Search results:

The pahtway p2840 has 89 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 61 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
22943DKK1DKK-1 | SKdickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 110q11.2
664BNIP3NIP3BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 310q26.3
627BDNFANON2 | BULN2brain-derived neurotrophic factor11p13
5024P2RX3P2X3purinergic receptor P2X 311q12
3177SLC29A2DER12 | ENT2 | HNP36solute carrier family 29 member 211q13
4837NNMT-nicotinamide N-methyltransferase11q23.1
27239GPR162A-2 | GRCAG protein-coupled receptor 16212p13
4908NTF3HDNF | NGF-2 | NGF2 | NT-3 | NT3neurotrophin 312p13
9478CABP1CALBRAIN | HCALB_BRcalcium binding protein 112q24.31
3242HPD4-HPPD | 4HPPD | GLOD3 | HPPDASE | PPD4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase12q24.31
79789CLMN-calmin (calponin-like, transmembrane)14q32.13
23431AP4E1CPSQ4 | SPG51adaptor related protein complex 4 epsilon 1 subunit15q21.2
1136CHRNA3LNCR2 | NACHRA3 | PAOD2cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 3 subunit15q24
1464CSPG4HMW-MAA | MCSP | MCSPG | MEL-CSPG | MSK16 | NG2chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan 415q24.2
50615IL21RCD360 | NILRinterleukin 21 receptor16p11
8558CDK10PISSLREcyclin-dependent kinase 1016q24
51393TRPV2VRL | VRL-1 | VRL1transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 217p11.2
3675ITGA3CD49C | FRP-2 | GAP-B3 | GAPB3 | ILNEB | MSK18 | VCA-2 | VL3A | VLA3aintegrin subunit alpha 317q21.33
10513APPBP2APP-BP2 | HS.84084 | PAT1amyloid beta precursor protein binding protein 217q23.2
5596MAPK4ERK-4 | ERK4 | PRKM4 | p63-MAPK | p63MAPKmitogen-activated protein kinase 418q21.1
5055SERPINB2HsT1201 | PAI | PAI-2 | PAI2 | PLANH2serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 218q21.3
3383ICAM1BB2 | CD54 | P3.58intercellular adhesion molecule 119p13.2
84444DOT1LDOT1 | KMT4DOT1 like histone H3K79 methyltransferase19p13.3
718C3AHUS5 | ARMD9 | ASP | C3a | C3b | CPAMD1 | HEL-S-62pcomplement component 319p13.3-p13.2
7040TGFB1CED | DPD1 | LAP | TGFB | TGFbetatransforming growth factor beta 119q13.1
3953LEPRCD295 | LEP-R | LEPRD | OB-R | OBRleptin receptor1p31
2023ENO1ENO1L1 | HEL-S-17 | MPB1 | NNE | PPHenolase 1, (alpha)1p36.2
1163CKS1BCKS1 | PNAS-16 | PNAS-18 | ckshs1CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B1q21.2
598BCL2L1BCL-XL/S | BCL2L | BCLX | Bcl-X | PPP1R52BCL2 like 120q11.21
8771TNFRSF6BDCR3 | DJ583P15.1.1 | M68 | M68E | TR6tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 6b20q13.3
1522CTSZCTSXcathepsin Z20q13.32
1292COL6A2BTHLM1 | PP3610 | UCMD1collagen type VI alpha 221q22.3
5155PDGFBIBGC5 | PDGF-2 | PDGF2 | SIS | SSV | c-sisplatelet derived growth factor subunit B22q13.1
10602CDC42EP3BORG2 | CEP3 | UB1CDC42 effector protein 32p21
1058CENPACENP-A | CenH3centromere protein A2p23.3
3241HPCAL1BDR1 | HLP2 | VILIP-3hippocalcin like 12p25.1
7474WNT5AhWNT5Awingless-type MMTV integration site family member 5A3p21-p14
1294COL7A1EBD1 | EBDCT | EBR1 | NDNC8collagen type VII alpha 13p21.1
23395LARS2LEURS | PRLTS4 | mtLeuRSleucyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial3p21.3
5468PPARGCIMT1 | GLM1 | NR1C3 | PPARG1 | PPARG2 | PPARgammaperoxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma3p25
6533SLC6A6TAUTsolute carrier family 6 member 63p25.1
1295COL8A1C3orf7collagen type VIII alpha 13q12.3
5918RARRES1LXNL | PERG-1 | TIG1retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 13q25.32
5099PCDH7BH-Pcdh | BHPCDH | PPP1R120protocadherin 74p15
2247FGF2BFGF | FGF-2 | FGFB | HBGF-2fibroblast growth factor 24q26
56034PDGFCFALLOTEIN | SCDGFplatelet derived growth factor C4q32
1022CDK7CAK1 | CDKN7 | HCAK | MO15 | STK1 | p39MO15cyclin-dependent kinase 75q12.1
56128PCDHB8PCDH-BETA8 | PCDH3Iprotocadherin beta 85q31
8974P4HA2-prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 25q31
1794DOCK2IMD40dedicator of cytokinesis 25q35.1
7020TFAP2AAP-2 | AP-2alpha | AP2TF | BOFS | TFAP2transcription factor AP-2 alpha (activating enhancer binding protein 2 alpha)6p24
8621CDK13CDC2L | CDC2L5 | CHED | hCDK13cyclin-dependent kinase 137p13
948CD36BDPLT10 | CHDS7 | FAT | GP3B | GP4 | GPIV | PASIV | SCARB3CD36 molecule7q11.2
2006ELNSVAS | WBS | WSelastin7q11.23
781CACNA2D1CACNA2 | CACNL2A | CCHL2A | LINC01112 | lncRNA-N3calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit alpha2delta 17q21-q22
4897NRCAM-neuronal cell adhesion molecule7q31
6009RHEBRHEB2Ras homolog enriched in brain7q36
2055CLN8C8orf61 | EPMRceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 88p23
8439NSMAFFAN | GRAMD5neutral sphingomyelinase activation associated factor8q12.1
4982TNFRSF11BOCIF | OPG | PDB5 | TR1tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11b8q24
2892GRIA3GLUR-C | GLUR-K3 | GLUR3 | GLURC | GluA3 | MRX94glutamate ionotropic receptor AMPA type subunit 3Xq25

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