Search results:

The pahtway p1385 has 391 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 222 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
783CACNB2CACNLB2 | CAVB2 | MYSBcalcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 210p12
80114BICC1BICC | CYSRDBicC family RNA binding protein 110q21.1
2746GLUD1GDH | GDH1 | GLUDglutamate dehydrogenase 110q23.3
5950RBP4MCOPCB10 | RDCCASretinol binding protein 410q23.33
5076PAX2FSGS7 | PAPRSpaired box 210q24
10819OR7E14POR11-5 | OR7E151Polfactory receptor family 7 subfamily E member 14 pseudogene11p15.1
144100PLEKHA7-pleckstrin homology domain containing A711p15.1
54843SYTL2CHR11SYT | EXO4 | PPP1R151 | SGA72M | SLP2 | SLP2Asynaptotagmin like 211q14
23235SIK2LOH11CR1I | QIK | SIK-2 | SNF1LK2salt inducible kinase 211q23.1
6768ST14ARCI11 | HAI | MT-SP1 | MTSP1 | PRSS14 | SNC19 | TADG15 | TMPRSS14suppression of tumorigenicity 1411q24-q25
4013VWA5ABCSC-1 | BCSC1 | LOH11CR2Avon Willebrand factor A domain containing 5A11q24.1
58516FAM60AC12orf14 | L4 | TERAfamily with sequence similarity 60 member A12p11
8496PPFIBP1L2 | SGT2 | hSGT2 | hSgt2pPPFIA binding protein 112p12.1
894CCND2KIAK0002 | MPPH3cyclin D212p13
9802DAZAP2PRTBDAZ associated protein 212q12
144165PRICKLE1EPM1B | RILPprickle planar cell polarity protein 112q12
120892LRRK2AURA17 | DARDARIN | PARK8 | RIPK7 | ROCO2leucine-rich repeat kinase 212q12
3855KRT7CK7 | K2C7 | K7 | SCLkeratin 712q13.13
5939RBMS2SCR3RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 212q13.3
117177RAB3IPRABIN3 | RABIN8RAB3A interacting protein12q15
387882C12orf75AGD3 | OCC-1 | OCC1chromosome 12 open reading frame 7512q23.3
143PARP4ADPRTL1 | ARTD4 | PARP-4 | PARPL | PH5P | VAULT3 | VPARP | VWA5C | p193poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 413q11
341640FREM2-FRAS1 related extracellular matrix protein 213q13.3
160857CCDC122-coiled-coil domain containing 12213q14.11
22862FNDC3AFNDC3 | HUGO | bA203I16.1 | bA203I16.5fibronectin type III domain containing 3A13q14.2
9445ITM2BABRI | BRI | BRI2 | BRICD2B | E25B | E3-16 | FBD | RDGCA | imBRI2integral membrane protein 2B13q14.3
1910EDNRBABCDS | ET-B | ET-BR | ETB | ETB1 | ETBR | ETRB | HSCR | HSCR2 | WS4Aendothelin receptor type B13q22
4008LMO7FBX20 | FBXO20 | LOMPLIM domain 713q22.2
54602NDFIP2N4WBP5ANedd4 family interacting protein 213q31.1
10082GPC6OMIMD1glypican 613q32
29091STXBP6HSPC156 | amisynsyntaxin binding protein 614q12
5494PPM1APP2C-ALPHA | PP2CA | PP2Calphaprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1A14q23.1
9495AKAP5AKAP75 | AKAP79 | H21A-kinase anchoring protein 514q23.3
26037SIPA1L1E6TP1signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 114q24.2
9517SPTLC2HSN1C | LCB2 | LCB2A | NSAN1C | SPT2 | hLCB2aserine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 214q24.3
9369NRXN3C14orf60neurexin 314q31
123099DEGS2C14orf66 | DES2 | FADS8delta(4)-desaturase, sphingolipid 214q32.2
9990SLC12A6ACCPN | KCC3 | KCC3A | KCC3Bsolute carrier family 12 member 615q13
2628GATMAGAT | AT | CCDS3glycine amidinotransferase15q21.1
54629FAM63B-family with sequence similarity 63 member B15q21.3
102ADAM10AD10 | AD18 | CD156c | CDw156 | HsT18717 | MADM | RAK | kuzADAM metallopeptidase domain 1015q22
585BBS4-Bardet-Biedl syndrome 415q22.3-q23
388135C15orf59-chromosome 15 open reading frame 5915q24.1
9742IFT140MZSDS | SRTD9 | WDTC2 | c305C8.4 | c380F5.1 | gs114intraflagellar transport 14016p13.3
146330FBXL16C16orf22 | Fbl16 | c380A1.1F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 1616p13.3
115ADCY9AC9 | ACIXadenylate cyclase 916p13.3
64788LMF1C16orf26 | HMFN1876 | JFP11 | TMEM112 | TMEM112Alipase maturation factor 116p13.3
90864SPSB3C16orf31 | SSB3splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 316p13.3
10232MSLNMPF | SMRPmesothelin16p13.3
81533ITFG12310047C21Rik | CDA08 | LNKN-1 | TIPintegrin alpha FG-GAP repeat containing 116q12.1
5934RBL2P130 | Rb2retinoblastoma-like 216q12.2
79191IRX3IRX-1 | IRXB1iroquois homeobox 316q12.2
6645SNTB2D16S2531E | EST25263 | SNT2B2 | SNT3 | SNTLsyntrophin beta 216q22.1
80777CYB5BCYB5-M | CYPB5M | OMB5cytochrome b5 type B (outer mitochondrial membrane)16q22.1
9564BCAR1CAS | CAS1 | CASS1 | CRKAS | P130Casbreast cancer anti-estrogen resistance 116q23.1
6470SHMT1CSHMT | SHMTserine hydroxymethyltransferase 1 (soluble)17p11.2
22905EPN2EHB21epsin 217p11.2
224ALDH3A2ALDH10 | FALDH | SLSaldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family member A217p11.2
5636PRPSAP2PAP41phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 217p11.2-p12
26168SENP3SMT3IP1 | SSP3 | Ulp1SUMO1/sentrin/SMT3 specific peptidase 317p13
30851TAX1BP3TIP-1 | TIP1Tax1 binding protein 317p13
8741TNFSF13APRIL | CD256 | TALL-2 | TALL2 | TNLG7B | TRDL-1 | UNQ383/PRO715 | ZTNF2tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 1317p13.1
84316NAA38LSMD1 | PFAAP2N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 38, NatC auxiliary subunit17p13.1
1366CLDN7CEPTRL2 | CLDN-7 | CPETRL2 | Hs.84359 | claudin-1claudin 717p13.1
124936CYB5D2-cytochrome b5 domain containing 217p13.2
51031GLOD4C17orf25 | CGI-150 | HC71glyoxalase domain containing 417p13.3
5306PITPNAHEL-S-36 | PI-TPalpha | PITPN | VIB1Aphosphatidylinositol transfer protein alpha17p13.3
8153RND2ARHN | RHO7 | RhoNRho family GTPase 217q21
124540MSI2MSI2Hmusashi RNA binding protein 217q22
7126TNFAIP1B12 | B61 | BTBD34 | EDP1 | hBACURD2TNF alpha induced protein 117q22-q23
8313AXIN2AXIL | ODCRCSaxin 217q24.1
284001CCDC57-coiled-coil domain containing 5717q25.3
5289PIK3C3VPS34 | Vps34 | hVps34phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit type 318q12.3
84245MRI1MRDI | MTNA | Ypr118wmethylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase 119p13.2
2525FUT3CD174 | FT3B | FucT-III | LE | Lesfucosyltransferase 3 (Lewis blood group)19p13.3
2528FUT6FCT3A | FT1A | Fuc-TVI | FucT-VIfucosyltransferase 619p13.3
148103ZNF599-zinc finger protein 59919q13.11
114783LMTK3LMR3 | PPP1R101 | TYKLM3lemur tyrosine kinase 319q13.33
147798TMC4-transmembrane channel like 419q13.42
1629DBTBCATE2 | BCKAD-E2 | BCKADE2 | BCOADC-E2 | E2 | E2Bdihydrolipoamide branched chain transacylase E21p31
5563PRKAA2AMPK | AMPK2 | AMPKa2 | PRKAAprotein kinase AMP-activated catalytic subunit alpha 21p31
9077DIRAS3ARHI | NOEY2DIRAS family GTP binding RAS like 31p31
4774NFIACTF | NF-I/A | NF1-A | NFI-A | NFI-Lnuclear factor I/A1p31.3-p31.2
7049TGFBR3BGCAN | betaglycantransforming growth factor beta receptor III1p33-p32
22955SCMH1Scml3sex comb on midleg homolog 1 (Drosophila)1p34
60313GPBP1L1SP192GC-rich promoter binding protein 1 like 11p34.1
149466C1orf210TEMPchromosome 1 open reading frame 2101p34.2
128218TMEM125-transmembrane protein 1251p34.2
728621CCDC30PFD6L | PFDN6Lcoiled-coil domain containing 301p34.2
2166FAAHFAAH-1 | PSABfatty acid amide hydrolase1p35-p34
347735SERINC2FKSG84 | PRO0899 | TDE2 | TDE2Lserine incorporator 21p35.1
55650PIGVGPI-MT-II | HPMRS1 | PIG-Vphosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class V1p36.11
842CASP9APAF-3 | APAF3 | ICE-LAP6 | MCH6 | PPP1R56caspase 91p36.21
23254KAZNKAZkazrin, periplakin interacting protein1p36.21
22883CLSTN1ALC-ALPHA | CDHR12 | CST-1 | CSTN1 | PIK3CD | XB31alpha | alcalpha1 | alcalpha2calsyntenin 11p36.22
23261CAMTA1CANPMRcalmodulin binding transcription activator 11p36.31-p36.23
10628TXNIPEST01027 | HHCPA78 | THIF | VDUP1thioredoxin interacting protein1q21.1
2330FMO5-flavin containing monooxygenase 51q21.1
343450KCNT2KCa4.2 | SLICK | SLO2.1potassium sodium-activated channel subfamily T member 21q31.3
55304SPTLC3C20orf38 | LCB2B | LCB3 | SPT3 | SPTLC2L | dJ718P11 | dJ718P11.1 | hLCB2bserine palmitoyltransferase long chain base subunit 320p12.1
55902ACSS2ACAS2 | ACECS | ACS | ACSA | dJ1161H23.1acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 220q11.22
149708WFDC5PRG5 | WAP1 | dJ211D12.5WAP four-disulfide core domain 520q13.12
54923LIME1LIME | dJ583P15.4Lck interacting transmembrane adaptor 120q13.3
9217VAPBALS8 | VAMP-B | VAP-BVAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein B and C20q13.33
1525CXADRCAR | CAR4/6 | HCARcoxsackie virus and adenovirus receptor21q21.1
54102CLIC6CLIC1Lchloride intracellular channel 621q22.12
3772KCNJ15IRKK | KIR1.3 | KIR4.2potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 1521q22.2
11078TRIOBPDFNB28 | HRIHFB2122 | TAP68 | TARA | dJ37E16.4TRIO and F-actin binding protein22q13.1
64800EFCAB6DJBP | HSCBCIP1 | dJ185D5.1EF-hand calcium binding domain 622q13.2
53335BCL11ABCL11A-L | BCL11A-S | BCL11A-XL | BCL11a-M | CTIP1 | EVI9 | HBFQTL5 | ZNF856B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A2p16.1
90411MCFD2F5F8D | F5F8D2 | LMAN1IP | SDNSFmultiple coagulation factor deficiency 22p21
4953ODC1ODCornithine decarboxylase 12p25
29841GRHL1LBP32 | MGR | NH32 | TFCP2L2grainyhead like transcription factor 12p25.1
151188ARL6IP6AIP-6 | AIP6 | PFAAP1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 6 interacting protein 62q23.3
2591GALNT3GalNAc-T3 | HFTC | HHSpolypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 32q24-q31
130940CCDC148-coiled-coil domain containing 1482q24.1
316AOX1AO | AOH1aldehyde oxidase 12q33
23314SATB2GLSSSATB homeobox 22q33
26010SPATS2LDNAPTP6 | SGNPspermatogenesis associated serine rich 2 like2q33.1
79411GLB1L-galactosidase beta 1 like2q35
130340AP1S3PSORS15adaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 3 subunit2q36.1
79781IQCA14930465P12Rik | DRC11 | IQCAIQ motif containing with AAA domain 12q37.3
4286MITFCMM8 | MI | WS2 | WS2A | bHLHe32microphthalmia-associated transcription factor3p13
23150FRMD4B6030440G05Rik | GRSP1FERM domain containing 4B3p14.1
7474WNT5AhWNT5Awingless-type MMTV integration site family member 5A3p21-p14
55349CHDH-choline dehydrogenase3p21.1
54716SLC6A20SIT1 | XT3 | Xtrp3solute carrier family 6 member 203p21.3
51447IP6K2IHPK2 | PIUSinositol hexakisphosphate kinase 23p21.31
64147KIF9-kinesin family member 93p21.31
54681P4HTMEGLN4 | HIFPH4 | P4H-TM | PH-4 | PH4 | PHD4prolyl 4-hydroxylase, transmembrane (endoplasmic reticulum)3p21.31|3p21.3
9209LRRFIP2HUFI-2leucine rich repeat (in FLII) interacting protein 23p22.2
114884OSBPL10ORP10 | OSBP9oxysterol binding protein like 103p22.3
9779TBC1D5-TBC1 domain family member 53p24.3
3269HRH1H1-R | H1R | HH1R | hisH1histamine receptor H13p25
79188TMEM43ARVC5 | ARVD5 | EDMD7 | LUMAtransmembrane protein 433p25.1
9901SRGAP3ARHGAP14 | MEGAP | SRGAP2 | WRPSLIT-ROBO Rho GTPase activating protein 33p25.3
10752CHL1CALL | L1CAM2cell adhesion molecule L1 like3p26.1
152330CNTN4AXCAM | BIG-2contactin 43p26.3
348801LNP1NP3leukemia NUP98 fusion partner 13q12.2
256356GK5-glycerol kinase 5 (putative)3q23
29970SCHIP1SCHIP-1schwannomin interacting protein 13q25.32-q25.33
8743TNFSF10APO2L | Apo-2L | CD253 | TL2 | TNLG6A | TRAILtumor necrosis factor superfamily member 103q26
1739DLG1DLGH1 | SAP-97 | SAP97 | dJ1061C18.1.1 | hdlgdiscs large homolog 1, scribble cell polarity complex component3q29
54502RBM47NET18RNA binding motif protein 474p14
79730NSUN7-NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 74p14
23231SEL1L3Sel-1L3SEL1L family member 34p15.2
9353SLIT2SLIL3 | Slit-2slit guidance ligand 24p15.2
2121EVCDWF-1 | EVC1 | EVCLEvC ciliary complex subunit 14p16
56606SLC2A9GLUT9 | GLUTX | UAQTL2 | URATv1solute carrier family 2 member 94p16.1
4043LRPAP1A2MRAP | A2RAP | HBP44 | MRAP | MYP23 | RAP | alpha-2-MRAPLDL receptor related protein associated protein 14p16.3
6002RGS12-regulator of G-protein signaling 124p16.3
64116SLC39A8BIGM103 | CDG2N | LZT-Hs6 | PP3105 | ZIP8solute carrier family 39 member 84q24
85462FHDC1-FH2 domain containing 14q31.3
152503SH3D19EBP | EVE1 | Kryn | SH3P19SH3 domain containing 194q31.3
2195FAT1CDHF7 | CDHR8 | FAT | ME5 | hFat1FAT atypical cadherin 14q35
729C6-complement component 65p13
9037SEMA5ASEMAF | semFsemaphorin 5A5p15.2
10085EDIL3DEL1EGF like repeats and discoidin domains 35q14
5314PKHD1ARPKD | FCYT | TIGM1polycystic kidney and hepatic disease 1 (autosomal recessive)6p12.2
116113FOXP4hFKHLAforkhead box P46p21.1
1026CDKN1ACAP20 | CDKN1 | CIP1 | MDA-6 | P21 | SDI1 | WAF1 | p21CIP1cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A6p21.2
80736SLC44A4C6orf29 | CTL4 | NG22 | TPPTsolute carrier family 44 member 46p21.3
10475TRIM38RNF15 | RORETtripartite motif containing 386p21.3
493812HCG11CTA-14H9.3 | bK14H9.3HLA complex group 11 (non-protein coding)6p22.2
3400ID4IDB4 | bHLHb27inhibitor of DNA binding 4, HLH protein6p22.3
23408SIRT5SIR2L5sirtuin 56p23
670BPHLBPH-RP | MCNAA | VACVASEbiphenyl hydrolase-like (serine hydrolase)6p25
2296FOXC1ARA | FKHL7 | FREAC-3 | FREAC3 | IGDA | IHG1 | IRID1 | RIEG3forkhead box C16p25
2762GMDSGMD | SDR3E1GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase6p25
51389RWDD1CGI-24 | PTD013RWD domain containing 16q13-q22.33
57107PDSS2C6orf210 | COQ10D3 | DLP1 | bA59I9.3 | hDLP1prenyl (decaprenyl) diphosphate synthase, subunit 26q21
5980REV3LPOLZ | REV3REV3 like, DNA directed polymerase zeta catalytic subunit6q21
116150NUS1C6orf68 | MGC:7199 | NgBR | TANGO14NUS1 dehydrodolichyl diphosphate synthase subunit6q22.1
5796PTPRKR-PTP-kappaprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type K6q22.2-q22.3
100131814LINC00271C6orf217 | NCRNA00271long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2716q23.3
9053MAP7E-MAP-115 | EMAP115microtubule associated protein 76q23.3
9590AKAP12AKAP250 | SSeCKSA-kinase anchoring protein 126q24-q25
9749PHACTR2C6orf56phosphatase and actin regulator 26q24.2
154043CNKSR3MAGI1CNKSR family member 36q25.2
6582SLC22A2OCT2solute carrier family 22 member 26q25.3
6196RPS6KA2HU-2 | MAPKAPK1C | RSK | RSK3 | S6K-alpha | S6K-alpha2 | p90-RSK3 | p90RSK2 | pp90RSK3ribosomal protein S6 kinase A26q27
23242COBL-cordon-bleu WH2 repeat protein7p12.1
5478PPIACYPA | CYPH | HEL-S-69ppeptidylprolyl isomerase A7p13
196AHRbHLHe76aryl hydrocarbon receptor7p15
25928SOSTDC1CDA019 | ECTODIN | USAG1sclerostin domain containing 17p21.1
23353SUN1UNC84ASad1 and UNC84 domain containing 17p22.3
25870SUMF2pFGEsulfatase modifying factor 27q11.1
55695NSUN5NOL1 | NOL1R | NSUN5A | WBSCR20 | WBSCR20A | p120 | p120(NOL1)NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 57q11.23
155382VPS37DWBSCR24VPS37D, ESCRT-I subunit7q11.23
1364CLDN4CPE-R | CPER | CPETR | CPETR1 | WBSCR8 | hCPE-Rclaudin 47q11.23
9883POM121P145 | POM121APOM121 transmembrane nucleoporin7q11.23
9275BCL7B-B-cell CLL/lymphoma 7B7q11.23
83451ABHD11PP1226 | WBSCR21abhydrolase domain containing 117q11.23
8321FZD1-frizzled class receptor 17q21
9988DMTF1DMP1 | DMTF | MRUL | hDMP1cyclin D binding myb like transcription factor 17q21
9069CLDN12-claudin 127q21
1021CDK6MCPH12 | PLSTIREcyclin-dependent kinase 67q21-q22
27445PCLOACZ | PCH3piccolo presynaptic cytomatrix protein7q21.11
154661RUNDC3BRPIB9 | RPIP9RUN domain containing 3B7q21.12
5649RELNETL7 | LIS2 | PRO1598 | RLreelin7q22
1523CUX1CASP | CDP | CDP/Cut | CDP1 | COY1 | CUTL1 | CUX | Clox | Cux/CDP | GOLIM6 | Nbla10317 | p100 | p110 | p200 | p75cut like homeobox 17q22.1
60412EXOC4SEC8 | SEC8L1 | Sec8pexocyst complex component 47q31
93986FOXP2CAGH44 | SPCH1 | TNRC10forkhead box P27q31
2041EPHA1EPH | EPHT | EPHT1EPH receptor A17q34
135932TMEM139-transmembrane protein 1397q34
27010TPK1HTPK1 | PP20 | THMD5thiamin pyrophosphokinase 17q34-q35
6469SHHHHG1 | HLP3 | HPE3 | MCOPCB5 | SMMCI | TPT | TPTPSsonic hedgehog7q36
9705ST18NZF3 | ZC2HC10 | ZNF387suppression of tumorigenicity 18, zinc finger8q11.23
90362FAM110BC8orf72family with sequence similarity 110 member B8q12.1
64922LRRC19-leucine rich repeat containing 199p21.2
554202MIR31HG-MIR31 host gene9p21.3
5789PTPRDHPTP | HPTPD | HPTPDELTA | PTPD | RPTPDELTAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type D9p23-p24.3
4781NFIBCTF | HMGIC/NFIB | NF-I/B | NF1-B | NFI-B | NFI-RED | NFIB2 | NFIB3nuclear factor I/B9p24.1
9414TJP2C9DUPq21.11 | DFNA51 | DUP9q21.11 | PFIC4 | X104 | ZO2tight junction protein 29q13-q21
9314KLF4EZF | GKLFKruppel-like factor 4 (gut)9q31
23245ASTN2bA67K19.1astrotactin 29q33.1
5069PAPPAASBABP2 | DIPLA1 | IGFBP-4ase | PAPA | PAPP-A | PAPPA1pregnancy-associated plasma protein A, pappalysin 19q33.2
3934LCN224p3 | MSFI | NGAL | p25lipocalin 29q34
83543AIF1LC9orf58 | IBA2allograft inflammatory factor 1-like9q34.13-q34.3
367ARAIS | AR8 | DHTR | HUMARA | HYSP1 | KD | NR3C4 | SBMA | SMAX1 | TFMandrogen receptorXq12

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