Search results:

The pahtway p1453 has 450 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 256 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
89846FGD3ZFYVE5FYVE, RhoGEF and PH domain containing 3-
23412COMMD3BUP | C10orf8COMM domain containing 310p12.2
2625GATA3HDR | HDRSGATA binding protein 310p15
288ANK3ANKYRIN-G | MRT37ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ankyrin G)10q21
29760BLNKAGM4 | BASH | BLNK-S | LY57 | SLP-65 | SLP65 | bcaB-cell linker10q23.2-q23.33
118932ANKRD22-ankyrin repeat domain 2210q23.31
27250PDCD4H731programmed cell death 4 (neoplastic transformation inhibitor)10q24
23401FRAT2-frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas 210q24.1
119391GSTO2GSTO 2-2 | bA127L20.1glutathione S-transferase omega 210q25.1
170394PWWP2BPWWP2 | bA432J24.1 | pp8607PWWP domain containing 2B10q26.3
84364ARFGAP2IRZ | NBLA10535 | ZFP289 | ZNF289ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 211p11.2-p11.12
26298EHFESE3 | ESE3B | ESEJETS homologous factor11p12
2188FANCFFAFFanconi anemia complementation group F11p15
8495PPFIBP2Cclp1PPFIA binding protein 211p15.4
59307SIGIRRTIR8single immunoglobulin and toll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain11p15.5
85456TNKS1BP1TAB182tankyrase 1 binding protein 111q12.1
9066SYT7IPCA-7 | IPCA7 | PCANAP7 | SYT-VII | SYTVIIsynaptotagmin 711q12.2
3177SLC29A2DER12 | ENT2 | HNP36solute carrier family 29 member 211q13
7108TM7SF2ANG1 | DHCR14A | NET47transmembrane 7 superfamily member 211q13
5017OVOL1HOVO1ovo like zinc finger 111q13
79703C11orf80-chromosome 11 open reading frame 8011q13.2
22941SHANK2AUTS17 | CORTBP1 | CTTNBP1 | ProSAP1 | SHANK | SPANK-3SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 211q13.2
55107ANO1DOG1 | ORAOV2 | TAOS2 | TMEM16Aanoctamin 111q13.3
23086EXPH5SLAC2-B | SLAC2Bexophilin 511q22.3
6653SORL1C11orf32 | LR11 | LRP9 | SORLA | SorLA-1 | gp250sortilin-related receptor, L(DLR class) A repeats containing11q23.2-q24.2
196264MPZL3-myelin protein zero like 311q23.3
6768ST14ARCI11 | HAI | MT-SP1 | MTSP1 | PRSS14 | SNC19 | TADG15 | TMPRSS14suppression of tumorigenicity 1411q24-q25
85004RERG-RAS like estrogen regulated growth inhibitor12p12.3
55766H2AFJH2AJH2A histone family member J12p12.3
80824DUSP16MKP-7 | MKP7dual specificity phosphatase 1612p13
377ARF3-ADP ribosylation factor 312q13
5869RAB5B-RAB5B, member RAS oncogene family12q13
784CACNB3CAB3 | CACNLB3calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 312q13
2065ERBB3ErbB-3 | HER3 | LCCS2 | MDA-BF-1 | c-erbB-3 | c-erbB3 | erbB3-S | p180-ErbB3 | p45-sErbB3 | p85-sErbB3erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 312q13
2647BLOC1S1BLOS1 | BORCS1 | GCN5L1 | MICoA | RT14biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 1 subunit 112q13-q14
140461ASB8PP14212ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 812q13.11
51380CSADCSD | PCAPcysteine sulfinic acid decarboxylase12q13.11-q14.3
112ADCY6AC6 | LCCS8adenylate cyclase 612q13.12
25840METTL7AAAM-Bmethyltransferase like 7A12q13.12
25946ZNF385AHZF | RZF | ZFP385 | ZNF385zinc finger protein 385A12q13.13
57460PPM1HARHCL1 | NERPP-2C | URCC2protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1H12q14.1
10961ERP29C12orf8 | ERp28 | ERp31 | HEL-S-107 | PDI-DB | PDIA9endoplasmic reticulum protein 2912q24.13
92558CCDC64BICDR-1 | H_267D11.1coiled-coil domain containing 6412q24.23
55596ZCCHC8-zinc finger CCHC-type containing 812q24.31
341640FREM2-FRAS1 related extracellular matrix protein 213q13.3
23263MCF2LARHGEF14 | DBS | OSTMCF.2 cell line derived transforming sequence like13q34
23428SLC7A8LAT2 | LPI-PC1solute carrier family 7 member 814q11.2
3169FOXA1HNF3A | TCF3Aforkhead box A114q21.1
5411PNNDRS | DRSP | SDK3 | memApinin, desmosome associated protein14q21.1
54813KLHL28BTBD5kelch like family member 2814q21.2
23002DAAM1-dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 114q23.1
161145TMEM229BC14orf83transmembrane protein 229B14q24.1
9517SPTLC2HSN1C | LCB2 | LCB2A | NSAN1C | SPT2 | hLCB2aserine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 214q24.3
3705ITPK1ITRPK1inositol-tetrakisphosphate 1-kinase14q31
123036TC2NC14orf47 | C2CD1 | MTAC2D1 | Tac2-Ntandem C2 domains, nuclear14q32.12
123096SLC25A29C14orf69 | CACL | ORNT3solute carrier family 25 member 2914q32.2
123099DEGS2C14orf66 | DES2 | FADS8delta(4)-desaturase, sphingolipid 214q32.2
1397CRIP2CRIP | CRP2 | ESP1cysteine rich protein 214q32.3
1396CRIP1CRHP | CRIP | CRP-1 | CRP1cysteine rich protein 114q32.33
10169SERF24F5REL | FAM2C | H4F5REL | HsT17089small EDRK-rich factor 215q15.3
55930MYO5C-myosin VC15q21
10116FEM1BF1A-ALPHA | F1AA | FEM1-betafem-1 homolog b (C. elegans)15q22
771CA12CA-XII | CAXII | HsT18816 | T18816carbonic anhydrase XII15q22
10066SCAMP2-secretory carrier membrane protein 215q23-q25
23423TMED3C15orf22 | P24B | p24g4 | p26transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 315q24-q25
25989ULK3-unc-51 like kinase 315q24.1
1106CHD2EEOCchromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 215q26
400451FAM174B-family with sequence similarity 174 member B15q26.1
3418IDH2D2HGA2 | ICD-M | IDH | IDHM | IDP | IDPM | mNADP-IDHisocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (NADP+), mitochondrial15q26.1
91947ARRDC4-arrestin domain containing 415q26.3
79874RABEP2FRArabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 216p11.2
22928SEPHS2SPS2 | SPS2bselenophosphate synthetase 216p11.2
1201CLN3BTS | JNCLceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 316p12.1
91949COG7CDG2Ecomponent of oligomeric golgi complex 716p12.2
23042PDXDC1LP8165pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 116p13.11
18ABATGABA-AT | GABAT | NPD0094-aminobutyrate aminotransferase16p13.2
2013EMP2XMPepithelial membrane protein 216p13.2
64285RHBDF1C16orf8 | Dist1 | EGFR-RS | gene-89 | gene-90 | hDist1rhomboid 5 homolog 1 (Drosophila)16p13.3
84331FAM195AC16orf14 | c349E10.1family with sequence similarity 195 member A16p13.3
146439CCDC64BBICDR-2coiled-coil domain containing 64B16p13.3
124222PAQR4-progestin and adipoQ receptor family member IV16p13.3
339123JMJD8C16orf20 | PP14397jumonji domain containing 816p13.3
57799RAB40CRARL | RASL8CRAB40C, member RAS oncogene family16p13.3
643911CRNDECRNDEP | LINC00180 | NCRNA00180 | PNAS-108 | lincIRX5colorectal neoplasia differentially expressed (non-protein coding)16q12.2
10265IRX5HMMS | IRX-2a | IRXB2iroquois homeobox 516q12.2
79918SETD6-SET domain containing 616q21
80004ESRP2RBM35Bepithelial splicing regulatory protein 216q22.1
79152FA2HFAAH | FAH1 | FAXDC1 | SCS7 | SPG35fatty acid 2-hydroxylase16q23
124044SPATA2LC16orf76 | tamospermatogenesis associated 2 like16q24.3
1366CLDN7CEPTRL2 | CLDN-7 | CPETRL2 | Hs.84359 | claudin-1claudin 717p13.1
124975GGT6-gamma-glutamyltransferase 617p13.2
9618TRAF4CART1 | MLN62 | RNF83TNF receptor associated factor 417q11-q12
84440RAB11FIP4RAB11-FIP4RAB11 family interacting protein 4 (class II)17q11.2
4642MYO1DPPP1R108 | myr4myosin ID17q11.2
2886GRB7-growth factor receptor bound protein 717q12
93210PGAP3AGLA546 | CAB2 | PERLD1 | PP1498 | hCOS16post-GPI attachment to proteins 317q12
2064ERBB2CD340 | HER-2 | HER-2/neu | HER2 | MLN 19 | NEU | NGL | TKR1erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 217q12
3728JUPARVD12 | CTNNG | DP3 | DPIII | PDGB | PKGBjunction plakoglobin17q21
55040EPN3-epsin 317q21.33
1534CYB561CYB561A1 | FRRS2cytochrome b56117q23.3
27092CACNG4-calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit gamma 417q24
3993LLGL2HGL | Hugl-2 | LGL2lethal giant larvae homolog 2, scribble cell polarity complex component17q25.1
9368SLC9A3R1EBP50 | NHERF | NHERF-1 | NHERF1 | NPHLOP2SLC9A3 regulator 117q25.1
7572ZNF24KOX17 | RSG-A | ZNF191 | ZSCAN3 | Zfp191zinc finger protein 2418q12
4645MYO5B-myosin VB18q21
5874RAB27BC25KGRAB27B, member RAS oncogene family18q21.2
1528CYB5ACYB5 | MCB5cytochrome b5 type A (microsomal)18q23
57153SLC44A2CTL2 | PP1292solute carrier family 44 member 219p13.1
2063NR2F6EAR-2 | EAR2 | ERBAL2nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group F member 619p13.1
29911HOOK2HK2hook microtubule-tethering protein 219p13.2
57662CAMSAP3KIAA1543 | NEZHA | PPP1R80calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 319p13.2
27243CHMP2ABC-2 | BC2 | CHMP2 | VPS2 | VPS2Acharged multivesicular body protein 2A19q
1050CEBPAC/EBP-alpha | CEBPCCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha19q13.1
51599LSRILDR3 | LISCH7lipolysis stimulated lipoprotein receptor19q13.12
90324CCDC97-coiled-coil domain containing 9719q13.2
4680CEACAM6CD66c | CEAL | NCAcarcinoembryonic antigen related cell adhesion molecule 619q13.2
2523FUT1H | HH | HSCfucosyltransferase 1 (H blood group)19q13.3
1628DBPDABPD site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein19q13.3
6820SULT2B1HSST2sulfotransferase family 2B member 119q13.3
25865PRKD2HSPC187 | PKD2 | nPKC-D2protein kinase D219q13.3
114783LMTK3LMR3 | PPP1R101 | TYKLM3lemur tyrosine kinase 319q13.33
54795TRPM4PFHB1B | TRPM4Btransient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 419q13.33
79784MYH14DFNA4 | DFNA4A | FP17425 | MHC16 | MYH17 | NMHC II-C | NMHC-II-C | PNMHH | myosinmyosin, heavy chain 14, non-muscle19q13.33
147798TMC4-transmembrane channel like 419q13.42
54855FAM46C-family with sequence similarity 46 member C1p12
79961DENND2D-DENN domain containing 2D1p13.3
10451VAV3-vav guanine nucleotide exchange factor 31p13.3
51361HOOK1HK1hook microtubule-tethering protein 11p32.1
22996TTC39AC1orf34 | DEME-6tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39A1p32.3
1580CYP4B1CYPIVB1 | P-450HPcytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily B member 11p33
79932KIAA0319LAAVRKIAA0319 like1p34.2
128218TMEM125-transmembrane protein 1251p34.2
79717PPCS-phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase1p34.2
2166FAAHFAAH-1 | PSABfatty acid amide hydrolase1p35-p34
347735SERINC2FKSG84 | PRO0899 | TDE2 | TDE2Lserine incorporator 21p35.1
79258MMEL1MMEL2 | NEP2 | NEPII | NL1 | NL2 | SEPmembrane metallo-endopeptidase-like 11p36
8659ALDH4A1ALDH4 | P5CD | P5CDhaldehyde dehydrogenase 4 family member A11p36
55450CAMK2N1PRO1489calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor 11p36.12
11240PADI2PAD-H19 | PAD2 | PDI2peptidyl arginine deiminase, type II1p36.13
51107APH1A6530402N02Rik | APH-1 | APH-1A | CGI-78aph-1 homolog A, gamma secretase subunit1p36.13-q31.3
6279S100A860B8AG | CAGA | CFAG | CGLA | CP-10 | L1Ag | MA387 | MIF | MRP8 | NIF | P8S100 calcium binding protein A81q21
56893UBQLN4A1U | A1Up | C1orf6 | CIP75 | UBINubiquilin 41q21
10899JTBHJTB | HSPC222 | PAR | hJTjumping translocation breakpoint1q21
23623RUSC1NESCARUN and SH3 domain containing 11q21-q22
8799PEX11BPEX11-BETA | PEX14Bperoxisomal biogenesis factor 11 beta1q21.1
653519GPR89AGPHR | GPR89 | GPR89B | SH120 | UNQ192G protein-coupled receptor 89A1q21.1
11311VPS45H1 | H1VPS45 | SCN5 | VPS45A | VPS45B | VPS54A | VSP45 | VSP45Avacuolar protein sorting 45 homolog (S. cerevisiae)1q21.2
80308FLAD1FAD1 | FADS | PP591flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase 11q21.3
2029ENSAARPP-19eendosulfine alpha1q21.3
55793FAM63A-family with sequence similarity 63 member A1q21.3
8991SELENBP1HEL-S-134P | LPSB | SBP56 | SP56 | hSBPselenium binding protein 11q21.3
64218SEMA4ACORD10 | RP35 | SEMAB | SEMBsemaphorin 4A1q22
57111RAB25CATX-8 | RAB11CRAB25, member RAS oncogene family1q22
64326RFWD2COP1 | RNF200ring finger and WD repeat domain 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase1q25.1-q25.2
9580SOX13ICA12 | Sox-13SRY-box 131q32
22874PLEKHA6PEPP-3 | PEPP3pleckstrin homology domain containing A61q32.1
5525PPP2R5AB56A | PR61Aprotein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B', alpha1q32.2-q32.3
57761TRIB3C20orf97 | NIPK | SINK | SKIP3 | TRB3tribbles pseudokinase 320p13-p12.2
57580PREX1P-REX1phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent Rac exchange factor 120q13.13
8537BCAS1AIBC1 | NABC1breast carcinoma amplified sequence 120q13.2
79144PPDPFC20orf149 | dJ697K14.9 | exdpfpancreatic progenitor cell differentiation and proliferation factor20q13.33
7033TFF3ITF | P1B | TFItrefoil factor 321q22.3
7113TMPRSS2PP9284 | PRSS10transmembrane protease, serine 221q22.3
89765RSPH1CT79 | RSP44 | RSPH10A | TSA2 | TSGA2radial spoke head 1 homolog (Chlamydomonas)21q22.3
7625ZNF74COS52 | ZFP520 | ZNF520 | hZNF7zinc finger protein 7422q11.21
79680C22orf29BOPchromosome 22 open reading frame 2922q11.21
5625PRODHHSPOX2 | PIG6 | POX | PRODH1 | PRODH2 | TP53I6proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 122q11.21
613BCRALL | BCR1 | CML | D22S11 | D22S662 | PHLbreakpoint cluster region22q11.23
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
3985LIMK2-LIM domain kinase 222q12.2
23598PATZ1MAZR | PATZ | RIAZ | ZBTB19 | ZNF278 | ZSG | dJ400N23POZ/BTB and AT hook containing zinc finger 122q12.2
27124INPP5JINPP5 | PIB5PA | PIPPinositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase J22q12.2
9145SYNGR1-synaptogyrin 122q13.1
4151MBPVALB | myoglobginmyoglobin22q13.1
638BIKBIP1 | BP4 | NBKBCL2-interacting killer22q13.31
3625INHBB-inhibin beta B2cen-q13
7844RNF103HKF-1 | KF-1 | KF1 | ZFP-103 | ZFP103ring finger protein 1032p11.2
388RHOBARH6 | ARHB | MST081 | MSTP081 | RHOH6ras homolog family member B2p24
29841GRHL1LBP32 | MGR | NH32 | TFCP2L2grainyhead like transcription factor 12p25.1
26504CNNM4ACDP4cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 42q11
11320MGAT4AGNT-IV | GNT-IVA | GnT-4amannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, isozyme A2q12
339745SPOPLBTBD33speckle type BTB/POZ protein like2q22.1
253782CERS6CERS5 | LASS6ceramide synthase 62q24.3
3485IGFBP2IBP2 | IGF-BP53insulin like growth factor binding protein 22q35
151473SLC16A14MCT14solute carrier family 16 member 142q36.3
80303EFHD1MST133 | MSTP133 | PP3051 | SWS2EF-hand domain family member D12q37.1
64284RAB17-RAB17, member RAS oncogene family2q37.3
8864PER2FASPS | FASPS1period circadian clock 22q37.3
776CACNA1DCACH3 | CACN4 | CACNL1A2 | CCHL1A2 | Cav1.3 | PASNA | SANDDcalcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D3p14.3
5364PLXNB1PLEXIN-B1 | PLXN5 | SEPplexin B13p21.31
54681P4HTMEGLN4 | HIFPH4 | P4H-TM | PH-4 | PH4 | PHD4prolyl 4-hydroxylase, transmembrane (endoplasmic reticulum)3p21.31|3p21.3
7433VIPR1HVR1 | II | PACAP-R-2 | PACAP-R2 | RDC1 | V1RG | VAPC1 | VIP-R-1 | VIPR | VIRG | VPAC1 | VPAC1R | VPCAP1Rvasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 13p22
23171GPD1LGPD1-Lglycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1-like3p22.3
23007PLCH1PLCL3phospholipase C eta 13q25.31
26996GPR160GPCR1 | GPCR150G protein-coupled receptor 1603q26.2-q27
2049EPHB3ETK2 | HEK2 | TYRO6EPH receptor B33q27.1
90407TMEM41A2900010K02Riktransmembrane protein 41A3q27.2
10188TNK2ACK | ACK-1 | ACK1 | p21cdc42Hstyrosine kinase, non-receptor, 23q29
54502RBM47NET18RNA binding motif protein 474p14
55286C4orf19-chromosome 4 open reading frame 194p14
6286S100PMIG9S100 calcium binding protein P4p16
80306MED281500003D12Rik | EG1 | magicinmediator complex subunit 284p16
7466WFS1CTRCT41 | WFRS | WFS | WFSLwolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein4p16.1
84708LNX1LNX | MPDZ | PDZRN2ligand of numb-protein X 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase4q12
81579PLA2G12AGXII | PLA2G12 | ROSSYphospholipase A2 group XIIA4q25
5618PRLRHPRL | MFAB | hPRLrIprolactin receptor5p13.2
1501CTNND2GT24 | NPRAPcatenin delta 25p15.2
64097EPB41L4AEPB41L4 | NBL4erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 4A5q21.3
7905REEP5C5orf18 | D5S346 | DP1 | TB2 | YOP1 | Yip2ereceptor accessory protein 55q22.2
6414SEPP1SELP | SEPP | SePselenoprotein P, plasma, 15q31
5097PCDH1PC42 | PCDH42protocadherin 15q31.3
4488MSX2CRS2 | FPP | HOX8 | MSH | PFM | PFM1msh homeobox 25q35.2
59084ENPP5NPP-5ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 5 (putative)6p21.1-p11.2
7718ZNF165CT53 | LD65 | ZSCAN7zinc finger protein 1656p21.3
5863RGL2HKE1.5 | KE1.5 | RAB2Lral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator like 26p21.3
25803SPDEFPDEF | bA375E1.3SAM pointed domain containing ETS transcription factor6p21.3
780DDR1CAK | CD167 | DDR | EDDR1 | HGK2 | MCK10 | NEP | NTRK4 | PTK3 | PTK3A | RTK6 | TRKEdiscoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 16p21.3
29116MYLIPIDOL | MIRmyosin regulatory light chain interacting protein6p22.3
255488RNF144BIBRDC2 | PIR2 | bA528A10.3 | p53RFPring finger protein 144B6p22.3
4646MYO6DFNA22 | DFNB37myosin VI6q13
4602MYBCmyb | c-myb | c-myb_CDS | efgMYB proto-oncogene, transcription factor6q22-q23
7164TPD52L1D53tumor protein D52-like 16q22-q23
9053MAP7E-MAP-115 | EMAP115microtubule associated protein 76q23.3
2099ESR1ER | ESR | ESRA | ESTRR | Era | NR3A1estrogen receptor 16q25.1
222171PRR15-proline rich 157p14.3
1124CHN2ARHGAP3 | BCH | CHN2-3 | RHOGAP3chimerin 27p15.3
27075TSPAN13NET-6 | NET6 | TM4SF13tetraspanin 137p21.1
3382ICA1ICA69 | ICAp69islet cell autoantigen 17p22
51608GET4C7orf20 | CEE | CGI-20 | TRC35golgi to ER traffic protein 47p22.3
1364CLDN4CPE-R | CPER | CPETR | CPETR1 | WBSCR8 | hCPE-Rclaudin 47q11.23
1365CLDN3C7orf1 | CPE-R2 | CPETR2 | HRVP1 | RVP1claudin 37q11.23
83451ABHD11PP1226 | WBSCR21abhydrolase domain containing 117q11.23
11257TP53TG1LINC00096 | NCRNA00096 | P53TG1 | P53TG1-D | TP53AP1TP53 target 1 (non-protein coding)7q21.1
93664CADPS2-Ca2+ dependent secretion activator 27q31.3
2041EPHA1EPH | EPHT | EPHT1EPH receptor A17q34
92421CHMP4CSNF7-3 | Shax3 | VPS32Ccharged multivesicular body protein 4C8q21.13
7227TRPS1GC79 | LGCRtranscriptional repressor GATA binding 18q24.12
22882ZHX2AFR1 | RAFzinc fingers and homeoboxes 28q24.13
50626CYHR1CHRPcysteine/histidine-rich 18q24.3
286077FAM83HAI3family with sequence similarity 83 member H8q24.3
83481EPPK1EPIPL | EPIPL1epiplakin 18q24.3
2203FBP1FBPfructose-bisphosphatase 19q22.3
203197C9orf91-chromosome 9 open reading frame 919q32
1955MEGF9EGFL5multiple EGF like domains 99q32-q33.3
9649RALGPS1RALGEF2 | RALGPS1ARal GEF with PH domain and SH3 binding motif 19q33.3
954ENTPD2CD39L1 | NTPDase-2ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 29q34
92714ARRDC1-arrestin domain containing 19q34.3
56654NPDC1CAB | CAB- | CAB-1 | CAB1 | NPDC-1neural proliferation, differentiation and control, 19q34.3
64975MRPL41BMRP | MRP-L27 | MRPL27 | PIG3 | RPML27mitochondrial ribosomal protein L419q34.3
1741DLG3MRX | MRX90 | NEDLG | PPP1R82 | SAP102 | XLMRdiscs large homolog 3Xq13.1
55558PLXNA36.3 | HSSEXGENE | PLXN3 | PLXN4 | XAP-6plexin A3Xq28

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