Search results:

The pahtway p2381 has 176 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 115 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5264PHYHLN1 | LNAP1 | PAHX | PHYH1 | RDphytanoyl-CoA 2-hydroxylase10p13
5728PTEN10q23del | BZS | CWS1 | DEC | GLM2 | MHAM | MMAC1 | PTEN1 | TEP1phosphatase and tensin homolog10q23.3
143282FGFBP3C10orf13 | FGF-BP3fibroblast growth factor binding protein 310q23.32
5654HTRA1ARMD7 | CADASIL2 | CARASIL | HtrA | L56 | ORF480 | PRSS11HtrA serine peptidase 110q26.3
796CALCACALC1 | CGRP | CGRP-I | CGRP1 | CT | KC | PCTcalcitonin related polypeptide alpha11p15.2
64231MS4A6A4SPAN3 | 4SPAN3.2 | CD20L3 | CDA01 | MS4A6 | MST090 | MSTP090membrane spanning 4-domains A6A11q12.1
221091LRRN4CL-LRRN4 C-terminal like11q12.3
84233TMEM126AOPA7transmembrane protein 126A11q14.1
837CASP4ICE(rel)II | ICEREL-II | ICH-2 | Mih1/TX | TXcaspase 411q22.2-q22.3
85458DIXDC1CCD1DIX domain containing 111q23.1
4900NRGNRC3 | hngneurogranin11q24
4256MGPGIG36 | MGLAP | NTImatrix Gla protein12p12.3
715C1R-complement C1r subcomponent12p13
11260XPOTXPO3exportin for tRNA12q14.2
5787PTPRBHPTP-BETA | HPTPB | PTPB | R-PTP-BETA | VEPTPprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type B12q15
57213SPRYD7C13orf1 | CLLD6SPRY domain containing 713q14
54602NDFIP2N4WBP5ANedd4 family interacting protein 213q31.1
283635FAM177A1C14orf24family with sequence similarity 177 member A114q13.2
161198CLEC14AC14orf27 | CEG1 | EGFR-5C-type lectin domain family 14 member A14q21.1
3895KTN1CG1 | KNT | MU-RMS-40.19kinectin 114q22.1
91612CHURC1C14orf52 | My015 | chchchurchill domain containing 114q23.3
84888SPPL2AIMP3 | PSL2signal peptide peptidase like 2A15q21.2
3067HDC-histidine decarboxylase15q21.2
4828NMB-neuromedin B15q22-qter
83640FAM103A1C15orf18 | HsT19360 | RAMfamily with sequence similarity 103 member A115q25.2
5579PRKCBPKC-beta | PKCB | PRKCB1 | PRKCB2protein kinase C beta16p11.2
123803NTAN1PNAA | PNADN-terminal asparagine amidase16p13.11
23594ORC6ORC6Lorigin recognition complex subunit 616q12
9706ULK2ATG1B | Unc51.2unc-51 like autophagy activating kinase 217p11.2
4641MYO1CMMI-beta | MMIb | NMI | myr2myosin IC17p13.3
64750SMURF2-SMAD specific E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 217q22-q23
9123SLC16A3MCT 3 | MCT 4 | MCT-3 | MCT-4 | MCT3 | MCT4solute carrier family 16 member 317q25
284129SLC26A11-solute carrier family 26 member 1117q25.3
81035COLEC12CLP1 | NSR2 | SCARA4 | SRCLcollectin subfamily member 1218p11.32
4152MBD1CXXC3 | PCM1 | RFTmethyl-CpG binding domain protein 118q21
9063PIAS2ARIP3 | DIP | MIZ | MIZ1 | PIASX | PIASX-ALPHA | PIASX-BETA | SIZ2 | ZMIZ4protein inhibitor of activated STAT 218q21.1
7305TYROBPDAP12 | KARAP | PLOSLTYRO protein tyrosine kinase binding protein19q13.12
178AGLGDEamylo-alpha-1, 6-glucosidase, 4-alpha-glucanotransferase1p21
55635DEPDC1DEP.8 | DEPDC1-V2 | DEPDC1A | SDP35DEP domain containing 11p31.2
26994RNF11CGI-123 | SID1669ring finger protein 111p32
8503PIK3R3p55 | p55-GAMMA | p55PIKphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 31p34.1
1855DVL1DRS2 | DVL | DVL1L1 | DVL1P1dishevelled segment polarity protein 11p36
23248RPRD2HSPC099 | KIAA0460regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain containing 21q21.3
223ALDH9A1ALDH4 | ALDH7 | ALDH9 | E3 | TMABADHaldehyde dehydrogenase 9 family member A11q23.1
9887SMG7C1orf16 | EST1C | SGA56MSMG7 nonsense mediated mRNA decay factor1q25
8894EIF2S2EIF2 | EIF2B | EIF2beta | PPP1R67 | eIF-2-betaeukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit beta20q11.2
10955SERINC3AIGP1 | DIFF33 | SBBI99 | TDE | TDE1 | TMS-1serine incorporator 320q13.12
10600USP16UBP-M | UBPMubiquitin specific peptidase 1621q22.11
2673GFPT1CMS12 | CMSTA1 | GFA | GFAT | GFAT 1 | GFAT1 | GFAT1m | GFPT | GFPT1L | MSLGglutamine--fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 12p13
98ACYP2ACYM | ACYPacylphosphatase 22p16.2
23683PRKD3EPK2 | PKC-NU | PKD3 | PRKCN | nPKC-NUprotein kinase D32p21
5610EIF2AK2EIF2AK1 | PKR | PPP1R83 | PRKReukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 22p22-p21
25797QPCTGCT | QC | sQCglutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase2p22.2
339745SPOPLBTBD33speckle type BTB/POZ protein like2q22.1
2191FAPDPPIV | FAPA | SIMPfibroblast activation protein alpha2q23
8604SLC25A12AGC1 | ARALARsolute carrier family 25 member 122q24
4664NAB1-NGFI-A binding protein 12q32.3-q33
3431SP110IFI41 | IFI75 | IPR1 | VODISP110 nuclear body protein2q37.1
2632GBE1APBD | GBE | GSD4glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 13p12.3
56920SEMA3Gsem2semaphorin 3G3p21.1
200894ARL13BARL2L1 | JBTS8ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 13B3q11.1
55032SLC35A5-solute carrier family 35 member A53q13.2
1475CSTAAREI | PSS4 | STF1 | STFAcystatin A3q21
9616RNF7CKBBP1 | ROC2 | SAGring finger protein 73q22-q24
1359CPA3MC-CPAcarboxypeptidase A33q24
8706B3GALNT1B3GALT3 | GLCT3 | GLOB | Gb4Cer | P | P1 | beta3Gal-T3 | galT3beta-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (globoside blood group)3q25
11235PDCD10CCM3 | TFAR15programmed cell death 103q26.1
4043LRPAP1A2MRAP | A2RAP | HBP44 | MRAP | MYP23 | RAP | alpha-2-MRAPLDL receptor related protein associated protein 14p16.3
22915MMRN1ECM | EMILIN4 | GPIa* | MMRNmultimerin 14q22
8404SPARCL1MAST 9 | MAST9 | PIG33 | SC1SPARC like 14q22.1
1519CTSOCTSO1cathepsin O4q32.1
10605PAIP1-poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 15p12
6507SLC1A3EA6 | EAAT1 | GLAST | GLAST1solute carrier family 1 member 35p13
4883NPR3ANP-C | ANPR-C | ANPRC | C5orf23 | GUCY2B | NPR-C | NPRCnatriuretic peptide receptor 35p13.3
153129SLC38A9URLC11solute carrier family 38 member 95q11.2
6880TAF9MGC:5067 | STAF31/32 | TAF2G | TAFII-31 | TAFII-32 | TAFII31 | TAFII32 | TAFIID32TATA-box binding protein associated factor 95q13.2
831CASTBS-17 | PLACKcalpastatin5q15
54826GIN1GIN-1 | TGIN1 | ZH2C2gypsy retrotransposon integrase 15q21.1
8974P4HA2-prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 25q31
8817FGF18FGF-18 | ZFGF5fibroblast growth factor 185q34
92181UBTD2DCUBPubiquitin domain containing 25q35.1
55819RNF130G1RZFP | GOLIATH | GPring finger protein 1305q35.3
9509ADAMTS2ADAM-TS2 | ADAMTS-2 | ADAMTS-3 | NPI | PC I-NP | PCI-NP | PCINP | PCPNI | PNPIADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 25qter
2729GCLCGCL | GCS | GLCL | GLCLCglutamate-cysteine ligase catalytic subunit6p12
24149ZNF318HRIHFB2436 | TZF | ZFP318zinc finger protein 3186p21.1
54209TREM2TREM-2 | Trem2a | Trem2b | Trem2ctriggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 26p21.1
10492SYNCRIPGRY-RBP | GRYRBP | HNRNPQ | HNRPQ1 | NSAP1 | PP68 | hnRNP-Qsynaptotagmin binding, cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein6q14-q15
55754TMEM30AC6orf67 | CDC50Atransmembrane protein 30A6q14.1
27244SESN1PA26 | SEST1sestrin 16q21
10924SMPDL3AASM3A | ASML3a | yR36GH4.1sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid like 3A6q22.31
7432VIPPHM27vasoactive intestinal peptide6q25
3482IGF2RCD222 | CI-M6PR | CIMPR | M6P-R | M6P/IGF2R | MPR 300 | MPR1 | MPR300 | MPRIinsulin like growth factor 2 receptor6q26
1956EGFRERBB | ERBB1 | HER1 | NISBD2 | PIG61 | mENAepidermal growth factor receptor7p12
51678MPP6PALS2 | VAM-1 | VAM1 | p55Tmembrane protein, palmitoylated 67p15
90693CCDC126-coiled-coil domain containing 1267p15.3
51119SBDSCGI-97 | SDS | SWDSSBDS ribosome assembly guanine nucleotide exchange factor7q11.21
6863TAC1Hs.2563 | NK2 | NKNA | NPK | TAC2tachykinin precursor 17q21-q22
8910SGCEDYT11 | ESGsarcoglycan epsilon7q21.3
857CAV1BSCL3 | CGL3 | LCCNS | MSTP085 | PPH3 | VIP21caveolin 17q31.1
1080CFTRABC35 | ABCC7 | CF | CFTR/MRP | MRP7 | TNR-CFTR | dJ760C5.1cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator7q31.2
340351AGBL3CCP3ATP/GTP binding protein-like 37q33
6009RHEBRHEB2Ras homolog enriched in brain7q36
6386SDCBPMDA-9 | MDA9 | ST1 | SYCL | TACIP18syndecan binding protein8q12
116328C8orf34VEST-1 | VEST1chromosome 8 open reading frame 348q13
2167FABP4A-FABP | AFABP | ALBP | HEL-S-104 | aP2fatty acid binding protein 48q21
23643LY96ESOP-1 | MD-2 | MD2 | ly-96lymphocyte antigen 968q21.11
9166EBAG9EB9 | PDAFestrogen receptor binding site associated, antigen, 98q23
3376IARSIARS1 | ILERS | ILRS | IRS | PRO0785isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase9q21
7088TLE1ESG | ESG1 | GRG1transducin like enhancer of split 19q21.32
5742PTGS1COX1 | COX3 | PCOX1 | PES-1 | PGG/HS | PGHS-1 | PGHS1 | PHS1 | PTGHSprostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 1 (prostaglandin G/H synthase and cyclooxygenase)9q32-q33.3
26468LHX6LHX6.1LIM homeobox 69q33.2
3251HPRT1HGPRT | HPRThypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1Xq26.1

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