Search results:

The pahtway p2930 has 225 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 139 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
1390CREMCREM-2 | ICER | hCREM-2cAMP responsive element modulator10p11.21
9188DDX21GUA | GURDB | RH-II/GU | RH-II/GuADEAD-box helicase 2110q21
23223RRP12KIAA0690ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog10q24.1
8945BTRCBETA-TRCP | FBW1A | FBXW1 | FBXW1A | FWD1 | bTrCP | bTrCP1 | betaTrCPbeta-transducin repeat containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase10q24.32
9118INANEF5 | NF-66 | TXBP-1internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein alpha10q24.33
5791PTPREHPTPE | PTPE | R-PTP-EPSILONprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type E10q26
22876INPP5FMSTP007 | MSTPO47 | SAC2 | hSAC2inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase F10q26.11
259217HSPA12A-heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 12A10q26.12
120526DNAJC24DPH4 | JJJ3 | ZCSL3DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C2411p13
5526PPP2R5BB56B | PR61Bprotein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B', beta11q12
8500PPFIA1LIP.1 | LIP1 | LIPRINPTPRF interacting protein alpha 111q13.3
1662DDX10HRH-J8DEAD-box helicase 1011q22-q23
23086EXPH5SLAC2-B | SLAC2Bexophilin 511q22.3
5805PTSPTPS6-pyruvoyltetrahydropterin synthase11q22.3
5920RARRES3HRASLS4 | HRSL4 | PLA1/2-3 | RIG1 | TIG3retinoic acid receptor responder (tazarotene induced) 311q23
2026ENO2HEL-S-279 | NSEenolase 2 (gamma, neuronal)12p13
8835SOCS2CIS2 | Cish2 | SOCS-2 | SSI-2 | SSI2 | STATI2suppressor of cytokine signaling 212q
5781PTPN11BPTP3 | CFC | JMML | METCDS | NS1 | PTP-1D | PTP2C | SH-PTP2 | SH-PTP3 | SHP2protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 1112q24
54737MPHOSPH8HSMPP8 | TWA3 | mpp8M-phase phosphoprotein 813q12.11
6541SLC7A1ATRC1 | CAT-1 | ERR | HCAT1 | REC1Lsolute carrier family 7 member 113q12.3
5994RFXAP-regulatory factor X associated protein13q14
540ATP7BPWD | WC1 | WD | WNDATPase copper transporting beta13q14.3
5911RAP2AK-REV | KREV | RAP2 | RbBP-30RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family13q34
22890ZBTB1ZNF909zinc finger and BTB domain containing 114q23.3
3306HSPA2HSP70-2 | HSP70-3heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 214q24.1
11099PTPN21PTPD1 | PTPRL10protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2114q31.3
7187TRAF3CAP-1 | CAP1 | CD40bp | CRAF1 | IIAE5 | LAP1TNF receptor associated factor 314q32.32
27229TUBGCP476P | GCP-4 | GCP4 | Grip76 | MCCRP3tubulin gamma complex associated protein 415q15
2628GATMAGAT | AT | CCDS3glycine amidinotransferase15q21.1
7782SLC30A4ZNT4 | znT-4solute carrier family 30 member 415q21.1|15q21.1
6095RORANR1F1 | ROR1 | ROR2 | ROR3 | RZR-ALPHA | RZRARAR related orphan receptor A15q22.2
10845CLPX-caseinolytic mitochondrial matrix peptidase chaperone subunit15q22.31
3658IREB2ACO3 | IRP2 | IRP2ADiron responsive element binding protein 215q25.1
123720WHAMMWHAMM1 | WHDC1WAS protein homolog associated with actin, golgi membranes and microtubules15q25.2
9810RNF40BRE1B | RBP95 | STARINGring finger protein 40, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase16p11.2-p11.1
23049SMG161E3.4 | ATX | LIPSMG1 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase16p12.3
55697VAC14ArPIKfyve | TAX1BP2 | TRXVac14 homolog (S. cerevisiae)16q22.1
9513FXR2FMR1L2 | FXR2PFMR1 autosomal homolog 217p13.1
10948STARD3CAB1 | MLN64 | es64StAR related lipid transfer domain containing 317q11-q12
642BLMHBH | BMHbleomycin hydrolase17q11.2
51379CRLF3CREME-9 | CREME9 | CRLM9 | CYTOR4 | FRWS | p48.2cytokine receptor-like factor 317q11.2
23512SUZ12CHET9 | JJAZ1SUZ12 polycomb repressive complex 2 subunit17q11.2
8153RND2ARHN | RHO7 | RhoNRho family GTPase 217q21
1659DHX8DDX8 | HRH1 | PRP22 | PRPF22DEAH-box helicase 817q21.31
5889RAD51CBROVCA3 | FANCO | R51H3 | RAD51L2RAD51 paralog C17q22
10238DCAF7AN11 | HAN11 | SWAN-1 | WDR68DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 717q23.3
10672GNA13G13G protein subunit alpha 1317q24.3
9368SLC9A3R1EBP50 | NHERF | NHERF-1 | NHERF1 | NPHLOP2SLC9A3 regulator 117q25.1
26993AKAP8LHA95 | HAP95 | NAKAP | NAKAP95A-kinase anchoring protein 8 like19p13.12
83475DOHHHLRC1 | hDOHHdeoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase19p13.3
55957LIN37F25965 | ZK418.4 | lin-37lin-37 DREAM MuvB core complex component19q13.1
6566SLC16A1HHF7 | MCT | MCT1 | MCT1Dsolute carrier family 16 member 11p12
51592TRIM33ECTO | PTC7 | RFG7 | TF1G | TIF1G | TIF1GAMMA | TIFGAMMAtripartite motif containing 331p13.1
80143SIKE1SIKEsuppressor of IKBKE 11p13.2
6884TAF13TAF(II)18 | TAF2K | TAFII-18 | TAFII18TATA-box binding protein associated factor 131p13.3
1810DR1NC2 | NC2-BETA | NC2Bdown-regulator of transcription 11p22.1
8880FUBP1FBP | FUBP | hDH Vfar upstream element binding protein 11p31.1
10561IFI44MTAP44 | TLDC5 | p44interferon induced protein 441p31.1
10420TESK2-testis-specific kinase 21p32
6491STILMCPH7 | SILSCL/TAL1 interrupting locus1p32
23633KPNA6IPOA7 | KPNA7karyopherin subunit alpha 61p35.1
1969EPHA2ARCC2 | CTPA | CTPP1 | CTRCT6 | ECKEPH receptor A21p36
864RUNX3AML2 | CBFA3 | PEBP2aCrunt related transcription factor 31p36
8394PIP5K1A-phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase, type I, alpha1q21.3
5451POU2F1OCT1 | OTF1 | oct-1BPOU class 2 homeobox 11q24.2
90806ANGEL2Ccr4d | KIAA0759Langel homolog 2 (Drosophila)1q32.3
3775KCNK1DPK | HOHO | K2P1 | K2p1.1 | KCNO1 | TWIK-1 | TWIK1potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 11q42.2
8455ATRNDPPT-L | MGCAattractin20p13
10564ARFGEF2BIG2 | PVNH2 | dJ1164I10.1ADP ribosylation factor guanine nucleotide exchange factor 220q13.13
10950BTG3ANA | TOB5 | TOB55 | TOFABTG family member 321q21.1
6651SONBASS1 | C21orf50 | DBP-5 | NREBP | SON3SON DNA binding protein21q22.11
10317B3GALT5B3GalT-V | B3GalTx | B3T5 | GLCT5 | beta-1,3-GalTase 5 | beta-3-Gx-T5 | beta3Gal-T5Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 521q22.3
64795RMND5ACTLH | GID2 | GID2A | RMD5 | p44CTLHrequired for meiotic nuclear division 5 homolog A2p11.2
5966RELC-Relv-rel avian reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog2p13-p12
23683PRKD3EPK2 | PKC-NU | PKD3 | PRKCN | nPKC-NUprotein kinase D32p21
1838DTNB-dystrobrevin beta2p24
1876E2F6E2F-6E2F transcription factor 62p25.1
55041PLEKHB2EVT2pleckstrin homology domain containing B22q21.1
5334PLCL1PLCE | PLCL | PLDL1 | PPP1R127 | PRIPphospholipase C like 12q33
7110TMF1ARA160 | TMFTATA element modulatory factor 13p14.1
1849DUSP7MKPX | PYST2dual specificity phosphatase 73p21
8314BAP1HUCEP-13 | UCHL2 | hucep-6BRCA1 associated protein 13p21.1
51460SFMBT1RU1 | SFMBT | hSFMBTScm-like with four mbt domains 13p21.1
80335WDR82MST107 | MSTP107 | PRO2730 | PRO34047 | SWD2 | TMEM113 | WDR82AWD repeat domain 823p21.2
5580PRKCDALPS3 | CVID9 | MAY1 | PKCD | nPKC-deltaprotein kinase C delta3p21.31
5868RAB5ARAB5RAB5A, member RAS oncogene family3p24.3
5894RAF1CMD1NN | CRAF | NS5 | Raf-1 | c-RafRaf-1 proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase3p25
6565SLC15A2PEPT2solute carrier family 15 member 23q13.33
8706B3GALNT1B3GALT3 | GLCT3 | GLOB | Gb4Cer | P | P1 | beta3Gal-T3 | galT3beta-1,3-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 1 (globoside blood group)3q25
4291MLF1-myeloid leukemia factor 13q25.1
27074LAMP3CD208 | DC LAMP | DC-LAMP | DCLAMP | LAMP | LAMP-3 | TSC403lysosomal associated membrane protein 33q26.3-q27
5437POLR2HRPABC3 | RPB17 | RPB8polymerase (RNA) II subunit H3q28
5504PPP1R2IPP-2 | IPP2protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 23q29
7037TFRCCD71 | IMD46 | T9 | TFR | TFR1 | TR | TRFR | p90transferrin receptor3q29
1739DLG1DLGH1 | SAP-97 | SAP97 | dJ1061C18.1.1 | hdlgdiscs large homolog 1, scribble cell polarity complex component3q29
10336PCGF3DONG1 | RNF3 | RNF3Apolycomb group ring finger 34p16.3
9508ADAMTS3ADAMTS-4ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 34q13.3
25849PARM1Cipar1 | DKFZP564O0823 | PARM-1 | WSC4prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 14q13.3-q21.3
8987STBD1GENEX3414 | GENX-3414starch binding domain 14q21.1
8819SAP30-Sin3A associated protein 30kDa4q34.1
5144PDE4DACRDYS2 | DPDE3 | HSPDE4D | PDE43 | PDE4DN2 | STRK1phosphodiesterase 4D5q12
1105CHD1-chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 15q15-q21
2878GPX3GPx-P | GSHPx-3 | GSHPx-Pglutathione peroxidase 35q33.1
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
988CDC5LCDC5 | CDC5-LIKE | CEF1 | PCDC5RP | dJ319D22.1cell division cycle 5 like6p21
3115HLA-DPB1DPB1 | HLA-DP | HLA-DP1B | HLA-DPBmajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DP beta 16p21.3
578BAK1BAK | BAK-LIKE | BCL2L7 | CDN1BCL2 antagonist/killer 16p21.3
2289FKBP5AIG6 | FKBP51 | FKBP54 | P54 | PPIase | Ptg-10FK506 binding protein 56p21.31
9972NUP153HNUP153 | N153nucleoporin 153kDa6p22.3
5238PGM3AGM1 | IMD23 | PAGM | PGM 3phosphoglucomutase 36q14.1-q15
3841KPNA5IPOA6 | SRP6karyopherin subunit alpha 56q22.1
3482IGF2RCD222 | CI-M6PR | CIMPR | M6P-R | M6P/IGF2R | MPR 300 | MPR1 | MPR300 | MPRIinsulin like growth factor 2 receptor6q26
51678MPP6PALS2 | VAM-1 | VAM1 | p55Tmembrane protein, palmitoylated 67p15
10652YKT6-YKT6 v-SNARE homolog (S. cerevisiae)7p15.1
10124ARL4AARL4ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 4A7p21.3
5243ABCB1ABC20 | CD243 | CLCS | GP170 | MDR1 | P-GP | PGY1ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 17q21.12
4885NPTX2NARP | NP-II | NP2neuronal pentraxin 27q21.3-q22.1
10248POP70610037N12Rik | RPP2 | RPP20POP7 homolog, ribonuclease P/MRP subunit7q22
2861GPR37EDNRBL | PAELR | hET(B)R-LPG protein-coupled receptor 377q31
7982ST7ETS7q | FAM4A | FAM4A1 | HELG | RAY1 | SEN4 | TSG7suppression of tumorigenicity 77q31.2
673BRAFB-RAF1 | BRAF1 | NS7 | RAFB1B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase7q34
3757KCNH2ERG-1 | ERG1 | H-ERG | HERG | HERG1 | Kv11.1 | LQT2 | SQT1potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily H member 27q36.1
4741NEFMNEF3 | NF-M | NFMneurofilament, medium polypeptide8p21
9NAT1AAC1 | MNAT | NAT-1 | NATIN-acetyltransferase 1 (arylamine N-acetyltransferase)8p22
4067LYNJTK8 | p53Lyn | p56LynLYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase8q13
1875E2F5E2F-5E2F transcription factor 58q21.2
10656KHDRBS3Etle | SALP | SLM-2 | SLM2 | T-STAR | TSTAR | etoileKH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 38q24.2
3442IFNA5IFN-alpha-5 | IFN-alphaG | INA5 | INFA5 | leIF Ginterferon, alpha 59p22
7436VLDLRCAMRQ1 | CARMQ1 | CHRMQ1 | VLDLRCHvery low density lipoprotein receptor9p24
8013NR4A3CHN | CSMF | MINOR | NOR1 | TECnuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 39q22
9128PRPF4HPRP4 | HPRP4P | PRP4 | Prp4p | RP70 | SNRNP60pre-mRNA processing factor 49q31-q33
203197C9orf91-chromosome 9 open reading frame 919q32
5998RGS3C2PA | RGP3regulator of G-protein signaling 39q32
10439OLFM1AMY | NOE1 | NOELIN1 | OlfAolfactomedin 19q34.3
157922CAMSAP1-calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein 19q34.3
4128MAOAMAO-Amonoamine oxidase AXp11.3
6792CDKL5CFAP247 | EIEE2 | ISSX | STK9cyclin dependent kinase like 5Xp22
1741DLG3MRX | MRX90 | NEDLG | PPP1R82 | SAP102 | XLMRdiscs large homolog 3Xq13.1
5063PAK3MRX30 | MRX47 | OPHN3 | PAK-3 | PAK3beta | bPAK | beta-PAKp21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 3Xq23

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