Dataset_name or Publication PMID | Species | Method | Tissue | Phenotype or Treatment | Publication |
11093800 | Human | Microarray | SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells | Ethanol response | Thibault et al. Mol Pharmacol. (2000) Expression profiling of neural cells reveals specific patterns of ethanol-responsive gene expression. PubMed |
11141048 | Human | Microarray | Frontal cortex | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Lewohl et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2000) Gene expression in human alcoholism: microarray analysis of frontal cortex. PubMed |
12065639 | Human | Microarray | Frontal and motor cortices | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Mayfield et al. J Neurochem. (2002) Patterns of gene expression are altered in the frontal and motor cortices of human alcoholics. PubMed |
12774316 | Human | Microarray | Temporal cortex | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Sokolov et al. J Neurosci Res. (2003) Transcription profiling reveals mitochondrial, ubiquitin and signaling systems abnormalities in postmortem brains from subjects with a history of alcohol abuse or dependence. PubMed |
15236863 | Human | Microarray | Prefrontal cortex | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Iwamoto et al. Neurosci Res. (2004) Decreased expression of NEFH and PCP4/PEP19 in the prefrontal cortex of alcoholics. PubMed |
15816859 | Human | Microarray | Prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Flatscher-Bader et al. J Neurochem.(2005) Alcohol-responsive genes in the frontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of human alcoholics. PubMed |
16292326 | Human | Microarray | Frontal cortex | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Liu et al. Neuropsychopharmacology. (2006) Patterns of gene expression in the frontal cortex discriminate alcoholic from nonalcoholic individuals. PubMed |
18477577 | Human | Addiction array gene list | | | Hodgkinson et al. Alcohol Alcohol. (2008) Addictions Biology: Haplotype-Based Analysis for 130 Candidate Genes on a Single Array. PubMed |
16894614 | Human | Association | | Alcohol dependence (AD)/Alcohol abuse/Alcoholism | Johnson et al. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. (2006) Pooled association genome scanning for alcohol dependence using 104,268 SNPs: validation and use to identify alcoholism vulnerability loci in unrelated individuals from the collaborative study on the genetics of alcoholism. PubMed |
Literature search | Human | Literature search | | | |
15211641 | Human | Linkage | | Alcoholism phenotype along with age, gender, and P300 or constraint | Hill et al. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. (2004) A genome wide search for alcoholism susceptibility genes. PubMed |
16534506 | Human | Linkage | | ADSX (number of DSM-IV AD symptoms) | Prescott et al. Mol Psychiatry. (2006) Genomewide linkage study in the Irish affected sib pair study of alcohol dependence: evidence for a susceptibility region for symptoms of alcohol dependence on chromosome 4. PubMed |
17067344 | Human | Linkage | | WDSFS (withdrawal symptoms factor score), ONSET (age at onset of AD), ISENS (initial sensitivity), TOLMX (tolerance/maximum drinking) | Kuo et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2006) Identification of susceptibility loci for alcohol-related traits in the Irish Affected Sib Pair Study of Alcohol Dependence. PubMed |
HuGE Navigator | Human | Literature data mining | | Alcohol Amnestic Disorder; Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium; Alcohol Withdrawal Seizures; Alcohol-Induced Disorders; Alcohol-Induced Disorders, Nervous System; Alcohol-Related Disorders; Alcoholic Intoxication; Alcoholic Neuropathy; Alcoholism | Wei Yu, Melinda Clyne, Anja Wulf, Ajay Yesupriya, Marta Gwinn and Muin J. Khoury. Phenopedia. HuGE Navigator. Available at: Accessed [Jun. 10, 2008]. |
11410715 | Mouse | Microarray | Whole brain | Ethanol sensitivity | Xu et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2001) Comparison of global brain gene expression profiles between inbred long-sleep and inbred short-sleep mice by high-density gene array hybridization. PubMed |
12805289 | Mouse | Microarray and QTL | Whole brain | Acute functional tolerance to ethanol | Tabakoff et al. J Neurosci. (2003) Selective breeding, quantitative trait locus analysis, and gene arrays identify candidate genes for complex drug-related behaviors. PubMed |
15002731 | Mouse | Microarray | Whole brain | Acute ethanol response | Treadwell et al. Neurochem Res. (2004) Microarray analysis of mouse brain gene expression following acute ethanol treatment. PubMed |
15282116 | Mouse | Microarray | Striata | Alcohol-nonpreferring, alcohol-preferring, alcohol self-administration | Saito et al. Alcohol. (2004) Mouse striatal transcriptome analysis: effects of oral self-administration of alcohol. PubMed |
15668661 | Mouse | Microarray | Fetal brain | Ethanol response | Hard et al. J Lab Clin Med. (2005) Gene-expression analysis after alcohol exposure in the developing mouse. PubMed |
16465594 | Mouse | Microarray and QTL | Cerebellum | Ethanol sensitivity | MacLaren et al. Mamm Genome. (2006) Expression profiling identifies novel candidate genes for ethanol sensitivity QTLs. PubMed |
16783646 | Mouse | Microarray and QTL | Whole brain | Alcohol preference, acute functional tolerance | Saba et al. Mamm Genome. (2006) Candidate genes and their regulatory elements: alcohol preference and tolerance. PubMed |
17295719 | Mouse | Microarray | Cultured fetal mouse cortical neurons | Ethanol response | Wang et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2007) Regulation of platelet-derived growth factor signaling pathway by ethanol, nicotine, or both in mouse cortical neurons. PubMed |
15745951 | Mouse | Microarray | Nucleus accumbens, prefrontal cortex, and ventral tegmental area | Acute ethanol response | Kerns et al. J Neurosci. (2005) Ethanol-responsive brain region expression networks: implications for behavioral responses to acute ethanol in DBA/2J versus C57BL/6J mice. PubMed |
16618939 | Mouse | Microarray | Whole brain | Alcohol preference | Mulligan et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. (2006) Toward understanding the genetics of alcohol drinking through transcriptome meta-analysis. PubMed |
MouseQTL | Mouse | QTL | | Acute Alcohol Withdrawal, Chronic Alcohol Withdrawal, Alcohol Preference Drinking, Alcohol Stimulated Activity, Alcohol-induced Loss of Righting Reflex, Alcohol Acceptance | PARC Alcohol QTLs by Phenotype at Portland Alcohol Research Center. |
15597075 | Mouse | Microarray and QTL | Brain | Acute ethanol withdrawal, Chronic ethanol withdrawal, Ethanol preference drinking, Ethanol-stimulated activity | Hitzemann et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2004) On the integration of alcohol-related quantitative trait loci and gene expression analyses. PubMed |
11772933 | Rat | Microarray | Frontal cortex and amygdala | Ethanol response | Rimondini et al FASEB J. (2002) Long-lasting increase in voluntary ethanol consumption and transcriptional regulation in the rat brain after intermittent exposure to alcohol. PubMed |
15660665 | Rat | Microarray | Hippocampus | Alcohol-preferring, alcohol-nonpreferring | Edenberg et al. Genes Brain Behav. (2005) Gene expression in the hippocampus of inbred alcohol-preferring and -nonpreferring rats. PubMed |
15846778 | Rat | Microarray | Frontal cortex | Alcohol-preferring, alcohol-nonpreferring | Worst et al. J Neurosci Res. (2005) Transcriptome analysis of frontal cortex in alcohol-preferring and nonpreferring rats. PubMed |
17451403 | Rat | Microarray and QTL | Nucleus accumbens, frontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and striatum | Alcohol Preference, alcohol-preferring, alcohol-nonpreferring | Carr et al. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. (2007) Identification of candidate genes for alcohol preference by expression profiling of congenic rat strains. PubMed |
17517326 | Rat | Microarray | Nucleus accumbens, amygdala, frontal cortex, caudate-putamen, and hippocampus | Alcohol-preferring, alcohol-nonpreferring | Kimpel et al. Alcohol. (2007) Functional gene expression differences between inbred alcohol-preferring and -non-preferring rats in five brain regions. PubMed |
18405950 | Rat | Microarray | Nucleus accumbens and amygdala | Ethanol self-administration, alcohol-preferring | Rodd et al. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. (2008) Differential gene expression in the nucleus accumbens with ethanol self-administration in inbred alcohol-preferring rats. PubMed |
15028283 | Worm | Microarray | | Ethanol response | Kwon et al. Genomics. (2004) Ethanol-response genes and their regulation analyzed by a microarray and comparative genomic approach in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. PubMed |
17054780 | Fly | Microarray | | Ethanol response | Morozova et al. Genome Biol. (2006) Transcriptional response to alcohol exposure in Drosophila melanogaster. PubMed |
17973985 | Fly | Microarray | | Ethanol sensitivity | Morozova et al. Genome Biol. (2007) Phenotypic and transcriptional response to selection for alcohol sensitivity in Drosophila melanogaster. PubMed |