTOHESIN-1 | D17S811E | PSCD1 | SEC7cytohesin 117q25
3949LDLRFH | FHC | LDLCQ2low density lipoprotein receptor19p13.2
55957LIN37F25965 | ZK418.4 | lin-37lin-37 DREAM MuvB core complex component19q13.1
10964IFI44LC1orf29 | GS3686interferon induced protein 44 like1p31.1
10561IFI44MTAP44 | TLDC5 | p44interferon induced protein 441p31.1
10420TESK2-testis-specific kinase 21p32
4520MTF1MTF-1 | ZRFmetal-regulatory transcription factor 11p33
65979PHACTR4PPP1R124phosphatase and actin regulator 41p35.3
23261CAMTA1CANPMRcalmodulin binding transcription activator 11p36.31-p36.23
4209MEF2D-myocyte enhancer factor 2D1q12-q23
10485C1orf61CROC4chromosome 1 open reading frame 611q22
25909AHCTF1ELYS | MST108 | MSTP108 | TMBS62AT-hook containing transcription factor 11q44
9334B4GALT5B4Gal-T5 | BETA4-GALT-IV | beta4Gal-T5 | beta4GalT-V | gt-VUDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 520q13.1-q13.2
55544RBM38HSRNASEB | RNPC1 | SEB4B | SEB4D | dJ800J21.2RNA binding motif protein 3820q13.31
11200CHEK2CDS1 | CHK2 | HuCds1 | LFS2 | PP1425 | RAD53 | hCds1checkpoint kinase 222q12.1
4744NEFHNFHneurofilament, heavy polypeptide22q12.2
5966RELC-Relv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog2p13-p12
9392TGFBRAP1TRAP-1 | TRAP1 | VPS3transforming growth factor beta receptor associated protein 12q12.1
10254STAM2Hbp | STAM2A | STAM2Bsignal transducing adaptor molecule 22q23.3
3485IGFBP2IBP2 | IGF-BP53insulin like growth factor binding protein 22q35
80335WDR82MST107 | MSTP107 | PRO2730 | PRO34047 | SWD2 | TMEM113 | WDR82AWD repeat domain 823p21.2
185AGTR1AG2S | AGTR1B | AT1 | AT1AR | AT1B | AT1BR | AT1R | AT2R1 | HAT1Rangiotensin II receptor type 13q24
1739DLG1DLGH1 | SAP-97 | SAP97 | dJ1061C18.1.1 | hdlgdiscs large homolog 1, scribble cell polarity complex component3q29
5471PPATATASE | GPAT | PRATphosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase4q12
5308PITX2ARP1 | Brx1 | IDG2 | IGDS | IGDS2 | IHG2 | IRID2 | Otlx2 | PTX2 | RGS | RIEG | RIEG1 | RSpaired like homeodomain 24q25
7097TLR2CD282 | TIL4toll like receptor 24q32
9848MFAP3LNYD-sp9microfibrillar associated protein 3 like4q32.3
3673ITGA2BR | CD49B | GPIa | HPA-5 | VLA-2 | VLAA2integrin subunit alpha 25q11.2
9456HOMER1HOMER | HOMER1A | HOMER1B | HOMER1C | SYN47 | Ves-1homer scaffolding protein 15q14.2
6558SLC12A2BSC | BSC2 | NKCC1 | PPP1R141solute carrier family 12 member 25q23.3
7738ZNF184kr-ZNF3zinc finger protein 1846p21.3
6257RXRBDAUDI6 | H-2RIIBP | NR2B2 | RCoR-1retinoid X receptor beta6p21.3
6890TAP1ABC17 | ABCB2 | APT1 | D6S114E | PSF-1 | PSF1 | RING4 | TAP1*0102N | TAP1Ntransporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP)6p21.3
346157ZNF391dJ153G14.3zinc finger protein 3916p22.1
11120BTN2A1BK14H9.1 | BT2.1 | BTF1 | BTN2.1 | DJ3E1.1butyrophilin subfamily 2 member A16p22.1
58528RRAGDRAGD | bA11D8.2.1Ras related GTP binding D6q15
2768GNA12NNX3 | RMP | gepG protein subunit alpha 127p22.2
26053AUTS2FBRSL2 | MRD26autism susceptibility candidate 27q11.22
440ASNSASNSD | TS11asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)7q21.3
4885NPTX2NARP | NP-II | NP2neuronal pentraxin 27q21.3-q22.1
673BRAFB-RAF1 | BRAF1 | NS7 | RAFB1B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase7q34
4741NEFMNEF3 | NF-M | NFMneurofilament, medium polypeptide8p21
2203FBP1FBPfructose-bisphosphatase 19q22.3
10439OLFM1AMY | NOE1 | NOELIN1 | OlfAolfactomedin 19q34.3

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