Search results:

The pahtway p4441 has 281 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 183 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5305PIP4K2API5P4KA | PIP5K2A | PIP5KII-alpha | PIP5KIIA | PIPKphosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha10p12.2
79754ASB13-ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing 1310p15.1
5979RETCDHF12 | CDHR16 | HSCR1 | MEN2A | MEN2B | MTC1 | PTC | RET-ELE1 | RET51ret proto-oncogene10q11.2
1592CYP26A1CP26 | CYP26 | P450RAI | P450RAI1cytochrome P450 family 26 subfamily A member 110q23-q24
56652C10orf2ATXN8 | IOSCA | MTDPS7 | PEO | PEO1 | PEOA3 | PRLTS5 | SANDO | SCA8 | TWINLchromosome 10 open reading frame 210q24
23223RRP12KIAA0690ribosomal RNA processing 12 homolog10q24.1
23082PPRC1PRCperoxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator-related 110q24.32
9221NOLC1NOPP130 | NOPP140 | NS5ATP13 | P130nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 110q24.32
744MPPED2239FB | C11orf8metallophosphoesterase domain containing 211p13
4004LMO1RBTN1 | RHOM1 | TTG1LIM domain only 111p15
26579MYEOVOCIMmyeloma overexpressed11q13
221ALDH3B1ALDH4 | ALDH7aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family member B111q13
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
78999LRFN4FIGLER6 | SALM3 | SALM3.leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 411q13.2
91683SYT12SYT11 | sytXIIsynaptotagmin 1211q13.2
55191NADSYN1-NAD synthetase 111q13.4
25987TSKUE2IG4 | LRRC54 | TSKtsukushi, small leucine rich proteoglycan11q13.5
9846GAB2-GRB2 associated binding protein 211q14.1
2526FUT4CD15 | ELFT | FCT3A | FUC-TIV | FUTIV | LeX | SSEA-1fucosyltransferase 411q21
5241PGRNR3C3 | PRprogesterone receptor11q22-q23
7450VWFF8VWF | VWDvon Willebrand factor12p13.3
5036PA2G4EBP1 | HG4-1 | p38-2G4proliferation-associated 2G412q13.2
51559NT5DC3TU12B1-TY | TU12B1TY5'-nucleotidase domain containing 312q22-q23.1
9612NCOR2CTG26 | N-CoR2 | SMAP270 | SMRT | SMRTE | SMRTE-tau | TNRC14 | TRAC | TRAC-1 | TRAC1nuclear receptor corepressor 212q24
26353HSPB8CMT2L | DHMN2 | E2IG1 | H11 | HMN2 | HMN2A | HSP22heat shock protein family B (small) member 812q24.23
949SCARB1CD36L1 | CLA-1 | CLA1 | HDLQTL6 | SR-BI | SRB1scavenger receptor class B member 112q24.31
144404TMEM120B-transmembrane protein 120B12q24.31
8428STK24HEL-S-95 | MST3 | MST3B | STE20 | STK3serine/threonine kinase 2413q31.2-q32.3
10160FARP1CDEP | FARP1-IT1 | PLEKHC2 | PPP1R75FERM, ARH/RhoGEF and pleckstrin domain protein 113q32.2
677ZFP36L1BRF1 | Berg36 | ERF-1 | ERF1 | RNF162B | TIS11B | cMG1ZFP36 ring finger protein-like 114q24.1
57475PLEKHH1-pleckstrin homology, MyTH4 and FERM domain containing H114q24.1
2353FOSAP-1 | C-FOS | p55FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog14q24.3
115708TRMT61AC14orf172 | GCD14 | Gcd14p | TRM61 | hTRM61tRNA methyltransferase 61A14q32
801CALM1CALML2 | CAMI | CPVT4 | DD132 | LQT14 | PHKD | caMcalmodulin 1 (phosphorylase kinase, delta)14q32.11
123099DEGS2C14orf66 | DES2 | FADS8delta(4)-desaturase, sphingolipid 214q32.2
57596BEGAIN-brain enriched guanylate kinase associated14q32.2
64919BCL11BATL1 | ATL1-alpha | ATL1-beta | ATL1-delta | ATL1-gamma | CTIP-2 | CTIP2 | RIT1 | ZNF856B | hRIT1-alphaB-cell CLL/lymphoma 11B14q32.2
3831KLC1KLC | KNS2 | KNS2Akinesin light chain 114q32.3
7517XRCC3CMM6X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 314q32.3
771CA12CA-XII | CAXII | HsT18816 | T18816carbonic anhydrase XII15q22
9727RAB11FIP3CART1 | Rab11-FIP3RAB11 family interacting protein 3 (class II)16p13.3
84331FAM195AC16orf14 | c349E10.1family with sequence similarity 195 member A16p13.3
115ADCY9AC9 | ACIXadenylate cyclase 916p13.3
8312AXIN1AXIN | PPP1R49axin 116p13.3
80205CHD9AD013 | CHD-9 | CReMM | KISH2 | PRIC320chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 916q12.2
64127NOD2ACUG | BLAU | CARD15 | CD | CLR16.3 | IBD1 | NLRC2 | NOD2B | PSORAS1nucleotide binding oligomerization domain containing 216q21
3291HSD11B2AME | AME1 | HSD11K | HSD2 | SDR9C3hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 216q22
51388NIP7CGI-37 | HSPC031 | KD93NIP7, nucleolar pre-rRNA processing protein16q22.1
9057SLC7A6LAT-2 | LAT3 | y+LAT-2solute carrier family 7 member 616q22.1
29948OSGIN1BDGI | OKL38oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor 116q23.3
863CBFA2T3ETO2 | MTG16 | MTGR2 | ZMYND4core-binding factor, runt domain, alpha subunit 2; translocated to, 316q24
51659GINS2HSPC037 | PSF2 | Pfs2GINS complex subunit 2 (Psf2 homolog)16q24.1
404550C16orf74-chromosome 16 open reading frame 7416q24.1
8140SLC7A54F2LC | CD98 | D16S469E | E16 | LAT1 | MPE16 | hLAT1solute carrier family 7 member 516q24.3
10514MYBBP1AP160 | PAP2MYB binding protein (P160) 1a17p13.3
9094UNC119HRG4 | IMD13 | POC7 | POC7Aunc-119 lipid binding chaperone17q11.2
26574AATFBFR2 | CHE-1 | CHE1 | DEDapoptosis antagonizing transcription factor17q12
5914RARANR1B1 | RARretinoic acid receptor alpha17q21
4137MAPTDDPAC | FTDP-17 | MAPTL | MSTD | MTBT1 | MTBT2 | PPND | PPP1R103 | TAUmicrotubule associated protein tau17q21.1
9862MED24ARC100 | CRSP100 | CRSP4 | DRIP100 | MED5 | THRAP4 | TRAP100mediator complex subunit 2417q21.1
51195RAPGEFL1Link-GEFIIRap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 117q21.1
3487IGFBP4BP-4 | HT29-IGFBP | IBP4 | IGFBP-4insulin like growth factor binding protein 417q21.2
3866KRT15CK15 | K15 | K1COkeratin 1517q21.2
78995C17orf53-chromosome 17 open reading frame 5317q21.31
51651PTRH2BIT1 | CFAP37 | CGI-147 | IMNEPD | PTH | PTH 2 | PTH2peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 217q23.1
6909TBX2-T-box 217q23.2
10801SEPT9AF17q25 | MSF | MSF1 | NAPB | PNUTL4 | SINT1 | SeptD1septin 917q25
9368SLC9A3R1EBP50 | NHERF | NHERF-1 | NHERF1 | NPHLOP2SLC9A3 regulator 117q25.1
125058TBC1D16-TBC1 domain family member 1617q25.3
23149FCHO1-FCH domain only 119p13.11
54815GATAD2Ap66alphaGATA zinc finger domain containing 2A19p13.11
126410CYP4F22ARCI5 | INLNE | LI3cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 2219p13.12
23030KDM4BJMJD2B | TDRD14Blysine demethylase 4B19p13.3
29128UHRF1ICBP90 | Np95 | RNF106 | TDRD22 | hNP95 | hUHRF1 | huNp95ubiquitin like with PHD and ring finger domains 119p13.3
4616GADD45BGADD45BETA | MYD118growth arrest and DNA damage inducible beta19p13.3
22904SBNO2KIAA0963 | SNO | STNOstrawberry notch homolog 2 (Drosophila)19p13.3
10452TOMM40C19orf1 | D19S1177E | PER-EC1 | PEREC1 | TOM40translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 4019q13
5655KLK10NES1 | PRSSL1kallikrein related peptidase 1019q13
4099MAGGMA | S-MAG | SIGLEC-4A | SIGLEC4A | SPG75myelin associated glycoprotein19q13.1
64377CHST8GALNAC4ST1 | GalNAc4ST | PSS3carbohydrate (N-acetylgalactosamine 4-0) sulfotransferase 819q13.1
79935CNTD2CCNPcyclin N-terminal domain containing 219q13.2
6820SULT2B1HSST2sulfotransferase family 2B member 119q13.3
54855FAM46C-family with sequence similarity 46 member C1p12
1952CELSR2ADGRC2 | CDHF10 | EGFL2 | Flamingo1 | MEGF3cadherin EGF LAG seven-pass G-type receptor 21p21
84842HPDL4-HPPD-L | GLOXD14-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-like1p34.1
84879MFSD2AMCPH15 | MFSD2 | NLS1major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A1p34.2
6513SLC2A1CSE | DYT17 | DYT18 | DYT9 | EIG12 | GLUT | GLUT-1 | GLUT1 | GLUT1DS | HTLVR | PED | SDCHCNsolute carrier family 2 member 11p34.2
149175MANEAL-mannosidase endo-alpha like1p34.3
1870E2F2E2F-2E2F transcription factor 21p36
6723SRMPAPT | SPDSY | SPS1 | SRML1spermidine synthase1p36-p22
10726NUDCHNUDC | MNUDC | NPD011nudC nuclear distribution protein1p36.11
249ALPLAP-TNAP | APTNAP | HOPS | TNAP | TNSALPalkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney1p36.12
79180EFHD2SWS1EF-hand domain family member D21p36.21
55092TMEM51C1orf72transmembrane protein 511p36.21
23254KAZNKAZkazrin, periplakin interacting protein1p36.21
54361WNT4SERKAL | WNT-4wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 41p36.23-p35.1
23261CAMTA1CANPMRcalmodulin binding transcription activator 11p36.31-p36.23
54991C1orf159-chromosome 1 open reading frame 1591p36.33
5174PDZK1CAP70 | CLAMP | NHERF-3 | NHERF3 | PDZD1PDZ domain containing 11q21
56893UBQLN4A1U | A1Up | C1orf6 | CIP75 | UBINubiquilin 41q21
80308FLAD1FAD1 | FADS | PP591flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase 11q21.3
54865GPATCH4GPATC4G-patch domain containing 41q22
6004RGS16A28-RGS14 | A28-RGS14P | RGS-Rregulator of G-protein signaling 161q25-q31
9283GPR37L1ET(B)R-LP-2 | ETBR-LP-2G protein-coupled receptor 37 like 11q32.1
467ATF3-activating transcription factor 31q32.3
79953SYNDIG1C20orf39 | DSPC2 | IFITMD5 | TMEM90Bsynapse differentiation inducing 120p11.21
3055HCKJTK9 | p59Hck | p61HckHCK proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase20q11-q12
60436TGIF2-TGFB induced factor homeobox 220q11.23
7052TGM2G-ALPHA-h | GNAH | HEL-S-45 | TG2 | TGCtransglutaminase 220q12
60598KCNK15K2p15.1 | KCNK11 | KCNK14 | KT3.3 | TASK-5 | TASK5 | dJ781B1.1potassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 1520q13.12
7074TIAM1-T-cell lymphoma invasion and metastasis 121q22.11
7032TFF2SML1 | SPtrefoil factor 221q22.3
51537MTFP1HSPC242 | MTP18mitochondrial fission process 122q
7494XBP1TREB-5 | TREB5 | XBP-1 | XBP2X-box binding protein 122q12.1|22q12
8563THOC5C22orf19 | Fmip | PK1.3 | fSAP79THO complex 522q12.2
23541SEC14L2C22orf6 | SPF | TAP | TAP1SEC14 like lipid binding 222q12.2
55615PRR5FLJ20185k | PP610 | PROTOR-1 | PROTOR1proline rich 522q13
114904C1QTNF6CTFP6 | CTRP6 | ZACRP6C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 622q13.1
65055REEP1C2orf23 | HMN5B | SPG31 | Yip2areceptor accessory protein 12p11.2
3099HK2HKII | HXK2hexokinase 22p13
6509SLC1A4ASCT1 | SATT | SPATCCMsolute carrier family 1 member 42p14
1545CYP1B1CP1B | CYPIB1 | GLC3A | P4501B1cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 12p22.2
109ADCY3AC-III | AC3adenylate cyclase 32p23.3
3241HPCAL1BDR1 | HLP2 | VILIP-3hippocalcin like 12p25.1
9781RNF144ARNF144 | UBCE7IP4ring finger protein 144A2p25.2
1844DUSP2PAC-1 | PAC1dual specificity phosphatase 22q11
92856IMP4BXDC4IMP4 homolog, U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein2q21.1
9759HDAC4AHO3 | BDMR | HA6116 | HD4 | HDAC-4 | HDAC-A | HDACAhistone deacetylase 42q37.3
26018LRIG1LIG-1 | LIG1leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 13p14
2317FLNBABP-278 | ABP-280 | AOI | FH1 | FLN-B | FLN1L | LRS1 | SCT | TABP | TAPfilamin B3p14.3
7869SEMA3BLUCA-1 | SEMA5 | SEMAA | SemA | semaVsemaphorin 3B3p21.3
84126ATRIP-ATR interacting protein3p21.31
5745PTH1RPFE | PTHR | PTHR1parathyroid hormone 1 receptor3p22-p21.1
6533SLC6A6TAUTsolute carrier family 6 member 63p25.1
8553BHLHE40BHLHB2 | DEC1 | HLHB2 | SHARP-2 | STRA13 | Stra14basic helix-loop-helix family member e403p26
8607RUVBL1ECP-54 | ECP54 | INO80H | NMP 238 | NMP238 | PONTIN | Pontin52 | RVB1 | TIH1 | TIP49 | TIP49ARuvB like AAA ATPase 13q21
6478SIAH2hSiah2siah E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 23q25
7466WFS1CTRCT41 | WFRS | WFS | WFSLwolframin ER transmembrane glycoprotein4p16.1
8602NOP14C4orf9 | NOL14 | RES4-25 | RES425 | UTP2NOP14 nucleolar protein4p16.3
3954LETM1-leucine zipper and EF-hand containing transmembrane protein 14p16.3
6584SLC22A5CDSP | OCTN2solute carrier family 22 member 55q23.3
51523CXXC5CF5 | HSPC195 | RINF | WIDCXXC finger protein 55q31.2
64411ARAP3CENTD3 | DRAG1ArfGAP with RhoGAP domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 35q31.3
133522PPARGC1BERRL1 | PERC | PGC-1(beta) | PGC1BPPARG coactivator 1 beta5q32
23286WWC1HBEBP3 | HBEBP36 | KIBRA | MEMRYQTL | PPP1R168WW and C2 domain containing 15q34
8614STC2STC-2 | STCRPstanniocalcin 25q35.1
2030SLC29A1ENT1solute carrier family 29 member 16p21.1
3123HLA-DRB1DRB1 | DRw10 | HLA-DR1B | HLA-DRB | SS1major histocompatibility complex, class II, DR beta 16p21.3
8870IER3DIF-2 | DIF2 | GLY96 | IEX-1 | IEX-1L | IEX1 | PRG1immediate early response 36p21.3
9277WDR46BING4 | C6orf11 | FP221 | UTP7WD repeat domain 466p21.3
10799RPP40RNASEP1 | bA428J1.3ribonuclease P/MRP 40kDa subunit6p25.1
54438GFOD1ADG-90 | C6orf114glucose-fructose oxidoreductase domain containing 16pter-p22.1
7162TPBG5T4 | 5T4AG | M6P1 | WAIF1trophoblast glycoprotein6q14-q15
4602MYBCmyb | c-myb | c-myb_CDS | efgMYB proto-oncogene, transcription factor6q22-q23
7164TPD52L1D53tumor protein D52-like 16q22-q23
5570PKIBPRKACN2protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor beta6q22.31
10090UST2OSTuronyl 2-sulfotransferase6q25.1
154043CNKSR3MAGI1CNKSR family member 36q25.2
51373MRPS17HSPC011 | MRP-S17 | RPMS17 | S17mtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S177p11
155185AMZ1-archaelysin family metallopeptidase 17p22.3
8662EIF3BEIF3-ETA | EIF3-P110 | EIF3-P116 | EIF3S9 | PRT1eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit B7p22.3
6804STX1AHPC-1 | P35-1 | STX1 | SYN1Asyntaxin 1A7q11.23
4176MCM7CDC47 | MCM2 | P1.1-MCM3 | P1CDC47 | P85MCM | PNAS146 | PPP1R104minichromosome maintenance complex component 77q21.3-q22.1
7425VGFSCG7 | SgVIIVGF nerve growth factor inducible7q22.1
5420PODXLGp200 | PC | PCLP | PCLP-1podocalyxin like7q32-q33
51422PRKAG2AAKG | AAKG2 | CMH6 | H91620p | WPWSprotein kinase AMP-activated non-catalytic subunit gamma 27q36.1
80139ZNF703NLZ1 | ZEPPO1 | ZNF503L | ZPO1zinc finger protein 7038p11.23
6542SLC7A2ATRC2 | CAT2 | HCAT2solute carrier family 7 member 28p22
252969NEIL2NEH2 | NEI2nei like DNA glycosylase 28p23.1
55638SYBUGOLSYN | OCSYN | SNPHLsyntabulin8q23.2
2683B4GALT1B4GAL-T1 | CDG2D | GGTB2 | GT1 | GTB | beta4Gal-T1UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4- galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 19p13
6461SHBbA3J10.2Src homology 2 domain containing adaptor protein B9p13.2
27290SPINK4HEL136 | PEC-60 | PEC60serine peptidase inhibitor, Kazal type 49p13.3
65083NOL6NRAP | UTP22 | bA311H10.1nucleolar protein 69p13.3
10171RCL1RNAC | RPCL1RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 19p24.1-p23
29988SLC2A8GLUT8 | GLUTX1solute carrier family 2 member 89q33.3
389792IER5LbA247A12.2immediate early response 5-like9q34.11
9536PTGESMGST-IV | MGST1-L1 | MGST1L1 | MPGES | PGES | PIG12 | PP102 | PP1294 | TP53I12 | mPGES-1prostaglandin E synthase9q34.3
2717GLAGALAgalactosidase alphaXq22
8273SLC10A3DXS253E | P3solute carrier family 10 member 3Xq28

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