Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase (bioinfom_tsdb)
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension KnowledgeBase

Found 56 literature records

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Entrez IDDescription
50514"Isolation and mutational analysis of a novel human cDNA, DEC1 (deleted in esophageal cancer 1), derived from the tumor suppressor locus in 9q32."
1029Evaluation of alterations in the tumor suppressor genes INK4A and INK4B in human bladder tumors.
1030Evaluation of alterations in the tumor suppressor genes INK4A and INK4B in human bladder tumors.
11186RASSF3 and NORE1: identification and cloning of two human homologues of the putative tumor suppressor gene RASSF1.
2272"FHIT gene is one of the chromosome 3p putative tumor suppressor genes involved in the pathogenesis of this highly malignant neoplasm, gallbladder carcinoma"
1500roles of p120 as a tumor suppressor or metastasis promoter are discussed (review)
3814Tumor suppressor role of KiSS-1 in bladder cancer: loss of KiSS-1 expression is associated with bladder cancer progression and clinical outcome.
4804p75(NTR) tumor suppressor induces caspase-mediated apoptosis in bladder tumor cells
8406"down-regulation of drs mRNA is closely correlated with carcinomas which arise from adenomatous polyps in the course of the adenoma-carcinoma sequence, but most carcinomas arising de novo are independent of the tumor suppressor function of the drs gene"
7248Human bladder tumors with 2-hit mutations of tumor suppressor gene TSC1 and decreased expression of p27.
7161"p73 plays a tumor suppressor role in bladder cancer, and its inactivation occurs through an epigenetic mechanism, most probably involving protein degradation."
5268Expression and regulation of tumor suppressor gene maspin in human bladder cancer.
1029Alteration of p16 gene alone or in combination with alterations of other tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 9p is a prognostic indicator in gallbladder carcinoma.
11186The tumor suppressor RASSF1A in human carcinogenesis: an update.
1620likely tumor suppressor for NSCLC;silencing through homozygous deletion or methylation of its promoter promotes progression
11186"Review summarizes current knowledge on genetic, epigenetic, and functional analysis of RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene and its homologues."
199731"Cell adhesion and prostate tumor-suppressor activity of TSLL2/IGSF4C, an immunoglobulin superfamily molecule homologous to TSLC1/IGSF4"
10904might be a potential tumor suppressor gene in cervical carcinoma.
4292The high agreement between AIP and MLH1 gene promoter methylation suggests that the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and of the genes related to the control of cellular proliferation through this mechanism is involved in gallbladder carcinogenesis.
324The high frequency of methylation of the APC gene promoter suggests that the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and of the genes related to the control of cellular proliferation through this mechanism is involved in gallbladder carcinogenesis.
999The high frequency of methylation of the CDH1 gene promoter suggests that the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and of the genes related to the control of cellular proliferation through this mechanism is involved in gallbladder carcinogenesis.
1029The high frequency of methylation of the CDKN2A gene promoter suggests that the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and of the genes related to the control of cellular proliferation through this mechanism is involved in gallbladder carcinogenesis.
2272The high frequency of methylation of the FHIT gene promoter suggests that the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes and of the genes related to the control of cellular proliferation through this mechanism is involved in gallbladder carcinogenesis.
54206Evidence that MIG-6 is a tumor-suppressor gene.
57509"Structural organization and expression of human MTUS1, a candidate 8p22 tumor suppressor gene encoding a family of angiotensin II AT2 receptor-interacting proteins, ATIP."
5728"In conclusion, using a biologically relevant model system to dissect PTEN tumor suppressor function in human bladder cancer, we identified three molecules important for many cellular functions in complex with PTEN."
5728Poor prognosis in carcinoma is associated with a gene expression signature of aberrant PTEN tumor suppressor pathway activity.
5934"There was a strong correlation between the expression of p130 in Stage 1 & 3, but not Stage 2, tumors. High levels of p130 were detected in the cytoplasm rather than the nucleus, suggesting an aberrant subcellular localization of this tumor suppressor."
54739XAF1 may have a role as a tumor suppressor gene in advanced bladder cancer treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy
407040miR-34a represents a tumor suppressor gene which is inactivated by CpG methylation and subsequent transcriptional silencing in a broad range of tumors.
84260"MITOSTATIN was found within a 3.2-kb transcript for an approximately 62 kDa mitochondrial protein with tumor suppressor activity. It inhibits cell growth, is proapoptotic and downregulates Hsp27."
406913Epigenetic therapy upregulates the tumor suppressor microRNA-126 and its host gene EGFL7 in human cancer cells.
406904"Data indicate that LASP1 may have an oncogenic function and that it might be regulated by miR-1, miR-133a, and miR-218, which may function as tumor suppressive miRNAs in bladder cancer (BC)."
406922"Data indicate that LASP1 may have an oncogenic function and that it might be regulated by miR-1, miR-133a, and miR-218, which may function as tumor suppressive miRNAs in bladder cancer (BC)."
5947CRBP1 gene could have a tumor suppressive function in bladder cancer.
6050the anti-tumor effect of RNH1 is also involved in suppressing growth and metastasis
574479miR-517a functions as a tumor suppressor through inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in bladder cancer cells
407000miR-218 on the genomic loss region of chromosome 4p15.31 functions as a tumor suppressor in bladder cancer.
406935findings suggest that the chemically-modified synthetic miR-143 functions as a tumor suppressor in T24 cells by targeting ERK5 and/or Akt
84260MITOSTATIN may acts as a tumor suppressor gene in prostate cancer.
9788"Metastasis suppressor-1, MTSS1, acts as a putative tumour suppressor in human bladder cancer."
406904these data indicated that tumor suppressive miR-1 induces apoptosis through direct inhibition of SRSF9 in bladder cancer.
693159Authors demonstrate that miR-574-3p is a miRNA with tumor suppressor function and that MESDC1 (which has a potential oncogenic function in BC) may be targeted by miR-574-3p.
1036CDO1 as a novel tumor suppressor gene and a potentially valuable molecular marker for human cancer
5932COM1 is a potential tumour suppressor in human bladder cancer.
4486"the function of RON in tumors may be multidimensional, not just as a tumor suppressor or oncogene."
26608"A TERE1-TBL2 complex likely functions in oxidative/nitrosative stress, lipid metabolism, and SXR signaling pathways in its role as a tumor suppressor."
29914"A TERE1-TBL2 complex likely functions in oxidative/nitrosative stress, lipid metabolism, and SXR signaling pathways in its role as a tumor suppressor."
130399"ACVR 1C is a tumor suppressor, and lowered ACVR 1C expression is an important marker for the metastasis, invasion, and prognosis of gallbladder cancer."
407011MicroRNA-23b functions as a tumor suppressor by regulating Zeb1 in bladder cancer.
