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Gene ID | Symbol | Synonyms | Official Full Name | Location | SZ group ? | Functional group ? |
1408 | CRY2 | HCRY2 | PHLL2 | cryptochrome circadian clock 2 | 11p11.2 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
406 | ARNTL | BMAL1 | BMAL1c | JAP3 | MOP3 | PASD3 | TIC | bHLHe5 | aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator like | 11p15 | CV:GWAScat CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
79365 | BHLHE41 | BHLHB3 | DEC2 | SHARP1 | hDEC2 | basic helix-loop-helix family member e41 | 12p12.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 PMID:cooccur | |
1407 | CRY1 | PHLL1 | cryptochrome circadian clock 1 | 12q23-q24.1 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
2155 | F7 | SPCA | coagulation factor VII | 13q34 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 GO_Annotation PMID:cooccur | |
6095 | RORA | NR1F1 | ROR1 | ROR2 | ROR3 | RZR-ALPHA | RZRA | RAR related orphan receptor A | 15q22.2 | CV:GWAScat CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp Expression PMID:cooccur | |
1387 | CREBBP | CBP | KAT3A | RSTS | CREB binding protein | 16p13.3 | CV:PGCnp Network PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets Chromatin Remodeling Genes |
5187 | PER1 | PER | RIGUI | hPER | period circadian clock 1 | 17p13.1 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets |
9572 | NR1D1 | EAR1 | THRA1 | THRAL | ear-1 | hRev | nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 1 | 17q11.2 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 DMG:Wockner_2014 PMID:cooccur | |
5469 | MED1 | CRSP1 | CRSP200 | DRIP205 | DRIP230 | PBP | PPARBP | PPARGBP | RB18A | TRAP220 | TRIP2 | mediator complex subunit 1 | 17q12 | CV:PGCnp | |
1628 | DBP | DABP | D site of albumin promoter (albumin D-box) binding protein | 19q13.3 | CV:PGCnp DEG:Sanders_2013 PMID:cooccur | |
551 | AVP | ADH | ARVP | AVP-NPII | AVRP | VP | arginine vasopressin | 20p13 | PMID:cooccur | NEUROTROPHIN SIGNALING |
23054 | NCOA6 | AIB3 | ASC2 | NRC | PRIP | RAP250 | TRBP | nuclear receptor coactivator 6 | 20q11 | CV:PGCnp GO_Annotation | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets |
2033 | EP300 | KAT3B | RSTS2 | p300 | E1A binding protein p300 | 22q13.2 | CV:PGCnp DNM:Fromer_2014 GO_Annotation Network | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets Ascano FMRP targets Chromatin Remodeling Genes |
5465 | PPARA | NR1C1 | PPAR | PPARalpha | hPPAR | peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha | 22q13.31 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
4862 | NPAS2 | MOP4 | PASD4 | bHLHe9 | neuronal PAS domain protein 2 | 2q11.2 | CV:PGCnp GO_Annotation GSMA_I PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets |
8864 | PER2 | FASPS | FASPS1 | period circadian clock 2 | 2q37.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 PMID:cooccur | |
8553 | BHLHE40 | BHLHB2 | DEC1 | HLHB2 | SHARP-2 | STRA13 | Stra14 | basic helix-loop-helix family member e40 | 3p26 | CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |
79718 | TBL1XR1 | C21 | DC42 | IRA1 | TBLR1 | transducin (beta)-like 1 X-linked receptor 1 | 3q26.32 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp | |
10891 | PPARGC1A | LEM6 | PGC-1(alpha) | PGC-1alpha | PGC-1v | PGC1 | PGC1A | PPARGC1 | PPARG coactivator 1 alpha | 4p15.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 PMID:cooccur | CompositeSet Darnell FMRP targets |
9575 | CLOCK | KAT13D | bHLHe8 | clock circadian regulator | 4q12 | Association CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 PMID:cooccur | |
8841 | HDAC3 | HD3 | RPD3 | RPD3-2 | histone deacetylase 3 | 5q31 | GSMA_I PMID:cooccur | Chromatin Remodeling Genes |
2908 | NR3C1 | GCCR | GCR | GCRST | GR | GRL | nuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 1 | 5q31.3 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 GSMA_I GSMA_IIA GSMA_IIE Network PMID:cooccur | |
5054 | SERPINE1 | PAI | PAI-1 | PAI1 | PLANH1 | serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade E (nexin, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1), member 1 | 7q22.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 GO_Annotation | |
10135 | NAMPT | 1110035O14Rik | PBEF | PBEF1 | VF | VISFATIN | nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase | 7q22.3 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp | |
6604 | SMARCD3 | BAF60C | CRACD3 | Rsc6p | SWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily d, member 3 | 7q35-q36 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 GO_Annotation PMID:cooccur | Chromatin Remodeling Genes |
6256 | RXRA | NR2B1 | retinoid X receptor alpha | 9q34.3 | CV:GWAScat CV:PGCnp PMID:cooccur | |