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Dataset Description
  • Dataset Name: 18405950
  • Species: Rat
  • Method: Microarray
  • No. of Genes: 444
  • Tissue: Nucleus accumbens and amygdala
  • Phenotype: Ethanol self-administration, alcohol-preferring
  • Publication: Rodd et al. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. (2008) Differential gene expression in the nucleus accumbens with ethanol self-administration in inbred alcohol-preferring rats. PubMed
  • Dataset Summary: The current study examined the effects of operant ethanol (EtOH) self-administration on gene expression kin the nucleus accumbens (ACB) and amygdala (AMYG) of inbred alcohol-preferring (iP) rats. Rats self-trained on a standard two-lever operant paradigm to administer either water-water, EtOH (15% v/v)-water, or saccharin (SAC; 0.0125% g/v)-water. For the ACB, there were 513 significant differences at the p < 0.01 level in named genes: 55 between SAC and water; 215 between EtOH and water, and 243 between EtOH and SAC. In the case of the AMYG (p < 0.01), there were 48 between SAC and water, 23 between EtOH and water, and 63 between EtOH and SAC group.

    Gene list of this dataset (444 genes)
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    GeneIDSymbolNameGenetic locationOriginal ID1Original ID2
    60430Mcl1myeloid cell leukemia sequence 12q34Mcl1 
    298598Necap2NECAP endocytosis associated 25q36Necap2 
    291044Nedd9neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated gene 917p12Nedd9 
    116508Nrxn3neurexin 36q31Nrxn3 
    25054Ntrk2neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 217p14Ntrk2 
    25492Nfianuclear factor I/A-Nfia 
    29227Nfibnuclear factor I/B5q31Nfib 
    25493Nfkbianuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha6q23Nfkbia 
    58853Nr4a3nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 35q22Nr4a3 
    58853Nr4a3nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 35q22Nr4a3 
    29419Numbnumb gene homolog (Drosophila)6q31Numb 
    60394Olig1oligodendrocyte transcription factor 111q11Olig1 
    29441PorP450 (cytochrome) oxidoreductase12q12Por 
    25702Pnlippancreatic lipase1q55Pnlip 
    94167Prdx6peroxiredoxin 613q22Prdx6 
    298699Ppanpeter pan homolog (Drosophila)8q13Ppan 
    64161Pi4kaphosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha11q23Pik4ca 
    361694Pitpnm1phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, membrane-associated 11q42Pitpnm1 
    364052Pea15aphosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15A13q24Pea15 
    365548Pttg1ippituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein20p12Pttg1ip 
    64364Pllpplasma membrane proteolipid19p12Pllp 
    289992Fermt2fermitin family homolog 2 (Drosophila)15p14Plekhc1 
    297804Plag1pleiomorphic adenoma gene 15q12Plag1 
    308576Pnkppolynucleotide kinase 3'-phosphatase1q22Pnkp 
    54262Kcnn2potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 218q11Kcnn2 
    27150Kcnh3potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily H (eag-related), member 37q36Kcnh3 
    65195Kcnd3potassium voltage gated channel, Shal-related family, member 32q34Kcnd3 
    362827Pias4protein inhibitor of activated STAT, 47q11Pias4 
    116477Wnk1WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 14q42Prkwnk1 
    24943Plp1proteolipid protein (myelin) 1Xq35Plp 
    246251Ua20putative UA20 protein16q12.5Ua20 
    84491Qsox1quiescin Q6 sulfhydryl oxidase 113q21Qscn6 
    360571Rab34RAB34, member of RAS oncogene family10q25Rab34 
    361381Rad23aRAD23a homolog (S. cerevisiae)19q11Rad23a 
    362423Rassf4Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 44q42Rassf4 
    117183Rgc32response gene to complement 3215q12Rgc32 
    89826Rpe65retinal pigment epithelium 652q45Rpe65 
    81729Rpl10aribosomal protein L10A20p12Rpl10a 
    64638Rpl28ribosomal protein L281q12Rpl28 
    29283Rpl29ribosomal protein L298q32Rpl29 
    28298Rpl32ribosomal protein L326q33Rpl32 
    29285Rps15ribosomal protein S157q11Rps15 
    25538Rps5ribosomal protein S51q21Rps5 
    360554Rnf167ring finger protein 16710q24Rnf167 
    295214S100a1S100 calcium binding protein A12q34S100a1 
    25742S100bS100 protein, beta polypeptide, neural20p12S100b 
    64458Scrg1scrapie responsive gene 116p11Scrg1 
    25545Sepw1selenoprotein W, muscle 11q21Sepw1 
    29517Sgk1serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 11p12Sgk 
    292156Sh3glb1SH3-domain GRB2-like B1 (endophilin)2q44Sh3glb1 
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