Search results:

The pahtway p3136 has 178 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 111 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1390CREMCREM-2 | ICER | hCREM-2cAMP responsive element modulator10p11.21
11130ZWINTHZwint-1 | KNTC2AP | SIP30 | ZWINT1ZW10 interacting kinetochore protein10q21-q22
56681SAR1ASAR1 | SARA1 | Sara | masra2secretion associated Ras related GTPase 1A10q22.1
22986SORCS3SORCSsortilin related VPS10 domain containing receptor 310q23-q25
10556RPP30TSG15ribonuclease P/MRP 30kDa subunit10q23.31
1571CYP2E1CPE1 | CYP2E | P450-J | P450C2Ecytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily E member 110q26.3
4928NUP98ADIR2 | NUP196 | NUP96nucleoporin 98kDa11p15.5
3177SLC29A2DER12 | ENT2 | HNP36solute carrier family 29 member 211q13
8500PPFIA1LIP.1 | LIP1 | LIPRINPTPRF interacting protein alpha 111q13.3
23201FAM168AKIAA0280 | TCRP1family with sequence similarity 168 member A11q13.4
7481WNT11HWNT11wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 1111q13.5
9183ZW10HZW10 | KNTC1APzw10 kinetochore protein11q23.2
2065ERBB3ErbB-3 | HER3 | LCCS2 | MDA-BF-1 | c-erbB-3 | c-erbB3 | erbB3-S | p180-ErbB3 | p45-sErbB3 | p85-sErbB3erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 312q13
10198MPHOSPH9MPP-9 | MPP9M-phase phosphoprotein 912q24.31
4792NFKBIAIKBA | MAD-3 | NFKBINFKB inhibitor alpha14q13
171546SPTSSAC14orf147 | SSSPTAserine palmitoyltransferase small subunit A14q13.1
11177BAZ1AACF1 | WALp1 | WCRF180 | hACF1bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 1A14q13.2
5494PPM1APP2C-ALPHA | PP2CA | PP2Calphaprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1A14q23.1
10125RASGRP1CALDAG-GEFI | CALDAG-GEFII | RASGRP | V | hRasGRP1RAS guanyl releasing protein 115q14
1588CYP19A1ARO | ARO1 | CPV1 | CYAR | CYP19 | CYPXIX | P-450AROMcytochrome P450 family 19 subfamily A member 115q21.1
5873RAB27AGS2 | HsT18676 | RAB27 | RAMRAB27A, member RAS oncogene family15q21.3
6457SH3GL3CNSA3 | EEN-B2 | HsT19371 | SH3D2C | SH3P13SH3-domain GRB2-like 315q24
4122MAN2A2MANA2Xmannosidase alpha class 2A member 215q26.1
51704GPRC5BRAIG-2 | RAIG2G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member B16p12
608TNFRSF17BCM | BCMA | CD269 | TNFRSF13Atumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1716p13.1
18ABATGABA-AT | GABAT | NPD0094-aminobutyrate aminotransferase16p13.2
55565ZNF821-zinc finger protein 82116q22.2
11216AKAP10AKAP-10 | D-AKAP-2 | D-AKAP2 | PRKA10A-kinase anchoring protein 1017p11.1
1742DLG4PSD95 | SAP-90 | SAP90discs large homolog 417p13.1
4763NF1NFNS | VRNF | WSSneurofibromin 117q11.2
9570GOSR2Bos1 | EPM6 | GS27golgi SNAP receptor complex member 217q21
996CDC27ANAPC3 | APC3 | CDC27Hs | D0S1430E | D17S978E | H-NUC | HNUC | NUC2cell division cycle 2717q21.32
8161COILCLN80 | p80-coilincoilin17q22
9969MED13ARC250 | DRIP250 | HSPC221 | THRAP1 | TRAP240mediator complex subunit 1317q23.2
5976UPF1HUPF1 | NORF1 | RENT1 | pNORF1 | smg-2UPF1, RNA helicase and ATPase19p13.11
3949LDLRFH | FHC | LDLCQ2low density lipoprotein receptor19p13.2
9745ZNF536-zinc finger protein 53619q12
2077ERFCRS4 | PE-2 | PE2ETS2 repressor factor19q13
5178PEG3PW1 | ZKSCAN22 | ZNF904 | ZSCAN24paternally expressed 319q13.4
5563PRKAA2AMPK | AMPK2 | AMPKa2 | PRKAAprotein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 21p31
4116MAGOHMAGOH1 | MAGOHAmago homolog, exon junction complex core component1p32.3
8503PIK3R3p55 | p55-GAMMA | p55PIKphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 31p34.1
81609SNX27MRT1 | MY014sorting nexin family member 271q21.3
3310HSPA6HSP70B'heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 61q23
9887SMG7C1orf16 | EST1C | SGA56MSMG7 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor1q25
10228STX6-syntaxin 61q25.3
3911LAMA5-laminin subunit alpha 520q13.2-q13.3
1525CXADRCAR | CAR4/6 | HCARcoxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor21q21.1
23515MORC3NXP2 | ZCW5 | ZCWCC3MORC family CW-type zinc finger 321q22.13
10797MTHFD2NMDMCmethylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent) 2, methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase2p13.1
6509SLC1A4ASCT1 | SATT | SPATCCMsolute carrier family 1 member 42p14
5534PPP3R1CALNB1 | CNB | CNB1protein phosphatase 3 regulatory subunit B, alpha2p15
53335BCL11ABCL11A-L | BCL11A-S | BCL11A-XL | BCL11a-M | CTIP1 | EVI9 | HBFQTL5 | ZNF856B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A2p16.1
55120FANCLFAAP43 | PHF9 | POGFanconi anemia complementation group L2p16.1
5496PPM1GPP2CG | PP2CGAMMA | PPP2CGprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1G2p23.3
3790KCNS3KV9.3potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily S member 32p24
9173IL1RL1DER4 | FIT-1 | IL33R | ST2 | ST2L | ST2V | T1interleukin 1 receptor like 12q12
8886DDX18MrDbDEAD-box helicase 182q14.1
3557IL1RNDIRA | ICIL-1RA | IL-1RN | IL-1ra | IL-1ra3 | IL1F3 | IL1RA | IRAP | MVCD4interleukin 1 receptor antagonist2q14.2
55183RIF1-replication timing regulatory factor 12q23.3
1386ATF2CRE-BP1 | CREB-2 | CREB2 | HB16 | TREB7activating transcription factor 22q32
26146TRAF3IP1IFT54 | MIP-T3 | MIPT3 | SLSN9TRAF3 interacting protein 12q37.3
4286MITFCMM8 | MI | WS2 | WS2A | bHLHe32microphthalmia-associated transcription factor3p13
6787NEK4NRK2 | STK2 | pp12301NIMA related kinase 43p21.1
8553BHLHE40BHLHB2 | DEC1 | HLHB2 | SHARP-2 | STRA13 | Stra14basic helix-loop-helix family member e403p26
868CBLBCbl-b | Nbla00127 | RNF56Cbl proto-oncogene B, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase3q13.11
2596GAP43B-50 | PP46growth associated protein 433q13.31
4071TM4SF1H-L6 | L6 | M3S1 | TAAL6transmembrane 4 L six family member 13q21-q25
11073TOPBP1TOP2BP1topoisomerase (DNA) II binding protein 13q22.1
22808MRASM-RAs | R-RAS3 | RRAS3muscle RAS oncogene homolog3q22.3
3592IL12ACLMF | IL-12A | NFSK | NKSF1 | P35interleukin 12A3q25.33
5437POLR2HRPABC3 | RPB17 | RPB8polymerase (RNA) II subunit H3q28
8087FXR1FXR1PFMR1 autosomal homolog 13q28
2119ETV5ERMETS variant 53q28
5504PPP1R2IPP-2 | IPP2protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 23q29
10336PCGF3DONG1 | RNF3 | RNF3Apolycomb group ring finger 34p16.3
839CASP6MCH2caspase 64q25
4886NPY1RNPY1-R | NPYRneuropeptide Y receptor Y14q32.2
291SLC25A4AAC1 | ANT | ANT 1 | ANT1 | MTDPS12 | PEO2 | PEO3 | PEOA2 | T1solute carrier family 25 member 44q35
1036CDO1-cysteine dioxygenase type 15q23.2
11127KIF3AFLA10 | KLP-20kinesin family member 3A5q31
51491NOP16HSPC111 | HSPC185NOP16 nucleolar protein5q35.2
4172MCM3HCC5 | P1-MCM3 | P1.h | RLFBminichromosome maintenance complex component 36p12
23607CD2APCMSCD2-associated protein6p12
988CDC5LCDC5 | CDC5-LIKE | CEF1 | PCDC5RP | dJ319D22.1cell division cycle 5 like6p21
22875ENPP4NPP4ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 4 (putative)6p21.1
6257RXRBDAUDI6 | H-2RIIBP | NR2B2 | RCoR-1retinoid X receptor beta6p21.3
7922SLC39A7D6S115E | D6S2244E | H2-KE4 | HKE4 | KE4 | RING5 | ZIP7solute carrier family 39 member 76p21.3
6890TAP1ABC17 | ABCB2 | APT1 | D6S114E | PSF-1 | PSF1 | RING4 | TAP1*0102N | TAP1Ntransporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP)6p21.3
1871E2F3E2F-3E2F transcription factor 36p22
9308CD83BL11 | HB15CD83 molecule6p23
262AMD1ADOMETDC | AMD | SAMDCadenosylmethionine decarboxylase 16q21
107ADCY1AC1 | DFNB44adenylate cyclase 1 (brain)7p12.3
154661RUNDC3BRPIB9 | RPIP9RUN domain containing 3B7q21.12
7982ST7ETS7q | FAM4A | FAM4A1 | HELG | RAY1 | SEN4 | TSG7suppression of tumorigenicity 77q31.2
4289MKLN1TWA2muskelin 17q32
835CASP2CASP-2 | ICH1 | NEDD-2 | NEDD2 | PPP1R57caspase 27q34-q35
2936GSRHEL-75 | HEL-S-122mglutathione reductase8p21.1
4067LYNJTK8 | p53Lyn | p56LynLYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase8q13
5569PKIAPRKACN1protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor alpha8q21.12
1875E2F5E2F-5E2F transcription factor 58q21.2
22882ZHX2AFR1 | RAFzinc fingers and homeoboxes 28q24.13
23081KDM4CGASC1 | JHDM3C | JMJD2C | TDRD14Clysine demethylase 4C9p24.1
5774PTPN3PTP-H1 | PTPH1protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 39q31
7539ZFP37ZNF906 | zfp-37ZFP37 zinc finger protein9q32
27348TOR1BDQ1torsin family 1 member B9q34
9858PPP1R26KIAA0649protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 269q34.3
5063PAK3MRX30 | MRX47 | OPHN3 | PAK-3 | PAK3beta | bPAK | beta-PAKp21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 3Xq23
9363RAB33ARabS10RAB33A, member RAS oncogene familyXq26.1

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