Search results:

The pahtway p913 has 133 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 91 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3799KIF5BHEL-S-61 | KINH | KNS | KNS1 | UKHCkinesin family member 5B10p11.22
54536EXOC6EXOC6A | SEC15 | SEC15L | SEC15L1 | SEC15L3 | Sec15pexocyst complex component 610q23.33
2147F2PT | RPRGL2 | THPH1coagulation factor II, thrombin11p11
1200TPP1CLN2 | GIG1 | LPIC | SCAR7 | TPP-1tripeptidyl peptidase I11p15
3481IGF2C11orf43 | GRDF | IGF-II | PP9974insulin like growth factor 211p15.5
5526PPP2R5BB56B | PR61Bprotein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B', beta11q12
84447SYVN1DER3 | HRD1synoviolin 111q13
4312MMP1CLG | CLGNmatrix metallopeptidase 111q22.3
10525HYOU1GRP-170 | Grp170 | HSP12A | ORP-150 | ORP150hypoxia up-regulated 111q23.1-q23.3
1663DDX11CHL1 | CHLR1 | KRG2 | WABSDEAD/H-box helicase 1112p11
440081DDX12PCHLR2 | DDX12DEAD/H-box helicase 12, pseudogene12p13.31
1649DDIT3CEBPZ | CHOP | CHOP-10 | CHOP10 | GADD153DNA damage inducible transcript 312q13.1-q13.2
4801NFYBCBF-A | CBF-B | HAP3 | NF-YBnuclear transcription factor Y subunit beta12q23.3
7184HSP90B1ECGP | GP96 | GRP94 | HEL-S-125m | HEL35 | TRA1heat shock protein 90kDa beta family member 112q24.2-q24.3
22894DIS32810028N01Rik | EXOSC11 | KIAA1008 | RRP44 | dis3pDIS3 homolog, exosome endoribonuclease and 3'-5' exoribonuclease13q22.1
5611DNAJC3ACPHD | ERdj6 | HP58 | P58 | P58IPK | PRKRIDnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C313q32.1
4644MYO5AGS1 | MYH12 | MYO5 | MYR12myosin VA15q21
5873RAB27AGS2 | HsT18676 | RAB27 | RAMRAB27A, member RAS oncogene family15q21.3
23478SEC11A1810012E07Rik | SEC11L1 | SPC18 | SPCS4A | sid2895SEC11 homolog A, signal peptidase complex subunit15q25.3
445329SULT1A4HAST3 | M-PST | ST1A3/ST1A4 | ST1A4 | TL-PSTsulfotransferase family 1A member 416p11.2
3483IGFALSACLSD | ALSinsulin like growth factor binding protein acid labile subunit16p13.3
4313MMP2CLG4 | CLG4A | MMP-2 | MMP-II | MONA | TBE-1matrix metallopeptidase 216q12.2
9114ATP6V0D1ATP6D | ATP6DV | P39 | VATX | VMA6 | VPATPDATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit d116q22.1
8720MBTPS1PCSK8 | S1P | SKI-1membrane bound transcription factor peptidase, site 116q24
37ACADVLACAD6 | LCACD | VLCADacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, very long chain17p13.1
6844VAMP2SYB2 | VAMP-2vesicle associated membrane protein 217p13.1
6347CCL2GDCF-2 | HC11 | HSMCR30 | MCAF | MCP-1 | MCP1 | SCYA2 | SMC-CFC-C motif chemokine ligand 217q11.2-q12
9570GOSR2Bos1 | EPM6 | GS27golgi SNAP receptor complex member 217q21
3487IGFBP4BP-4 | HT29-IGFBP | IBP4 | IGFBP-4insulin like growth factor binding protein 417q21.2
10642IGF2BP1CRD-BP | CRDBP | IMP-1 | IMP1 | VICKZ1 | ZBP1insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 117q21.32
2688GH1GH | GH-N | GHB5 | GHN | IGHD1B | hGH-Ngrowth hormone 117q24.2
55062WIPI1ATG18 | ATG18A | WIPI49WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 117q24.2
30827CXXC12410002I16Rik | 5830420C16Rik | CFP1 | CGBP | HsT2645 | PCCX1 | PHF18 | SPP1 | ZCGPC1 | hCGBPCXXC finger protein 118q12
90701SEC11CSEC11L3 | SPC21 | SPCS4CSEC11 homolog C, signal peptidase complex subunit18q21.32
811CALRCRT | HEL-S-99n | RO | SSA | cC1qRcalreticulin19p13.13
8570KHSRPFBP2 | FUBP2 | KSRPKH-type splicing regulatory protein19p13.3
56915EXOSC5RRP41B | RRP46 | Rrp46p | hRrp46p | p12Bexosome component 519q13.1
2931GSK3A-glycogen synthase kinase 3 alpha19q13.2
354KLK3APS | KLK2A1 | PSA | hK3kallikrein related peptidase 319q13.41
148867SLC30A7ZNT7 | ZnT-7 | ZnTL2solute carrier family 30 member 71p21.2
7709ZBTB17MIZ-1 | ZNF151 | ZNF60 | pHZ-67zinc finger and BTB domain containing 171p36.13
4000LMNACDCD1 | CDDC | CMD1A | CMT2B1 | EMD2 | FPL | FPLD | FPLD2 | HGPS | IDC | LDP1 | LFP | LGMD1B | LMN1 | LMNC | LMNL1 | PRO1lamin A/C1q22
3068HDGFHMG1L2hepatoma-derived growth factor1q23.1
60676PAPPA2PAPP-A2 | PAPP-E | PAPPE | PLAC3pappalysin 21q25.2
467ATF3-activating transcription factor 31q32.3
5126PCSK2NEC 2 | NEC-2 | NEC2 | PC2 | SPC2proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 220p11.2
6616SNAP25CMS18 | RIC-4 | RIC4 | SEC9 | SNAP | SNAP-25 | bA416N4.2 | dJ1068F16.2synaptosome associated protein 25kDa20p12-p11.2
55738ARFGAP1ARF1GAP | HRIHFB2281ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 120q13.33
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
11015KDELR3ERD2L3KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 322q13.1
468ATF4CREB-2 | CREB2 | TAXREB67 | TXREBactivating transcription factor 422q13.1
9451EIF2AK3PEK | PERK | WRSeukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 alpha kinase 32p12
1639DCTN1DAP-150 | DP-150 | P135dynactin subunit 12p13
10113PREBSEC12prolactin regulatory element binding2p23.3
10130PDIA6ERP5 | P5 | TXNDC7protein disulfide isomerase family A member 62p25.1
3485IGFBP2IBP2 | IGF-BP53insulin like growth factor binding protein 22q35
2641GCGGLP1 | GLP2 | GRPPglucagon2q36-q37
28972SPCS1HSPC033 | SPC1 | SPC12 | YJR010C-Asignal peptidase complex subunit 13p21.1
51738GHRLMTLRPghrelin/obestatin prepropeptide3p25.3
9797TATDN2-TatD DNase domain containing 23p25.3
10954PDIA5PDIRprotein disulfide isomerase family A member 53q21.1
27230SERP1RAMP4stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 13q25.1
590BCHECHE1 | CHE2 | E1butyrylcholinesterase3q26.1-q26.2
10644IGF2BP2IMP-2 | IMP2 | VICKZ2insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 23q27.2
7466WFS1CTRCT41 | WFRS | WFS | WFSLwolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein4p16.1
118ADD1ADDAadducin 14p16.3
55763EXOC1BM-102 | SEC3 | SEC3L1 | SEC3Pexocyst complex component 14q12
22872SEC31AABP125 | ABP130 | HSPC275 | HSPC334 | SEC31L1SEC31 homolog A, COPII coat complex component4q21.22
1363CPECPHcarboxypeptidase E4q32.3
11336EXOC3SEC6 | SEC6L1 | Sec6pexocyst complex component 35p15.33
5122PCSK1BMIQ12 | NEC1 | PC1 | PC3 | SPC3proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 15q15-q21
116138KLHDC3PEAS | dJ20C7.3kelch domain containing 36p21.1
7941PLA2G7LDL-PLA2 | LP-PLA2 | PAFAD | PAFAHphospholipase A2 group VII6p21.2-p12
4800NFYACBF-A | CBF-B | HAP2 | NF-YAnuclear transcription factor Y subunit alpha6p21.3
55770EXOC2SEC5 | SEC5L1 | Sec5pexocyst complex component 26p25.3
10643IGF2BP3CT98 | IMP-3 | IMP3 | KOC | KOC1 | VICKZ3insulin like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 37p11
3486IGFBP3BP-53 | IBP3insulin like growth factor binding protein 37p12.3
55033FKBP14EDSKMH | FKBP22 | IPBP12FK506 binding protein 147p14.3
6804STX1AHPC-1 | P35-1 | STX1 | SYN1Asyntaxin 1A7q11.23
440ASNSASNSD | TS11asparagine synthetase (glutamine-hydrolyzing)7q21.3
60412EXOC4SEC8 | SEC8L1 | Sec8pexocyst complex component 47q31
3952LEPLEPD | OB | OBSleptin7q31.3
4189DNAJB9ERdj4 | MDG-1 | MDG1 | MST049 | MSTP049DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member B97q31|14q24.2-q24.3
2137EXTL3BOTV | EXTL1L | EXTR1 | REGR | RPRexostosin like glycosyltransferase 38p21
54512EXOSC4RRP41 | RRP41A | Rrp41p | SKI6 | Ski6p | hRrp41p | p12Aexosome component 48q24.3
51010EXOSC3CGI-102 | PCH1B | RRP40 | Rrp40p | bA3J10.7 | hRrp-40 | p10exosome component 39p11
9314KLF4EZF | GKLFKruppel-like factor 4 (gut)9q31
5069PAPPAASBABP2 | DIPLA1 | IGFBP-4ase | PAPA | PAPP-A | PAPPA1pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, pappalysin 19q33.2
3309HSPA5BIP | GRP78 | HEL-S-89n | MIF2heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 59q33.3
64061TSPYL2CDA1 | CINAP | CTCL | DENTT | HRIHFB2216 | NP79 | SE204 | TSPXTSPY-like 2Xp11.2

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