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Gene ID | Symbol | Synonyms | Official Full Name | Location | SZ group ? | Functional group ? |
1111 | CHEK1 | CHK1 | checkpoint kinase 1 | 11q24.2 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp Network PMID:cooccur | |
55775 | TDP1 | - | tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase 1 | 14q32.11 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 | |
641 | BLM | BS | RECQ2 | RECQL2 | RECQL3 | Bloom syndrome RecQ like helicase | 15q26.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 PMID:cooccur | Ascano FMRP targets |
23594 | ORC6 | ORC6L | origin recognition complex subunit 6 | 16q12 | CV:PGCnp GSMA_IIE | |
51659 | GINS2 | HSPC037 | PSF2 | Pfs2 | GINS complex subunit 2 (Psf2 homolog) | 16q24.1 | CV:PGCnp | |
2175 | FANCA | FA | FA-H | FA1 | FAA | FACA | FAH | FANCH | Fanconi anemia complementation group A | 16q24.3 | CV:PGCnp | |
672 | BRCA1 | BRCAI | BRCC1 | BROVCA1 | FANCS | IRIS | PNCA4 | PPP1R53 | PSCP | RNF53 | breast cancer 1 | 17q21 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 Network PMID:cooccur | |
7153 | TOP2A | TOP2 | TP2A | topoisomerase (DNA) II alpha | 17q21.2 | CV:PGCnp Network PMID:cooccur | Ascano FMRP targets |
83990 | BRIP1 | BACH1 | FANCJ | OF | BRCA1 interacting protein C-terminal helicase 1 | 17q22.2 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 | |
10036 | CHAF1A | CAF-1 | CAF1 | CAF1B | CAF1P150 | P150 | chromatin assembly factor 1 subunit A | 19p13.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 Network | |
9156 | EXO1 | HEX1 | hExoI | exonuclease 1 | 1q43 | CV:GWASdb CV:PGCnp | |
5111 | PCNA | ATLD2 | proliferating cell nuclear antigen | 20pter-p12 | Network PMID:cooccur | |
8318 | CDC45 | CDC45L | CDC45L2 | PORC-PI-1 | cell division cycle 45 | 22q11.21 | CNV:YES CV:PGCnp GSMA_I | |
11200 | CHEK2 | CDS1 | CHK2 | HuCds1 | LFS2 | PP1425 | RAD53 | hCds1 | checkpoint kinase 2 | 22q12.1 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 DNM:Gulsuner_2013 GSMA_I | |
56655 | POLE4 | YHHQ1 | p12 | polymerase (DNA) epsilon 4, accessory subunit | 2p12 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 Expression | |
2956 | MSH6 | GTBP | GTMBP | HNPCC5 | HSAP | p160 | mutS homolog 6 | 2p16 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 Network | |
4175 | MCM6 | MCG40308 | Mis5 | P105MCM | minichromosome maintenance complex component 6 | 2q21 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Nishioka_2013 GSMA_I GSMA_IIA | Ascano FMRP targets |
7341 | SUMO1 | DAP1 | GMP1 | OFC10 | PIC1 | SENP2 | SMT3 | SMT3C | SMT3H3 | UBL1 | small ubiquitin-like modifier 1 | 2q33 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 | |
4085 | MAD2L1 | HSMAD2 | MAD2 | MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 1 (yeast) | 4q27 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 | |
4172 | MCM3 | HCC5 | P1-MCM3 | P1.h | RLFB | minichromosome maintenance complex component 3 | 6p12 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Montano_2016 DMG:Nishioka_2013 GSMA_IIE Network | Ascano FMRP targets |
7913 | DEK | D6S231E | DEK proto-oncogene | 6p22.3 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Wockner_2014 GSMA_I PMID:cooccur | |
5478 | PPIA | CYPA | CYPH | HEL-S-69p | peptidylprolyl isomerase A | 7p13 | CV:PGCnp Network PMID:cooccur | RNA AND PROTEIN SYNTHESIS G2Cdb.human_BAYES-COLLINS-HUMAN-PSD-CONSENSUS G2Cdb.human_BAYES-COLLINS-HUMAN-PSD-FULL G2Cdb.human_BAYES-COLLINS-MOUSE-PSD-CONSENSUS CompositeSet |
5982 | RFC2 | RFC40 | replication factor C subunit 2 | 7q11.23 | CNV:YES CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 | |
4176 | MCM7 | CDC47 | MCM2 | P1.1-MCM3 | P1CDC47 | P85MCM | PNAS146 | PPP1R104 | minichromosome maintenance complex component 7 | 7q21.3-q22.1 | DMG:Nishioka_2013 DMG:vanEijk_2014 Network PMID:cooccur | Ascano FMRP targets |
2189 | FANCG | FAG | XRCC9 | Fanconi anemia complementation group G | 9p13 | CV:PGCnp DMG:Jaffe_2016 | |