Search results:

The pahtway p3708 has 223 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 133 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
7770ZNF227-zinc finger protein 227-
1390CREMCREM-2 | ICER | hCREM-2cAMP responsive element modulator10p11.21
51322WACBM-016 | DESSH | PRO1741 | Wwp4WW domain containing adaptor with coiled-coil10p12.1|10p12.1-p11.2
221078NSUN64933414E04Rik | ARL5B-AS1 | NOPD1NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 610p12.31
64421DCLRE1CA-SCID | DCLREC1C | RS-SCID | SCIDA | SNM1CDNA cross-link repair 1C10p13
22944KINBTCD | KIN17 | Rts2Kin17 DNA and RNA binding protein10p14
1316KLF6BCD1 | CBA1 | COPEB | CPBP | GBF | PAC1 | ST12 | ZF9Kruppel-like factor 610p15
221037JMJD1CTRIP-8 | TRIP8jumonji domain containing 1C10q21.3
29982NRBF2COPR | COPR1 | COPR2 | NRBF-2nuclear receptor binding factor 210q21.3
64318NOC3LAD24 | C10orf117 | FAD24NOC3 like DNA replication regulator10q23.33
1847DUSP5DUSP | HVH3dual specificity phosphatase 510q25
81930KIF18AMS-KIF18A | PPP1R99kinesin family member 18A11p14.1
406ARNTLBMAL1 | BMAL1c | JAP3 | MOP3 | PASD3 | TIC | bHLHe5aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like11p15
833CARSCARS1 | CYSRS | MGC:11246cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase11p15.5
3665IRF7IMD39 | IRF-7H | IRF7A | IRF7B | IRF7C | IRF7Hinterferon regulatory factor 711p15.5
330BIRC3AIP1 | API2 | CIAP2 | HAIP1 | HIAP1 | MALT2 | MIHC | RNF49 | c-IAP2baculoviral IAP repeat containing 311q22
4848CNOT2CDC36 | HSPC131 | NOT2 | NOT2HCCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 212q15
1848DUSP6HH19 | MKP3 | PYST1dual specificity phosphatase 612q21.33
1407CRY1PHLL1cryptochrome circadian clock 112q23-q24.1
6996TDGhTDGthymine DNA glycosylase12q24.1
6926TBX3TBX3-ISO | UMS | XHLT-box 312q24.21
55596ZCCHC8-zinc finger CCHC-type containing 812q24.31
65117RSRC2-arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 212q24.31
55269PSPC1PSP1paraspeckle component 113q12.11
8848TSC22D1Ptg-2 | TGFB1I4 | TSC22TSC22 domain family member 113q14
26512INTS6DBI-1 | DDX26 | DDX26A | DICE1 | HDB | INT6 | Notchl2integrator complex subunit 613q14.3
688KLF5BTEB2 | CKLF | IKLFKruppel-like factor 5 (intestinal)13q22.1
10464PIBF1C13orf24 | CEP90 | PIBFprogesterone immunomodulatory binding factor 113q22.1
4792NFKBIAIKBA | MAD-3 | NFKBINFKB inhibitor alpha14q13
9147NEMFNY-CO-1 | SDCCAG1nuclear export mediator factor14q22
23002DAAM1-dishevelled associated activator of morphogenesis 114q23.1
2353FOSAP-1 | C-FOS | p55FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog14q24.3
4140MARK3CTAK1 | KP78 | PAR1A | Par-1amicrotubule affinity regulating kinase 314q32.32
1983EIF5EIF-5 | EIF-5Aeukaryotic translation initiation factor 514q32.32
6447SCG57B2 | P7B2 | SGNE1 | SgVsecretogranin V15q13-q14
54778RNF111ARKring finger protein 11115q21
54878DPP8DP8 | DPRP-1 | DPRP1 | MST097 | MSTP097 | MSTP135 | MSTP141dipeptidyl peptidase 815q22
79811SLTMMetSAFB like transcription modulator15q22.1
5930RBBP6MY038 | P2P-R | PACT | RBQ-1 | SNAMAretinoblastoma binding protein 616p12.2
80205CHD9AD013 | CHD-9 | CReMM | KISH2 | PRIC320chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 916q12.2
7571ZNF23KOX16 | ZNF359 | ZNF612 | Zfp612zinc finger protein 2316q22.2
654780SFPQ-splicing factor proline/glutamine-rich16q24.1
11216AKAP10AKAP-10 | D-AKAP-2 | D-AKAP2 | PRKA10A-kinase anchoring protein 1017p11.1
11011TLK2HsHPK | PKU-ALPHAtousled like kinase 217q23
79959CEP76C18orf9 | HsT1705centrosomal protein 76kDa18p11.21
23347SMCHD1-structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain containing 118p11.32
5366PMAIP1APR | NOXAphorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 118q21.32
7561ZNF14GIOT-4 | KOX6zinc finger protein 1419p13.11
51710ZNF44GIOT-2 | KOX7 | ZNF | ZNF504 | ZNF55 | ZNF58zinc finger protein 4419p13.2
79088ZNF426K-RBPzinc finger protein 42619p13.2
9592IER2ETR101immediate early response 219p13.2
3726JUNBAP-1jun B proto-oncogene19p13.2
4616GADD45BGADD45BETA | MYD118growth arrest and DNA damage inducible beta19p13.3
1054CEBPGGPE1BP | IG/EBP-1CCAAT/enhancer binding protein gamma19q13.11
2354FOSBAP-1 | G0S3 | GOS3 | GOSBFBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog B19q13.32
5971RELBI-REL | IREL | REL-Bv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog B19q13.32
9668ZNF432-zinc finger protein 43219q13.41
55422ZNF331RITA | ZNF361 | ZNF463zinc finger protein 33119q13.42
64783RBM15OTT | OTT1 | SPENRNA binding motif protein 151p13
58155PTBP2PTBLP | brPTB | nPTBpolypyrimidine tract binding protein 21p21.3
8915BCL10CARMEN | CIPER | CLAP | IMD37 | c-E10 | mE10B-cell CLL/lymphoma 101p22
2152F3CD142 | TF | TFAcoagulation factor III, tissue factor1p22-p21
5876RABGGTBGGTBRab geranylgeranyltransferase beta subunit1p31
26009ZZZ3ATAC1zinc finger ZZ-type containing 31p31.1
1491CTH-cystathionine gamma-lyase1p31.1
6421SFPQPOMP100 | PPP1R140 | PSFsplicing factor proline/glutamine-rich1p34.3
79647AKIRIN1C1orf108 | STRF2akirin 11p34.3
55629PNRC2-proline rich nuclear receptor coactivator 21p36.11
9869SETDB1ESET | H3-K9-HMTase4 | KG1T | KMT1E | TDRD21SET domain bifurcated 11q21
9129PRPF3HPRP3 | HPRP3P | PRP3 | Prp3p | RP18 | SNRNP90pre-mRNA processing factor 31q21.1
5743PTGS2COX-2 | COX2 | GRIPGHS | PGG/HS | PGHS-2 | PHS-2 | hCox-2prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase 21q25.2-q25.3
467ATF3-activating transcription factor 31q32.3
9015TAF1AMGC:17061 | RAFI48 | SL1 | TAFI48TATA-box binding protein associated factor, RNA polymerase I subunit A1q42
51742ARID4BBCAA | BRCAA1 | RBBP1L1 | RBP1L1 | SAP180AT-rich interaction domain 4B1q42.3
10621POLR3FRPC39 | RPC6polymerase (RNA) III subunit F20p11.23
23394ADNPADNP1 | HVDAS | MRD28activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox20q13.13
7179TPTECT44 | PTEN2transmembrane phosphatase with tensin homology21p11
54149C21orf91C21orf14 | C21orf38 | CSSG1 | EURL | YG81chromosome 21 open reading frame 9121q21.1
571BACH1BACH-1 | BTBD24BTB and CNC homology 1, basic leucine zipper transcription factor 121q22.11
1827RCAN1ADAPT78 | CSP1 | DSC1 | DSCR1 | MCIP1 | RCN1regulator of calcineurin 121q22.12
23515MORC3NXP2 | ZCW5 | ZCWCC3MORC family CW-type zinc finger 321q22.13
2114ETS2ETS2IT1ETS proto-oncogene 2, transcription factor21q22.2
3976LIFCDF | DIA | HILDA | MLPLIleukemia inhibitory factor22q12.2
55818KDM3AJHDM2A | JHMD2A | JMJD1 | JMJD1A | TSGAlysine demethylase 3A2p11.2
80745THUMPD2C2orf8THUMP domain containing 22p22.1|2p22-p21
2355FOSL2FRA2FOS like antigen 22p23.3
54454ATAD2B-ATPase family, AAA domain containing 2B2p24.1-p23.3
905CCNT2CYCT2cyclin T22q21.3
10010TANKI-TRAF | ITRAF | TRAF2TRAF family member associated NFKB activator2q24.2
64844MARCH7AXO | AXOT | MARCH-VII | RNF177membrane associated ring-CH-type finger 72q24.2
2571GAD1CPSQ1 | GAD | SCPglutamate decarboxylase 12q31
1746DLX2TES-1 | TES1distal-less homeobox 22q32
1195CLK1CLK | CLK/STY | STYCDC like kinase 12q33
51719CAB39CGI-66 | MO25calcium binding protein 392q37.1
23429RYBPAAP1 | APAP-1 | DEDAF | YEAF1RING1 and YY1 binding protein3p13
10181RBM5G15 | H37 | LUCA15 | RMB5RNA binding motif protein 53p21.3
51447IP6K2IHPK2 | PIUSinositol hexakisphosphate kinase 23p21.31
3269HRH1H1-R | H1R | HH1R | hisH1histamine receptor H13p25
4750NEK1NY-REN-55 | SRPS2 | SRPS2A | SRTD6NIMA related kinase 14q33
836CASP3CPP32 | CPP32B | SCA-1caspase 34q34
1022CDK7CAK1 | CDKN7 | HCAK | MO15 | STK1 | p39MO15cyclin-dependent kinase 75q12.1
51306FAM13BARHGAP49 | C5orf5 | FAM13B1 | KHCHP | N61family with sequence similarity 13 member B5q31
51307FAM53CC5orf6family with sequence similarity 53 member C5q31
1958EGR1AT225 | G0S30 | KROX-24 | NGFI-A | TIS8 | ZIF-268 | ZNF225early growth response 15q31.1
11063SOX30-SRY-box 305q33
57396CLK4-CDC like kinase 45q35
8614STC2STC-2 | STCRPstanniocalcin 25q35.1
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
26036ZNF451COASTER | dJ417I1.1zinc finger protein 4516p12.1
4794NFKBIEIKBENFKB inhibitor epsilon6p21.1
7718ZNF165CT53 | LD65 | ZSCAN7zinc finger protein 1656p21.3
7738ZNF184kr-ZNF3zinc finger protein 1846p21.3
80345ZSCAN16ZNF392 | ZNF435 | dJ265C24.3zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 166p22.1
11120BTN2A1BK14H9.1 | BT2.1 | BTF1 | BTN2.1 | DJ3E1.1butyrophilin subfamily 2 member A16p22.1
81688C6orf62Nbla00237 | XTP12 | dJ30M3.2chromosome 6 open reading frame 626p22.3
4739NEDD9CAS-L | CAS2 | CASL | CASS2 | HEF1neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 96p24.2
2309FOXO3AF6q21 | FKHRL1 | FKHRL1P2 | FOXO2 | FOXO3Aforkhead box O36q21
7128TNFAIP3A20 | AISBL | OTUD7C | TNFA1P2TNF alpha induced protein 36q23
23080AVL9KIAA0241AVL9 cell migration associated7p14.3
9586CREB5CRE-BPA | CREB-5cAMP responsive element binding protein 57p15.1
51427ZNF107Y8 | ZFD25 | ZNF588 | smap-7zinc finger protein 1077q11.2
9988DMTF1DMP1 | DMTF | MRUL | hDMP1cyclin D binding myb like transcription factor 17q21
440ASNSASNSD | TS11asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)7q21.3
54556ING3Eaf4 | ING2 | MEAF4 | p47ING3inhibitor of growth family member 37q31
5764PTNHARP | HBGF8 | HBNF | NEGF1pleiotrophin7q33
4850CNOT4CLONE243 | NOT4 | NOT4HCCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 47q33
6591SNAI2SLUG | SLUGH1 | SNAIL2 | WS2Dsnail family zinc finger 28q11
2669GEMKIRGTP binding protein overexpressed in skeletal muscle8q13-q21
8767RIPK2CARD3 | CARDIAK | CCK | GIG30 | RICK | RIP2receptor interacting serine/threonine kinase 28q21
64089SNX16-sorting nexin 168q21.13
7071KLF10EGR-alpha | EGRA | TIEG | TIEG1Kruppel-like factor 108q22.2
79670ZCCHC6PAPD6 | TUT7zinc finger CCHC-type containing 69q21
6303SAT1DC21 | KFSD | KFSDX | SAT | SSAT | SSAT-1spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1Xp22.1

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