Search results:

The pahtway p4412 has 157 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 106 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
221079ARL5BARL8ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 5B10p12.31
80013FAM188AC10orf97 | CARP | DERP5 | MST126 | MSTP126 | my042family with sequence similarity 188 member A10p13
4791NFKB2CVID10 | H2TF1 | LYT-10 | LYT10 | NF-kB2 | p100 | p49/p100 | p52nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells 210q24
9184BUB3BUB3L | hBUB3BUB3 mitotic checkpoint protein10q26
282973JAKMIP3C10orf14 | C10orf39 | Jamip3 | NECC2 | bA140A10.5Janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 310q26.3
120071GYLTL1BLARGE2 | PP5656glycosyltransferase-like 1B11p11.2
1815DRD4D4DRdopamine receptor D411p15.5
1270CNTFHCNTFciliary neurotrophic factor11q12.2
53838C11orf24DM4E3chromosome 11 open reading frame 2411q13
9986RCE1FACE2 | RCE1A | RCE1BRas converting CAAX endopeptidase 111q13
51290ERGIC2CDA14 | Erv41 | PTX1 | cd002ERGIC and golgi 212p11.22
57494RIMKLBFAM80B | NAAGS | NAAGS-Iribosomal modification protein rimK-like family member B12p13.31
51434ANAPC7APC7anaphase promoting complex subunit 712q24.11
55743CHFRRNF116 | RNF196checkpoint with forkhead and ring finger domains, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase12q24.33
8600TNFSF11CD254 | ODF | OPGL | OPTB2 | RANKL | TNLG6B | TRANCE | hRANKL2 | sOdftumor necrosis factor superfamily member 1113q14
79866BORAC13orf34bora, aurora kinase A activator13q22.1
11198SUPT16HCDC68 | FACTP140 | SPT16 | SPT16/CDC68SPT16 homolog, facilitates chromatin remodeling subunit14q11.2
81542TMX1PDIA11 | TMX | TXNDC | TXNDC1thioredoxin related transmembrane protein 114q22.1
4149MAXbHLHd4MYC associated factor X14q23
3091HIF1AHIF-1-alpha | HIF-1A | HIF-1alpha | HIF1 | HIF1-ALPHA | MOP1 | PASD8 | bHLHe78hypoxia inducible factor 1 alpha subunit14q23.2
400224PLEKHD1UPF0639pleckstrin homology and coiled-coil domain containing D114q24.1
57475PLEKHH1-pleckstrin homology, MyTH4 and FERM domain containing H114q24.1
55384MEG3FP504 | GTL2 | LINC00023 | NCRNA00023 | PRO0518 | PRO2160 | onco-lncRNA-83 | prebp1maternally expressed 3 (non-protein coding)14q32
90141EFCAB11C14orf143EF-hand calcium binding domain 1114q32.11
81614NIPA2-non imprinted in Prader-Willi/Angelman syndrome 215q11.2
26585GREM1C15DUPq | CKTSF1B1 | CRAC1 | CRCS4 | DAND2 | DRM | DUP15q | GREMLIN | HMPS | HMPS1 | IHG-2 | MPSH | PIG2gremlin 1, DAN family BMP antagonist15q13.3
23005MAPKBP1JNKBP-1 | JNKBP1mitogen-activated protein kinase binding protein 115q15.1
91947ARRDC4-arrestin domain containing 415q26.3
3480IGF1RCD221 | IGFIR | IGFR | JTK13insulin like growth factor 1 receptor15q26.3
79585CORO70610011B16Rik | CRN7 | POD1coronin 716p13.3
116840CNTROBLIP8 | PP1221centrobin, centrosomal BRCA2 interacting protein17p13.1
55106SLFN12SLFN3schlafen family member 1217q12
10040TOM1L1OK/KNS-CL.3 | SRCASMtarget of myb1 like 1 membrane trafficking protein17q23.2
10982MAPRE2CSCSC2 | EB1 | EB2 | RP1microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 218q12.1
1311COMPEDM1 | EPD1 | MED | PSACH | THBS5cartilage oligomeric matrix protein19p13.1
11018TMED1IL1RL1LG | Il1rl1l | Tp24 | p24g1transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 119p13.2
3949LDLRFH | FHC | LDLCQ2low density lipoprotein receptor19p13.2
10347ABCA7ABCA-SSN | ABCXATP binding cassette subfamily A member 719p13.3
64377CHST8GALNAC4ST1 | GalNAc4ST | PSS3carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 819q13.1
7288TULP2CT65 | TUBL2tubby like protein 219q13.1
6566SLC16A1HHF7 | MCT | MCT1 | MCT1Dsolute carrier family 16 member 11p12
476ATP1A1-ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 11p21
57685CACHD1-cache domain containing 11p31.3
2882GPX7CL683 | GPX6 | GPx-7 | GSHPx-7 | NPGPxglutathione peroxidase 71p32
1600DAB1-Dab, reelin signal transducer, homolog 1 (Drosophila)1p32-p31
7804LRP8APOER2 | HSZ75190 | LRP-8 | MCI1LDL receptor related protein 81p34
84879MFSD2AMCPH15 | MFSD2 | NLS1major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A1p34.2
54460MRPS21MDS016 | MRP-S21 | RPMS21mitochondrial ribosomal protein S211q21
55793FAM63A-family with sequence similarity 63 member A1q21.3
460ASTN1ASTNastrotactin 11q25.2
6782HSPA13STCHheat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1321q11
23753SDF2L1-stromal cell derived factor 2 like 122q11.21
6721SREBF2SREBP-2 | SREBP2 | bHLHd2sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 222q13
79087ALG12CDG1G | ECM39 | PP14673 | hALG12ALG12, alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase22q13.33
3625INHBB-inhibin beta B2cen-q13
7840ALMS1ALSSALMS1, centrosome and basal body associated protein2p13
84140FAM161ARP28family with sequence similarity 161 member A2p15
3973LHCGRHHG | LCGR | LGR2 | LH/CG-R | LH/CGR | LHR | LHRHR | LSH-R | ULG5luteinizing hormone/choriogonadotropin receptor2p21
55133SRBD1-S1 RNA binding domain 12p21
6432SRSF79G8 | AAG3 | SFRS7serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 72p22.1
84272YIPF4FinGER4 | Nbla11189Yip1 domain family member 42p22.3
2355FOSL2FRA2FOS like antigen 22p23.3
54431DNAJC10ERdj5 | JPDI | MTHr | PDIA19DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C102q32.1
2181ACSL3ACS3 | FACL3 | PRO2194acyl-CoA synthetase long-chain family member 32q34-q35
3485IGFBP2IBP2 | IGF-BP53insulin like growth factor binding protein 22q35
4880NPPCCNP | CNP2natriuretic peptide C2q37.1
5648MASP13MC1 | CRARF | CRARF1 | MAP1 | MASP | MASP3 | MAp44 | PRSS5 | RaRFmannan binding lectin serine peptidase 13q27-q28
55486PARLPRO2207 | PSARL | PSARL1 | PSENIP2 | RHBDS1presenilin associated, rhomboid-like3q27.1
7294TXKBTKL | PSCTK5 | PTK4 | RLK | TKLTXK tyrosine kinase4p12
7466WFS1CTRCT41 | WFRS | WFS | WFSLwolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein4p16.1
658BMPR1BALK-6 | ALK6 | AMDD | BDA1D | BDA2 | CDw293bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B4q22-q24
79071ELOVL6FACE | FAE | LCEELOVL fatty acid elongase 64q25
3148HMGB2HMG2high mobility group box 24q31
54510PCDH18PCDH68Lprotocadherin 184q31
9848MFAP3LNYD-sp9microfibrillar associated protein 3 like4q32.3
348980HCN1BCNG-1 | BCNG1 | EIEE24 | HAC-2hyperpolarization activated cyclic nucleotide gated potassium channel 15p12
10605PAIP1-poly(A) binding protein interacting protein 15p12
3977LIFRCD118 | LIF-R | SJS2 | STWS | SWSleukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha5p13-p12
5618PRLRHPRL | MFAB | hPRLrIprolactin receptor5p13.2
79888LPCAT1AGPAT10 | AGPAT9 | AYTL2 | PFAAP3 | lpcatlysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 15p15.33
401190RGS7BPR7BPregulator of G-protein signaling 7 binding protein5q12.3
10087COL4A3BPCERT | CERTL | GPBP | MRD34 | STARD11collagen type IV alpha 3 binding protein5q13.3
4238MFAP3-microfibrillar associated protein 35q32-q33.2
2554GABRA1ECA4 | EIEE19 | EJM | EJM5gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor alpha1 subunit5q34
2561GABRB2-gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor beta2 subunit5q34
57472CNOT6CCR4 | Ccr4aCCR4-NOT transcription complex subunit 65q35.3
9374PPT2C6orf8 | G14 | PPT-2palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 26p21.3
54898ELOVL2SSC2ELOVL fatty acid elongase 26p24.2
55754TMEM30AC6orf67 | CDC50Atransmembrane protein 30A6q14.1
6885MAP3K7MEKK7 | TAK1 | TGF1amitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 76q15
84918LRP11MANSC3 | bA350J20.3LDL receptor related protein 116q25.1
3482IGF2RCD222 | CI-M6PR | CIMPR | M6P-R | M6P/IGF2R | MPR 300 | MPR1 | MPR300 | MPRIinsulin like growth factor 2 receptor6q26
373156GSTK1GST | GST 13-13 | GST13 | GST13-13 | GSTK1-1 | hGSTK1glutathione S-transferase kappa 17q34
673BRAFB-RAF1 | BRAF1 | NS7 | RAFB1B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase7q34
51201ZDHHC2DHHC2 | ZNF372zinc finger DHHC-type containing 28p22
2055CLN8C8orf61 | EPMRceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 88p23
2222FDFT1DGPT | ERG9 | SQS | SSfarnesyl-diphosphate farnesyltransferase 18p23.1-p22
9760TOXTOX1thymocyte selection associated high mobility group box8q12.1
734OSGIN2C8orf1 | hT41oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor family member 28q21
51571FAM49BBM-009 | L1family with sequence similarity 49 member B8q24.21
84720PIGOHPMRS2phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class O9p13.3
7357UGCGGCS | GLCT1UDP-glucose ceramide glucosyltransferase9q31
203197C9orf91-chromosome 9 open reading frame 919q32
10439OLFM1AMY | NOE1 | NOELIN1 | OlfAolfactomedin 19q34.3
9363RAB33ARabS10RAB33A, member RAS oncogene familyXq26.1

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