Search results:

The pahtway p3507 has 210 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 124 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
5305PIP4K2API5P4KA | PIP5K2A | PIP5KII-alpha | PIP5KIIA | PIPKphosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate 4-kinase, type II, alpha10p12.2
6387CXCL12IRH | PBSF | SCYB12 | SDF1 | TLSF | TPAR1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1210q11.1
1959EGR2AT591 | CMT1D | CMT4E | KROX20early growth response 210q21.1
1643DDB2DDBB | UV-DDB2 | XPEdamage specific DNA binding protein 211p11.2
6520SLC3A24F2 | 4F2HC | 4T2HC | CD98 | CD98HC | MDU1 | NACAEsolute carrier family 3 member 211q13
84233TMEM126AOPA7transmembrane protein 126A11q14.1
4322MMP13CLG3 | MANDP1 | MMP-13matrix metallopeptidase 1311q22.3
969CD69AIM | BL-AC/P26 | CLEC2C | EA1 | GP32/28 | MLR-3CD69 molecule12p13
2120ETV6TEL | TEL/ABL | THC5ETS variant 612p13
2065ERBB3ErbB-3 | HER3 | LCCS2 | MDA-BF-1 | c-erbB-3 | c-erbB3 | erbB3-S | p180-ErbB3 | p45-sErbB3 | p85-sErbB3erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 312q13
51474LIMA1EPLIN | SREBP3LIM domain and actin binding 112q13
4141MARSCMT2U | ILFS2 | ILLD | METRS | MRS | MTRNS | SPG70methionyl-tRNA synthetase12q13.3
23426GRIP1GRIPglutamate receptor interacting protein 112q14.3
8091HMGA2BABL | HMGI-C | HMGIC | LIPO | STQTL9high mobility group AT-hook 212q15
1610DAODAAO | DAMOX | OXDAD-amino-acid oxidase12q24
23457ABCB9EST122234 | TAPLATP binding cassette subfamily B member 912q24
23479ISCU2310020H20Rik | HML | ISU2 | NIFU | NIFUN | hnifUiron-sulfur cluster assembly enzyme12q24.1
488ATP2A2ATP2B | DAR | DD | SERCA2ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 212q24.11
5426POLECRCS12 | FILS | POLE1polymerase (DNA) epsilon, catalytic subunit12q24.3
4326MMP17MMP-17 | MT4-MMP | MT4MMP | MTMMP4matrix metallopeptidase 1712q24.3
10186LHFP-lipoma HMGIC fusion partner13q12
9201DCLK1CL1 | CLICK1 | DCAMKL1 | DCDC3A | DCLKdoublecortin like kinase 113q13
8660IRS2IRS-2insulin receptor substrate 213q34
9495AKAP5AKAP75 | AKAP79 | H21A-kinase anchoring protein 514q23.3
10972TMED10P24(DELTA) | S31I125 | S31III125 | TMP21 | Tmp-21-I | p23 | p24d1transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 1014q24.3
6263RYR3RYR-3ryanodine receptor 315q13.3
825CAPN3CANP3 | CANPL3 | LGMD2 | LGMD2A | nCL-1 | p94calpain 315q15.1
4947OAZ2AZ2ornithine decarboxylase antizyme 215q22.31
3480IGF1RCD221 | IGFIR | IGFR | JTK13insulin like growth factor 1 receptor15q26.3
5046PCSK6PACE4 | SPC4proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 615q26.3
9344TAOK2MAP3K17 | PSK | PSK1 | PSK1-BETA | TAO1 | TAO2TAO kinase 216p11.2
608TNFRSF17BCM | BCMA | CD269 | TNFRSF13Atumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1716p13.1
7329UBE2IC358B7.1 | P18 | UBC9ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 I16p13.3
4504MT3GIF | GIFB | GRIF | ZnMT3metallothionein 316q13
8883NAE1A-116A10.1 | APPBP1 | HPP1 | ula-1NEDD8 activating enzyme E1 subunit 116q22
432ASGR1ASGPR | ASGPR1 | CLEC4H1 | HL-1asialoglycoprotein receptor 117p13.2
9501RPH3ALNOC2rabphilin 3A-like (without C2 domains)17p13.3
162427FAM134C-family with sequence similarity 134 member C17q21.2
1659DHX8DDX8 | HRH1 | PRP22 | PRPF22DEAH-box helicase 817q21.31
10238DCAF7AN11 | HAN11 | SWAN-1 | WDR68DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 717q23.3
2885GRB2ASH | EGFRBP-GRB2 | Grb3-3 | MST084 | MSTP084 | NCKAP2growth factor receptor bound protein 217q24-q25
3993LLGL2HGL | Hugl-2 | LGL2lethal giant larvae homolog 2, scribble cell polarity complex component17q25.1
924CD7GP40 | LEU-9 | TP41 | Tp40CD7 molecule17q25.2-q25.3
5366PMAIP1APR | NOXAphorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 118q21.32
7376NR1H2LXR-b | LXRB | NER | NER-I | RIP15 | UNRnuclear receptor subfamily 1 group H member 219q13.3
10055SAE1AOS1 | HSPC140 | SUA1 | UBLE1ASUMO1 activating enzyme subunit 119q13.32
1435CSF1CSF-1 | MCSFcolony stimulating factor 11p13.3
1901S1PR1CD363 | CHEDG1 | D1S3362 | ECGF1 | EDG-1 | EDG1 | S1P1sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 11p21
676BRDTBRD6 | CT9bromodomain testis associated1p22.1
10487CAP1CAP | CAP1-PENCAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast)1p34.2
5724PTAFRPAFRplatelet activating factor receptor1p35-p34.3
1104RCC1CHC1 | RCC1-I | SNHG3-RCC1regulator of chromosome condensation 11p36.1
10726NUDCHNUDC | MNUDC | NPD011nudC nuclear distribution protein1p36.11
23435TARDBPALS10 | TDP-43TAR DNA binding protein1p36.22
27173SLC39A1ZIP1 | ZIRTLsolute carrier family 39 member 11q21
4184SMCPHSMCSGEN1 | MCS | MCSPsperm mitochondria associated cysteine rich protein1q21.3
159ADSSADEH | ADSS 2adenylosuccinate synthase1q44
1434CSE1LCAS | CSE1 | XPO2CSE1 chromosome segregation 1-like (yeast)20q13
9217VAPBALS8 | VAMP-B | VAP-BVAMP (vesicle-associated membrane protein)-associated protein B and C20q13.33
2897GRIK1EAA3 | EEA3 | GLR5 | GLUR5 | GluK1 | gluR-5glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 121q22.11
5297PI4KAPI4K-ALPHA | PIK4CA | PMGYCHA | pi4K230phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha22q11.21
613BCRALL | BCR1 | CML | D22S11 | D22S662 | PHLbreakpoint cluster region22q11.23
1639DCTN1DAP-150 | DP-150 | P135dynactin subunit 12p13
1545CYP1B1CP1B | CYPIB1 | GLC3A | P4501B1cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 12p22.2
1844DUSP2PAC-1 | PAC1dual specificity phosphatase 22q11
10865ARID5AMRF-1 | MRF1 | RP11-363D14AT-rich interaction domain 5A2q11.2
4929NR4A2HZF-3 | NOT | NURR1 | RNR1 | TINURnuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 22q22-q23
1281COL3A1EDS4Acollagen type III alpha 12q31
8941CDK5R2NCK5AI | P39 | p39nck5aicyclin-dependent kinase 5, regulatory subunit 2 (p39)2q35
10058ABCB6ABC | ABC14 | DUH3 | LAN | MCOPCB7 | MTABC3 | PRP | PSHK2 | umatATP binding cassette subfamily B member 6 (Langereis blood group)2q36
7134TNNC1CMD1Z | CMH13 | TN-C | TNC | TNNCtroponin C1, slow skeletal and cardiac type3p21.1
820CAMPCAP-18 | CAP18 | CRAMP | FALL-39 | FALL39 | HSD26 | LL37cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide3p21.3
275AMTGCE | GCST | GCVT | NKHaminomethyltransferase3p21.31
25827FBXL2FBL2 | FBL3F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 23p22.3
7155TOP2BTOPIIB | top2betatopoisomerase (DNA) II beta3p24
2624GATA2DCML | IMD21 | MONOMAC | NFE1BGATA binding protein 23q21.3
5291PIK3CBP110BETA | PI3K | PI3KBETA | PIK3C1phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit beta3q22.3
8743TNFSF10APO2L | Apo-2L | CD253 | TL2 | TNLG6A | TRAILtumor necrosis factor superfamily member 103q26
2122MECOMAML1-EVI-1 | EVI1 | MDS1 | MDS1-EVI1 | PRDM3 | RUSAT2MDS1 and EVI1 complex locus3q26.2
10195ALG3CDG1D | CDGS4 | CDGS6 | D16Ertd36e | NOT56L | Not56 | notALG3, alpha-1,3- mannosyltransferase3q27.1
2257FGF12FGF12B | FHF1fibroblast growth factor 123q28
6649SOD3EC-SODsuperoxide dismutase 3, extracellular4p15.2
5860QDPRDHPR | PKU2 | SDR33C1quinoid dihydropteridine reductase4p15.31
152ADRA2CADRA2L2 | ADRA2RL2 | ADRARL2 | ALPHA2CARadrenoceptor alpha 2C4p16
1487CTBP1BARSC-terminal binding protein 14p16
10983CCNICCNI1 | CYC1 | CYIcyclin I4q21.1
4883NPR3ANP-C | ANPR-C | ANPRC | C5orf23 | GUCY2B | NPR-C | NPRCnatriuretic peptide receptor 35p13.3
6715SRD5A1S5AR 1steroid 5 alpha-reductase 15p15
5066PAMPAL | PHMpeptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase5q14-q21
324APCBTPS2 | DP2 | DP2.5 | DP3 | GS | PPP1R46adenomatous polyposis coli5q21-q22
3113HLA-DPA1DP(W3) | DP(W4) | HLA-DP1A | HLADP | HLASB | PLT1major histocompatibility complex, class II, DP alpha 16p21.3
6891TAP2ABC18 | ABCB3 | APT2 | D6S217E | PSF-2 | PSF2 | RING11transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP)6p21.3
7915ALDH5A1SSADH | SSDHaldehyde dehydrogenase 5 family member A16p22
10050SLC17A4KAIA2138solute carrier family 17 member 46p22.2
654BMP6VGR | VGR1bone morphogenetic protein 66p24-p23
6239RREB1FINB | HNT | LZ321 | RREB-1 | Zep-1ras responsive element binding protein 16p25
26240FAM50BD6S2654E | X5Lfamily with sequence similarity 50 member B6p25.2
10320IKZF1Hs.54452 | IK1 | IKAROS | LYF1 | LyF-1 | PPP1R92 | PRO0758 | ZNFN1A1IKAROS family zinc finger 17p12.2
26608TBL2WBSCR13 | WS-betaTRPtransducin (beta)-like 27q11.23
2770GNAI1GiG protein subunit alpha i17q21
6863TAC1Hs.2563 | NK2 | NKNA | NPK | TAC2tachykinin precursor 17q21-q22
1278COL1A2OI4collagen type I alpha 27q22.1
7982ST7ETS7q | FAM4A | FAM4A1 | HELG | RAY1 | SEN4 | TSG7suppression of tumorigenicity 77q31.2
1357CPA1CPAcarboxypeptidase A17q32
3663IRF5SLEB10interferon regulatory factor 57q32
5764PTNHARP | HBGF8 | HBNF | NEGF1pleiotrophin7q33
673BRAFB-RAF1 | BRAF1 | NS7 | RAFB1B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase7q34
2260FGFR1BFGFR | CD331 | CEK | FGFBR | FGFR-1 | FLG | FLT-2 | FLT2 | HBGFR | HH2 | HRTFDS | KAL2 | N-SAM | OGD | bFGF-R-1fibroblast growth factor receptor 18p11.23-p11.22
2961GTF2E2FE | TF2E2 | TFIIE-Bgeneral transcription factor IIE subunit 28p12
862RUNX1T1AML1-MTG8 | AML1T1 | CBFA2T1 | CDR | ETO | MTG8 | ZMYND2runt related transcription factor 1; translocated to, 1 (cyclin D related)8q22
5747PTK2FADK | FAK | FAK1 | FRNK | PPP1R71 | p125FAK | pp125FAKprotein tyrosine kinase 28q24.3
7264TSTA3FX | P35B | SDR4E1tissue specific transplantation antigen P35B8q24.3
30968STOML2HSPC108 | SLP-2stomatin like 29p13.1
5991RFX3-regulatory factor X39p24.2
9413FAM189A2C9orf61 | X123family with sequence similarity 189 member A29q21.11
7088TLE1ESG | ESG1 | GRG1transducin like enhancer of split 19q21.32
727C5C5D | C5a | C5b | CPAMD4 | ECLZBcomplement component 59q33-q34
883CCBL1GTK | KAT1 | KATIcysteine conjugate-beta lyase, cytoplasmic9q34.11
2902GRIN1GluN1 | MRD8 | NMD-R1 | NMDA1 | NMDAR1 | NR1glutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 19q34.3
7504XKKX | MCLDS | NA | NAC | X1k | XKR1X-linked Kx blood groupXp21.1
1756DMDBMD | CMD3B | DXS142 | DXS164 | DXS206 | DXS230 | DXS239 | DXS268 | DXS269 | DXS270 | DXS272 | MRX85dystrophinXp21.2
9363RAB33ARabS10RAB33A, member RAS oncogene familyXq26.1

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